Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 22: Killing Warriors

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More than a hundred times, the size of the barbaric dragon at the **** level is more than ten meters, of which more than a dozen are more than fifteen meters. It rang, the whole valley was shaking.

There was a feeling that the valley was about to collapse.

The violent and wild atmosphere suddenly permeated from each of the wild dragons, rushing forward, constantly raging and colliding, like a flash flood, like a huge wave, there was a sense of terror that overwhelmed everything and destroyed everything in an instant. .

Facing the charge of more than 100 powerful wild dragons, everyone felt as if they had returned to the wild times.

Ru Mao drinking blood, facing the beast.

"Kill!" Jian Gong's true biography, headed by Xie Yang, drank loudly, the sword came out of the sheath, the sword light suddenly burst out, with an outrageous murderous eruption, the invisible sword gas wave fluctuated Everything that splits around turns into a waning moon across the hard ground and commits suicide towards the desert dragon.

The other disciples of the True Sword Palace also drew their swords in unison, cutting the sword qi very neatly and uniformly. The sword qi was swept across the sky, forming a row, as if to tear everything.

The momentum formed by the charge of more than a hundred wild dragons surpassed thousands of troops and was astonishing. In front of them, it felt like they would be crushed and then destroyed and turned into powder.

Everyone feels this amazing pressure, but only Bai Mei and Chen Zong can bear it completely. Others, with a solemn look, feel a little bit difficult.

Roar Roar!

The dozen or so fierce 15-meter-long barbarians that struck the forefront had a power level equivalent to the second level of the sub-god level.

Amazing roars rang, and then, the circles of dark yellow ripples burst from the huge and extremely strong bodies of a dozen wild dragons, turning them into ripples, but spreading with the power of mountains and rivers, but In an instant, they covered a range of several kilometers.

All of them were shocked by the dark yellow ripples, and they suddenly felt like they were sinking, as if their weight had increased tenfold. It was more like an invisible gravity pressing on the body, continually bound.

This is the destiny of the barbaric dragon. Only barbarians with a size of fifteen meters can be displayed. It is a level of little magic.

Wild Dragon Heavy Loop!

As soon as it is affected by the wild dragon's heavy circle, unless it rushes out of its coverage area, it can only bear by its own strength.

break out!

Everyone burst out into a stronger force to resist the suppression of the barbarism of the barbaric dragon at the cost of intensified consumption.

For the second level of the sub-god, it can resist, but for the first level of the sub-god, it seems a bit reluctant.

Xie Yang only then realized how ridiculous he had been when he despised the wild dragon before, because the scorching moon sword gas that he cut off broke when he hit a fifteen-meter-high wild dragon.

I saw only a white mark on the dark yellow thick film of the wild dragon, which disappeared quickly.

Although that sword is not his strongest sword, but it is not bad in power, so why can't the wild dragon be defeated?


Bai Mei's punch glowed with white brilliance, his fist was as strong as a dragon, and he made an amazing roar, which rang out in all directions, fiercely fierce and uncast, and a fierce punch as extreme as a meteor burst into a fifteen-meter-high barren Dragon head.

The cymbal sounded like a sledgehammer bombarding the big drum, making an extremely dull sound.

Amazing power burst out in an instant. Bai Mei's combat power is not comparable to the second level of the ordinary sub-god level.

Even if the wild dragon was born with an astonishing physique and extremely strong defense, he was not an opponent.

With one punch, the wild dragon's head was raised backwards, completely out of control, and his powerful impact force followed him with his huge body, as if to fly backwards.

It can be seen that a small fist print appeared in the place bombarded by Bai Mei's fist, and the inner depression was about three inches.

When Chen Zong saw it, he couldn't help but be surprised. How strong Bai Mei's fist was. He knew it. It was clear that the wild dragon could be blocked without being blasted. It was really amazing.

However, after receiving Bai Mei's fist, the wild dragon was very uncomfortable. The whole head was stunned. It is estimated that everything looked dizzy, and Venus looked like he was completely unconscious. His steps shook his head and shook his head. Like a drunk man.

Jiao shouted, taking this opportunity, Bai Mei blasted again with a punch, and the power contained in this punch was even more powerful.

Very precise, hit that mark again.

With a bang, the wild dragon shook his body, and then, falling to the side, the punch marks were deepened a few inches, and the terrible impact of the power seemed to break the wild dragon's brain. If it was opened, it would Found that it had become a paste inside.

However, the other true disciples of Yiyuanjiao did not have such strength as Bai Mei. The second-level true disciple can only fight fiercely with the fierce dragon of fifteen meters, which has a slight upper hand.

As for the true story of the first level, it can only deal with the ten-meter-sized barren dragon.

Twenty-four people dealt with more than a hundred wild dragons. The number of wild dragons was very different. It was impossible to end the battle in a short time. It was because of the heavy circle of wild dragons that the suppression of the crowd was obvious, especially the first level of the sub-god level There is no way to kill the wild dragon, but to barely support it.

But according to this situation, over time, the power is consumed too much, it may be defeated, and it may die.

Xie Yang's face was slightly white. He fought fiercely against a fifteen-meter-long barbaric dragon. He exhibited a mighty sword, like a blast of wind, constantly killing, each sword can hit the barbaric dragon.

However, this sword technique cannot kill the wild dragon. At most, it is to break the tough film and leave a few sword marks. Such injuries do not seem to be too big for the huge wild dragon. The impact can only be regarded as a flesh wound.

The sword gas invaded the body, but also was resisted by the barbaric force of the wild dragon.

how to spell?

Xie Yang's heart was shocked.

This is the first time he has faced the Ara Dragon. He has previously seen the message of the monarchy, which illustrates the strength of the Ara Dragon. However, his self-reliance and strength inevitably lead to some arrogance and contempt. Now I know that we cannot overemphasize.

With a scream, a true biography of the sword palace was bombarded by the tail of the barbaric dragon, flying backwards, spitting blood instantly, and turning into a gourd.

But he was not dead, but he hurriedly took out the elixir and put it in his mouth, but a wild dragon rushed to it, raised his huge soles, and stepped on suddenly.

As if the sky had fallen, the shadow was overshadowing, and the sword palace Zhenzhuan could not resist and could not resist.

With a bang, the sword palace really passed on and stepped on the body and head, turning it into meat sauce.

This scene suddenly fell into everyone's perception, one by one with a dark heart.

At this point, they really realized that although the rewards for this mission were very generous, they were also full of dangers. Even if they were true disciples, they might die.

Very realistically, a living disciple died in front of them, and the bones were left alone, and directly turned into meat sauce, which was extremely miserable.

As a true biography, they are excellent in all aspects. They usually go out to perform tasks and rarely die. Their talents are also very high. When they are among the best in the entire galaxy, they will not be inferior to the top 100 of the second **** list.


Everyone seemed to be red-eyed, but still maintained a certain sense.

Among the crowd, the easiest is actually Chen Zong.

Because Chen Zong's strength beat Bai Mei a lot.

Did not use the intention of the sword, but to fight against the wild dragon with the purple thunder sword.

Killed with a sword, the thunder of the sword gas billows, the power is extremely powerful.

The sword strokes under the thunderous sound of the sword will have a more explosive power than when it is silent, and it is the most suitable to deal with the large unavoidable wild dragon.

Purple Thunder Sword is a magical soldier, plus Chen Zong's Taichu Jianyuan, killed with one sword, tearing a huge wound directly, dark red filled with blood spots of yellow spots.

However, with two swords, Chen Zong beheaded and killed a 15-meter-long barren dragon.

Of course, Chen Zong did not explode all his strength, but was waiting.

There is a feeling that the tyrannical breath in the stone cave has not yet appeared, that is enough to bring a threat to oneself. When saving some strength, we should better cope with it so as to avoid accidents.

Chen Zong has always believed in his intuition.

Two swords and one head. When the first true biography died, three 15-meter-sized barren dragons had already died under Chen Zongjian.

This efficiency is even higher than Bai Mei.

The power of the Purple Thunder Sword plus the power of the Ninth Heavy Taichu Sword Element and the superb swordsmanship of Chen Zong is really terrible.

The other 15-meter-sized barren dragons had other people fighting. Chen Zong did not snatch, but instead killed the 10-meter-sized barren dragons.

Kill kill!

No one barren dragon can block Chen Zong's sword, as sharp and smooth as chopping vegetables and melons.

Soon, more than a dozen wild dragons died under Chen Zongjian and blood flowed into the river.

The influence of the so-called barren dragon heavy ring on Chen Zong is actually very small. Chen Zong's physique is very strong.

When the barbarians were slaughtered more than halfway, a vigorous and vigorous roar suddenly came out from more than a dozen stone caves. I saw more than a dozen barbarians who were over 15 meters in size and even 17 or 18 meters in charge. , The power is amazing.

It was more powerful barren dragons, and before they seemed to be sleeping.

According to the data, it takes a while for the sleeping dragon to wake up.

The more powerful the wild dragon is, the more so.

Chen Zong can feel that in one of the largest caves, that arrogant breath is gradually increasing, the speed is amazing, and maybe he will really wake up soon.

By then ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is estimated to be a tough battle.

Sure enough, this land reclamation task is really not easy and full of danger, but it can also make you fully enjoy the battle.

The emergence of a dozen more powerful wild dragons immediately threatened many people, with the exception of Bai Mei and Chen Zong, all of which suddenly changed dramatically.

Without hesitation, they immediately moved closer together and cooperated.

Do not seek to kill the enemy, but to protect themselves.

After all, it is not so easy to get out of the wild dragon.

Only Bai Mei and Chen Zong can really move freely.

One punch and one sword, everything is invincible!

But when the dozen wild dragons of the size of seventeen or eighteen meters appeared, Bai Mei fell into a hard battle.

The barren dragon at seventeen and eight meters is much stronger than the barren dragon at fifteen meters.

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