Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 51: Quota

(Second more)

In the small hall of the Lin family, only the owner Lin Changkong and Xiu Jian Muyu were present.

"Lin family master, Ming people don't tell secret words. My ancestor, once came to the Lin family, left a mark on the wall, and also entered the Linjiahua sword realm, and got great benefits." Mu Yu looked at Lin Changkong with a smile and said: One time I came with my sister and sister, I also read the records left by my ancestors, and asked the Lin family to do it for convenience. "

Welcome to welcome Welcome to welcome, welcome to welcome, but what is Huajian Realm?

Huajian Realm is the treasure of the Lin family. It is a very important cultivation secret for the Lin family. It will only be opened once in a while. The number of places for each entry is very limited. The distribution within the Lin family is not enough.

More monks and less porridge!

If it wasn't for Chen Zong's great contribution to Feixue Pavilion, Lin Changkong would not be able to make a public opinion and give Chen Zong a place.

It was also because of Chen Zong's kindness to Feixue Pavilion and Lin's family that Lin Changkong exhausted all public opinions, and the elders accepted the unlimited money-sweeping system within reason.

That's a return to Chen Zong.

But now, as soon as the rain comes, it's too much to get two places in the vernacular.

For a time, Lin Changkong could not help frowning.

Welcome the hospitality enthusiastically, it is because the other party is a disciple of Yiyuanjiao, but it cannot be so clever.

"If I remember correctly, your ancestors had a kindness to my Lin family then." Lin Changkong said calmly.

Did not continue to say, but the meaning of the words is also very clear. At that time, Mu Yuzu was given a place to enter the sword world, which was entirely because the other party had kindness to the Lin family, for the purpose of repaying grace.

The implication is a kind of euphemism rather than euphemism.

"Master Lin, of course I won't let the Lin family give it away." Mu Yu also understands people and smiles slightly. "I have had some adventures over the years, and I would like to use a little magic sword to exchange places."

Little magic swordsmanship is indeed very valuable, but you need to exchange one little magic swordsmanship for two places to enter the sword world.

Still not enough.

"At most one place can be surrendered," Lin Changkong said after thinking for a few breaths.

The Lin family did not earn a small magical sword in exchange for a quota. To a certain extent, it was a loss.

However, the true face of galaxy forces must also take into account.

One place!

"Master Lin, I came here with my sister and sister together. I can't let me wait until I'm disappointed. Peerless." Mu Yu frowned slightly, then stretched out again, and smiled again: "I say that the identity of the sister and sister is a bit unusual. It is the only granddaughter of the second elder of my sword palace, very much loved. "

The sentence behind Mu Yu was quite threatening.

The elders of the unitary religion are not the elders of the Lin family.

In addition to the elders of the Lin family, the other elders are all sub-gods. Although there are a few so many on the sub-gods list, it is not a big deal to monarchism.

The majority of the elders of the unitary religion are powerful gods, and their heritage is even more brilliant.

Like the Lin family, there is only one great magical power, but within the unitary religion, the great magical power does not know how many gates there are, and it certainly will not be less than the small magical power of the Lin family, and even, there are more brilliant magical powers than the great magical power.

This is the difference in levels.

The two cultivations are quite powerful miraculous realms, one practicing small magical powers and one cultivating great magical powers, the latter tends to be stronger.

Lin Changkong heard the words, his expression sank slightly.

"The Huajian Realm is open. Only ten people can enter it at a time. Nine places have already been fixed by each of my family members. I can only discuss with other members and dial one out. There is no other way." Lin Changkong still said.

The Lin family is indeed not as powerful as the monistic religion, but it is not bullying.

What's more, although the two true disciples have good identities, they are really not qualified if they want to oppress the Lin family with monistic teaching.

If because of this matter, monarchism would come to deal with the Lin family, it would be too much, and it would be chilling.

As the head of the family, Lin Changkong knows the thoughts of the superiors.

Of course, he also has to consider for the Lin family.

"So, thank you, Mr. Lin." Mu Yu stared at Lin Changkong for a few breaths, and then she smiled again and got up to leave.

Watching Mu Yu leave, Lin Changkong suddenly gave a bitter smile, only hoped that after his daughter knew the situation, don't blame yourself too much.

After all, the Lin family is really inferior to the unitary religion.


"Brother, grab it." Yan Xiaoxiao approached Mu Yu and asked with a smile.

"Nearly." Mu Yu laughed. "The Lin family only promised one place."

"What!" Yan Xiaoxiao heard the words fry like a cat stepping on his tail, and a gleam of cold light flashed under his eyes, and a flash of fierceness appeared between his eyebrows: "But a small family, dare to refuse us . "

"Be calm and calm. The owner of the forest is also a smart person. He knows what should be done and what should not be done." Mu Yu smiled. As for the other quota, it is to be obtained from others. "

"Brother, you speak too inscrutablely, and I don't understand." Yan Xiaoxiao's mind is simple, only relying on his identity is unreasonable and unreasonable.

"You can rest assured that I will get another place." Mu Yu patted Xiao Xiao's head gently, and then rubbed gently.

"I listen to my brother." Yan Xiaoxiao narrowed his eyes, like a cat who only needs to snore.

Before long, Lin Zhenglong came to visit.

Before long, Lin Zhenglong left with a slight smile.


In the Tianhan Sword Court, Chen Zong and Lin Weiyin are fighting a fierce summoning sword.

"Tianhan Feixue Sword is approaching the third major." Chen Zong asked with a smile.

"It's about to happen in half a month." Lin Weiyin was also happy.

Tian Han Feixue Sword reached the level of Dacheng for the third time, and his strength will be further enhanced.

All of this is brought by Chen Zong. If it were not for Chen Zong's instructions, he is currently estimated to be in the starting point, not less than Xiaocheng, let alone big.

Chen Zong's instructions saved at least several years of practice.

The gate was closed, knocked, and rhythmic.

Chen Zong stretched out his hand and opened the door. When he saw someone outside the door, Chen Zong couldn't help but stunned.

"It turns out that Miss Lin is here, too." The comer was Mu Yu, who smiled and greeted Lin with a smile, and then looked at Chen Zong: "His is Chen Zong?"

"It's me." Chen Zong didn't understand why the other person came to him.

"My name is Mu Yu, and the True Story of Yiyuan Sword Palace is coming to Brother Tianxin Jian for the purpose of sending an opportunity." Mu Yu said with a smile.

"Flight opportunity ..." Chen Zong looked slightly surprised.

I do n’t know this person, and I have n’t been half-disjointed yet.

Let's see what he is going to say.

"Brother Chen also practiced swords. I have watched your battles. One sword is condensed, and the other is very good." Mu Yu continued to smile, and suddenly the words turned sharply: "But I do n’t know how much Brother Chen has to teach Yiyuan. Do you understand? "

"I never knew." Chen Zong truthfully answered his daddy's artistic life.

"In this way, I will introduce it briefly to Brother Chen." The smile on Mu Yu's face has not disappeared: "The teachings of monism are renewed by the reunification of Vientiane, for the next-level galaxy forces, dominating the unary and Guiyuan galaxies. There are three palaces in teaching, one of which is the sword palace. "

Now that the other party is willing to say, Chen Zong also temporarily acts as an audience, listen carefully, and have an understanding of the monistic religion.

"My second sword brother is truly a master of swordsmanship. It is a second-level **** of kendo. It is famous for the oblique wind swords of the two galaxies. I am currently looking for the sword guard. I plan to recommend it for the second brother."

Chen Zong froze slightly.

Shi Jianwei!

what is that?

That's the sword guard, maybe it's the equivalent of a sword boy, is this the so-called chance?

"Brother Chen, don't underestimate Shi Jianwei." Mu Yu seemed to be very patient and explained: "I only teach the sword palace only if the true biography is eligible to recruit Shi Jianwei, can be included in the gate wall of the sword palace, enjoy The treatment of internal disciples, in terms of status, is a little higher than that of internal disciples. "

"Thank you, this opportunity is not suitable for me." Chen Zong refused without hesitation.

Shi Jianwei, perhaps speaking, is also an entry wall. Its treatment is not worse than that of insiders, and its status is better than most insiders because of the true story.

But in the end, they are all servants of others.

How can I be the attendant of others.

Even if it is a unitary religion who wants to recruit himself as a true disciple, Chen Zong is not necessarily willing to let it go, not to mention the fact that he is a joke at every corner.

"Also, Brother Chen doesn't seem to have come to my unitary education yet, so there is some misunderstanding." Mu Yu said with a smile. "After that, Brother Chen returned to unitary education with me ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You know, as of now, I still ask Brother Chen to give me the place of Hua Jian Jing to my strongest talent tree. "

Lin Weiyin's expression changed suddenly. Although Chen Zong's complexion remained unchanged, his eyes were slightly frozen.

Sure enough, the so-called opportunity to send is false, purposeful is true, it is for the quota of his sword.

"The quota of Huajian Realm was given to me by the Lin family." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said, his eyes filled with a touch of coldness, staring at Mu Yu.

"Mu Zhenzhuan, Chen Zong's position in the sword world cannot be changed." Lin Weiyin also said, his tone is unquestionable: "If you want a place, please find a homeowner."

"Finded it." Mu Yu sighed slightly. "It's just that the owner Lin only offered me a place, but my sister and me are two people. I still need a place. I also asked Brother Chen to give me the place, Shi Jian. I will do my best to fight for you. "

"Please." Chen Zong pointed out the door and almost said nothing.

It's simply unreasonable to think that you have to take the place of your own sword, and let yourself be a servant to others.

No matter how deep the Muyu's city government is, at this time you can't help shaking your eyelids, and there is a cold light in the depths of your eyes.

"Brother Chen, think about it." Mu Yu showed a smile again, but did not stay forcibly, turned around and walked out of the Tianhan Sword Academy.

From left to right, the sword realm opens, and there are still a dozen days left. You can continue to think of ways.

In any case, it is necessary to get another place, and it is more enjoyable to get that place from this person.

"Brother Chen, I'm leaving." After Mu Yu left, Lin Weiyin also left Tianhan Sword Academy. Instead of going back, he went straight to Lin Changkong.

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