Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 50: 1 yuan true biography

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The sky is high and the sky is white.

Tianhan Sword Courtyard is one of Lin's other courtyards, and it is also the one with the highest specifications, which is specially used to entertain guests.

In the other courtyard, Chen Zong held the sword, raised his sword, and raised his sword in a sincere and sincere manner. His eyes were closed, and his breath was completely integrated. He cycled between the person and the sword.

Nowadays, the three flowers of Jingqi and Shenji are condensed to Jiucheng, and the flowers of Jingqi and Qi are 80%. However, if you want to further condense, you must have the right opportunity or pay a lot of time and energy.

Chen Zong estimates that it takes about a year to raise the flower of fineness and qi to 90%. As for the flower of god, it reaches 10% from 90%, which is estimated to take two years.

This speed is relatively fast compared with most geniuses. After all, it is under the condition of self-cultivation.

Of course, if there is any chance, it will shorten a lot of time, let alone another.

Fast is fast, but Chen Zong still feels slow, that will miss the master of the mysterious all-around perspective.

I just hope that the Lin Jian's transformation of the sword realm can condense his own Sanhua to a perfect condition.

Keeping the attitude of holding a sword, Chen Zong has been standing for a whole day without feeling tired at all.

The flow of power and the integration of air and machinery are very wonderful. Not only is there no trace of exhaustion, but there is a feeling of vitality and endless power. As if standing like this, you can stand in the vicissitudes of time.

The cultivation of Sanhua can be regarded as a small bottleneck period, and can only slowly resonate and improve.

In terms of swordsmanship, it has also reached the bottleneck period. It is difficult to further improve, either by chance or by water.

There is only one thing that can be improved now, and that is to tap the potential of the sword of heart.

As the supreme sword intention, the potential of the sword intention of the heart is very amazing. So far, Chen Zong has not fully tapped it out, but only feels that the deeper it is, the deeper it becomes.

As for the chaos of yin and yang and the wind, fire, thunder, and Taoism constantly colliding, full of amazing power of destruction, even Chen Zong's consciousness cannot enter, and I don't know when it will end.

Unfortunately, if there is more time to understand the origin of the world in the depths of the world, maybe it can be completed.

The world will be too stingy.

Chen Zong muttered secretly, if it was known by the world will of Tianyuan Sanctuary, I don't know if he would spit blood.

The potential of the sword of heart is also difficult to tap, only a little bit of it.

Outside the sky, a 100-meter-long sword-shaped spacecraft quickly approached, stalling in front of the endless sword array of the Great Zhoutian surrounding the sword star, waiting for inspection.

"It's so courageous that even we dare to neglect my villain country so much." The woman in the goose-yellow robe was unhappy.

"Sister, we came here rashly, it should be so." The man in the sky blue robe smiled slightly, so that people could not see what was in his mind, and immediately the man looked at the endless sword light and secretly nodded and laughed: The Zhou Tian Endless Sword Formation has some ways. "

"Well, it's just a star-level force, how good it can be." The woman at Gehuang disdained: "Compared with our unitary teaching method of unitary teaching, it's like fireflies are better than Haoyue."

"Haha, sister, the Lin family is just a mid-level star-level force, but our unitary education is a galaxy-level force, which is not comparable at all." The man laughed.

Soon, the test passed, and the 100-meter spacecraft passed through the formation method and quickly flew to the Ring Sword Star, then slowed down and landed.


"One Yuan taught two true stories to come." Lin Changkong looked cold, his fingers lightly tapped on the back of the chair, and groaned.

On both sides of the seat are the elders of the Lin family.

As for the elders and the head of the family, they are both powerful gods and will not show up.

"In my opinion, the truth of Yiyuanjiao is here now, in order to change the sword realm." A member of the elder groaned.

The transformation of the sword realm is about to begin, but there is someone coming to the monarchy, not for the transformation of the sword realm, for what.

Other elders also agreed.

"Welcome," Lin Changkong said.

The true story of monism, that identity scares people, at least for them.

Lin Jiaqiang is strong, but it is relative. Compared with monism, it is the strongest dragon-slaying system like ants.

You know, the monarchy governs the monary galaxy, and there are thousands of stars in the monarchy. The Lin family only occupies nine of them. The gap in strength is more than a hundred times.

If it ’s just an ordinary disciple of the unitary religion, the Lin family can of course ignore it and deal with it casually, but the true disciple is different. It represents the face of a martial art.

If one member teaches two true stories slowly, it is tantamount to not giving face to one monarch, maybe he will be caught in secret, and so on.

All in all, you can't be indifferent, you need to greet, but you must greet it with great fanfare.

Therefore, when the 100-meter spacecraft landed, we saw more than a dozen people below, all of whom were Lin family members, and were the head of the family, Lin Changkong and a elder.

"It's truly a galaxy-level force. It's true that there are private void ships in the field." An elder was sighed with emotion. He is the father of Lin, but there is no private void ship.

That is very valuable.

Even the lowest private spacecraft can cost millions of Void Coins to buy.

The Lin family, which is a void spaceship of the Zhongfeng, spent a lot of savings of the Lin family in order to purchase the Zhongfeng.

The spacecraft stopped, and two young figures jumped down from the spacecraft.

"But the two are the true teachings of the unitary religion?" Lin Changkong took the lead in opening his mouth, smiling, giving a springy feeling.

"Yuanjiao Zhenzhu Muyu has met the owner of the Lin family." The man saluted with a smile and holding his fist: "This is my sister and sister, Yiyuanjiao is rumored to be smart."

Compared with Mu Yu, Yan Xiaoxiao just nodded slightly, looking very impolite, to be honest, because she felt from the bottom of her heart that she was superior, at least higher than everyone else present.

Since it is a first-class, nodding is even a face-saving step.

Lin Changkong and a elder did not care, because it was useless to care.

"The oblique wind and drizzle do not need to be returned, it turned out to be the famous drizzle sword." Lin Changkong also returned the gift.

Drizzle sword, that's Mu Yu's title.

Of course, not everyone knows the title of Xiyu Sword. Only those with sufficient status and status know it. After all, a one-ary galaxy is not small.

Soon, Mu Yu and Yan Xiaoxiao were first arranged to live in Lingxue Sword Academy and Fei Shuang Sword Academy, and were ranked with Lin Han Sword Academy as the top class in the Lin family.

Then, of course, it was a feast for the two.

No matter what their purpose is here, since there is no hostility, good hospitality is a must for giving face.

Since it is the two true stories that host a banquet in honor of the monarchy, important members of the Lin family will be present.

Sister Lin Weiyin and even Lin Zhenglong brothers arrived.

Because the sword world is about to open, Lin Zhenglong brothers also have a place.

Chen Zong is a visitor and has made great contributions to Feixue Pavilion, and to a certain extent also has great gratitude to the Li family, and was also invited.

One reason for Chen Zong to come is that Lin Weiyin came in person to invite him, and the other one was a true disciple who intends to see galaxy-level forces.

When he saw Chen Zong, the brothers Lin Zhenglong couldn't help but sank, and they were very upset because it was because of this person that they had lost face to their brothers. After returning, they were scolded.

Immediately, Lin Zhenglong's eyeballs turned slightly and glanced at the man near the Yushu near the wind.

Mu Yu Super Gene Warrior!

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Immediately after Lin Weiyin appeared, Mu Yu's eyes lightened slightly.

"I heard that there is a pearl in Lin's family. I saw it today, and it really deserves its reputation." Mu Yu looked at Lin Weiyin generously and praised loudly. On the one hand, Xiao Xiao was dissatisfied with a grunt, and looked with disdain. Lin Weiyin.

"Well praised," Lin Weiyin responded generously, but there was no smile on his face, just a cold.

"What do you mean, my brother rarely admired others in person, and you turned out to be such a response, wasn't he too self-righteous." Yan Xiaoxiao exploded.

"It's true that the little girl is cold and has always been like this, so don't be surprised." Lin Changkong laughed quickly.

"Shimei, meditate." Mu Yu gently rubbed Yan Xiaoxiao's head, as if rubbing a pet cat, making Yan Xiaoxiao's eyes narrowed slightly, as if enjoying it, immediately, Mu Yu's eyes There was a pause in Chen Zong's face.

"Brother Chen, this person is so annoying." Lin Wei's voice sounded, but it was transmitted to Chen Zong, but he didn't say it directly, obviously he was more sensible.

"Some people think they are inherently superior and can't recognize themselves." Chen Zong responded with a smile to Lin Weizhen.

It is not surprising that such people have seen many of them in the heavenly realm.

To a certain extent, the void is like the sanctuary of heaven and earth that has been magnified numerous times.

Since it is a wise life, when there are various temperaments and thoughts, we can understand this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Since it is light and light, we can deal with it calmly.

This is just an episode, and the banquet will soon begin.

This banquet mainly hosted two true stories of Yiyuanjiao, and the others were to accompany the abandoned concubine to counterattack: Lord Yaoi walked and watched.

Chen Zong didn't care. The drinks and food at the Lin's banquet were very good. Eat more and feel content.

Lin Changkong and Mrs. Lin's parents raised toasts with respect to Mu Yu and Yan Xiaoxiao.

"I don't drink." Yan Xiaoxiao said directly, this is not surprising, there are many people who don't drink, and everyone doesn't care.

But not long, Yan Xiaoxiao raised a glass of toast and rain. Instead of drinking, she looked at people.

Mu Yu is always smiling.

"A clumsy and irrational, even a brainless, a city is extremely deep." Chen Zong secretly commented.

For such people, it is often to stay away.

Because it may be infected, it may be calculated at any time.

After eating and drinking, Chen Zong really wanted to leave, return to the other courtyard, take a break, and continue to realize the potential of the sword of mind, but the banquet is not over yet, just about halfway. If you leave this way, it may be Some are too rude.

"Brother, it's so boring, let's go." Yan Xiaoxiao seemed to be bored, and he wouldn't worry about other people's feelings when he spoke.

"Thank you all for your hospitality. My sister and sister do not like to be lively. We will leave first. Later, I will visit the owner of the Lin family." Mu Yu stood up and fisted to Lin Changkong with a polite manner.

Since the two were determined to leave, even if they were upset, they could only give each other a smile.

This is a kind of sorrow that is not strong enough.

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