Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 12: 5000 sword qi

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(Third change, Fanwai will be updated tomorrow. Please pay attention to the public account: Six Roads will be sunk. In addition, starting at 12 noon tomorrow, the monthly ticket will be doubled. One vote will be changed to two, and ten tickets will be changed to twenty. Opportunities should not be missed. what)

Where the monadic galaxy's Bingmen was, the Vice-Chairman of the One Monarch had returned to the meditation spacecraft for retreat. The only three masters were standing near the Bingmen and distributed in three directions.

"Su Chao, the person you're looking for, I'm afraid it won't do what you want." Jian Gongzi seems to be so silent, so boring, he said at will.

"Is it the person you are looking for that will do what you want?" Su Luan responded casually.

"At least better than you." The sword palace godson smiled. "The person I'm looking for is ranked 20th in the God List in the airspace of the first town boundary city. It is known as the sword, and the sword is strange." It is estimated that talent and potential are superior to those in the top 20, but the person you are looking for is rumored to be inferior. On the second **** list in the airspace of the second town, it does not rank in the top 100. "

"Hehe." Su Luan smiled slightly.

"Since you have so much confidence in Su Nuan, it's better for us to take a small gamble." Jian Gongzi smiled, his eyes suddenly became sharp, as if the sword came out of the sheath, straight into it.

"How are you gambling?" Su Luan groaned a little, losing or losing, not to mention that he also has confidence in Chen Zong. Since he wants to bet, then bet.

"In the end, whoever can get more foreign soldiers than the people in your phase and the people in my phase." The Sword Palace godson obviously has extremely sufficient confidence in the strange sword in his phase: "As for the bet, if you If I lose, the place for Yuanjing belongs to me. "

"If you lose," Su Luan asked.

"If I lose, I will take the place of Jian Yuyu," the sword palace godson smiled.

Su Chao groaned slightly.

Guiyuan Realm is a secret place for enlightenment and cultivation in Yuangong. However, it is not very useful for the self who is already in the Divine Realm. Of course, as a godson, he has such a quota.

This place can be given to anyone.

The same is true for Zhao Jianyu, so taking it out as a bet is a small bet.

In this way, how can the Su chaos not agree? If it does not agree, the momentum will be weak.

"Okay, now is the last day. They will come out soon, and then they will know the outcome." The sword palace godson smiled, and the appearance seemed to be full of confidence.

As for the Xuangong godson, he was standing on the side, completely cold, and ignored the two.

Even when they heard that they were betting, they did not participate.

Today is the tenth day and the last day when the mystery of the magic soldier opens.

In the mysterious soldiers' secret territory, everyone began to rush back, otherwise if the distance is too far to catch up, then they will stay in this mysterious soldier's secret realm and wait for 100 years.

A century is not a short time for any genius.

Here, although you can continue to search for sources of soldiers, etc., it is difficult to improve how much you can improve.

Hundreds of years apart, peers may have achieved the Divine Realm, but they are still sub-gods, which means that they are thrown away from a distance. Who wants to accept it?


Therefore, no one wants to stay in this mysterious army.

Chen Zong has not rushed back because he is still fighting.

This time the opponent is a person, or a person transformed from a magic soldier.

Divine soldiers are transformed into beasts, but humans are rare and rare.

The magical soldiers who can be transformed into human figures are often more top-level foreign magical soldiers with more powerful and mighty powers.

Chen Zong did not expect that when he was going to return to Bingmen, he encountered a humanoid soldier.

In addition, the sword-shaped humanoid soldier exudes an extremely powerful breath, almost to the extreme, as if it is to penetrate through the tearing world, astonishing.

Upon discovering Chen Zong, this humanoid soldier showed amazing offensiveness, and he did not hesitate to shoot his sword.

A sword, like a thunderbolt exploding into the void, Jianguang billows like an electric light, turning into a frenzy, and an astonishing majestic sound resounds in all directions, as if smashing everything, carrying an unparalleled power to the air.

In the air, there were countless arcs, and they also killed with that violent and overbearing Jianguang.

The strength of this sword is better than that of the oblique wind sword, not returning to the sword, and so on. It suddenly called Chen Zong numb all over his body, as if being impacted by countless currents.

The sword came out of the sheath, and Jianguang broke through the air to hit the thunder, which instantly exploded. Chen Zong immediately felt that a ray of light was coming down the sword body, causing his palm to numb.

The humanoid did not keep his hand, and the second sword immediately reached. This sword was extremely fast and amazing, just like a thunderbolt, extremely fast.

The two were very close to each other, and suddenly it was difficult for Chen Zong to avoid it, and he was hit directly on the chest.

A flash of light from the heart-printing treasure immediately blocked the sword's blade and weakened its 70% power, but the remaining 30% hit the chest of Chen Zong through the heart-printing treasure and tingled instantly, as if losing consciousness. of.

Unconsciously, everything inside the chest was destroyed.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's physique was strong enough, and he urged not to break the gold body to increase his defense power in an instant, so that the damage of this sword was weakened to the minimum.

The sound of thunder exploded, and all the swords of Thunder were glowing with extreme light, winding and killing them like electricity. It was a terrible Thunder sword, which directly enveloped Chen when it exploded in close range. Everywhere up and down Zong's body shattered the sky and Chen Zong's body.

Backward, a sword waved, as if unintentional, and as if intently, mixed with nature, Jianguang pierced straight out, first one, then heavy, like a circle, like a stone falling into the calm lake, from a point As the center, the layers of ripples and ripples spread from small to large and spread from the inside to the outside. It is like countless sword lights into countless circles, and it continues to spread to the outside, turning into a vortex. Include the Thunder Sword that the opponent killed to the utmost.

The countless layers of sword light are continuous, spinning and trembling, seemingly devouring all the light, becoming dark.

But among them, there are still arcs of thunder, which are extremely violent, just like the extremely fierce and extremely savage beast, trying to break through the shackles of the sword light and black hole, tearing, destroying, completely destroying, and even creating this A group of people in Jianguang Black Hole also smashed together.

Chen Zong's expression was cold, his lips curled into a line, his eyes were extremely sharp, and the lines on his face were extremely firm.

Do your best!

Dedicated sword!


Swords of light are like waves of water, like a hurricane, and they are shrunk inward layer by layer.

From big to small!

From the inside out!

In the end, the extremely violent Thunder force inside was compressed into one, Chen Zong's look became more serious, and even the blue veins on his forehead were raised, and the splendor of his eyes was shining to the extreme, as if tearing the white of the dark void. mine.


The thunder completely assimilated by this sword turns black, turning into a dark thunder sword light, carrying a stronger and more powerful force than before, and killing it out of the air.

Very close!

This sword is extremely fast.

Just in a flash, he hit the humanoid soldier.

The mighty sword has the power of the Thunder Sword that the other side just exerted, and also the power of Chen Zong's own integration. Under the superposition of the two, the power is multiplied.

With a bang, the magical soldier transformed into a human form was repulsed in an instant. Although there was no injury, the thunder light on his body was flashing and his power was constantly consumed.

Heart Sword Domain!

Bing Lin was so heartfelt, Chen Zong once again released the sword area of ​​the heart. Within a 10,000-meter radius, the sword spirits condensed in an instant.

A thousand ways!

Two thousand!

In a hurry, push the limits.

Three thousand!

Four thousand!

Five thousand!

Jian Qi, suddenly increased from two thousand to five thousand, unexpectedly surprised Chen Zong, surprise Chen Zong.

The heart-refining sword of the original 2,000 sword qi is not as good as Guan Xingyi sword.

Later, his own practice was to break through to three flowers and return to one, but the sword energy has not increased all at once. I did not expect that after many battles, a breakthrough has been made. A breakthrough has increased three thousand sword spirits.


Refining your heart and returning to one sword!


The refining of the heart under the sword of five thousand swords once again consumed a lot of Chen Zong's power, and its power directly surpassed the sword of Guan Xing a lot.

The magic soldier transformed into a human form couldn't resist this sword, and was repelled again. The thunder light on his body was dense, as if devouring his whole body.





Seizing a momentary opportunity, Chen Zong stepped out, his body flickered, approaching like an aurora glance, and the sword in his hand burst into the extreme speed of the sword.

Just moments later, the humanoid soldier had dozens of swords in his body, each of them was extremely powerful, and the thunder light flashed more and more densely, sending out a burst of roaring sounds, shaking the earth.

Double Hearted Sword!

When the six swords were killed and the humanoid soldier was repelled, the sword in his hand was deflected and raised high, making it difficult to fall for a while.

This is a good opportunity.

There are thousands of knots in my heart!

The sword's air was constantly tangled like a silk thread, like a spider's web, and fell on the humanoid soldier, instantly contracting and restraining it.

It's enough for just one breath.

Vientiane? Refining your heart and returning to one sword!

The strongest sword, cast out again.

Two illusions emerged from Chen Zong's whole body.


The three swords of light converge into one, the most dazzling one, the most dazzling one, and the stone is astonishing and shocking.

Killed with a sword, the sword marks remain, and hit the humanoid soldier.

A blast of extremely loud sounds continued to sound, and the thunder light became powerful and strong, like the last struggle, and it became dim in a moment, becoming subtle ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A bright and extremely bright sword mark residue In the void, for a long time.

The humanoid soldier flashed in an instant, turned into a sword, suspended in midair.

The sword has a length of one meter three, and the purple sword seems to be engraved with thunders, emitting a faint thunder, containing a terrible breath, it seems to be urged to release, it can destroy everything around .

It's terrible.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong reached out and grabbed the sword soldier.

At the start, Chen Zong was shocked and rejoiced with the amazing sense of power.

"Good sword!" Chen Zong couldn't help but start, this can be said to be the best foreign **** soldier he's ever received since he entered the secret place of the magic soldier, and it is still a sword magic soldier, before the birth of the magic soldier, Can completely become their own magic soldier.

Without any hesitation, Chen Zong made up his mind and left this sword soldier for his own use.

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