Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 5: Wanhua Shenbing (Part 1)

(Second more)

The dragon rushed out of the valley, with a huge body, more than a thousand meters long, and exuded a breath of breath.

The dragon's tail swung, and suddenly, it swept through the sky, sweeping out numerous ripples and ripples, as if a boulder fell into the water, setting off a wave of tantrums, like a tidal wave, swinging in all directions, and the momentum was shaking.

The dragon shook its tail, twisted its huge body, undid numerous ripples of the void, burst out of amazing speed, and swept away in an instant. Wherever it passed, the void retreated, and the amazing roar rang out in all directions. .

This dragon emerged from the valley and the sky, with amazing movements and an infinite breath, and spread out in all directions. It was endless, covering no distance.

"What's this breath?" The oblique wind sword retracted the sword into the sheath, put the **** soldier in front of it, and fixed its eyes on the direction of the mighty breath.

At the beginning, he and his brother Brother Guigui and the third brother Xi Yujian acted together, but then found that they were still scattered and it was more efficient to find their own soldiers.

When the figure moves, the oblique wind sword is like a sharp beam of sword light, tearing the long wind instantly, sending out an unbelievable speed, and sweeping away in the direction of the breath.

Not only the oblique wind sword, many people felt the amazing atmosphere that repels the vacuum, and they were all shocked and attracted.

"This kind of breath ..." Feeling the wave after wave of breath coming from the void, Chen Zong was shocked, staring at it, as if looking through the sky, seeing the infinite distance.

Immediately, as soon as he moved, he quickly left the sky.

The sky was up, and the silhouettes were swift and violent, starting from all directions, rushing away, very fast.

In the eyes of everyone, a huge figure emerged.

The dark golden body is full of noble and mysterious feelings. It is more than a thousand meters long and huge, and the perfect and extreme lines are shocking, as if they were directly rushed into the heart, setting off a tangle.


Everyone froze, their eyes widened, shocking.

"My God, that's ... that's ..." Li Wenhe's eyes widened as hard as possible, looking funny, but no one laughed at him, because others were equally shocked, from the heart, from the soul. Deep shock.

"Wanhua Shenbing!" Yanke's face was somber, and deep in his eyes, there was an unspeakable frenzy.

"It turned out to be a magical soldier of Wanhua!" Each genius was shocked and shocked.

Chen Zong was also very shocked.

"Wanhua Shenbing ..." For a while, Chen Zong didn't know what to say, and his eyes shot out an incomparable brilliance, extremely sharp.

The heart is restless and violent, the blood is burning, as if a raging fire is burning from the heart, it is necessary to ignite itself from the inside out and burn it up completely.

Wanhua Shenbing!

Su Luan mentioned that the so-called Wanhua Shenbing is the form of many magic soldiers transforming and constructing.

Although it may not be 10,000 magic soldiers, it is at least constructed by thousands of magic soldiers.

The main thing is that in the body of Wanhua Shenbing, there are often many sources of Shenbing.

As long as you defeat Wanhua Shenbing, you can not only get a lot of Shenbing, but also a source of Shenbing, killing two birds with one stone.

Of course, Wanhua Shenbing is also stronger and more terrifying than a single Shenbing.

Think about it, what kind of horrible power will there be if thousands of magic soldiers are combined into Wanhua magic soldiers.

Even if they understood this, everyone's heart was still fiery and there was no half-retreat.

Divine soldiers have to find, and the source of divine soldiers is even more difficult to find. Now, there are a lot of divine soldiers and divine soldiers in front of them. How can they be missed?


Without hesitation, someone shot immediately.

A palm, when the sky pushed out, rolling like a row of mountains, crushing the sky, a transparent palm print sunken in the void, directly bombarding the dark golden giant transformed by the magical soldier Dragon body.

With a thump, the palm print collapsed, and the dragon's body trembled slightly, but without any trauma.

"So strong!"

"Completely resisted." The person who gave this palm was also full of sorrow.

How could this be?

This is too terrible.

The next breath, the dragon fought back.

A roar, long air burst, and the terrifying sound wave suddenly burst out from the open dragon's mouth, like a flood in Foshan, as if the earth and the earth collapsed, like a meteor star falling.

That sound wave directly covers a circle of 100 meters, the speed is amazing, the layers of ripples sweeping, as if the wind is blowing across the calm lake surface, rolling up numerous ripples, almost turning into waves, constantly rushing forward, carrying amazing Power.

The layers of ripples are exactly the powerful sound waves that cause the void to be rolled up layer by layer, which is terrible.

A few people couldn't escape, and they were immediately impacted. At the same time, they also stirred up their strength to protect themselves. The entire surface of the person suddenly twisted, just like a transparent robe swept by the strong wind.

The support of the protective force was just a dying breath, and it broke instantly. Between these people's bodies shaking, their mouths bulging and their faces constantly twisted, looking very weird.

The layers of light lit up again, blocking the terrible sound wave impact again, taking advantage of this opportunity, they broke out again and retreated, barely breaking away from the sound wave.

When the sound waves pass, the void seems to be opened directly, leaving a trace of transparency, impacting endlessly far away.

Spit a few mouthfuls of blood, these people looked pale, but felt pain all over their bodies, as if by the thousands of swords, and seemed to be torn.


The impact of that sound wave was really terrible.


The dragon's tail swept across the air, and it slammed into the air, as if the void was broken, and it was directly blasted at the person out of the palm, barely avoided, but was brought up by the strong wind sweeping the tail, the entire person fell uncontrollably Flying several kilometers, the body rolled endlessly in the air, dizzy.

The dragon's claws suddenly shot down in the air, and the terrible claws tore up the void instantly, leaving a trail of eternal traces, just like the void left.

The dragon's counterattack was so terrible that it directly caused the crowd to fall apart.

"Join them!"

Someone shouted.

"Join them together, defeat it first, and then seize the soldiers and the soldiers by their own skills."

Together, this is undoubtedly a good way.

After all, one-on-one, no one present is their opponent, the difference is too far, just look at those few people to know, directly vomiting blood and being wounded, very embarrassed.

Only by joining forces can it be expected to deal with this mythical warrior.

Thousands of magic soldiers and seemingly many sources of magic soldiers are enough for everyone to divide.



The crowd dispersed immediately and shot.

Knife light cuts, fists growl, leg shadows are like mountains, sword light destroys mountains, and whip shadows crack the ground.

Countless attacks have been issued, each of them being tyrannical. Maybe not everyone's best efforts, but they absolutely gave up most of their strength.

Just to defeat this Wanhua Shenbing.

The transformation of the magic soldier is equivalent to no flaws. It must constantly hit it, continuously consume its power, and eventually consume it all.

The dragon formed by thousands of soldiers is extremely powerful and terrible. It will be hard to imagine consuming it.

Dozens of attacks landed on the dragon's body and exploded, blasting out countless terrible vigors.

The roar was higher than a burst, ringing in all directions, shaking the void.


The dragon counterattacked again, with a roll of its body, and the terror forces of the mountains and rivers rolled away to break everything.


Fight back!

Even if the Wanhua Shenbing is more powerful, it can't get rid of the shortcomings of the Shenbing. It is not flexible enough. Its attack is clear and superb, but it is fixed. Of course, people with insufficient combat experience and talent can't cope.

But everyone is a leader, and they are all real geniuses. Each of them not only has rich combat experience, but also has a strong combat talent. Therefore, they have all caught the shortcomings of the soldiers, dodge and counterattack, and consume a little bit. Power of the magic soldier.

Wanhua Shenbing has terrible power. If he is hit, he will be severely injured, but as long as he catches the opponent ’s flaws and continuously dodges, he can avoid the attack and then fight back. However, it is very dangerous. Inadvertently, the end will be miserable.

Chen Zong raised his body to the extreme, wandering around very erratically, moving entirely by his heart, he could better sense the dragon's attack, and then dodge in advance.

Double Hearted Sword!

Refining your heart and returning to one sword!

Through the stars!

Chen Zongyijian casts a sword ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The sword sword comes out and the sword hits.

The power of Wanhua Shenbing is also continuously consumed under the continuous attack of the people.

This battle was extremely fierce, extremely difficult, and caused great movement.


The dragon tail swept across, and two people could not escape, and were immediately hit directly. The whole person flew upside down, vomiting blood, and only felt like the body was broken, and the body bones were broken into countless numbers.

Fortunately, everyone has protective measures to offset some of their strengths. Fortunately, although the strength of Wanhua Divine Soldiers is very powerful, they are still at the level of the sub-god, and have not been qualitatively changed to the level of divine power.

Otherwise, they will all die, completely unstoppable.

The two who flew upside down and vomited blood quickly took out the elixir and quickly retreated to remedy the elixir to cure the injury, and they were unable to fight again.

The strong wind swept and directly impacted, so that Chen Zong had a feeling of being crushed.

Fortunately, the body cover of Yinyinbao directly weakened Qicheng's power, while Chen Zong's physique was extremely strong, and also blocked the remaining 30% of the impact, but the blood and blood were not shocked.

But Chen Zong was more vigilant.

It's just that the breeze swept past, and if it was hit directly, it would definitely be the end of vomiting blood.

The horrible vigor continued to impact in all directions, repelling the void, shaking the four poles, and the power was astonishing, as if it could destroy everything. The heavy air waves and the crazy shaking in all directions gave everyone a feeling of entering the deep ocean.

The dragon roared, and the dragon's tail, dragon's claw, and dragon's head collided.

I saw the dragon's tail suddenly lifted high, and suddenly shot down, as if carrying a mighty force, thousands of waves, suppressing the sky, so that everyone has the feeling of suffocation.

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