Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 10: Not return

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Sword through the sword!

The oblique wind sword abruptly retreated hundreds of meters, the pale cyan sword body trembled and hummed, the hand holding the sword trembled, the tiger's mouth cracked, a trace of blood flowed down, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of the mouth. His complexion was slightly pale.

At the moment of the oblique wind sword interception, Mu Yu quickly took the elixir and crushed it, turning it into a powder and spraying it on the chest wound. Then he quickly took a few pills of elixir, and worked to relieve the power of elixir to treat the injury.

However, the Jianqi invading the body was very difficult to entangle, making Mu Yu difficult to disperse for a while.

"Stop first." The oblique wind sword uttered immediately.

But Chen Zong didn't seem to hear it. He killed it with a sword, and directly directed to Muyu Jianyu.

Just before, he fought with the oblique sword, and Mu Yu's intervention was tantamount to destroying the rules of gambling, and that's it. The sword was merciless, not interference.

If it weren't for the bodyguard of the heart-printed treasure, that sword, even if it didn't kill itself, would make him harmless. As a result, it would likely be besieged by two people to death.

At that time, everything will become the other party's own, of course, even if it is wounded, Chen Zong will have a little grasp to get out.

However, in any case, the practice of Xiu Jian Mu Yu directly angered Chen Zong.

In the heart, full of murderous intentions and killing intentions.

Mu Yu's face changed drastically, and she immediately stepped back. There was no plan to fight with Chen Zong halfway, and a full speed outburst broke out directly.

The oblique wind sword forcibly adjusted the power, once again killed the sword, intercepted Chen Zong, and gained time for Mu Yu's escape.

Full of murderous intentions, Chen Zong once again displayed the sword of Guan Xing.

Extremely second!

Through the sword!


The sword light of the oblique wind sword was shattered again. The terrible sword strength instantly flew the sword in his hands and flew out. The whole person flew out again under the shock of the terrible sword strength. The tiger's mouth completely cracked and blood The flow was endless, and the sleeves on the arm of the sword were broken, like butterflies flying.

What's more, a crack appeared on the arm, blood spewed out, and the whole person flew out hundreds of meters, and the right arm seemed to hang down like abolition.

The injury was very serious, but the oblique wind sword clenched his teeth, grabbing his left hand in the air, and suddenly, the long sword flying at a high altitude flying back quickly, fell into his hands, slanted a slant, the sword was broken, and killed Chen again. Case.

Just be able to stop Chen Zong momentarily.

However, Chen Zong ignored him and turned into a sword light, quickly chasing the drizzle sword Mu Yu that was already far away.

The several clashes in the Ring Sword Star Lin's family already existed murderous, but just did not erupt.

Not long ago, the competition between Wanhua Shenbing Department, Mu Yu also targeted himself many times.

Now, it is even more assault.

Damn it! Damn it!

When the mind is boiling, when there is no need to suppress, at this moment, when killing, killing.

"Stop, I admit defeat." Seeing Chen Zong swiftly distant, the face of the oblique wind sword changed greatly, while yelling and chasing.

He could clearly feel the killing intention of the other party, that kind of killing intention, as if immortal.

Although it was said that the third division's unauthorized shot was a violation of the rules of the gambling war. This battle was his own defeat. He was also very annoyed because he did not like others to intervene in fighting with others. The third division's approach also violated His principles.

But no matter what, the third brother can't be killed.

In addition to feeling good about each other, it is not easy to explain when going back.

However, this person's speed is very fast, and he is full of murderous intentions, and his current state is not very good. It is difficult to catch up with it. He can only say that he is doing his best.

"Three brothers, this time you are miscalculated." Xie Fengjian sighed while chasing.

The drizzle sword Muyu has always been known as the sword of contrivance. It has never been easy to operate. It must be observed first. It will be shot when there are a few points in the heart. It will be tested first, and it will be constantly observed and analyzed.

Therefore, from now on, no major errors have occurred and they can often win.

But this time, it was wrong, or it was very wrong, and it might cost life.

Think of it this way, the heart of the oblique wind sword is sinking, I just hope that there will be a turnaround.

Run away!

Mu Yu even felt the deep killer from behind. The killer was like the undercurrent in the deep sea. It seemed calm, but it contained an amazing power of destruction that could destroy everything in an instant.

Mu Yu felt as if she had opened a door that should not be opened, releasing something terrible.

He regretted it. The killings behind him were getting closer, and the sense of crisis became stronger. If he continued to do so, he would probably be killed.

He didn't want to die.

Can you live, why die.

For the first time, Mu Yu had doubts about his sword of plan.

What used to be unharmed will now be counted as dead.

Fleeing, a little bit rushed.

A figure came into view, a little far away, but very familiar and able to distinguish.

A relieved smile suddenly appeared on Mu Yu's face, and the speed was increased unconsciously.

"Brother." At the same time, Mu Yu's voice spread out.

At high altitude, the youth with a look of indifference and dark eyes was quickly picking up a foreign soldier, and suddenly heard a familiar voice, looking back, it was the drizzle and the drizzle that did not need to return. .

Also, it is his own three masters.

It looked as though the injuries were not minor, and he looked a little embarrassed.

Who is it?

In the dark eyes of Wugui Jian, there was a slight ripple.

Who made the third division suffer so much?

His body flickered, and the sword of no return flew in the direction of Mu Yu immediately, his eyes swept away, and he stared towards Mu Yu's back.

Chen Zong!

When the dark eyes of the non-gui sword stared at him, suddenly, Zong Zong raised a chill, and the chill carried a bit of death, as if spreading from nothing, invading the whole body, Let yourself breed a trace of creepy feeling from the inside out.

"Do not return to the sword." Chen Zong, without fear, approached quickly, standing in a distance of thousands of meters away, facing each other.

The dark eyes condensed a trace of death and silence, gazing at Chen Zong, but did not pull the sword directly, but this pair of eyes brought extremely strong pressure.

Mu Yu paused, staying hundreds of meters away from behind the sword.

Since the big brother does not return to the sword here, he does not have to continue to escape.

The two confronted each other, and the slightest sword was intended to quietly condense and slowly improve.


With one glance, you can tell.


Not long after, the oblique wind sword quickly chased up, seeing that the master did not return to the sword, but also saw the three masters Mu Yu, immediately relieved.

"Is this the true style of the Yiyuan Sword Palace?" Chen Zong could feel the oblique wind sword approaching. Suddenly, a smile hanged at the corner of his mouth, with a bit of ridicule.

The oblique wind sword and drizzle sword became more ugly.

"You won the bet. This is all my foreign soldiers." As soon as the oblique wind sword's voice fell, he waved his hands, and the streamers burst out, with a total of more than thirty.

They are foreign magic soldiers, with a total of thirty or so foreign soldiers.

Without hesitation, between the waves of Chen Zong, the foreign soldiers were immediately charged.

There is a ripple of ripples in the dark eyes of the sword that does not return to Jian, but no shot is taken.

"What about the famous drizzle sword?" Chen Zong asked, sneer looking at the drizzle sword.

To be honest, the drizzle sword is not intended to be given.

But in this case, the oblique wind sword was given, and he had to give it.

Waves of light radiated from each streamer, but each streamer carried an astonishing sword spirit, as if unwilling.

Such grace is obviously inferior to the oblique wind sword.

When Chen Zong waved his hand, he easily disintegrated the sword, and nearly thirty foreign soldiers were included in the Nineth Heavenly Ring.

The sword of no return still did not shoot.

Because, the oblique wind sword has told the master of the cause and effect to tell the master not to return to the sword.

"You won the gambling battle with my two younger brothers. My three younger brothers attacked without permission because you violated the rules of the gambling war. You chase him down and make sense." Not returning a sword, it is quite reasonable Then, the words suddenly turned, and with a sound of silence, the eyes stared more and more darkly: "But in front of me, you can't kill him."

"You can try." Chen Zongbuxubuji replied, his tone was extremely sharp, his eyes were like swords, and Mu Yu's heart trembled suddenly, as if penetrated by swords.

"You and I will bet on a battle. I won and I won't kill you. The matter has been revealed. If I lose, I will give you fifty foreign soldiers." Wugui Jian said, in his silence, there was a lot of determination and intolerance. Doubtful and determined.

The words fell without giving Chen Zong any chance to refute, his right hand trembled, and the sword around his waist sprang out in an instant.

The sword light was gray and white, gray and white, filled with a thick mass of death, and quickly passed through the sky to kill Chen Zong.

The intense scent of death was the first to strike, as if it rushed directly into the sea of ​​God, directly attacking the spiritual will.

Chen Zong only felt as if he had fallen into the paleness of death and silence, and could not hear any sound. He could not see any scenes. The only deadly road was only forward, not backward, and he didn't know where to go.

It seems like a no return.

Chen Zong couldn't help but be shocked. The powerful swordsmanship would directly affect his spiritual will.

You know, your spiritual will is very strong, and it is extremely difficult to influence.

This does not return to the sword, it really has an extraordinary ability, which inspired Chen Zong's inner war.

Sword of Heart!

No evils!

Suddenly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ all faded, I saw a gray sword light glowing with an astonishing death silent front.

A trace of gray and white sword-mangling swallowed on the sword, like a snake spitting, making people creepy.

When Chen Zong moved, his sword came out of the sheath, and he volleyed out. Jian Guang was invisible, colorless and silent.

The oblique wind sword retreated aside and didn't make a shot, but stared with dignity.

Among the monk disciples, the master's strength of not returning to the sword is the strongest, even the master sister Bai Mei of Yuangong can only barely be equal.

Each sword carries the impact of death's will, as if to set people on a path of no return.

The path of no return under the sword is a dead end. Going down is a dead end.

If even the elder brother can't defeat this person, then the whole monarchy teaches his disciples for one generation, when no one is their opponent.

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