Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 4: 0 knots in the heart

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Xu Hao is a true disciple of Fenglingmen, a mid-level galaxy force. Fenglingmen is a powerful force with an extraordinary speed. Xu Hao's speed is the best among all true disciples.

Speed ​​is what he is proud of.

That group of soldiers is already close at hand, and will soon fall into their own hands. At that time, they can leave quickly at their own speed.

For Xu Hao, fighting with the other party just delays time, it is better to keep this time to find more sources of magic soldiers.

Chen Zong issued a sword.

A sword waved, silent, invisible and shadowless, but the sword's qi blended into the void in an instant, hitting Xu Hao at an astonishing speed when the sword came out.

At the moment of sword energy and body, Xu Hao's face suddenly changed. An extremely powerful force suddenly burst out, with the lightness and speed and sharpness of the wind, as if forming a wind barrier around the whole body, forming protection. .

But Chen Zong's sword was not for attack.

There are thousands of knots in my heart!

This is a trick created when hunting down the magical cheetah of the piebald, strictly speaking, it is an application method of sword energy.

Spread the sword air away, and continue to entangle the target, limiting the movement of the bound target.

This sword, unlike other sword moves, is controlled by the master, not killed.

Every sword qi is a superb skill of practicing sword into silk. When the sword comes out, it still leaves a trace, which lasts for a long time, as if imprinted in the void, it is also a higher skill.

Xu Hao's wind barrier was torn instantly.

The whole body was immediately entangled by countless invisible sword qi, tightly bound.

The whole person has the feeling of falling into a spider's web, and feels uncomfortable when moving, and is restrained and very uncomfortable.

Speed, of course, has also been greatly affected, and it has dropped sharply in an instant, less than one tenth of the original.

Although Chen Zong's speed is not as good as Xu Hao, he has not slowed down too much. The opponent's speed has dropped sharply by less than one tenth, which is an excellent opportunity.

Approaching, a sword split the stone, and he took away the source of Shenbing without hesitation.

"Leave it to me." Xu Hao was furious. He didn't want to fight, he just wanted to take away the soldiers.

However, the other party is too abominable.

With a full burst, one after another, the sword with thousands of knots in his heart was instantly broken, and the furious Xu Hao burst into an astonishing breath, turning it into a hurricane. The rumbling sound rang through the world and shook. Octagon.

Chen Zong did not intend to fight with each other. The reason was simple and time was limited. He should continue to find more sources of magic soldiers.

After all, the mystery of the mysterious soldiers was opened once in a century, only ten days, and I rarely got a chance. If it was a waste of time, what a pity.

However, when Xu Hao shot with anger, the hurricane swept through with a terrifying breath. Immediately, a few meters of wind blade broke through as if it were substantive, the speed was amazing, and the breath emitted was even more terrible.

The speed of this wind blade is extremely fast, and a terrible breath locks Chen Zong directly, which is inevitable.

Turning back, Chen Zong's eyes showed a touch of fineness, and a sword appeared suddenly.

Through the stars!

The dark golden sword turned into a bunch of light, highly condensed, leaving a dazzling but imprinted sword mark in the void, not straight forward, but with a slight arc trajectory.

In this way, the speed of the sword is 30% faster.

The wind blade was penetrated and crushed in an instant, and the dark golden swordman broke into the air and directly killed Xu Hao.

Now that Xu Hao has shot, Chen Zong's counterattack is certainly not polite.

The dark golden sword light shot to the ground, Xu Hao's expression changed suddenly, and his figure suddenly changed. The hurricane roared and slammed out. He swallowed the sword light and sent out a series of amazing explosions.

After Chen Zong wielded a sword, he still performed his body skills again, and quickly moved forward, rushing into the forest.

Not afraid, but really do not want to fight.

After all, Shenbingyuan has already begun, and it has also been successfully absorbed, shortening the incubation time of the life-threatening soldiers, and it is necessary to find more sources of gods or soldiers.

Of course, if time is sufficient, Chen Zong is still happy to fight with each other.

"Stay, leave me, hand over the source of the magic soldiers, heaven and earth ... wind and tornado!" Xu Hao became more furious, his hands suddenly grabbed in the void, and suddenly, the endless power of heaven and earth gathered from all sides and gathered in his hands. For two small hurricane whirlpools, they suddenly flung.


The two hurricanes broke through, continuously drawing the wind between the heavens and the earth, constantly growing, from the size of the palm to a dozen meters high, directly chasing Chen Zonghong into the forest.

The hurricane was extremely violent, shattering and dying. A huge tree was swept up, fragmented and completely involved in the hurricane. Not only did the hurricane not fall apart, but the two hurricanes became even more majestic, because they were involved in countless The relationship between the trees and sandstone is even more amazing.

The hurricane roars the forest and destroys everything. It is as powerful as a natural disaster.

From a distance, it looks like two tornadoes.

Xu Hao followed quickly after the hurricane. He had only one thought in his heart, to catch up with the other party and regain the source of the soldiers. He took this opportunity to teach the other party a hard meal. There was no such thing as killing idea.

Pursuing constantly, Chen Zong frowned suddenly.

The opponent's speed is indeed better than himself, so if he goes on, he will keep chasing.

In this case, let's fight and defeat the opponent in the shortest time.

The figure didn't stop, but a perfect arc was drawn in the mid-air, just like Feiyan returned, and the sword came out of the scabbard in a flash.

The silent and silent Jianguang blended into the void, directly crossing two violent hurricane tornadoes and killing Xu Hao, who came after him.

In order to resolve the battle as soon as possible, Chen Zong did not intend to keep his hand, so the sword used the little magical secret method to break the second most without knowing it.

With the second-level cultivation at the sub-god level, the condensed blessing of the top three flowers, Chen Zong can fully withstand the second load and backlash of breaking the mystery.

Moreover, it can burst twice in a short period of time, and it can still bear it.

If he is desperate to withstand backlash, Chen Zong can also force a third force and directly double the power, but the consequence of doing so is that he will be damaged, resulting in short-term strength decline.

Breaking the mystery method second!

There are thousands of knots in my heart!

Fang Caiyi's heart had thousands of knots, and he was broken away by the opponent. This time, it is estimated that it is difficult to restrain him.

However, there is a 60% increase in the second most important method of breaking the mystery, which is more powerful and completely different.

Xu Hao was bound again.

This kind of restraint is much stronger than before. It feels endless sword-like atmosphere, and it is extremely sharp. It seems that it is necessary to chop his body like Ling Chi. He can only encourage his full strength to form a layer of protection.

Extremely second!

Through the stars!

Taking this opportunity, Chen Zong issued a second sword.

The second level of the sub-god level strengthens itself further, and can withstand stronger impacts and backlashes.

Rao is so. Chen Zong also felt that when he was exhibiting this sword, he seemed to be constantly shocked by the huge force and almost exploded.

The dark golden sword light shot through the air and hit Xu Hao directly.

Chen Zong didn't think of killing the other party, but he didn't intend to keep his hand either, because if he decided to do his best, he wouldn't keep it. If the other party was killed, it could only be said to be unfortunate.

However, this sword, Chen Zong does not point to the point.

The sword was dim, but in Xu Hao's eyes, it was extremely bright, and Xu Xu's pupils shrank like a needle.

Can't dodge, hit directly.

Xu Hao only felt that he was a protective force. In a flash, he was completely ripped through.

When in danger, a burst of light turned on, blocking Guan Xingyi's sword, but was broken in an instant. Xu Hao avoided it in an instant, but was unable to completely avoid it. His shoulder was scratched by the sword light, and it was torn directly in half. Blood dripping.

After sending out this sword, Chen Zong collected the sword and returned to the scabbard. He no longer broke out and turned away quickly.

Inside the body, I felt a few tingling pains, as if there were many needles constantly tied, but Chen Zong forcibly resisted and left quickly.

Xu Hao didn't chase after him. Only Chen Zong's two swords made him feel close to death.

It's terrible!

And the other party seemed to have more power.

He wasn't sure what would happen if he continued to pursue.

Left and right are just a source of magical soldiers. Instead of wasting time chasing each other and fighting a battle without knowing the outcome, it might as well be used to find other sources of magical soldiers.

Turning his thoughts, Xu Hao turned and left, although he still felt very upset.

As for the injury on the shoulder ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it is necessary to speed up the recovery.


"Ninety-nine years," Chen Zong said secretly.

After absorbing the group of soldiers, the birth time of the soldiers was shortened from one hundred years to ninety-nine years.

According to this situation, wouldn't it be necessary to absorb the source of the ninety-ninth regiment, so that it would be possible to conceive a life-threatening soldier in a very short time?

It's wonderful to think about it, a little excited, but Chen Zong also knows the difficulty.

After all, it's almost a day since I entered the secret place of the magic soldier, and I only found two sources of magic soldiers.

The time is only ten days, counting the day needed to return. In fact, there are only eight days left.

How many divine sources can be found in eight days?

Not too much.

But no matter what, we still have to do our best to find it. One more round can shorten some time.

You also need to get more magic soldiers. When they are absorbed, you can shorten the incubation time of the soldiers.


A valley, dark and deep, extremely quiet, suddenly trembled, making a loud noise.

A huge dragon head suddenly burst out of the valley.

The dragon head is a piece of dark gold, a hundred meters in size, and it is very amazing. Each of the dragon whiskers has different colors and sways with the wind, all exuding amazing breath fluctuations. They are independent and seem to be one.

As the huge dragon head rushed out of the valley, the huge dragon body also rushed up. The body was also dark golden, but it was not flesh and blood, but it seemed to be composed of countless dark golden skeletons. There are gaps in between, faintly can see the inside of the dragon's body, flickering with different colors of light, permeating a pure magic soldier breath fluctuation.

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