Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 23: King of the Wild Dragon

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The purple-gold swordmant is extremely condensed, and the moment it shines, the world seems to become dim. Only the purple-gold sword-like light is eternal.

That sword of light sent out a mighty and violent thunderous billowing, roaring the world, shattering the void.

That sword light, the light does not seem to be so dazzling, but has an ancient clumsy charm, as if immortal, can be as imprinted.

The sword light directly filled the heavens and the earth, and within the valley, occupied the eyes and hearts of all the wild dragons of everyone, as if in heaven and earth, only one sword.

Sword through the sword!

Sword into silk!

Sword gas thunder!

Void marks!

All three superb skills are integrated into this sword.

Practicing the sword into silk makes this sword more condensed, tearing everything through everything.

The thunderous sound of the sword gas made the sword gas more violent and destroyed.

The void left a mark, making the sword's qi feel as if it has immortal properties. Once it is torn through and causes damage, even the physical strength of the barbaric dragon is amazing, and it cannot heal for a period of time.

Under a sword, the 18-meter-high barren dragon was immediately pierced through his neck.

The terrible sword qi broke out in the wound, as if the tree species had taken root and quickly took root in the flesh, spreading at lightning speed, and soon spread all over the wild dragon's neck, and then spread to the body.

However, this barbaric dragon's physique is extremely overwhelming, Chen Zong's sword strength is overbearing, but he cannot spread all over his body, occupying only one third, but even if it is only one third, this barbaric dragon is also severely damaged.

The second sword was shot, and the sword penetrated the star.

The barbaric dragon growled and mourned, and its huge body fell to the side.

With a bang, the ground shook endlessly, and the dust was rising.

Chen Zong's body, like an aurora movie, quickly passed by the fallen wild dragon, with a volley of swords, killing another wild dragon.

Under Bai Mei's continuous heavy punches, she also knocked down an 18-meter-high barren dragon, but the barbaric dragon did not die, but was continuously severely hit on the head. Can't afford to fall.

From this point we can see the gap between her and Chen Zong.

Li Wenhe and other sub-level second-level players joined together, while the first level took care of each other in the middle. They could resist for a while, but they could only barely support it, and they couldn't kill the dragon at all.

If this continues, there will be more casualties in a little more time.

After all, in terms of physical fitness, the barbaric dragon has an advantage, endurance is amazing, and protracted battle has an advantage.

The atmosphere in the largest cave is becoming more and more arrogant, especially the waves of turbulence and surging, overflowing, as if the tide is constantly flowing out of the cave.

Increasingly domineering and more amazing.

In the air of the valley, it seems that a heavy ripple can be seen, which is extremely heavy and makes people feel depressed.

Chen Zong could not help speeding up.

Kill kill!

The wild dragons were beheaded one after another, and the threats and pressures on everyone were weakening.


An extremely horrifying, earth-shattering roar suddenly came out from the largest cave, the sound of waves rolling, smashing and rotten, directly breaking the hole of the cave, and in an extremely violent gesture, smashed the front of the cave. The ground plowed open and rolled up countless dirt, spreading for thousands of meters like a rushing forward.

This scene suddenly made everyone look very different.

Too scary.

Now these wild dragons have made it difficult for everyone to resist. Except for Chen Zong, even Bai Mei is very difficult to resist. If there is a more powerful wild dragon, how do you fight?


Can only retreat.

Fortunately, a wave of mad killing by Chen Zong greatly reduced the pressure of the crowds and indirectly gave them a chance to retreat.

But at the moment when everyone retreated, a ring that was almost dark yellow and almost black seemed to explode out of the stone cave like a star.


The terrible sound rang through the world, shaking all directions, the cave seemed to be directly bombarded by an invisible force, and numerous cracks appeared in an instant, and then collapsed.

The ring was extremely fast, but it covered the entire valley in an instant.

The people who were retreating were also unsurprisingly affected, passing over their bodies.

Suddenly, it seemed as if there was an invisible gravity coming up, as if there was an invisible mountain suppressing and falling down. The amazing power directly weakened the true-level disciples who were at the first level of the sub-level, and there was no resistance at all. , The moment he fell to the ground, the whole person seemed to be pressed **** the ground by the invisible palm, unable to move.

The second level of the sub-god level is relatively better, but it is only better. The whole person did not lie down, it was the result of doing their best to resist. In this case, it was impossible to move freely, and even crawling became very difficult.

It's okay to stay still, and once you move, the pressure on you seems to become even more amazing.

Bai Mei's whole body seemed to be burning with a touch of white energy, like a flaming flame, supporting her petite body standing under the weight and standing upright.

But now, it can only support it.

Looking at Bai Mei's expression, she was very serious, her eyes were burning with unyielding fighting spirit, and her potential seemed to be inspired a little bit under this pressure.

In another place, Chen Zong pulled out the purple thunder sword from the brows of the last wild dragon. The purple light shone without any trace of blood.

It can be seen that Chen Zong's movement is a little slower than before, and it is obviously affected by this pressure.


As if it was the last roar, the biggest stone cave was completely smashed in an instant, and turned into countless fist-sized stones, as if carrying the terrible vitality, and flew across the air instantly, burning.

It was like a meteor fire and rain, flying towards Chen Zong and Bai Mei, carrying the power, terrifying to the extreme.

Immediately afterwards, a huge figure that seemed to be burning with dark golden flames appeared under the eyes of Bai Mei and Chen Zong.

There was a loud noise, and the sound was huge and earth-shattering, and the huge body, thinly splattered with dark golden figures, rushed across.

"Drink!" Bai Mei sighed as hard as she could, and her strength broke out in an instant.

Suddenly, Bai Mei turned into a huge white fist print that seemed to burn, bombarding the sky, destroying the incomparable might, directly blasting at the huge figure burning with dark golden flames.


After a slight meal of that figure, Bai Mei flew several kilometers backwards at a faster speed, and fell beside Li Wenhe and others. He vomited blood for a while, and for a while, couldn't even get up.

The dust fell, and everyone could see clearly. Immediately, each one stared with horror and horror.

what is that?

It was a wild dragon with a size of more than twenty meters and a full size of twenty-one meters.

Wild Dragon King!

This is truly a king of desert dragons.

There is actually a Wild Dragon King in the Wild Dragon group inhabited by this valley.

According to records in the teachings, the King of the Wild Dragon has a body size of at least 20 meters, and its strength has completely reached the peak of the second level of the sub-god level.

Moreover, because of the strength of the barbaric dragon race, their peaks are not the peaks of the second level of the sub-god.

As the King of the Wild Dragon, the power of his destiny Little Dragon Huanglong's heavy circle has reached the extreme, it seems to be the level of the Arcane mystery, coupled with the amazing power of the King of the Wild Dragon, once it is evoked, the power is amazing.

The only one that is just the King of the Dragon Dragon is the ring of the Dragon Dragon, which directly suppressed many people, making it difficult to move, and Bai Mei was also affected.

"Brother Chen, run away." Li Wenhe wanted to speak, but was very difficult. He couldn't say it. The pressure was too strong.

The wild dragon king, whose body size reached 21 meters, had huge and cold eyes, broken golden, and the rays of light were extremely cold, cold and ruthless, but full of anger.

From the tiny bug in front of it, it can smell the breath of many dragons. This little bug killed many wild dragons.

Damn it!


Just in an instant, the King of the Wild Dragon opened his huge mouth and roared out a terrible sound wave, as if the stars burst directly toward Chen Zong, wanting to crush Chen Zong.

In the face of this horrible blow, Bai Mei, who had just gotten up hard, changed her look. With such power, in the heyday, she couldn't resist it completely.

But seeing that Zong Zong's face remained unchanged, his eyes seemed to have a sharp and radiant burst, like a flame burning.

This attack from the King of the Wild Dragon caused Chen Zong's internal warfare to be ignited.


Sword ... chopped!

Suddenly, the Purple Thunder Sword was beheaded and killed. This sword, incorporating the power of the sword of the heart, became more and more powerful and amazing.

A sword slashed, tearing into the sky, invincible, invincible.

The amazing sound wave was even split directly by Chen Zong's sword. The extremely condensed sword light seemed to go straight up against the current, splitting all the violent violent sound waves and killing the mouth of the Dragon King directly.

Only in an instant, the amazing sword energy can be cut into the mouth of the Wild Dragon King, but the Wild Dragon King is closed instantly, the sword air is killed in the mouth, and instantly broken, leaving a sword mark.

However, the sword mark was not deep, it was only a minor injury.

Chen Zong was secretly surprised. If it wasn't for the characteristics of Jianyuan in the early days, it would be impossible for this sword to split it.

Good amazing defense.

A bang ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The thick and long tail of the barbaric dragon trembled suddenly, as if a huge whip blasted the sky and issued an amazing popping sound. The terror power that destroyed mountains and mountains was erupted instantly. The blast hit Chen Zong.

Numerous ripples swept through the void, as if to turn into a frenzy.

With just one blow, one can see how terrible the strength of the Wild Dragon King is.

If it is in a lower-order star, this swipe of the tail is enough to break the void into innumerable numbers.

A strong sense of crisis will almost overwhelm Chen Zong's consciousness. It is too arrogant and too amazing. Once he is hit, Chen Zong can conclude that even if it is protected by a heart-printed treasure, he will definitely be hit hard.

Without the protection of the Heart Seal Treasure Garb, the body would be exploded in no time, no luck at all.

Well, what you have to do is not to be hit.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's body seemed to have lost all its weight, and became extremely light, like a feather, and the strong wind brought by the sweep of the giant tail, swirled like a paper kite in the wind.

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