Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 18: Seeing truth

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When walking out of Zhao Jianyu, the other three people outside Chen Zong were very excited and their eyes were shining brightly. It seemed that they all had great gains, and a sharp breath was rippling around.

That's what caused the sword's strength to increase, and he didn't fully control himself.

When Chen Zong came out, all eyes fell on him, and he wanted to see what he had gained in Zhao Jianyu.

Immediately, one by one, they were slightly surprised.

Because Chen Zong came out, he did not have a half-strong breath fluctuation, but was very bland, and his look seemed a little dazed, and his eyes seemed to be permeated with a slight confusion.

"He looks like this, shouldn't there be nothing to gain." The oblique wind sword could not help secretly guessing.

Generally speaking, enlightenment on Zhao Jianyu will have more or less gains, especially the more genius, the more significant its harvest.

Of course, there are no exceptions from ancient times to the present, and some people really haven't gained much, even a few.

And later time also proves that those who have not harvested in Zhao Jianyuzhen have almost exhausted their potential, and it is difficult to achieve much in the future, and they cannot compare with others at all.

Their splendor and brilliance, like a shooting star, are fleeting, only temporary.

However, the cultivation method requires a long-term struggle, but it is more a long-term struggle. Only the one who laughs to the end is the winner.

With Chen Zong, Su Chao left the realm of the sword palace and returned to his cave.


"Looks like, this Zong Zong is in Gao Jianyu, there is nothing to gain." Until Chen Zong left, the oblique Fengjian sighed sadly.

Niangui Sword did not speak, but there was still a regretful look in his eyes.

He has a strong heart for those who can defeat him in a head-to-head match, and he will surpass the opponent one day in the future, and then defeat him himself.

But now, this person is looking at the sword and jade, and there seems to be no gain. The blank look is exactly the look that every person who has not gained in the past should have.

This means that this person's strength is only temporary. It is as if he has already developed his potential at this stage, even through spending. In the future, there is no potential for it anymore. Circumstances are difficult to break through.

"Huh, but it's just a dirt from a small place. Fortunately, what secret method did I get to inspire my potential in advance to have the current strength." Yan Xiaoxiao also knew this, and suddenly sneered with sneer: " Give me a few years and I will definitely be stronger than him. "

"What Shimei said is that maybe it doesn't take a year, and she will chop it under the sword." The fourth true inheritance of the sword palace, but the heart is full of murder against Chen Zong. Defeated and wounded, ashamed.

Before, he felt panicked, felt helpless and powerless, but now he is full of confidence.

A person who has nothing to gain in Zhao Jianyu also often means that the future of this person will not be very good, strong, but only temporary, and can continue to jump now.

In the future, it may not be long before, even without a year, depending on his own gains in Zhao Jianyu, maybe he is expected to surpass each other.

At that time, we must revenge that sword.


"Zhao Jianyu, can there be gains?" Su Luan still could not help asking.

"Some are too many to be distinguished." Chen Zong's answer was simple.

But that's enough.

He was confused, not because he hadn't harvested, but because he had harvested so much that it was hard to tell for a while.

It is indeed the same. Countless pictures emerge on the sword road, and become more and more clear with the steps of his reflection.

Every picture is a future.

Most of the true stories come into Zhao Jianyu and see their future. The pictures are usually one to three, and each picture represents a possibility for the future, a goal and direction to move forward.

Even better, there are five pictures, no more than six or seven, and no more than ten.

Ten pictures, ten kinds of future, you can choose.

But the pictures that Chen Zong saw on the sword road, there are more than ten kinds, more than a hundred kinds, too many too many, each kind is unpredictable.

It is precisely because of this that it is difficult for Chen Zongyi to distinguish which one is his future in the end.

Too much, it represents an amazing potential, but it also represents the complexity that makes it difficult to choose.

Choose one?

Or multiple choices?

This is the reason for Chen Zong's confusion at this moment, not what other people think. There is no gain, the potential has already been overdrawn and there is no future.

"Don't be confused, follow the guidelines and choices of your heart." Su Chao's voice seemed to come into Chen Zong's ears with a touch of soft and wonderful power.

Chen Zong stunned for a moment, as if washed by Wang Qingquan, and that daze was washed away in an instant, and suddenly realized.

Why bother thinking so much.

Follow your heart.

Does n’t your own cultivation path from the past to the present follow your heart?

One picture is ten pictures, one hundred pictures, or hundreds or thousands of pictures, so what?

Can I choose only one?

Can't you choose more than one?

Is it impossible to select all?

Do those pictures really represent their future?

Do not!

The future is in your own hands, in your sword, and at your feet.

Those are just references.

If the pictures presented in Zhao Jianyu are really taken as their own future, they will be bound invisibly.

It may not be felt now, but when it becomes stronger and stronger in the future, it will feel bound when it reaches the level within the so-called future picture.

In an instant, countless thoughts emerged in his mind, and Chen Zong's mind was extremely clear and transparent, as if he had cleared away the layers of fog and had a clear vision.

Everywhere you look, you can decide your own future.

If I could, I wouldn't stay in a unitary religion.

After all, wealth is moving, and powerful treasures, if not strong enough, cannot be kept, and have been forcibly seized by those more powerful forces.

No matter how well the monasticism is kept secret, it will be known for many years.

But now, Zhao Jianyu is still here, which shows that it has not been seen by those astral-level forces, they may be better.

Can be used as a reference, but not all.

For a moment, Chen Zong's thinking was completely transparent and no longer confused.

This enlightenment according to Jian Yuyu, glimpsing some of the so-called future, when it can become a guide and reference, it is indeed beneficial.

Su Luan felt that Chen Zong's breath had changed. From the previous blankness, she became transparent and decisive, and permeated an indescribable sharpness, as if more firm than ever.

Su Chao could not help but secretly be surprised, surprised, the inner focus on Chen Zong, deepened a bit.


Bai Mei came to the door.

"Come on." Bai Mei, with a small face, made a serious look, and her body was permeated with arrogance.

She invited Chen Zong to fight.

The voice dropped, without waiting for Chen Zong to answer, two feet kicked, a big earthquake under his feet, the force of the force pushed the body, rushed through the 100 meters, raised a small white fist, and suddenly punched out.

That punch, covered with a layer of domineering white halo, was a combination of the mighty power cultivated by Yuan Gong's Gongfa and the Taoism enlightened by Bai Mei herself.

Her ideology has also reached the top ten percent.

This fist, seemingly small, contains immeasurable and overbearing power. It is extremely violent, like a meteor bomber.

The void under the fist was blown open by layers of ripples and turned into a raging flood.

"I knew it would be like this." Li Wenhe patted his own head with a smile on his face.

That's what the old lady said. As soon as she said it, she never waited for others to agree or didn't agree.

However, Brother Chen's strength is not weak and should be able to block.

I just hope that Master Sister is going crazy, and still keep some sense.

Li Wenhe was not clear about the fact that he did not return to the sword and was defeated under Chen Zong's sword.

Bai Mei came with a punch, a violent and unreasonable posture, as if the little white jade-like fist could smash all the hard and obstructions in front.

The mighty punch seemed to break Chen Zong's body, but there was no half-killer and intention.

This is a fight, not a life-and-death fight.

Although it is not a life-and-death fight, if Chen Zong can't take the punch, he will be injured.

Chen Zong's expression remained unchanged, and he was not moved by Bai Mei's violent punch.

In fact, this punch is indeed very strong. If you have to do your best to resist it just before coming to the monarchy, but now?

It wasn't even clear what level of extreme combat power he had reached.

Draw a sword!

This is a respect for the opponent.

Bai Mei is not an enemy.

Purple Thunder Sword came out of the sheath in an instant, but Chen Zong did not incorporate the sword of heart into it.

At the moment when the sword came out of the sheath, it turned into a purple thunder, which broke instantly.


The thunderous sound of the sword gas roared and shook in all directions, and it was extremely powerful and terrible.

With this single sword, it shows an unparalleled power.

Bai Mei's eyes burst into a frenzy, the white awn was permeated, and her breath seemed to be more arrogant.

The fist and sword collided in an instant, and they exploded, and then burst apart ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ as if tearing the void around.

Of course, the high-level stars of the space are astonishing in strength, and even if they are shot by the powerful gods, it is difficult to tear the void, let alone two sub-gods.

Li Wenhe looked shocked.

Brother Chen is so strong that he can go head-to-head with Master Sister and fight against it. That's what Master Sister is best at.


Bai Mei's other punch was also followed, followed by the third punch, the fourth punch, and the fifth punch.

The two fists came out with extremely violent and amazing high-speed bombardment, extremely fast, transformed into a **** shadow, billowing, and filled the front directly, as if they were swallowed by Chen Zong.

Invisible, Chen Zong's figure was invisible, as if really being swallowed.

But at the next breath, a blazing purple sword light suddenly exploded, as if a violent to extreme thunder, and it sent out a fierce roar, smashing the fist shadow, killing Bai Mei like a bamboo. .

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