Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 2: Magic soldier

(Second more)

Secret realms have always been large and small, and there are naturally-born innate human-developed ancestors. Of course, there are also semi-innate ancestors created by human-made inventions.

The mystery of the magic soldier belongs to the semi-congenital mystery, and was born naturally in the void. Long ago, it was seen by a great power of the magic soldier gate, and it was transformed to make it into the mysterious experience of the disciples of the magic soldier gate.

The once powerful Shenbing Gate has now disappeared into the river of time and has only become a record in the classics. The inheritance in the gate has long been divided up by other great forces, but this secret state has passed down.

Even if it is handed down, only the powerful forces can enter the secret realm of the soldiers. Star-level forces and casual repairs have almost no chance.

If Chen Zong had not been watched by Su Luan, he would have no chance to enter the secret realm of the soldiers.

There is no chance at all like Chu Shanhe.

Of course, the first thing Su Suran observed was actually the Chushan River, but Chen Zong appeared. He is much better than Chushan River. If there is really no better candidate, the quota this time is likely to be all Chushan River.

Chu Shanhe did not know that he had lost a great opportunity.

Of course, this is the past tense.

This opportunity now belongs to Chen Zong, and it is useless to say more.

The mysterious realm of the soldiers is also like a world, with sky and earth, mountains and waters and forests.


Amazing sounds suddenly sounded, all over the mysterious realm.

I saw a ray of light emerge from the vast field, and stretched to the left and right as if cracking, and repulsed the airflow, turned into a storm overflowing, sweeping in all directions, sending out an amazing momentum.

Rows of mountains and rivers are like the impact of a huge wave.

Immediately, the phantom of a portal appeared, and gradually gazed.

On that portal, the outline of countless weapons emerged, exuding the breathless fluctuations of the temple.

Not only here, but also in other places, in some mountains, above some Mizusawa, and inside some valleys, the ghost outlines of Bingmen have emerged.

The original mystery of the peaceful soldiers was broken and peaceful in an instant.

Roar Roar!


In the mountains, in the valleys, under the swamps, and deep in the jungle, countless weird sounds rang out, and the rays of light shone, manifesting into beasts of different shapes, running in the mountains and soaring Above the sky.

On the vast field, twelve figures emerged from scratch. It is the one selected by the nine true sects of the monarchy and three selected by the godson. The people landed through the gate to the field. The waves surged, wave after wave, as if waves were rising again, blowing everyone's long hair and robes.

The wind here is very cool and very strong.

Everyone glanced at them and looked around.

The sky is high and the sky is vast, the land is vast and boundless, and the air in the air has a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

The three true disciples of the sword palace moved in shape, and quickly turned into a swash of sword light, leaving quickly.

The three disciples of the Xuangong also quickly left, leaving only three true disciples of the Yuangong and three people selected by the three great disciples.

The person selected by the Jian Gongzi said nothing, his body flashed, and he disappeared quickly.

The same is true of those selected by the Xuan Gong godson, with different directions.

"Brother Chen, would you like to act with us?" Li Wenhe asked with a smile.

"Thank you for your kindness." After Chen Zong's fist performed the sword ceremony, his body flashed, and he chose a direction to leave quickly.

"Hum." Yuan Gong's second true biography, Yan Ji Leng, hummed, and seemed to find Chen Zong uninterested.

"Let's go." Bai Mei's voice was a little crisp.

The three also left quickly.

The huge phantom of the soldier gate faded away and disappeared, only to wait for the time to come up again, let everyone leave the mysterious soldier secret.

In other words, in ten days, everyone must return here again.

Speeding, Chen Zong quickly walked away from the phantom of the soldier gate. After a while, a giant eagle soared into the sky, exuding a sharp breath, extremely cold, and struck down in the air.

This breath is different from the eagle's breath that I have felt in the past. It seems to lack some vitality, more a cold metal taste, and very mysterious.

"Divine Soldier!" Chen Zong's eyes flashed.

Before entering, Su Chao had already said that the magic soldiers in the secret soldiers' secret territory would be transformed into various forms.

Such as human form, animal form, plant form and so on.

Among them, the beast and plant form are the most, the human form is the least, and it is also the most precious.

However, the value of magic soldiers is extraordinary.

This giant eagle does not know what magical soldiers have transformed into. The eyes are extremely cold and sharp, the sharp mouth and sharp claws are extremely sharp and cold. Once caught, Chen Zong does not hesitate to believe that he will If the flesh is torn, or even the whole person will be torn, the breath of the giant eagle is really terrible.

When the claws hit, various cracks appeared in the void, as if to be torn off a large piece, causing Chen Zong to numb his scalp instantly.

The giant eagle was extremely fast, passing like a streamer, struck in the air, and Chen Zong was creepy.


In his mind, Chen Zong's body was avoided in an instant and dangerously. A strong and extremely strong wind passed by instantly, as if the blade was cutting, leaving a light in the void. The scratches emit terrifying shocks.

Chen Zongli's sword came out of the sheath, and a sword silently and silently struck the giant eagle immediately.

The giant eagle directly hit the sword, but Mars sputtered away and was not injured, which made Chen Zong secretly startled.

The giant eagle is transformed into a magic soldier, which is essentially a magic soldier. What a magic soldier is is made of a variety of precious materials. It has amazing mystery and is extremely hard and difficult to destroy.

This point was explained by Chen Chao.

Of course, it also shows how to surrender the magic soldier.

Defeating it with great strength, exhausting the power of the magic soldier, so that it can no longer maintain the illusion and become the body, is equivalent to surrendering that magic soldier, and you can take it away.

It's very simple to say, but it's hard to do. At least Chen Zong realizes how powerful this giant eagle is. It is a strong enemy.

No wonder only the second level of the sub-god level can enter the mystery of the magic soldier. The first level of entry is not an opponent at all, and it will be directly killed by the magic of the magic soldier.

The giant eagle's sword, Mars splash, and the wings spread again. The figure suddenly spun in midair, as if the blade cut across the air to kill it. Immediately, the claws suddenly snapped into the air, immediately giving Chen Zong a sense of facing multiple enemies.


Blocking the attack of the giant eagle, Chen Zong could feel the strong force directly hit, that kind of sharp, amazing.


Fight back!

The superb swordsmanship shows that it will continue to deal with the giant eagle, and each collision will provoke countless sparks, continuously radiating in all directions, covering a circle of 100 meters, and from afar, it is unusually gorgeous.

The attacking method of the giant eagle, which is the wings and claws and pointed mouth, is very scary and very direct. It does not involve any advanced skills, but it is superior in speed and frequency, and its body is hard and unbreakable, and it is not afraid of being hit. In China, you only need to attack continuously and then attack.

Chen Zong is different. If he is hit, he will be injured, even if he has a heart-protecting treasure coat, it is not good.

The wings are like a blade cutting across, and the claws and sharp mouth are like stabbing with a knife point, but Chen Zong soon found out that although the attack speed of the giant eagle is fast, although it is powerful, it is a bit stiff, at least compared with itself. So so.

In the final analysis, this giant eagle is not a real giant eagle, but a magical soldier.

Divine soldiers have spirits, but they are spiritual. They do not possess human intelligence. They are more of an instinct to protect themselves and kill the enemy.

Now that you know what the opponent's flaws are, it's time to attack their weaknesses.

Chen Zong's figure became more erratic, making the giant eagle more elusive, with a sword in his hand, a superb sword of one heart, and the sword would hit.

Although unable to defeat the Great Eagle, it will continue to consume its power.

As if aware of Chen Zong's threat, the giant eagle suddenly rushed into the sky, the wings suddenly shook, and merged in an instant. The golden light shone in all directions, as if the sun burst.


A huge blade of light broke in an instant, the blade of light was golden, dazzling to the extreme, tearing the void, and came with a horrifying will to cut everything and smash everything.

Chen Zong was creepy, too fast, and it was difficult to dodge for a moment.


Through the stars!

The dark golden sword turned into a beam, and instantly struck through the void, leaving a faint golden sword mark in the void ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ straight forward.

This is the most powerful sword that Chen Zong has now mastered.

The golden sword light was crushed in an instant, the sword light was extremely condensed, and the sword light was broken, but it only consumed a small amount of power.

A sword strikes at the giant eagle, and immediately repels the giant eagle hundreds of meters. Mars keeps splashing away. The place where he was hit is sunken directly. The golden light flickers and shakes for a while.

Realizing that it wasn't good, the giant eagle was spinning decisively, and the shaking wings were about to leave. They all fought on this. How could Chen Zong let the giant eagle leave.

Refining your heart and returning to one sword!

The speed of this sword is much faster than that of Guan Xing.

The giant eagle hit the sword again.

Under the continuous sword, the shape of the giant eagle shook, and the golden light shook. It quickly faded and eventually dissipated. The giant eagle disappeared and was replaced by a long golden knife. It is the unfolded wings of a giant eagle, the handle is like an eagle body, and the head is an eagle tail.

The long sword squeaked, and between the shocks, there was a faint golden light, and a unique mysterious atmosphere permeated.

The breath swept from all directions, constantly immersed in it, and restored strength.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong started with a long sword and quickly got into the Nine Heavens Circle.

This is the magic soldier, but Chen Zong can feel that there are similarities and differences between his own Xiao Yu Shenbing.

"The most important thing is to find the source of magic soldiers." Chen Zong said secretly.

There are two types of magic soldiers, one is the external magic soldier, and the other is the life magic soldier.

In terms of value and other aspects, the soldiers are not comparable to foreign soldiers, because the power of foreign soldiers is what they are, and the soldiers will continue to improve and become stronger with themselves. .

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