Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 3: source

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The mystery of the magic soldier is now opened once in a hundred empty years. Each time it is opened, there are many geniuses trained in the second level of the **** level.

The mystery of the magical soldiers is extremely magical, and the magical soldiers will be born naturally. The magical soldiers capable of transformation have amazing powers, all of which are quite sub-level second-level existence.

Of course, there is also a difference in strength between the second level of the sub-god level.

Gongfa, martial arts, combat experience, skills, etc., are all key factors that determine strength.

Strength has never been determined on the one hand.

As for the source of the magic soldier, that is the source of the birth of the magic soldier, it is a pure energy of the source of the magic soldier, which has not completely changed into the existence of the magic soldier.

Obtain the source of the magic soldier, absorb it, you can integrate into your own body, combined with your own spirit and so on, and give birth to a life-matching soldier that fully fits your own.

The more sources of magic soldiers obtained, the faster the speed of breeding magic soldiers.

Chen Zong defeated a giant piebald cheetah, and the piebald cheetah began to escape, and the speed of running was astonishing, and he entered the forest directly.


Chen Zong erupted at full speed and continued to go inside the forest.


It's not a sword with one star, but a sword with one heart and one mind. Although the power is not as good as the sword with one star, it wins in speed.

"Unfortunately, my swordsmanship is mainly based on killing, and there is no control swordsmanship." Chen Zong could not help but secretly said.

Swordsmanship is a sum. Among them, there are different differences in favor of killing, attacking, defense, speed, strength, control, etc. Each has its own expertise.

But for the time being, the swordsmanship and swordsmanship he has mastered is basically attacking and killing, lacking other aspects. Of course, attacking and killing is also Chen Zong's favorite.

"However, I can improve with a single-hearted sword." Chen Zong secretly whispered, and killed with another sword.

One Heart Sword!

This time, instead of attacking and killing, but practicing sword into silk, and immediately hitting the piebald cheetah, it exploded instantly, forming a net, a trace of continuous looping like a needle thread. Endless, fell on the body of the piebald cheetah.

The piebald cheetah sprinting fast and galloping suddenly, the whole body rolled forward suddenly, wherever it passed, the forest collapsed and the rocks were broken.

Chen Zong smiled slightly, a good sword, and can continue to improve.


Practice sword into silk, leave marks in the void.

The countless swords of breath spread out, and as the heart fell on the body of the piebald cheetah, it kept winding.

The piebald cheetah suddenly slowed down greatly, and it became more difficult when it moved, as if mosquitoes had fallen into the cobweb.

Through the stars!

When the speed of the piebald cheetah decreases sharply, and even the resistance becomes weak, the sword's power is the most suitable.

Under a sword, the piebald cheetah can no longer maintain the illusion, because the power is exhausted and it becomes a strange weapon. It is a sharp blade like a claw, full of serrations, and looks like a A terrible weapon focused on killing.

The breath of this magical soldier is a bit more fierce than the golden long sword that turned into a giant eagle before.

When he fell into the hands of Chen Zong, there was still a bit of struggling, but he was directly suppressed by Chen Zong, and he was included in the nineth heaven.

Chen Zong felt that, whether it was the golden long knife or the fierce claw, he could refine himself and make him his own magic soldier.

However, the magic soldier can only have one, so there must be a choice.

Chen Zong's most wanted is naturally the soldiers.

Secondly, there are sword-shaped external magic soldiers.

Although Xiao Yu Shen Bing is good, in fact, he can't keep up with Chen Zong's footsteps. Even the complete Yu Shen Bing doesn't help the current Chen Zong much.

Because of this, Chen Zong didn't take the time to cast the remaining small Royal God soldiers, making him a complete Royal God soldier.

The power of the two soldiers obtained now is not comparable to that of the royal soldiers. If it is refined, it can strengthen its own means, of course, it is only a means, and it will not play a significant role in direct strength. Promotion.

When knowing that there is a destiny soldier, what Chen Zong wants most is that the destiny soldier can best fit himself and become stronger with his promotion, but it is best.

A faint and unique breath fluctuation came from not far away and was captured by Chen Zong keenly.

With his eyes fixed and swept across, the consciousness swept away, covering all directions, carefully sensing the source of the wave, searching carefully, and finally being found by Chen Zong.

It was a wave felt in a broken giant tree, similar to the breath of the magic soldier, but very pure, without any attributes.

Every magical soldier has its own unique fluctuations, such as heavy, fierce, sharp, cold and so on.

But the current volatility is pure.

Chen Zong could not help but be excited.

Pure, meaning no attribute, that means that it has not become a magic soldier.

That is the fluctuation of the source, the fluctuation of the source of the magic soldier.

These messages were all told to Chen Zong by Su Luan, in order to facilitate Chen Zong's better actions in the secret territory of the soldiers.

Wield the sword and split the trunk of the giant tree, and I saw a light green light cluster about the size of an egg suspended, exuding a trace of pure breath fluctuation, that is, the breath fluctuation belonging to the magic soldier.

Divine source!

It is indeed a source of magic soldiers!

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately put the source of Shenbing into his hands.

"This source of magical soldiers was born in the big tree. If it continues to grow, it will become a magical soldier related to wood in the future." Chen Zong secretly said: "But now, it is only purely magical soldiers. I can directly transfer Absorption. "

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately absorbed this group of soldiers.

The divine soldiers came into the body and constantly walked inside Chen Zong's body, even Shenhai did not let it go.

A trace of breath was continuously absorbed from Chen Zong's body.

In the end, the group of **** soldiers slowly sinks into the world just opened by the side of Chen Zongqi's sea and air, lives in the world, and constantly absorbs the breath belonging to Chen Zongqi.

For a while, Chen Zong felt that there was something in his body, just like some organs and internal organs, connected with his blood, inseparable.

Is this the life-threatening soldier?

No, it is not a life-threatening soldier, but an embryo of the life-threatening soldier.

Mind contact, in an instant, Chen Zong knew the time of the birth of Ming Shenbing.

a hundred years!

"Hundred years!" Chen Zong couldn't help but be a little speechless. What this century refers to is not a hundred years of the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary, but a hundred empty years, equal to a thousand years of the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary.

For a thousand years, you have to know that from the beginning of practice to the end of the year, it is less than two hundred years, or less than twenty years of vanity.

A hundred years of vanity is simply too long and amazing.

One hundred years of emptiness, he is definitely at the level of the Divine Realm.

Fortunately, this time is not fixed. As long as more **** soldiers are absorbed, this time can be shortened.

In addition, Su Chao also told himself an important message, that is, in addition to absorbing the source of the magic soldiers to shorten the incubation time of the life soldiers, there is another method, that is, refining the soldiers gathered by the foreign soldiers Essence, to provide the source of the soldiers that have been refined and absorbed into the body, of course, the effect is not as good as the source of the soldiers directly absorbed, but it is also a good method.

The only result of this is that the foreign soldiers were damaged due to the loss of essence, completely destroyed and reduced to waste.

Chen Zong did not immediately absorb the essence of the two foreign **** soldiers, but he first tried to refine the effect of the small royal **** soldiers.

Indeed, there is a trace of the essence flowing into the inner world and absorbed by the source of the magic soldiers. After a while, the Xiaoyu magic soldiers are ashamed, like rust iron, and no longer have a half-spirit, and they are completely abandoned. material.

Chen Zong couldn't help but be a little disappointed. This little royal soldier has not significantly shortened the incubation time of the life soldier, still a hundred years, also because the little royal soldier is incomplete and not really a true soldier. The essence is not enough.

But it is certain that this method is indeed useful.

As for the other two foreign soldiers, keep them first, and when they leave, you need to take them out as a record and count them on the head of the Soviet Union.

Then, look for more sources of magic soldiers and magic soldiers.

For a time, Chen Zong's heart became hot.

If you can give birth to the soldiers as soon as possible, you will definitely have a great promotion.

Think about the day, the city owner Su Chao was far apart, and he controlled the imperial soldiers, as if coming out in person, it broke out with great power, overwhelmingly chopped off the arm of the Chu family ’s divine power, and even chased it. Shenjing fled in a hurry, and finally escaped after serious injuries ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, you can see that some amazing soldiers.

The gates opened by the mysterious soldiers' secret territory are not only the one with a single yuan galaxy, but there are many.

The unary galaxy belongs to the mysterious star field, and the mysterious star field has hundreds of galaxies, which is very amazing.

Each galaxy has a soldier gate, of course, because some galaxy-level forces are more powerful and dominate more galaxies. Therefore, there are differences in the number of candidates for the different soldiers under the rule.

For example, the two major galaxies ruled by Yiyuanjiao have as many as twelve people entering the monarchy of the monarchy, and only three of them have entered the neighboring galaxies.

At that time, the Shenbing Gate was very powerful, and it ruled three major star fields, and each star field had a secret field.

Therefore, the mysterious realm entered by Chen Zong and others belongs to the Xuanxuan star domain. In other words, in addition to this, in addition to encountering the mysterious soldiers and the source of the mysterious soldiers, they will also encounter other Xuanxuan star domains. genius.

Before entering, Su Chao told Chen Zong the information that should be explained.

In the secret territory of the mysterious soldiers, there may be encounters with other people of the unitary religion, disciples of other galaxy-level forces, and so on, and even encounters of the disciples of the star domain that rule the Xuanxuan star domain.

At this moment, Chen Zong was far away from a disciple from other galaxy-level forces.

In the middle, it is a source of magic soldiers bred in a huge rock.

When Chen Zong and the other's body moved, full speed erupted and flew away to the source of Shenbing.

The speed of the other party seemed to be faster.

Sure enough, the Void is so versatile that you must not underestimate anyone.

"The mysterious soldier source is mine." Xu Hao hanged a smile on his mouth, speed, but he is best at it.

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