Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 14: 1? Pan 蛳?

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The void was vast, the stars shone, and the soldiers were getting farther and farther behind, gradually blurring, and disappearing.

On the 100-meter spacecraft, there were still Chen Zong and Su Luan.

"Yiyuanjiao Three Palaces each have a secret place for cultivation and enlightenment. Yuan Palace is the Guiyuan Realm, which is suitable for the ascension of cultivation. Sword Palace is Zhao Jianyu, suitable for one of the swords of Enlightenment, and Xuan Palace is Mingxuan. Chi is suitable for enlightenment and mystery. "Su Luan said with a smile:" Originally, I planned to give you a place for Guiyuan Realm, but I didn't expect Yanzhen to offer a bet, and I lost the place of Zhao Jianyu. Now it is also for you Now. "

Chen Zong heard the words secretly surprised.

"For me and others, the three secrets are dispensable, but for you, it may be helpful and you don't have to quit." Su Luan laughed.

"Thank you." Chen Zong accepted.

"No need, you and I win together." Su Luan laughed.

This time, Chen Zong obtained 181 foreign soldiers, more than ever before, which proves that Su Chao's extraordinary eyesight has been better than other gods in the evaluation of eyesight.

As long as the follow-up, continue to work hard, when it is expected to achieve the best performance.

Now, Chen Zong and Su Luan naturally want to go to that unitary religion.

The purpose, of course, is to enter the Guiyuan Realm and Zhao Jianyu.

Soon after, when the speed of this spaceship was increased to the extreme, Chen Zong entered the shelter again, because it was necessary to open the void shuttle.

Otherwise, flying at this speed, it will take a long time to reach the monarchy, which will undoubtedly waste a lot of time.

As if falling asleep again, when waking up, the void shuttle has ended, and this spaceship is closer to the unitary religion.

It will take three days to arrive.

Chen Zong could not help feeling a little ripples, and was slightly excited.


Photo Sword Yuyu!

How much will that raise you?

Of course, his strength is now very strong, among his peers, but has not yet reached the extreme, there is still a lot of room for improvement, and we need to be more sophisticated.

Relying on your own asceticism and enlightenment is the most common and most common way, but if you have other opportunities and you can't miss them, it will make you ascend faster and leave no sequelae.

For three days, Chen Zong continued to refine and absorb the essence of foreign gods.

In the secret territory of the Shenbing this time, Chen Zong's foreign **** soldiers were naturally not one hundred and eighty-one, but more, more than two hundred and twenty.

On the first day, I got a lot because of Wanhua Shenbing. I got hundreds of pieces from the oblique wind and drizzle without returning to the Three Swords. In the next eight or nine days, although not as amazing as the first day The harvest is not small, adding up to more than two hundred pieces.

As for the source of Shenbing, although it is not as many as the first day, one after another has been obtained, which shortened the incubation time of the soldiers to 50 years.

Now, with the continuous refinement of Chen Zong to absorb the essence of foreign **** soldiers, the gestation time of the **** soldiers is also continuously shortened.

Refining and absorbing the essence of a force of foreign soldiers is not as efficient as directly absorbing the power of a group of magical soldiers. It is almost as efficient as refining and absorbing the essence of a force of five foreign magical soldiers.

If all 220 foreign soldiers are absorbed by refining, in theory, it should be able to shorten the incubation time of 44 years.




It takes some time to refining a foreign soldier. A continuous refining of the whole day can only refining more than a dozen. This is because Chen Zong has the relationship between the inner world and the earth. When people come to refine, the efficiency will be more than ten times lower.

On the last day of the monarchy, Chen Zong refining the 220th foreign soldier and successfully absorbed the essence of it, leaving only a few, maybe it will be useful in the future.

At this moment, the excalibur sword in his hand became dim and covered with rust, as if the iron sword had been washed away by countless years, and finally it could not be defeated by the erosion of time.

Lost any spirituality, there is no trace of strength anymore, it is completely scrapped and turned into a piece of scrap iron.

Five years!

It will take five years before the birth of Mingshenbing.

Compared to one hundred years, five years are already within the acceptable range of Chen Zong.

"Within five years, before the birth of the soldiers, let you accompany me first." Chen Zong took out the long sword with a length of one meter three-way purple covered with thunder, and whispered.

This sword seemed to be able to hear Chen Zong's words. The sword's body shook slightly, and a ray of light lit up on the thunder pattern, shining brilliantly, and it seemed to pervade the breath of breath.

Very strong!

Chen Zong has experienced the power of this sword soldier. He is almost inferior to himself. Now he has been refined by himself and his strength has been restored. With this soldier in hand, Chen Zong is even more powerful and his strength will be stronger. .

Shenbing Shenbing!

This weapon related to Jingqi Shen is also inextricably linked with the Tongshen Realm, but the Tongshen Realm is too mysterious. At the present level of Chen Zong, it is not enough to bear the mystery.

Do not speak or ask about it, or you will be disadvantaged.

Otherwise, Chen Zong had already consulted Su Luan.

This sword warrior will probably accompany himself for five years. In this case, he cannot have a name.

If you do n’t have a name, it ’s like getting no approval, especially for spiritual things. Therefore, Chen Zong took a name for it, which is the Purple Thunder Sword.

Its whole body is purple, and it also contains the power of thunder. With the word Zilei as its sword name, it is worthy of its name.

The sword fingers fell on the sword body and stroked gently, feeling the cold touch that seemed to contain a hint of hot breath, and the fingers were slightly numb.

Chen Zong began to refine.

The refining of the divine soldiers requires the power of the consciousness, or the power of the flower of the gods, but now, when the three flowers return to one, they are refining with the power of the great polar world, which is different from the semi-artifact.

Divine soldiers can better carry all their own power, and can also be controlled by the gods without the control of their arms.

In the void, a huge planet is slowly rotating, surrounded by stars that emit amazing light and heat in the distance.

The whole star is surrounded by a layer of scent, like a layer of pure mist.

From a distance, Chen Zong can feel a pure and magnificent breath fluctuation from that layer of mist, which is very amazing.

"That's the monarch where monarchism is." Su Luan laughed. "The monarch is a higher-order star."

Chen Zong already knows that the stars in the void are always divided into high and low order, low order, middle order, high order, top order and super order.

The level of the stars is always related to the size of the stars and the integrity and strength of the rules.

The ring star of the Lin family's star is a middle-order star, which is an order of magnitude different from the one-star star, but Chen Zong can judge at a glance that the one-star star is one circle larger than the ring sword star. Star fusion.

This is amazing.

Generally speaking, the ancestors of the star-level forces are mostly middle-order stars, while the main stars of the galaxy-level forces are at least high-order, and a few powerful galaxy-level forces are the top-ranked stars.

As for the star-level forces, the weakest of its main stars is also the top order, and the powerful one is the super order.

Monism is very powerful, but in the entire void, it can only be regarded as a lower-level galaxy-level force.

Of course, even if it is a medium-level galaxy-level force, its strength may not be much stronger than that of the monarchy.

It's just that the background is deeper and the overall strength is stronger, but there is no overwhelming advantage.

Only the gaps from star level to galaxy level, galaxy level to astral level can be very obvious and amazing.

It's like the difference between the half-step Great Saint and the sub-god, and the sub-god and the Tongshen Realm.

Quantitative and qualitative changes.

"That was the star array of one yuan star. It was for the mid-level void array, and the air array of Vientiane town. My ancestor of unitary religion asked a master to arrange it." Su Luan laughed again.

The method of formation is immense. When people are to be pursued and researched throughout their lives, if they are not talented enough, they may not even be able to get started.

There are two ways of matrix formation. One is the matrix formation of ordinary level, which is the matrix formation used in the world or the stars.

One is called the Void Array, as if it is the difference between the sub-god realm and the sub-god realm.

The Lin Zhouhuan Sword Star's Endless Sword Array is a kind of void array method, but it is only a lower-order void array method.

The gap between the lower and middle stages is large.

I don't know what kind of mystery exists in the empty array of Vientiane town in the unitary religion.

However, these arrays are extremely powerful and can resist or even kill the powerful supernatural powers. Chen Zongke cannot try to be powerful.

With the guardianship of the Vientiane town empty array, the one-star is very stable. Although the whole array of Vientiane town empty array is not fully opened, but only part of its power is turned on, it is enough to withstand the invasion of many powerful gods.

As one of the sons of the monarch of the Yuan Dynasty, Su Chao can't go in and out at will. He must verify his identity to prevent people with intent from lurking into it and causing unnecessary damage.

The most worrying thing is that the malicious powerful psychic powers broke in. As far as the psychic powers are concerned, the unitary religion is not in the eyes.

Soon ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong entered the empty array of Vientiane town along with the Su chaos.


It is full of fog. When viewed from the outside, the fog is white, but what you see inside is not only white, but many colors, red orange yellow green blue blue silver silver black and white gray and many more. The colors are volatile and elusive.

In a moment, a black-eyed tiger jumped in the mist, as if rushing out of the mist. At the moment of falling, it suddenly broke apart and surged, turning into a dragon. The tail swayed, as if the waves were slamming into the waves, leaping out suddenly, with a healthy and fast posture.

The mist sometimes turned into a flying deer, sometimes a leap for a steed, sometimes swarmed like a snake, sometimes jumped like a rabbit, and sometimes spread its wings like an eagle.

There are many postures, many changes, and ever-changing changes, and there is an indescribable mystery.

Inexplicably, Chen Zong gave an unspeakable touch.

It seemed to be aware of Chen Zong's condition that Su Chao suddenly reduced the speed of the spacecraft, became slow, and slowly moved forward.

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