Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 21: Wild dragon

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Among the hundreds of people who came to Huanglongxing this time, there are quite a lot of them. One is a person who is responsible for the survey of the ground veins. They choose an orientation suitable for the construction base according to the trend of the ground veins and so on.

This cultivation of Earth-Dragon Hunting requires corresponding genius. Therefore, there are not many people who master Earth-Dragon Hunting within the unitary religion. There are only dozens of them. Each one is not too high, and its actual combat ability is not high. How strong, but the status within the monarchy is very special.

Today, the person who learns the dragon-pathology is a disciple-level disciple. On the level, he can only be regarded as an inner disciple. You must know that only the sub-levels of the three flowers can be qualified. Application for assessment will become true after passing. If only one or two flowers are gathered, it is not enough to apply for assessment.

Survival of the fittest, monism is so powerful, but there are only over a hundred disciples of truth. Of course, this does not mean that there are only a hundred disciples of monarchism, but thousands, who are still alive.

Those who cannot pass the assessment either continue to mix in because they are not too old, or leave the door when they are too old to become deacons or other positions and contribute their strength to the growth of monism.

Thousands of times, there are more than a hundred people who can become true disciples, which shows the preciousness of true disciples.

But now, this young man named Dragon Calling is a demigod and has the status of a true disciple.

Calling the dragon to hold the dragon search compass, performing the earth vein search dragon technique, a trace of mysterious breath permeated all around. On that compass, there was a glowing little dragon virtual shadow roaming in a circle.

After a few glances, Chen Zong thought it was wonderful, but he couldn't see anything.

Interlaced like a mountain.

The gap between the Earth's Xunlong and Kendo is too big. Although curious, Chen Zong has no idea of ​​practicing.

Just one of the swords is enough to exhaust one's life.

Others may be used for reference and enrich the understanding of the sword, but they should not be addicted.

A true biography disciple guarded the dragon to keep marching to find the so-called suitable place.

Secretly, someone is watching them.

As for the inner disciples responsible for the construction, they first returned to the Void Spaceship to stay there, protected by the power of the Void Spaceship, and they could hardly get them through the Divine Realm.

Otherwise, if hundreds of people act together, there will be too much movement, which will inevitably lead to the attack of the wild dragon.

The wild dragon is not simple.

Stop and go, so it took more than half a day, but did not leave the void spaceship far, the dragon stopped again, immediately, the light dragon on the dragon-searching compass rose slightly, the dragon head lifted, straight Pointing forward.

Suddenly a joy came to Long.

"Sisters and brothers, I should have found a suitable place." Calling Dragon couldn't help but be pleased.

Everyone also showed joy.

Moving on, but the oppressive atmosphere permeated the air, becoming more intense.

That kind of breath is exactly the same as that of Huanglongxing, but it is more intense, and the wildness and desolation are more intense, and it contains an unspeakable wildness.

Immediately, a violent and desolate growl kept ringing, coming in the wind.

"It's the voice of the wild dragon."

"Isn't it a desert dragon's lair ahead?"

Part of his complexion couldn't help but condense.

But some people disagree.

"Although the barbaric dragon is not bad, but I have been waiting for the true story, so I am afraid of it." A sword story true eyebrows raised a bit of contempt.

Although before everyone came to know the wild dragon, it was the overlord of the wild dragon star. It can be said that the wild dragon star was also named after it.

The life inhabited by the entire star is the most arrogant of the barbarians.

That is a very powerful family. According to the data records, the adult barbarians have sub-level combat power, the more powerful barbarians can even cross sub-level, and they can reach the gods.

It's for the wild dragon god.

However, the wild dragon gods in this area have been cleaned up and killed or expelled. In this area, there are no wild dragons at the level of the gods.

Whether cautious or scornful, everyone's actions have begun to become more careful, and they have also converged.

The wild air filled with air became stronger and stronger, and the roar from time to time became more powerful and powerful.

At last, Chen Zong saw a valley, overlooking the valley, and saw a lot of extremely strong figures running in the huge valley.

Those figures were all khaki, with thick feet, but the arms were relatively short, walking like a human with both feet, and a long tail swept across, making a loud wind.

Wild Dragon!

That's the overlord on the barbaric star: Barbara.

Roughly, there are at least hundreds of wild dragons in the valley, the smallest wild dragon is three meters high, and the big wild dragon is more than ten meters. The breath of the wild dragons of different heights fluctuates. They are different.

However, the breath of the three-meter-high barren dragon is not strong, it is only a semi-god level, and those who are over ten meters have a sub-god level.

There are only hundreds of wild dragons in the valley, and there are more than a hundred heads over 10 meters in size.

Among them, more than a dozen of them were over fifteen meters in size. They were lying on the ground, breathing, their bodies were slightly undulating, and an amazing airflow was swept around. Everything seemed to be introverted, but it made people feel depressed.

Very strong!

At least it is the second-level cultivation of the sub-god level.

In addition, there are more than a dozen stone caves around the valley. From those caves, there is a faint and powerful breath spreading out.

The countenances of all the people were condensed, even the disdainful people before.

There are twenty-three true stories here, plus Chen Zong, which is twenty-four. When the cultivation reaches the second level, there are only about ten. The remaining fourteen cultivations are the first level.

Calling dragons is not good at fighting, not fighting power.

Once fighting with the wild dragon, calling the dragon will not help.

Bai Mei's eyes condensed incomparable warfare, extremely hot, her fists did not know what to hold tight, and the militant factors in the blood seemed to be activated in general.

"Calling dragon, are you sure that this place is the best place to build a stronghold?" Li Wenhe asked in a condensed voice. At the critical moment, he was still very serious.

"Brother Li, I promise in the name of the dragon-hunting vein, maybe there is a better place on the Dragon Star, but this is the best place I can find now." Said.

After all, his ability is limited, and he can only do this step.

Of course, if you continue to look for it, and spend more time, you may hope to find a better one, but that is not in line with everyone's original plan.

In this case, I choose this place first, and I can find a better one on the day of arrival, or I can move again.

Well, what we have to do now is to expel this group of wild dragons. World War I is inevitable.

"You are ready to get started."

"I already wanted to kill a wave."

"Go ahead."

Although I felt that the wild dragon was unexpectedly many and strong, everyone was cautious, but there was no fear, but they were eager to try.

As true tales of galaxy-level sects, all of them are learned from blood and fire. How can they be afraid? For them, the wild dragon in front of them is just an obstacle to sharpen the road.

"Be careful." Chen Zong reminded out loudly. His extraordinary perception made Chen Zong feel that there was a faint hint of overwhelming power in the cave, and he felt daunted.

"If you're afraid, you can wait here." A true biography of the sword palace suddenly sneered.

The fact that Chen Zong beat the four brothers in the sword palace to vomit blood has already caused dissatisfaction among a number of sword palace disciples. In addition, Chen Zong occupied a place in Zhao Jianyu, but he was bewildered when he came out, apparently. No gain, it has spread throughout the sword palace, making people secretly disdain.

Dissatisfaction and disdain turned into hostility and could not help but ridicule.

"Xie Yang, your strength is comparable to Brother Chen?" Li Wenhe frowned and asked.

Although this Xie Yang is also the second level of the sub-god level, ranking fifth in the sword palace, but his strength is not as good as Bai Mei, but Chen Zong can fight against Bai Mei and even suppress Bai Mei. It can be said that Among the more than 20 people on this trip, Chen Zong's combat strength should be the strongest.

Another point is that Li Wenhe regards Chen Zong as a friend and cannot tolerate others to host Chen Zong.

"Huh." Xie Yang snorted coldly, and did not answer Li Wenhe. As for strength, he was not Li Wenhe's opponent.

However, the kind of contempt Xie Yang's eyes are obvious, because he feels that Chen Zong has nothing in Zhao Jianyu, the potential has been exhausted, and there is no future.

At best, it's just a moment of beauty.

He is not the same. He has entered Zhao Jianyu once. After several years, he will surely be able to surpass him.

Chen Zong's reminder, some people paid attention and thought about it, but they probably listened to it, but others disagreed.

However, Chen Zong did not remind them of his obligation. After all, he was only invited by Li Wenhe and Bai Mei.

Since it is decided to start against the wild dragon, when he will not hesitate.

"Every brother, rest assured, I have the method of self-protection." Calling Dragon, there was less worry for everyone.

Although the fighting power is not good, the dragon-seeking vein does have some self-protection methods. I saw the dragon calling the dragon-seeking compass, and the shadow of the dragon surrounds me. Already.

This method is very magical.

Chen Zong stared at ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ carefully to sense the breath of the dragon, very restrained and motionless. In this way, self-protection is possible.

Then kill it.

The soldiers were divided into three lanes, Yuangong was centered all the way, and the sword palace and the Xuangong belonged to two wings. They flew out quickly, rushing down the valley, and the speed was extremely fast.


When the crowd appeared, the wild dragons reacted one after another.

Roar Roar!

The desolate and violent roar, carrying a bit of anger, seems to be angry at the invasion of others, and it seems to convey a certain message.

Immediately afterwards, I saw those barren dragons below ten meters rushing to the stone cave, and barren dragons over ten meters rushed up to launch a violent charge.


The ground in the valley was trampled and trembled like a big earthquake.

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