Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 58: within Temptation


Su Chao's remarks immediately made Chen Zong understand that everything is just a battle between the godsons.

There is no single house that is stronger or weaker. The middle school is the same level as the middle school, and being a godson is naturally excellent in all aspects, far beyond others. match.

The contention of the leader among the gods is also a war without gunpowder, a bloodless kill, and an invisible game.

The appointment of the town owner of the town boundary city is also to see their management capabilities. At the same time as giving a place, it is also to see if they can select outstanding talents with unique vision and enter the realm of the mysterious soldiers. The appraisal of the successor's position has been enhanced.

Of course, even if you won the first place, you will not immediately succeed the leader, but become the acting leader, and slowly take over the teaching affairs. Until the right time, the succession ceremony will be held to become the new leader. teach.

At this stage, compared with the other five godsons, Su Nuan does not have an advantage.

But if this time, Chen Zong can achieve good results in the mystery of the magic soldier, at least better than those selected by the other five godsons, then he is expected to temporarily surpass them and be one step ahead.

It is precisely because of Chen Zong ’s breakthrough that he reached the second level of the sub-god level, Su Chao would say so much to Chen Zong, otherwise, he would not say these at all, even his own name.

"I should do my best," Chen Zongzheng said.

This su chaos has helped me a little. Although I said that the other party wanted something, but since I have already accepted its benefits, I also promised to enter the secret place of the magic soldier. Since it is to help the other party, it is also an opportunity of my own.

This is a win-win situation.

Of course, Chen Zong would not refuse.

Before the secret realm of the soldiers opened, Chen Zong returned to his courtyard to continue his cultivation, waiting for the notice of Su Chao.

When Chen Zong returned to the courtyard he purchased and entered the hall, his eyes were instantly frozen.

I saw a transparent fist-sized crystal ball on the original empty table, clear and flawless, and seemed to emit a heavy halo.

Chen Zong's pupils contracted like a needle in an instant.

Crystal ball!

I remember clearly that when I left, there was absolutely no crystal ball. Moreover, the formation method here was also opened and belonged to myself.

Either, forcibly breaking through to enter.

But the matrix method works perfectly.

Very weird.

It seemed to feel like Chen Zong. The crystal ball fluttered, the light shone away, and shot in all directions.

Chen Zong's sword was raised, and the power of the great polar realm could burst out at any time.

Once any unpleasant feelings appeared, immediately ruthlessly sword out.

The crystal ball projected light and fell on the wall of the hall.

Chen Zong's eyes gazed and saw that the clouds were spreading and the rain was dripping. An antique pavilion appeared in front of him, as if it were close at hand. There was no half-screen feeling at all, as if it really existed. .

The distance kept getting closer, it felt like I was flying forward, and quickly approached that quaint pavilion.

In front of my eyes, a very old and mysterious black gold mask appeared in front of me, as if looking at myself through endless time and space. In the black lacquered eye sockets, the golden mang flickered like a spark.

"Heavenly Sword Chen Zong, meet for the first time, I hope you will not dislike this way." The black gold mask's mouth is carved, a line, not moving, but an ancient, majestic and low voice came out, slightly A bit hoarse, as if there was a rustling sound of drizzle.

"Speak your purpose." Chen Zong said calmly, not stubbornly, but his eyes were shrill.

"My name is Hei Jin, and I am the external contact person for Chunyu Tower." Hei Jin mask responded.

"Chunyu Tower ..." Chen Zong frowned slightly.

"Have you heard of Chunyu Tower?" The black gold mask explained immediately, explaining all the capabilities of Chunyu Tower.

Chen Zong listened and was quite surprised.

In the void, there are such magical organizations, which are really mysterious and powerful.

"Sir Tianxinjian, your talent is very high, the potential is very deep. In the future, there is a great possibility that it will be able to achieve the Divine Realm." After the introduction of the black gold mask, Chunyulou turned to the topic: "But it may take a long time. Only time can break through to the gods. "

"What do you want to say?" Chen Zong asked.

"My Chunyu Tower has the confidence to let you break through to the sacred realm within ten years." The words spoken by the black gold mask immediately surprised Chen Zong.

Within ten years, the achievement of the magical world!

The more he practiced, the more Chen Zong realized that it was difficult for the sub-god to break through to the divine realm. It was somewhat unrealistic to understand that the idea of ​​intending to break through the divine realm before entering the void in the heavenly sacred realm was somewhat unrealistic because The environment of the sanctuary, I am afraid that it will take more time and energy to hope to break through.

Realizing the difficulties, Chen Zongcai felt that the ten-year period given by this black gold mask was extraordinary, and it was 100% guaranteed.

"Within ten years, you will not overdraw any of your potential or have any side effects," the black gold mask emphasized.

"What's the price?" Chen Zong asked, with pie falling from the sky and traps on the ground. It was normal.

"Have worked for me for a hundred years, after you broke through to the gods." The black gold mask said the conditions.

"I refuse." Chen Zong did not hesitate.

Chunyu Tower is very mysterious and powerful, but for a hundred years, Chen Zong was unwilling.

Because, I firmly believe that through my own efforts, I may not be able to break through to the magical realm within ten years.

Even if it hasn't been done for ten years, it can be accepted for more than a few years. Why go to work for a mysterious Chunyu Tower for 100 years.

Effectiveness is obedience to obedience, and what you are asked to do is what to do.

That's the price.

I don't want to pay this price.

"It's a pity, but Chunyulou's promise will always be valid." Hei Jin's tone, with a bit of regret: "So, as a ceremony, I will tell you a message, ordering mad slaughter to deal with you. The mountains and rivers pass through my Chunyu Tower. "

After speaking, the black gold mask seemed to recede quickly in Chen Zong's eyes, and the antique pavilion reappeared, with drizzle and clouds rising from the left and right sides.

The light was restrained, and the crystal ball returned to its original state.

Looking at it, Chen Zong put away the crystal ball and put it into the ninth heavenly ring.

Because maybe at any time, I will be useful to Chunyulou.

When I was about to retreat, someone broke in.

"You are Chen Zong." The figure of the comer is erratic, like a layer of water mist. There is a feeling that it may be blown away by the wind at any time. His voice is also this erratic, as if from a distance Come here.

"Speak your purpose." Chen Zong's expression remained unchanged, his voice was not swollen, nor was he cold.

"I am the Chu family. I came here to invite you to join my Chu family." This person spoke very directly and had a sense of superiority in his tone.

"I am the enemy of Chu Shanhe. Your Chu family is sure to recruit me." Chen Zong asked with a smile.

"It's nothing more than a clash between juniors. It doesn't matter, as long as you lower your head in front of the master of the mountains and rivers to admit your mistake." The voice of the man in the mist sounded and passed into Chen Zong's ears: "Your origin is low, but you have Good talents, if you wholeheartedly loyal to my Chu family, the Chu family will also try their best to train you, and in a hundred years, you will be able to become a psychic state. "


Chen Zong couldn't help laughing, Fang Caichunyulou said ten years, but the Chu family said a hundred years, this is the gap.

For example, the Chunyu House, the Chu family did not know how many times worse.

In addition, it is also a joke to bow down to Chu Shanhe by himself. Since we deal with ourselves through Chunyu Tower, Chu Shanhe will die whenever he has a chance.

"Now simply clean it up and leave with me." The man in the mist seemed confident, with a tone of command.

"Get off." Chen Zong just spit out a word.

"What did you say?" People in the mist seemed unbelievable that the other party responded like this.

"Go." Chen Zong repeated again.

"Keep me dead, kneel down to me." The people in the mist suddenly became furious, and a horrible breath burst out suddenly. It was not a sub-level breath, but more powerful, deeper, and more terrifying.

Divine Realm!

This is the breath that belongs to the miraculous realm.

This person, who is a powerful god, is now angry, and in a rage ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The color of the world is changing.

The formation in the entire courtyard could not bear such a terrible momentum, and it instantly collapsed and collapsed.

Chen Zong only felt as if the sky had collapsed, and he directly suppressed the fall, leaving himself unable to move at all, unable to resist the slightest.

In the face of this strength, he was as weak as a terminally ill person. He had no strength to fight back, and his legs were constantly bent, and he knelt down.

break out!

In an instant, the unyielding outbreak of the Sword of Heart broke out, and the astonishing and direct Sword Yi broke out, carrying the extreme strength of Chen Zong, to break through this repression.


Chen Zong's legs that were almost bent suddenly stunned, as if turning into reinforced iron bones, and supported a little bit upright, and stood up again.

"Stopped it." People in the mist were startled.

It is incredible that a sub-god level can withstand the repression of the breath that is fully erupting through the divine realm.

No wonder, the master of the mountains and rivers will be defeated by this man.

Then, since it cannot be used by the Chu family, it cannot be alive, otherwise the other person's talents and potential and mentality, once grown up, will not be a good thing for the Chu family.

The killer, which erupted in an instant, called Chen Zongru crashed into the ice prison, was cold all over the body, and his legs and spine that were about to straighten were also instantaneous.

"Dare to do it under my eyelids, you **** it." An extremely cold voice sounded. Immediately, Skyrim lit up a radiant radiance, and instantly killed it.

Just in a flash, they killed people in the mist.

The man in the mist had no time to dodge, was hit directly, and screamed, he retreated without hesitation, and turned into a mist that quickly disappeared.

On the ground, only a truncated arm was left, and a terrible breath wave was emitted.

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