Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 6: Wanhua Shenbing (Part 2)

(Thirdly, the list is changing as fast as the book turns, steady, brothers)

Above the sky, a thousand-meter-long dragon of Wanhua Shenbing danced wildly. The huge tail fell off, and an unparalleled horror power erupted like a stormy shore. The pressure was as extreme as the ancient **** mountain. Calmness, terrible pressure, made everyone feel unable to move and breathe, as if to be crushed and crushed.

break out!

One by one, they tried their best to avoid it.

The roaring sound was terrifying, and the terror sounded like a tsunami. The terrifying air pressure fell down, such as the invisible mountains and towns, which directly crushed the bottom. A mountain was also torn apart under the amazing power.

An unlucky egg was too late to be avoided, and was directly shot by the dragon tail. The terrible force burst out directly. The person was shot to the mountain, and the whole person was directly trapped. He vomited blood and broke his bones.

The dragon claws were torn in the air, and another genius was blown away. The blood flow was endless. The whole person seemed to be torn apart. It was very miserable and made everyone's eyelids jump. If it is not treated in time, it is likely to die here. .

The mystery of the magic soldier is not a good place, and it is dead.

Chen Zong was extremely calm, with a sword in his hand, as if in control of the surroundings.

The pressure brought by the distance of Wanhua Shenbing is called Chen Zong's spirit and spirit more and more condensed, three flowers condensed, the essence of power flowing at a faster speed to the center of the great flower.

Like the three flowers of Jingqishen, the flower of the Great Polar Realm is also calculated by the degree of condensing.

The most intuitive is 10%, 20%, 30% ... until 10% is complete.

From the first level to the second level, the flower of the Great Polar Realm has been condensed, and the power of the Great Polar Realm has been doubled. Then, as the cultivation progressed, the Flower of the Great Polar Realty continued to condense. A 10% improvement is also an increase in power. Of course, it is not as obvious as a direct increase.

But as long as it is improved, its strength will definitely be enhanced.

Shortly after Chen Zonggang entered the second level, before entering the mysterious soldier's secret realm, the condensed level of the flower of the Great Polar Realm had not reached 10%, but now, he is fiercely fighting with the Wanhua Shenbing Dragon. Under the alarming pressure, the flower of the Great Polar Realm condenses at a faster speed than usual.

A halo flickered by, and the flower of the Great Aura reached 10%. Corresponding to this, the three flowers of Jingqi Shenhua were a little less solidified, which was the essence of their strength and merged into the flower of the Great Aura. .

When the condensed degree of the flower of the Great Polar Realm reached 10%, Chen Zong felt a stronger power emerging from the flower of the Great Polar Realm.

There seemed to be a slight popping sound from all over the bones, and only he could hear it.

The viscera became stronger and stronger, the veins became tougher, the muscles seemed to have accumulated more strength, the membrane became stronger, and there seemed to be a layer of power flowing, as if able to withstand all attacks.

At the second level of the sub-god level, gradually, there will be power flowing back and forth around the body to form a layer of invisible protection, which will exist without self-excitation, and naturally resists attacks from the outside to protect itself.

When entering the second level, this power is inconceivable. As the flower of the Great Polar Realm continues to condense and improve, the strength of the bodyguard will continue to increase, but it is not as good as the Nether Demon in this regard.

Because as long as the Void Demon enters the second level of the sub-god level, the protection power will become obvious.

No one knows that Chen Zong's strength has been increased unknowingly.

And Chen Zong, did not show stronger strength, have some reservations.

Because the defeat of Wanhua Shenbing is not the end, but a turning point. The next step is the scramble, the scramble among the people.

Compete for soldiers and soldiers.

Because the degree of condensing the flower of the Great Polar Realm reached 10%, Chen Zong had the energy to look around.

Two of the three true stories of the Yuanyuan Sword Palace are here.

Oblique wind sword and drizzle sword.

As for the sword that didn't return, it didn't come. Perhaps farther away, Chen Zong was a little disappointed.

From the corner of my eyes, I watched the sword technique of the drizzle sword. The sword was killed like a drizzle, and the sound was subtle, but it seemed to be silent. When you notice, you don't know how many swords are in your body.

As for the oblique wind sword, it has the title of a sharp sword, and it is not so bad. Its sword technique is really extreme. Every sword is swung, it has an amazing and powerful feeling of tearing the sky, which is better than others, as if it can tear Everything looks like.

Each sword also seemed to abandon any gorgeousness, and only pursued extreme fierceness.

A bit extreme swordsmanship, but it has terrible power.

Others, such as Li Wenhe Yankee and Bai Mei, are also fighting. They are the true biography of the Yuan Palace, and they are doing martial arts.

Bai Mei looks small, but her momentum is very violent.

Yuan, as the beginning, is always overbearing. The small white fist looks like a delicate work of art, but when it explodes, it is very violent, like a fist of a tyrannosaurus, which can break everything.

In that little white jade fist, there is a brutal force that destroys everything.

Moreover, a punch came out, seemingly simple, but caused the surrounding atmosphere to fluctuate endlessly.

Yankee and Li Wenhe have different shots, but in essence, they are the same as Bai Mei, and they all start with Yuan.

Inevitably, Chen Zong observed the drizzle sword and oblique wind sword again, and found that in their swordsmanship, the deep nature was like the three of Bai Mei.

It's just that the essence of the deepest is the same, but what is displayed is different.

"At the beginning of one yuan, is Vientiane updated ..." Chen Zong could not help but flash a thought.

This is the doctrine of monism, and why isn't it always about its truth and mystery.

Based on the unity, showing and Vientiane, it is really a superb mystery. After turning his thoughts, in a faint, Chen Zong seems to be able to capture something, but it is difficult to capture it.

That inspiration was fleeting and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Chen Zong understands that it is because he has not really grasped the elements and the mysteries. If he grasps them, then the aura emerges again, which may bring himself a deeper understanding.

Fighting with monist disciples will be one of the best ways.

But this is not the time, let's break down the Wanhua Shenbing Dragon first.

Dozens of geniuses, some of which are unitary, some are not, but the geniuses of other galaxy-level forces. Under the joint effort, more than ten people were still harmed and had to retreat.

However, it is not just pure spectatorship, because they are also waiting, heal the wounds, restore their strength, and wait for the Wanhua Shenbing to be defeated before they rob.

Everyone has a calculation in mind, who can grow to the status and strength of today, no one is a fool, even a truly upright person, there will be their own careful thinking.

Save some power for the next fight.

If you really do your best now, it is likely to be a wedding dress for others.

Some of the remaining people suffered minor injuries, but they were not in the way.

The battle was fierce, extremely fierce, and continued.

The huge body of more than one thousand meters makes it more difficult for the dragon to avoid the attacks of the people, and it is constantly being hit and the power is constantly being consumed.

Maybe each attack consumes less power and is very subtle, but the number and frequency of attacks cannot be kept high.

So far, the Wanhua Shenbing Dragon has been bombarded at least thousands of times, and the light on his body has been dim by a few percent.

This made everyone see hope.

One by one is greatly encouraged.

The dragon roared, becoming more violent, and seemed to be angry.

Chen Zong looked cold, his eyes condensed, and one sword was killed. Each sword pursues the ultimate condensing, and pursues the greatest lethality with the least power consumption.

There are thousands of swords in the heart, which are totally unsuitable to deal with this 10,000-strong dragon.

The sharp claws struck to the air, but Chen Zong's figure flickered like a feather and a breeze, avoiding and waving his sword.

The sword was directly slashed on the dragon claws, sending out thousands of sparks, and a terrible force shocked back, causing Chen Zong's sword to bounce high, and at the same time, it fell off with a faster sword speed.

Like a bamboo in the wind!

Only a moment later, the claw of that dragon was chopped by dozens of swords by Chen Zong, and the light seemed to dim.

It is just a dragon claw, but it is made up of many magic soldiers.

With a bang, the body of Wanhua Shenbing trembled suddenly, and the light became more dim.

Kill kill!

Bai Mei ’s small fist suddenly blasted out, experiencing extreme horror power, as if smashing into the void ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The punch, covering the punch, seemed to turn into a giant's fist, and evolved into a thunder in an instant Water and fire are intertwined, and the power that erupts is even more terrifying.

With a punch, like a meteorite, the stone was shocking.

The dragon's tail was bombarded, and it shook violently. The light seemed to be disintegrating.

Bai Mei's serious little face seemed to flash a hint of red, as if caused by the surge of blood.

"Master Sister's punch is even more violent." Li Wenhe shrank his neck subconsciously, and Yankee's stern face seemed to tremble slightly.

Everyone knows that it is the last moment. The power of the Wanhua Divine Dragon is about to be exhausted, and one after another the tricks have erupted.

The drizzle sword Muyu lifted one sword, and suddenly, the countless sword-like qi became torrential rain, carrying terrible strength, and blasted towards the dragon.

The sword of the oblique wind sword rises high, and is slightly inclined. If there is a layer of sword air flowing on the blade front, a sword is cut off, leaving a sword mark in the void.

Vientiane? Refining your heart and returning to one sword!

Chen Zong's figure seemed to flash, a phantom appeared, and the sword came out with the deity.

Two mighty Jianguangs were shot out of the air in an instant and hit the body of Wanhua Shenbing Dragon.

Three flowers return to one, condensing the flower of the great extreme, and the whole is lifted up, and then the Vientiane is practiced? The sword of refining the heart will not have the burden before, but it will be more than rubbing, of course, want to be casual There is still some gap in the performance.

With the current strength, it can only be performed five times in a short period of time.

With a bang, the strength of the Wanhua Divine Dragon was completely exhausted and directly exploded. The rays of light flew away, spreading in all directions.

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