Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 11: Heart Sword

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When I drew my sword, I opened a path of no return, that was the dead end.

The sword that does not return a sword is a sword with dead silence, a sword that cuts the road of yin and yang, and a sword that sends people to hell.

Dead silence!


Anyone who fights with the sword that does not return to the sword will be shocked by the terrible atmosphere of deadly silence, directly impacting the will of the mind, falling into the kind of confusion that is careless and careless, and then killed.

The swordlessness of the sword that does not return to the sword is superb, and its spiritual will is also extremely strong. The power of the mind is far better than ordinary people, and they realize their own way of using swords. insufficient.

Simply put, the drizzle sword and the oblique wind sword are only involved in fur in the way of using swords, so not returning to the sword is already an entry level.

Fur and entry are quite different, which is why swords are no stronger than them.

But soon, without returning to the sword, he found that the influence of his dead silence on Chen Zong seemed not obvious and the effect was not good.

He didn't know that Chen Zong's sword intention was the sword intention of the heart, and it was the ultimate sword intention. If there is such a sword intention in his body, it would be invincible.

Moreover, Chen Zong's soul is very powerful, and he has a strong ability to resist the invasion of foreign evils.

The powerful sword intention and soul have the ability to resist the invasion of external evils, and the dead silence without returning to the sword is, for Chen Zong, external evils.

The external evil is difficult to invade, and the threat to Chen Zong without returning sword has dropped by half.

Regarding strength, the sword of no return is indeed better than the sword of oblique wind and drizzle, but the problem is that when the deadly will carried by his sword of no return does not work for Chen Zong, the strength is weakened. a lot of.

Putting aside the impact of the silent will of the swordlessness, the swordless swordsmanship is also very desirable. Unlike the oblique wind sword, each sword is a killing sword.

It doesn't have the slightest gorgeousness, and it doesn't seem to pay attention to what is good or bad, but each sword is a killing trick that is refined and refined, only to kill the target.

The ultimate sword!

Unlike the extreme sharpness of the oblique wind sword, it is more suitable for life and death.

If you do n’t have a sword, you will see blood.

But at this moment, the sword that does not return to the sword finds that he is proud of the sword.

When the power of swordlessness did not fully work, he was doomed to failure.

Close combat, double swords confrontation.

The sword of no return began to be suppressed by Chen Zong.

The swordsmanship with a single heart is mysterious to the extreme. It controls thousands of people, so the sword of no return has a feeling of entering the quagmire.

Chen Zong's internal murderous power had long been lurking, and he was in a meditation battle.

Chen Zong had been touched before when fighting for the Wanhua Divine Soldiers. He felt the mystery of the start of the monism and the renewal of Vientiane. What helps to accumulate your own kendo.

The battle with the oblique wind sword was a little bit accumulated, and now the battle with the non-return sword is deepened.

Different swordsmanship styles, but the essence is the same, this point in the battle, Chen Zong can understand.

Why does the same essence extend different styles?

That's the mystery of monastic heritage.

It seems that it is just a fight, and it is difficult to understand the mystery.

Would you like to worship monism?

While fighting against the sword of no return, Chen Zong carefully realized the mystery of the sword method of the sword of no return and analyzed its essence, while thinking about other methods.

It is indeed a method to worship into the monistic religion, but it is not necessarily feasible.

After all, the more powerful the force is, the more strict it may be to worship, but it is not so easy to get a true and profound inheritance, otherwise it is likely that the inheritance will be leaked out and obtained by other martial forces. Leaving flaws.

Therefore, the more the martial arts are, the stricter the selection will be. Without a certain degree of certainty, it will not give a true core heritage.

Of course, some of the pedigrees are not very clever, and naturally they will not be so strict.

But this is only the majority, with some exceptions.

As for what, let's talk about it later, defeat this person first.

The long sword condensed by the sword of the heart suddenly changes dozens of times in an instant, each change is a style, each style is a kind of energy, but in an instant, dozens of changes dozens of styles at once, will not return to sword The rhythm is disrupted and suppressed.

The swordsmanship of the non-returning sword is very fierce, but it has little change. The important point is the impact of spiritual will. When it fails, it is like a tiger that has lost its minions, and the threat level is greatly reduced.

The sword was swung open, a sword drove straight in, and the point of the eyebrow of the non-returning sword was not penetrated.

After all, there is no contradiction and conflict between yourself and this non-returning sword, as long as you defeat the opponent.

The look of the sword of no return changed slightly, and the dark eyes were shocked beyond concealment, like the heavy ripples and ripples, showing his inner peace.

Although he had such a bad hunch during the fight, when he did appear, he could not help but be shocked.

I was defeated.

Defeated, it ’s nothing, the vastness of the void. Although he is strong, he is stronger than his peers, and it does not exist, but he has never encountered it.

However, he lost a bit faster.

The drizzle sword and oblique wind sword are also dull and stunned.

Completely shocked.

The big brother, but the first true biography of the monarch sword palace, its strength is within the third house, when it is second to none, it has even lost.

Moreover, the key is to lose too quickly, before the oblique wind sword was not so simple to lose.

They didn't understand the mystery at all, it was precisely because the sword's intention of not returning to the sword had little effect on Chen Zong.

Because of this, we will lose so quickly.

"I lost." The sword eyes of the non-returned sword seemed to be a little dark. With a wave of his hand, fifty rays of light appeared, exuding pure but different breath fluctuations.

That's fifty foreign soldiers.

According to what I said before, if the sword of no return is won, Chen Zong will not be killed, and Chen Zong will let go of the drizzle sword.

If he does not return to the sword, he will give Chen Zong fifty foreign soldiers.

Now, if you do n’t return to the sword, you live up to your promise.

Chen Zong stared at the non-gui sword, and smiled slightly, receiving fifty foreign soldiers.

Immediately swept through the rain in the distance: "No matter how many plots and tricks, after all, they are not good enough."

After all, Chen Zong turned and turned into a sword light and left quickly.

But the meaning of the warning contained in that glance is very clear. That is, if Mu Yu provokes himself, then there will be no reason to say that there will be no doubt about killing.

As for this time, even if Chen Zong wanted to kill Mu Yu, he couldn't.

The oblique wind and drizzle need not return!

The three swords teamed up, and Chen Zong paid for himself that he could not be beaten.

Now, to chase Mu Yu's fear and run away, he can only survive if he does not return to the sword. The intangible when the central epicenter has been attacked, now Chen Zong's last sentence seems simple, but it is actually a sword pointed at the drizzle sword Mu Yu. Way.

His way of using swords is to make plans, but Chen Zong, with the power of defeating the three sword palaces in succession to say such a sentence, is denying Mu Yu's way of using swords, like an invisible sword A fierce blow.

Mu Yu's expression kept changing, her eyes flickered and her thoughts fell into a rapid movement.

When he fled in a hurry before, he was already a little shaken and doubted his own way of thinking. Now he is said by Chen Zong, and the suspicion in his heart has expanded invisibly.


In the end, a spit of blood could not help but spit out, and his complexion became paler, like paper.

Covering my heart with my hands, my eyes were dim, it was not the kind of dying loneliness that did not return to the sword, but a kind of negation that denied myself. The whole man seemed to have lost all his strength, and fell down empty.



In Mu Yu's ears, two calls seemed to come from a distance, and the consciousness continued to sink and fell into darkness.


There was no hands to kill Mu Yu, but the final words, such as the invisible sword, would have a great impact on Mu Yu, making him doubt his sword.

This is fatal to any practitioner, especially genius.

The will of a genius is very firm. The more firm it is, the less susceptible it will be, and the less likely it will be shaken, but if it shakes, it will be terrible, as if it were a mountain collapse.

Especially people like Mu Yu, who are good at making calculations, have very heavy minds and complicated thoughts. Once they have doubts about themselves, they still have deep suspicions, which is simply fatal.

Chen Zong is very clear about this.

Heart Sword!

The last sentence is the sword of the heart!

He did not kill Mu Yu, leaving his life, but destroying his kendo is no different from taking his life.

Of course, if Mu Yu can carry it over and rethink it, there may be hope to break the cocoon into a butterfly, but it will be difficult, extremely difficult, and never saved.

If you really get through, and go further, it is also the opportunity of the other party, Chen Zong will not care so much.

This time, I have gained a lot.

The fight for Wanhua magic soldiers robbed more than 60 foreign magic soldiers, and obtained more than fifty foreign magic soldiers from the oblique wind sword and drizzle sword, and also received fifty foreign gods from the sword never returned. In total, there were more than 170 foreign soldiers, and the harvest was amazing.

The source of Shenbing has been absorbed by more than 20 regiments ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~. Chen Zong inspected it and found that the gestation time of the life-threatening soldiers had been shortened by more than twenty years, which is equivalent to shortening the life-threatening army One year of incubation.

Today, it takes more than seventy years to give birth to the soldiers.

But Chen Zong still felt too long.

Shortening must be further shortened, and it is best to shorten it to within ten years.

No, within a year.

Chen Zong also has to admit that his ideas are amazing, but this is a big goal, and work hard for it.

Jianguang flew by at a low altitude, spreading his consciousness, sweeping in all directions, and carefully feeling the breath and fluctuation of all the **** soldier sources.

Soon, the first day passed.

The mysterious realm of the soldiers is like a small world, with night and day, but even in the night, Chen Zong has no rest and continues to search, tirelessly.

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