Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 49: Leave marks


Dao Guang kept killing him, as if he would not swear to kill Chen Zong's consciousness.

"That's it." Chen Zong rose for a while and realized the mystery of the will contained in the sword.

The first step is selection, the second step is enlightenment, and the third step is exploration.

No action, but there was a flash of sword light, the sword light was broken in an instant, everything disappeared, and returned to the starry sky under thousands of stars.

Soon, Chen Zong chose the second martial arts will.

It was a palm print, the palm print was magnificent, it suppressed the world, and it was unparalleled.

That palm, when it was shot down, seemed to fall from the sky, as if the sky collapsed and the earth subsided.

If you cannot bear it, your martial will will be damaged, and damage will occur, which will be detrimental to future practice.

But despite such a strong will to martial arts, it was nothing to Chen Zong.


Break it with a sword!

Pointing at the star, but also why Chen Zong is not a sword.

One leg rolled up, the roaring wind, swept across the world, and the wind-rolled building was stubborn, and was also an eternal life war wizard by Chen Zongyi.

Big day!





All are broken with one sword.

A martial will!

Two Martial Wills!

Three Martial Wills!


Soon, there were more than five martial arts consciousnesses learned by Chen Zong, more than six, and more than seven.

Completely surpassed the record of the Lin family from generation to generation.

Eight martial arts wills, broken!

Nine kinds of martial arts will, break!

"You can get another one," Chen Zong secretly said.

It's a feeling that comes from deep in consciousness.

Understanding the ten wills of martial arts is your current limit.

Lin Weiyin's participation in five martial arts wills and Chen Zong's participation in ten martial arts will sound twice as much, but it is not.

Each additional will to martial arts is a great promotion, so the gap between seeing through ten and seeing through five is at least several times or even higher.

Moreover, each martial art will chosen by Chen Zong is a top-level infinite dimension fantasy.

That gap is even greater.

The tenth martial art will, Chen Zong chose Kendo.

Among the thousands of martial arts wills, Kendo wills are the most. After all, the martial arts wills are mostly branded by the Lin family, and the Lin family is the Kendo family.

The last one, Chen Zong, is to choose one of these thousands of kendo wills.

The brightest and brightest one is like the bright sun and the magnificent sky.

But Chen Zong's gaze fell to a dim glare not far away.

As soon as he touched and felt, Chen Zong felt that the amazing will of Kendo contained in it was not inferior to that round of glorious sword-like light, and even better than that.

It seems that the so-called bigger and stronger is not necessarily correct, there are always exceptions.

Then, get to know this Kendo will.

The consciousness is concentrated, the consciousness enters, and when it ’s dark, first, the sword light emerges from the void, tearing the darkness like a sword in the sky and turning it into a figure.

At the same time, the surrounding area retreated and turned into a landscape of beautiful scenery.

Chen Zong's expression moved slightly, and the figure appeared in front of him was Lin Changyin, Lin Weiyin's father.

Lin Changkong's eyes were indifferent, staring at Chen Zong, looking down like a god.

He didn't recognize Chen Zong, after all, it was just a manifestation of Kendo's will, even if Lin Weiyin appeared, he didn't recognize it.

"My sword can cut out the city's masterpiece fairy doctor."

Lin Changkong seemed to say to himself, whispered, and in his hand, a sword was condensed, the sword was shining.

"My sword is endless, and the sky is vast."

The voice murmured from whispering to grand and exuberant, straight into the sky.

I saw Lin Changkong raise his sword with a thunderous sound. The gazebo and distant landscape behind him were turbulent and turbulent, as if they turned into an astonishing sword energy that burst into endless power.

People are like swords, pavilions are like swords, water is like swords, and mountains are like swords.

Immediately, even the earth under his feet seemed to become a sword, and the sky above his head seemed to become a sword.

Sword Qi, flooded between heaven and earth, everything turned into sword, sword Qi, like chaos.

All the sword qi surged along with Lin Changkong's sword and seemed to be irregular, but Chen Zong could feel that the countless sword qi was directed at himself.

Everything can be a sword. This is the sword will of Lin Changkong.


Sword of Everything!

Heaven and earth sword meaning!

Turning everything into sword qi, sure enough, is a very clear kendo will.

Just moments later, Chen Zong was drowned in endless sword energy.

When he saw Lin Changkong at first, Chen Zong could only be sure that Lin Changkong was a sub-level master, but how strong he was, he couldn't see it. Only by fighting could he know.

But from this kendo will, Chen Zong can calculate some.

This Kendo will, when it was left by Lin Changkong before, now Lin Changkong, if there is no accident, it will only be stronger than the elixir of evil: the evil king, you are good or bad.

A feeling tells Chen Zong that Lin Changkong's strength will definitely be more arrogant than the death-killing death of his own sword. As for the strength, it is hard to say.

However, there does not appear to be Lin Changkong on the sub-god list.

In other words, not all masters of the sub-god level will be on the sub-god list, perhaps for various reasons.

Of course, being able to be ranked in the second place is itself a proof of strength, only to show that there are more masters in this void than imagined.

Under the bombardment of endless sword gas, Chen Zong seemed to be broken, but he was not broken.

Suddenly, a dark golden sword light suddenly lit up, piercing through the sky, wherever it passed, all the sword energy was defeated, and in an instant, it seemed to melt into invisible water like snow and ice.

Through the stars!

This sword light is Chen Zong's most arrogant sword at present, and the Kendo will contained in it is extremely strong.

Killed with one sword, nothing breaks, penetrates everything, and the high temperature contained in it seems to burn everything.

All the sword qi was destroyed and dissipated, and the figure of Lin Changkong was dissipated throughout.

"Gao Ming." Chen Zong enlightened Lin Changkong's kendo will, and couldn't help but marvel, and then it was time to leave the kendo will.

Then, leave the sword of the sword of the sword of the Kendo will be fine.

A sword broke through the stars.

In a hurry, the entire starry sky shook, and thousands of stars flickered along with it.

The Kendo will, like the Supreme King, made thousands of Kendo will surrender and drive the RV back to Datang.

The sword through the star is the extreme state and mystery of the little magical swordsmanship, but it does not exist here, so it is the strongest.

On the wall, there was an inconceivable sword mark, and Lin Weiyin, who had been paying attention, flipped a smile on his face.

"Let's go." Chen Zong returned to the ontology and laughed at Lin Weiyin.

"Brother Chen, are you aware of several martial arts wills?" Lin Weiyin still couldn't help being curious and asked.

"Ten." Chen Zong's answer was just a word, but it seemed as if a thunder exploded in Lin Weiyin's ears, shocking Lin Weiyin in a panic and shocking.

Ten Martial Wills!

See through ten kinds of martial arts will!

As far as she knows, the Lin family's highest record of participating in martial arts for many years is only six.

One more and one less, the difference is very significant.

According to rumors, there was once a true legend of a galaxy-level force seeking it, but it was only involved in six martial arts wills.

Sure enough, Brother Chen's talent is not comparable to the true transmission of galaxy-level forces. Only the true transmission of astral level can be compared.

In the following days, Chen Zong naturally stayed in the Lin family, waiting for the opening of the Huajian Realm.

The Lin family already knows Chen Zong's contribution to Feixue Pavilion, and this time, the elders' performance is not good, and they have no right to speak at all.

Therefore, Chen Zong has a quota, which is completely certain.

After the Lin family, there is a big snowy mountain and a snowy field, which belongs to the Lin family alone, because the kendo practiced by the Lin family is related to the cold God Emperor.

Lin Weiyin returned from Daxue Mountain to practice sword, and brought some things to Chen Zong's temporary residence.

"Brother Chen, this is Sanhua Dan." Lin Weiyin took out two pots of Sanhua Dan and handed it to Chen Zong.

Chen Zong was immediately delighted, but did not quit, and accepted it directly.

I just need it.

After chatting for a while, Lin Weiyin quit, and Chen Zong started refining and refining Sanhuadan.

Before that, I had refined three pots of Sanhuadan, and I do n’t know if my upper limit is four pots or five pots.

Refining a pot first knows.

Today, 80% of the flower of the god, 80% of the flower of the essence and the flower of the spirit are all 70%.

Began refining.

A pot of Sanhua Dan is finished, the flower of God is still 80%, and the flower of essence and Qi is still 70%.

Although there is no breakthrough, Chen Zong can still feel that there is improvement, but the more the Sanhuadan refining, the worse the effect will be.

But ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ has not reached the upper limit.

Continue to refine the fifth pot!

But in half a day, Chen Zong successfully finished the fifth pot of Sanhuadan.

The flower of God, the flower of fineness and the flower of qi swayed, and in resonance with each other, the rays of light bloomed out, diffused all around, rendered in all directions.


The three flowers have been condensed to the extreme, once again breaking through the end of the world on the country of cherry blossoms.

The flower of God broke from 80% to 90%.

The flower of the essence and the flower of the qi have broken from 70% to 80%.

Chen Zong can clearly feel the enhancement of his own power.

Sanhua is the representative of Jingqi Shen, and it is also a kind of cohesion and condensing of its own strength.

The stronger the three flowers, the stronger the spirit and spirit, and the stronger the strength that can be exerted by itself.

The top three Sanhuas have been improved by 10%, which is not easy, and the distance is closer.

To be able to improve, in addition to two pots of Sanhua Dan, there are reasons for the Sanhua resonance in this period of time.

"I just hope that this trip to the sword realm can make all the three energy-saving spirits up to 10%." Chen Zong secretly said.

Huajian Realm can help Sanhua condense, which Lin Weiyin told Chen Zong.

Chen Zong also came with great expectations.

At the same time, a 100-meter-long spacecraft was passing through the void at an astonishing speed, and flew towards the Linjiahuan Jianxing.

There were only two people on the 100-meter sword-shaped spaceship.

A young man and woman.

The man's sky blue robe with long sword and Baoyu hanging from the waist, and the woman's goose yellow sword robe with bright eyes and bright teeth, but there was a kind of pride between his eyebrows.

"Brother, is the Lin Family's Huajian Realm really useful for us?" The woman asked, unsure.

"According to what my ancestor left, there are so many." The man smiled slightly. Be free to read the latest chapter of Kendo Master Claw Machine Bookstore.

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