Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 20: Desolate Dragon Star

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(Second more, the little sister-in-law's hope of returning to Tianyuan is right here in the Nether Temple)

Nether Temple!

In the sanctuary of Tianyuan, there is a void temple, and among the nine realms, there is a void gate built by the void temple.

But now, in this void, Chen Zong even heard the title of the Nether Temple and the gate of the Nether.

What is the relationship between the Great Void Gate and the Void Gate?

Listening to Li Wenhe's explanation, Chen Zong gradually realized that his heart was filled with a trace of fiery heat.

I was thinking about how one day I could return to Tianyuan Sanctuary. After all, I was taken away by the void monster Black Snake. I did n’t know what direction I was going to and how far away from Tianyuan Sanctuary.

After drifting in the void, he encountered Lin Jiazhongfeng and was taken in. He went to the second town boundary city, but also did not know what direction and how far.

Everything is full of unknowns.

And the void is so vast.

A sea of ​​ocean, a ship sailing on it, if there is no navigation chart or route, even the experienced helmsman may lose his way.

Compared with the sea, the void is almost like Haoyue's fireflies. The gap is inestimable.

In the void, if the route is not clear, the deviation of a little trajectory, and the final gap cannot be calculated.

Lost a thousand miles!

Therefore, if you want to return to Tianyuan Sanctuary, you cannot do it without knowing its specific direction.

But, the Nether Temple!

It is possible for the Nether Temple.

After all, there is a void temple in the void, and there is also a void temple in the heavenly sanctuary. Is there a unity between the two?

Chen Zong is not clear, even after listening to Li Wenhe, he is not sure, after all, the Nether Temple in Tianyuan Sanctuary has always been neutral and mysterious, but it is located in Tianyuan Sanctuary.

The void temple in the void is a star-level religion.

The gap between the two seems to be very large, so large that Chen Zong dare not associate.

However, there was a hint of hope in Chen Zong's heart, like a seed.

The Nether Temple is capable of arranging the Void Gate and the Void Gate, which is their patent.

However, it is difficult to ask the Nether Temple to set up the Nether Gate. It has to pay a great price. Unfortunately, the unitary religion does not have such ability.

Even some middle-level and even high-level galaxy-level forces do not necessarily have a void gate, let alone a large void gate.

I can only obediently ride on the void ship.

Fortunately, this spaceship is advanced enough to be able to shuttle in the space, otherwise, from a single star to the edge of the desert dragon, I do not know how many years of flight.

A few days later, the Void Ship sailed to the Void Shuttle, and another day later, the Void Shuttle was opened again.

Repeatedly so many times, and finally over a distance that can be crossed for many years, near the star of the dragon.

"According to the star chart, in about five days, we will be able to reach the barbaric dragon star." Li Wenhe laughed.

In addition to Bai Mei, Li Wenhe, and Chen Zong, there are a number of true disciples in Yuan Gong's veins and hundreds of disciples in this void ship.

There are more than ten true disciples in each house, but less than fifty.

Of course, compared to hundreds of thousands of inside disciples and more than 100,000 outside disciples, there are only a few hundred true disciples who add up.

True story!

What is true?

It is Tianjiao who can truly inherit Zongmen on behalf of Zongmen.

There is a word circulating in the void force, and if it is not true, it can never represent the face of that force.

In addition to some true stories of the Yuan Palace, there are also some true stories of the Sword Palace and Xuan Palace.

Barbara is a new star that has just been found, and has great development value. If you go out now, you will get more benefits.

Except for Li Wenhe's tendency to talk in the spacecraft, others are mainly practitioners.

Of course, Li Wenhe didn't let go of his practice when he talked about it, but he just talked a little bit while he was practicing.

Through Li Wenhe, Chen Zong naturally learned more secrets.

Standing on the deck and staring ahead, a huge earth-colored star is slowly turning, exuding a desolate and ancient taste.

Desolate Dragon Star, Intermediate Star!

"The powers at the level of the Divine Realm on the Barbaric Dragon Star have all been cleared up, leaving all the powers below the Divine Realm. As long as we are careful enough, nothing can be done." Li Wenhe laughed.

Barbara is a medium-level star, and naturally there will be a strong person at the level of the gods, whether it is human or not.

With this type of writing, the unitary religion must open up the barbaric dragon star, build a unitary monk station on the barbarous dragon star, and experience the true transmission of the religion. Naturally, it is necessary to first clear up the level of divine spirit existing above to reduce worries.

As for the below-goal state, it is naturally dealt with by the true disciples.

Maybe there will be a loss of death, but the void is never the back garden, but there are countless dangerous places. Without sufficient strength, then stay at home and be an ordinary person.

To cultivate, you must face various dangers and strong enemies.

Especially the more powerful disciples, the more they have to go through all kinds of dangers. The unitary religion is not a kind church or a shelter.

Without strength, they can only be eliminated.

True story!

Zongmen provides you with resources and inheritance. You must also contribute to Zongmen. This is mutual, promote each other and grow stronger, and inherit forever.

Desolate Dragon Star does not have a large array of guardianship, but it is surrounded by a sparse, scattered sparse natural meteorite belt.

The spaceship flew in directly, and all the meteorite along the way were all crushed by the spaceship and broken into powder.

The strength of the protective cover of this void ship is amazing, and it is difficult for ordinary psychic powers to shake. The power of these meteorites is not enough to resist.

Directly rushing down a road and crushing everything, Chen Zong was shocked by the power.

If you replace yourself with the collision of the empty spaceship, the end result is definitely better, but these meteorites will instantly turn into powder dust.


"Three Commanders, there is a void ship."

In the Dragon Star, the trees are lush, and the tall trees can be towering, standing on the earth, soaring and majestic, permeating an endless majestic atmosphere.

Inside a huge cave deep in the forest, deep in the ground, a figure continued to deepen, and finally kneeled on one knee dozens of meters before a figure sitting high in the first place, with a hint of surprise.

"Voidship!" The figure in the first place is not tall, and it can even be said to be a little short. It was lazy and leaned on a huge seat as if paralyzed, like a pygmy fell on a dragon chair.

When I heard the four words of the Void Spaceship, he sat up suddenly as if burning his buttocks. His short body like a pygmy body burst out with an amazing breath instantly, as if a tyrannosaurus awakened, releasing terror to the extreme. The waves, the storm swept all around, destroying everything.


That breath of breath turned into a storm that swept around the cave wall and reverberated, as if the hurricane was roaring, and another group of dragons roared.

"Can you see clearly?" The gnome-like figure widened his eyes, bursting into a terrifying spirit, his voice sharp and deep.

"Three commanders, see clearly, it is a kilometer of empty spaceship, but it belongs to the unitary religion." The person kneeling on one knee responded immediately.

"Oh well, continue to monitor." The three leaders are very happy, their eyes are bursting with a strong coldness, with hatred: "Monarchism, killing my elder brother, now it is sending people to Huanglongxing, it looks like It is planned to open up a desolate dragon star station. "

"Very good, very good, very good. Since we are here, we will leave all of them, and we will not let go of them. The spaceship will also belong to us."

"Revenge for the leader." Suddenly someone shouted.

"Revenge for the Grand Commander."

"The three commanders are wise and martial."

Throughout the burrow, the voice of revenge and flattery was remembered.

"Remember, at that time, all the men are killed, and the women are left, paying the due price for what the monarchy has done." The dwarf-like triad leader drew a faint smile, saying " "Female", there is a desire burning in the fundus.

His words immediately attracted a group of people as if they were to transform into wolves, which is extremely attractive to a group of males who have not smelled a woman for too long.


The Void Vessels of Yiyuanjia started to slow down, and landed slowly on a fairly flat ground on Desolate Star. There was sparse weeds on that ground. As the Void Vessels landed, all the weeds were low and amazing pressure It was full of winds, and the dust was blowing.

With a bang, the ground shook and the void ship completely landed.

After the spaceship stabilized, the protective cover was terminated, and all the figures flew out from above, floating in the mid-air for dozens of meters on the site, and the whole body was filled with fluctuations of varying strength.

Chen Zong was among the more than twenty true disciples of the monastic religion, but relatively speaking, Chen Zong did not emit any breath fluctuations.

Desolate Dragon Star!

Here, it is the star of the middle-order star.

The strength of heaven and earth here is not as strong as that of a star, but it seems to be a little bit better than the ring sword star.

Moreover, here is full of a kind of ridiculous taste, as if it has existed for many, many years, is infinitely old.

At a glance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ you can see the lush forest growing, the roots are towering, and their heights are more than kilometers, which is very amazing, and even reaches a height of several kilometers.

The roar seemed to rang from a distance, spreading away with the wind, containing a violent atmosphere.

"The barbaric dragon is inhabited by barbaric dragons. We want to build a site here. We need to choose a suitable location and then clean up all around to ensure that the site can be successfully established."

The role of the true disciples came to clean up the threats around them, and the role of the hundreds of disciples in the inner gate was to build a dwelling site.

This is quite dangerous, so it is all voluntary and the contribution of the sect is very generous.

To put it simply, it's as if you trade your life in exchange for contribution points, because to the wild dragon, they are equal to invaders.

The way any life treats an intruder is to kill.

Completely kill!

If you can't reach the wild dragon, the end is death, with heavy losses.

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