Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 1: Bingmen

(First more)

This is a 100-meter-long spaceship, with black tones as the main body, and a strand of tadpole silver that looks like a leaf. It is sailing in the void at an amazing speed.

Chen Zong felt that the speed of this 100-meter spacecraft was several times faster than that of the Heavy Front. If it took such a spacecraft to reach the Ring Sword Star from the second town of Jiecheng, it would not take ten days. It may take only seven or eight days.

This spaceship is exactly the private spacecraft of Su Zan, the owner of the Second Town Jiecheng.

On the entire spaceship, there were only two people, one was Su Ran and the other was Zong Chen. They were quickly away from the second town boundary city and flew to the place where the portal of the mysterious soldiers was located.

"Chen Zong, I have already warned the Chu family, but you still need to be careful in the future, they dare not do it on the surface, but secretly it is difficult to say." Su Luan said to Chen Zong while making tea, overflowing with the fragrance of tea.

"Thank you Brother Su." Chen Zong thanked.

Within the courtyard of Jiecheng Town of the Second Town that day, the Chu family came to the psychedelic realm to solicit their own name, and they were disgusted and angry when they refused, attempting to kill them. Fortunately, Su Chao shot in time.

The life-threatening soldiers attacked and directly cut off one arm of the Chujiatong Divine Realm.

Afterwards, he directly warned the Chu family as the monk's son. It was considered that Chen Zong had smoothed out the threats on the bright side, but there was no way for the secret threats. Only Chen Zong could pay attention and be vigilant.

The fragrance of tea seems to contain some kind of charm. Chen Zong drank softly, and the whole body was comfortable and refreshing. He felt only a trace of fresh air lingering in the body, fluttering and immortal, very beautiful.

After drinking the tea, Chen Zong felt immediately that the three flowers swayed and the essence of the power flowing out seemed to be a little faster.

This state has been slowed down for more than half a day, but the efficiency of three flowers returning to one is equal to the results of several days.

In the second cup, it still worked, but it dropped.

The third cup fell again.

By the fifth cup, it was completely invalid.

But five cups of tea came down, but it was better than the usual results for half a month.

"The spacecraft is preparing for a void shuttle, you can enter the bodyguard cabin." Su Luan Road.

Armored cabins are unique cabins that only some superb spacecraft have. When entering, they will be directly protected by great power, protecting the body and soul.

The shuttle in the void is like a shuttle in time and space. From one side to the other, you can span a long distance in a very short time and save a lot of flight time.

The bodyguard cabin is not large, can only accommodate one person, and lies down.

It didn't seem long before that Chen Zong felt that the power around him was twisting, and his body seemed to be stretched infinitely, like noodles, and like seaweed swinging in the water.

But I didn't feel any pain.

This is just a sensory distortion, an illusion caused by the void travelling.

Gradually, Chen Zong felt that his consciousness became blurred, as if sinking continuously, sinking continuously, sinking to the bottom.

Then he fell into darkness and fell asleep.

In his sleep, the light is strange, and he seems to be twisted and stretched by continuous stretching, wandering through the colorful twisted channels.

I don't know how long in the past, Chen Zong was awake, feeling that everything seemed to return to normal.

Out of the body protection cabin, sure enough, the spacecraft has ended the void shuttle.

"In three days, we will reach Bingmen." Su Luan smiled at Chen Zong.

This time the void shuttle directly saved months of flight time, otherwise it would be too late.

"Three days, are you coming?" Chen Zong also faintly looked forward.


Three days!

Two days!

one day!

Chen Zong is practicing, or the cultivation of the three flowers in one, or the enlightenment of swordsmanship.

Practice is like sailing against the water.

In the void, a huge portal towers, the portal has a height of 1,000 meters, two huge pillars stand on both sides, and the pillars are engraved with countless reliefs. If you look closely, there are swords, guns, swords, etc. A variety of weapons are impressively shaped by magic soldiers, exuding a faint wave of breath.

Below the portal is a huge square platform with a height of 100,000 meters suspended in the void and motionless.

In addition to the Su Chao spacecraft, there are three other spacecraft approaching one after another.

Of the three spacecraft, two were 100 meters long and one was kilometers long.

The kilometer-long spaceship has a unique logo, that is the symbol of monism, and that is the monarchism spaceship.

This square galaxy is a monary galaxy, but it is a galaxy dominated by monism, and also a galaxy where the gate of monism is located. As for the other galaxy ruled by monism, it is adjacent.

The spacecraft landed, and figures fell from above, standing on the tens of thousands of meters of metal platform in Bingmen.

This metal platform is full of many lines, looks very complicated, flashes of streamers, and is extremely mysterious.

Through his feet, Chen Zong could feel an amazing tenacity.

Immediately, Chen Zong felt a glance sweeping across him, and one of them made Chen Zong feel familiar.

Drizzle sword Muyu!

Sure enough, they met again.

Observing that Chen Zong looked over, Mu Yu smiled, seeming to be very friendly.

Su Zan's voice sounded in Chen Zong's ears, so that Chen Zong knew the identity of these people.

The woman wearing a black-colored robe of black gold exudes a mysterious and volatile atmosphere, which is indescribable, and is one of the godsons of Xuan Gong.

And the plain robe, with the eyebrows like a sword, was fused with the whole body, and the sharp and sharp young man who spread the silk was one of the godsons of the sword palace.

As for the other three godsons, they are going to enter the mysterious realm of secret soldiers through the gates of the adjacent galaxies of the unary galaxy.

Both the Xuangong godson and the Jiangong godson brought one person, they were the geniuses they chose in the airspace of the first town and the third town.

The man chosen by the godson Xuan Gong was a woman in black, with a cold look, eyes cold like a blade, and when passing, it seemed as if the blade passed.

The sword palace godson chose is a sword repair, ordinary appearance, gloomy eyes, but a strange but indistinct breath.

In addition, there are the nine true stories of monarchism, which are the three true stories of the Yuan Palace, the three true stories of the Sword Palace, and the three true stories of the Xuangong.

Nine true stories, three true sword palaces are all men, Chen Zong took a few more glances, one was the drizzle sword Muyu, one eyebrow flew obliquely like a sword, and it continued to exude an astonishing sharpness. Can cut everything, Chen Zong guessed, it should be the oblique wind sword of the second true biography of the sword palace.

As for the other one, his face was dull and his eyes were deep and silent, as if the ancient well could not afford half a wave, and it seemed to permeate a trace of death, which was shocking.

Sword of no return, sword of death!

I was curious before, and now I finally see it. It would be better if we could meet each other.

Chen Zong thought secretly.

It seemed that Chen Zong's eyes were noticed. Xie Fengjian stared at him and smiled slightly, but his smile was different from Mu Yu's smile, with a sharpness like a sword, coming straight.

Not returning the sword, but just glanced at Chen Zong, his eyes were silent, without any slight fluctuations, but at the same time, Chen Zong raised a terrifying feeling.

"Su Jiaozi." The three true biography of Yuan Gong salutes Su Luan, because Su Luan is the godson of Yuan Gong. Before, it was also the true biography of Yuan Gong. They were their brothers.

"I'm here to introduce you three." Su Luan smiled and looked at Chen Zong: "This is Chen Zong, the swordmanship is superb, the talent is not good, it will not be inferior to you."

Yuan Zong's three true biography eyes all fell on Chen Zong, and those eyes with a bit of scrutiny and exploration seemed to see Chen Zong through.

However, Chen Zong was unmoved, and he was obscured, and it was difficult to see through.

"Chen Zong, these three are my three true stories of Yuan Gong." Su Luan also introduced to Chen Zong.

"Secretary Su, let's introduce it by ourselves." One of the chubby youths said with a smile, his eyes narrowed and looked at Chen Zong: "Hello Brother Chen, my name is Li Wenhe. This is the third true biography of Yuan Palace. This is Second brother, Yuan Gong's second true Yankee. "

The second true story, Yanji nodded slightly to Chen Zong, but his face was expressionless, completely opposite to Li Wenhe's slightly enthusiastic look.

"This is my sister, Yuan Gong, and the first true biography of Bai Mei."

Bai Mei is in a white robe with a baby face and a petite body. She looks like a teenager, but the actual age cannot be a teenager, but more.

"Hello." Bai Mei was more lively and greeted Chen Zong with a smile, but her eyes were a little strange, as if she was examining something ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Hello. Chen Zong also responded with a smile.

Immediately, Li Wenhe introduced Chen Zong to the true story of the Xuan Palace and the Sword Palace, and Su Chao also enjoyed it.

"Su Luan, what is the origin of this person you chose?" As soon as the Gonggong Jiaozi's gaze fixed, he seemed to ask casually.

"There is nothing special about it." Su Luan Xu Xuji answered.

"Oh, I hope I won't embarrass you." Jian Gongzizi smiled and smiled.

"I'm more worried about you," Su Ran responded with a smile.

As for the Xuan Gong godson, he stood aside without a word.

Are waiting for the gate to open.

A figure flew out of the Yuanjiao spacecraft and appeared before the gate of soldiers.

"See the deputy bishop." Including the three godsons and the nine true stories, they bowed and saluted.

The status of the godson is higher than that of many elders, but there is still a big gap compared with the vice-chief.

As soon as Chen Zong's eyes were fixed, he could only see a blur of light and shadow. It seemed to be separated from him by countless time and space, and he could not see anything at all.

"No need to be polite." A quiet voice sounded.

Immediately, the prince shot and shot it with a palm, and it seemed to be a split.

With a bang, the soldiers shivered as if they were split. A ray of light suddenly turned into a wavy wave, with heavy turbulence surging to the left and right.

At that moment, there was an astonishing might of mountains and rivers, as if it could destroy everything.

"Remember, you only have ten days." The voice of the assistant leader came into everyone's ears.

"Go." Su Luan said to the three true legends of Chen Zong and Yuan Gong.

Regarding the things that need attention, Su Chao has already made clear with Chen Zong, and no need to say more.

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