Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 15: Guiyuan Practice 3

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(Third more, miserable, squeezed out of the top ten again, double the monthly pass, one top two, one alliance change two, rare opportunities, not to be missed)

All things in sight!

Start with one and end with 10,000.

All mysteries emerged in Chen Zong's mind, lingering in the heart.

In Chen Zong's eyes, there are countless rays of light flowing, like the endless life and death of Vientiane, like the cycle of life and death.

The whole person is completely in deep understanding, and this is the benefit of superb understanding.

Su Chao did not disturb Chen Zong, but let the spacecraft reduce its speed, like a flat boat, drifting naturally in the air array of Vientiane Town outside a star.

With this level of strength, it is not enough to launch the natural defense and counterattack of the Vientiane town empty array, and the Vientiane town empty array will not have any response.

In fact, there are still a lot of people who come to understand the mystery in the empty array of Vientiane town, but they are all monists, basically all monists.

At the level of the Divine Realm, there is nothing good to enlighten, because at the shallow level, they have already become enlightened, and at the deep level, unless they have a certain accomplishment, they cannot comprehend.

The spacecraft's natural drifting seems to follow the waves. Invisible, it also fits into nature secretly, making Chen Zong's understanding more smooth and free.

It's close!

With constant enlightenment, Chen Zong felt that many auras of light had emerged, and many inspirations had accumulated in his mind, and it was about to come out at the moment.

Once sprayed out, you will grasp the mystery, and let yourself have a deeper understanding of the meaning of the sword of the heart and even the sword.

Suddenly, a streamer broke in at an astonishing speed, and as if it were going forward, it filled a sharp edge of a sword.

The streamer is like a sword light coming from across the sky.

Su Chao's expression changed slightly, he immediately took control of the spacecraft, and rushed forward at the fastest speed, avoiding the impact of that huge sharp sword light.

Jianguang did not hit the spacecraft and dissipated instantly, because these forces are very strong. If they continue to rush out, they may drag a counterattack of the empty array of Vientiane.

It has to be said that this sword's grasp of timing and power is very accurate, just at the tipping point of the empty array of Vientiane town.

The impulse caused by the sudden acceleration of the spacecraft directly disturbed Chen Zong's realization. He was interrupted for a moment and came to his senses. The feeling that his inspiration had accumulated to the extreme was about to burst out, and it collapsed instantly.

For a long time, the indescribable sense of deficiency permeates the body and mind.

That feeling, called Chen Zong had a momentary madness, a trace of fiery anger and murderous power, also breeding in the deepest heart, erupted in an instant, and swept away into a monstrous murderous intention.

Su chaos suddenly startled.

How intensely murderous it is to accumulate how many people have been killed.

Su Luan pays for himself but it is a divine spirit, but the accumulation of murderous abilities is not so strong.

Murder is related to the height of Xiu Wei and the strength of strength, but it is not directly related.

Some people are not high-powered or strong, but murderous is terrible, because in addition to special martial arts, the strength of murderous is closely related to the killing caused.

The more you kill, the stronger your accumulation of murderous energy.

"Yan Zhen, interrupt other people's understanding, don't you feel ashamed of such practices." Su Luanping regained his inner surprise and stared out of the spaceship. It was another spaceship. spaceship.

Fang Cai's sword light was also sent by Yan Zhen.

"Su chaos, I just have some experience of what it takes to get out of the sword, why not." Yan Zhen flashed a hint of coldness, and then said with a smile.

Chen Zongfang only knew that it was Yanzhen that interrupted his realization.

The opponent's so-called Xingzhi Sword is just an excuse. The purpose is to interrupt his own understanding and breathe out, because he got so many foreign soldiers, and directly let Yanzhen lose to Su Luan. , Very upset in my heart.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong will condense out of the monstrous murderous energies, because now he is angry and murderous, to no avail.

The strength is not as good as the opponent. Now, it can only be forgiven. Remember, one day, when you return this sword.

Yan Zhen's eyes glanced over Chen Zong, a flash of cold mang, the spacecraft accelerated, and quickly moved away.

"I'll take you to Vientiane for enlightenment another day." Su Luan can only comfort Chen Zongdao, but he is very clear that the enlightenment is suddenly interrupted, and the feeling may not be recovered next time.

Since the enlightenment was interrupted, Su Chao did not allow the spacecraft to drift, and quickly flew towards the one-star star. Soon, as if through the heavy mist, Chen Zong saw the palace located.

Looking down from above, countless palaces fell between the earth and the mountains, forming a huge circle, inside and outside, circle after circle, there was an indescribable mysterious feeling.

With extraordinary keen perception, Chen Zong could feel countless breaths, seeming to converge from all directions to the extreme, and be incorporated into the monarchy's palace community. The more you go to the center, the more pure and rich you will be.

That ’s the vitality between heaven and earth, and it ’s a very high level of vitality, far better than the heaven and earth's vitality in the heavenly sacred realm, which is completely two levels, even the forest and earth star of the Ring Lord Star cannot be compared, the gap More than double.

This is the vitality of higher-order stars.

I really don't know what kind of heaven and earth vitality the top-ranked stars and super-ranked stars will have.

The spacecraft started to land.

As one of the six godsons of the monarchy, he has a superior position, second only to the priests and vice-principals and the palace masters, and even better than many elders. Naturally, there will be their own mountains and caves.

"See the Lord." Many people came to greet Su Su's mountain peak and cave house. This is what Su Yuan has assigned to serve him after he became a godson. He also manages everything in the mountain peak and cave house, and is connected with the lifeline of Su Chao , Closely related.

Therefore, they called the Soviet Union the main cause.

"This is Chen Zong, my friend." Su Luan introduced.

Everyone saw the ceremony and called Chen Zong as the son.

Chen Zong also returned gifts one by one.

Chen Zong also temporarily stayed in the cave house in Suran, which is actually a name, surrounded by countless palaces, and Chen Zong lived in one of them.

It only feels that when you cultivate here, the efficiency of Sanhua's reunification has improved a lot.

It really deserves to be a high-order star. When the middle-order star is ringing a sword star, I don't feel so obvious.

Chen Zong pays for himself. If he cultivates here, it may not take three years for Sanhua to return to one.

Of course, I am not a monist, and it is not easy to stay here for a long time.

Every day, in addition to cultivation, Chen Zong is Wu Jian.

A few days later, Su Chao set off with Chen Zong and went to the secret place of cultivation of Yuan Palace: Guiyuan Realm!

With Su Luan personally leading, Chen Zong wanted to enter Guiyuan, without any obstacles.

Guiyuan Realm is like a mystery, in fact, it is a semi-mystery that has been transformed.

Guiyuan Realm is not big. It is a round platform with a total of four lotus-like seats around it, each seat can accommodate one person.

The center of the four lotus flowers is a circle shaped like a mirror, which seems to reflect everything.

Chen Zong entered with three other monastic disciples.

Among these three disciples, one is a disciple of Yuan Gong, one is a disciple of Jian Gong, and one is a disciple of Xuan Gong, all of which are true stories.

Because only through the true transmission, are eligible to enter Guiyuan Realm.

Sit on a lotus flower, a little breath spread out naturally, let Chen Zong's all thoughts be eliminated naturally, and the whole person entered a mysterious state that seemed to be indifferent.

A hint of mysterious breath suddenly spread out from the mirror in the center of the four lotus flowers, and they were transformed into four paths. They went in the direction of the four lotus flowers and were submerged in the four people.

When he died, Chen Zong only felt the pure breath entering the body, and quickly headed for Shenhai, rushed into Shenhai, and rushed directly to Jingqi Shensanhua.

As the three flowers swayed, as if they were inspired by their potential, the halo diffused suddenly, and the essence of power flowed out of the three flowers at a more amazing speed, converging to the center.

ten times!

The speed of the essence of the three flowers flowing out and converging to the flower in the center of the great pole is ten times faster than before. Chen Zong secretly was shocked, but did not escape from this mysterious feeling.

Ten times, is not the end, but continuous improvement.

Eleven times!

Twelve times!

Thirteen times!

Chen Zong became more frightened, then calmed down and cooperated with the mystery of Guiyuan Realm to work hard.

Opportunity is rare. It is only this time. We must seize this opportunity and make every effort to improve.

Fifteen times!


The improvement has not stopped, and it is constantly improved, but the speed is gradually reduced.

When the speed was increased to twenty times, it dropped a level of improvement again, but it was still slowly improving.

The essence of Jingqi Shensanhua's power has continuously emerged, continuously integrated into the flower of the great polar realm, and continuously advanced to 20%.

Originally in the secret territory of the soldiers, Chen Zong has been promoted to 10%, but there is still a big gap between 20%, but now, this gap is being continuously reduced.




The degree of condensing of the flower of the great polar world has reached 20%.

Once it reached 20%, the originally reduced speed increased obviously again, and it was not reduced to the minimum until thirty times.

Chen Zong completely forgot time and everything, immersed himself in cultivation, immersed in the euphoria of the Essence of the Three Spirits of Essence, and immersed in the fullness of the continually condensed flower of the flower of the great extreme.

This feeling ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is extremely satisfying and difficult to extricate.


Chen Zong's condensed degree of the flower of the great polar world once again broke through, reaching 30%.

After 30%, the speed increased again, and it only slowed to the lowest when it was forty times.

In this way, the speed of Jingqi Shensanhua's strength essence is once again increased, and the condensing speed of the flower of great polar realm also increases.

30% started to hit 40%.

30% to 40%, that is a small transformation, the improvement will be more obvious than 20% to 30%, of course, it is also more difficult to break through.

However, with the help of Guiyuan Realm, Chen Zong made a breakthrough in a short period of time.

40%, a more condensed feeling permeated.

The speed has increased to 50 times, but Chen Zong feels that 50 times is his own upper limit.

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