Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 17: Jade Dragon Zhaojian Road

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Photo Sword Yuyu!

This reminds Chen Zong of the marks left by the ring sword star Lin's family, which seems somewhat similar, but from the perspective of Su Luan, it should be different.

Chen Zong is quite looking forward.

Meditation and meditation!

For a moment, Chen Zong only felt that his reflection on the jade became more clear and lifelike, like a real person.

For a moment, it seemed like an illusion. The proud Chen Zong's heart flickered, and his eyes seemed to be stunned. His own reflection on Yuchao smiled at him slightly, and that smile had an unspeakable mystery.

When Chen Zong woke up again, he found that he seemed to be in a dark void, as if it were a world.

But I don't feel the existence of the body, what I have is just a consciousness.

Just consciousness.

However, Chen Zong also had some similar experiences, so he was not flustered.

Looking for Zhao Jianyu said that it is a secret place for cultivation, it can also be regarded as a secret treasure for cultivation.

The darkness is dark, and when it ’s ephemeral, it looks like a sword that is not dazzling but very eye-catching. The light is bright and soft. For a moment, the sword flew forward like a sword. Wherever it passed, the darkness was bright and Retreat under the soft sword light.

Jian Guang kept going, and Chen Zong saw a path.

A road that was smashed by Jianguang was still dark on both sides of the road. Only that road, straight ahead, seemed endless, and didn't know where to go.

Below the road, there is a faint light, constantly moving forward, like a swordfish in the water, moving forward indefinitely, that is the sword light, countless sword lights, although not very fast, but there is a kind of thorns and thorns Sharp edge.

Sword Road!

This is the so-called sword road.

According to Jianyu Yu, what Jianxiu sees is a path of Jianxiu. This path is actually a process and experience of Jianxiu's continuous cultivation from time to time. It will slowly appear as if it is a recollection of the past. Then, based on this, combined with the mystery of Zhao Jianyu, to promote the future.

Of course, this derivation is not 100% correct. It can only be said that it is not harmful to itself, but it is good, but how it will change in the future is also unknown.

The future, like destiny, is the most elusive and full of variables.

Zhao Jianyu is just a guide to the future of kendo practice, one possibility, or many possibilities.

Under conscious observation, a figure appeared, as if coming out of the darkness directly, and walking down that sword path.

That figure is really Chen Zong.

That's me!

Chen Zong's consciousness floating in the sky was a little stunned, which turned into an outsider's feeling of seeing himself, which was really wonderful.

It can be said that it's not a self, it's just a reflection.

But it is also himself. Chen Zong can feel that there is some inexplicable connection between his consciousness and the reflection.

When the reflection stepped into the sword path, suddenly, he continued to shrink and shrink, which surprised Chen Zong.

That ... that's not exactly what I was when I was young.

At that time, he was still in the Chen family in Donglu, and he was still striving for self-improvement, but he was unable to achieve any results.

For a moment, Chen Zong only felt the kind of helplessness, powerlessness, but unwillingness and endless struggle at that time. It seemed that he was back at that time.

Huts, lakeside, daily weight training before the sun rises.

That taste has become far away and far away, and that memory has now been sealed in the back of my mind. Although I haven't forgotten it, I will never remember it again.

After all, from birth to the present, especially from the moment of obtaining the sword of the heart, my steps have continued to go forward, walking through one place after another, from a small place to a large place to the entire world, and to a new world, and now , Even came to the void.

The experiences of all ages have merged into a long river that is constantly flowing and widening. The waves are magnificent, and the memories of childhood have long become like a spray in the long river, unremarkable.

But now, I relive the feeling at that time.

I don't know how many times stronger than I was when I was young, and I don't have any contrast at all. What I really want to say is like the gap between a flame and a scorching sun.

Even so, there is a very mysterious feeling when reviewing the past.

When I was young, I lost my heart and heart after I got the sword of my heart. After that, I really embarked on the path of cultivation. Despite my hardships and hard work, I could n’t keep up with my efforts, but I made my mind more Perseverance.

After getting the heart and sword reborn, it is equivalent to having a solid foundation.

Since then, he has been making rapid progress and is full of spirits.

That young figure walked forward step by step, the look of perseverance never changed, the eyes became brighter, as if to burn.

The whole body gradually filled with a trace of unsearchable breath, which was the breath of the sword, which belonged to the sword's edge.

Real sword eight!

At that time, the enlightenment swordsmanship he practiced was the eight true swords.

The eight swords of the real sword and the eight swords move themselves into the threshold of sword repair.

The Chen family clan, the sister Chen Chuyun taught himself how to practice swords, and laid a solid foundation for swordsmanship.

Donglu struggles for strength. One person, one sword and one world, is invincible. He has built a solid fortress for the Chen family, so that his family and friends can live and work in peace.

Yi Jian out of the East, fought the world of Cang Lan, the sword Zongzhuang became famous.

The figure kept moving forward, the footsteps became more firm, and the immatureness on his face gradually disappeared, replaced by maturity and more perseverance.

Each step is an experience.

Step by step, the figure grows more and more mature.

Canglan World!

Lingwu Holy Realm!

Tianyuan Sanctuary!

The cycle of life and death, the ups and downs of ups and downs, only the heart of seeking swords has never changed, and, more and more firm, unshakable.

The sword from the heart has long been integrated into the body, has long been integrated into the depths of the soul, combined with his own life, united into one, regardless of each other.

The sword is me, and I am the sword.

My Kendo, although not clear enough, is extremely firm.


Step by step, finally, the figure grew to be exactly the same as it is now, and stood still, without any advance.

Chen Zong's consciousness knew that this was himself now.


Two breaths!

Three Breaths!

The figure was still standing, Chen Zong's consciousness could not be controlled, he could not lead, he could only watch and watch how his reflection did.


At the tenth breath, his reflection moved again.

He raised his footsteps, but slowly, stepped forward slowly, as if there were thousands of resistances under his feet, and it was difficult to fall.

In the end, that step still came to an end.

With a bang, the entire sword path seemed to tremble with it. Countless ripples swayed from the falling feet, like ripples.

One after another, Chen Zong's consciousness saw it for a while, and the heavy ripples appeared as if they were open scrolls.

Those pictures were not seen by Chen Zong, but they brought a feeling that seemed familiar to Chen Zong.

Unfamiliar and familiar, as if I have seen it in the past, but Chen Zong can be sure that he has never seen it, this feeling is very wonderful.


Chen Zong's consciousness completely stared at the picture, which seemed to mean that his future cultivation path, although not absolute, would not be harmful, but rather a guide.

However, although there are many pictures, they are very blurry and almost hard to see clearly.

Immediately, the reflection stepped out again, one step fell, and the whole screen flashed, it seemed to become a little clearer.

Three steps!

Four steps!

Five steps!

With each step, the surrounding scenes became clearer and more vivid.

There is a dark void in the picture, a back standing in the void, his body still, his robe still.

Chen Zong can see clearly, that is his back, but not himself now, but himself at some stage in the future.


For a moment, the figure drew a sword, and a sword pierced.

There is no amazing momentum, it seems that it is just an ordinary sword, and even it is difficult to see the sword light, as if it is just a common sword, without wind and waves, waving out of thin air, like a branch pierced by a child's letter Again, there is no power at all.

But in the next breath, a slowly rotating star stopped for a moment, then stopped, and then a terrible force burst out from the inside of the star, but in an instant, the star burst and exploded into a void. Among them are extremely bright fireworks.

One Sword Broken Star!

This is not just talking casually, but real, breaking a star.

Chen Zong faintly felt that the power contained in that sword was not particularly powerful, but it was very mysterious. He penetrated the star directly, destroying the core of the star, letting the core explode, and directly detonating the entire star.

Although there are feelings, Chen Zong is still unable to penetrate the mystery of this sword, and the level is too wide.

In another picture, the figure is still Chen Zong, but it is not a dark void, but a valley with grassy warblers flying, as if it were February days and vibrant.

Colorful birds of various colors fly from all around and surround the figure, which is natural and peaceful, cozy and comfortable.

Chen Zong is not clear, what does this represent?

In the third picture, the figure walked on the ground, and there was no pause in the footsteps ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it was the spring of the grass long warbler flying.

If you walk by, it will turn into a hot summer day.

Passed by again, it was Xiao Sha golden autumn.

Passing by, it is cold winter.

Four steps in four seasons.


In the fourth picture, the figure stood still, but there was a constant wind blowing, and the long hair of the robe fluttered. Immediately, the thunder raged past, the thunder was violent, like a dragon flying across the sky, and then the flames came from a distance Spreading and burning.

After the wind, thunder, and fire, there were mountains rising up, the land formed a gully, the water was flowing, and plants grew on the shore ...

As if evolving a world.

Fifth frame ...

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