Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 24: 1 sword like a god

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The wind was flying, but accompanied by a fierce roar, the roar was astonishing and earth-shattering.

The huge tail was burning with a dark golden flame, and it was blown away in an instant, and it was so shattered that Chen Zong felt a thriller, but avoided it.

The body flew incredibly lightly, and then dropped gently, with the toes slightly on the tail of the King of the Wild Dragon, fluttering figure, as if driving out of the sky, the purple thunder sword shot across the air.

One man, one sword, one sword, and one sword!

For a moment, people and swords were in the same shape, without any distinction.


To the extreme, it is like a meteor passing through the void, and it is extremely bright.

There is no such thing as a trick. Its power and mystery are not inferior to the trick. It has the charm of a magical sword.

The gain that Zhao Jianyu brought to Chen Zong was not without, but rather great. Although Chen Zongming knew the truth, he no longer insisted on the many pictures he saw, but before he knew it, those pictures also affected To Chen Zong's sword, this influence is subtle and subtle, it is a good influence, and it is a potential transformation that resides in Chen Zong itself.

Even if it is just the ordinary swordsmanship, it can display amazing power, no less than the first priority of the little magic swordsmanship.

Through the stars!

In an instant, the speed of a sword surged, and its power soared, traversing the void at an alarming speed, killing the Wild Dragon King directly, and stabbing his left eye.

The eyes of the Wild Dragon King are definitely not as strong as the body.

However, the King of the Wild Dragon has been fighting for hundreds of years, and his combat experience is extremely rich. His strength is extremely powerful, and he reacts instantly. His big mouth suddenly opens, and his neck shrinks and stretches like a spring. The crisscross teeth are bright red. Light.

Ang ... roar!

With the terrible thunderous roar, the huge mouth, biting fiercely towards Chen Zong, only one bite can swallow Chen Zong and chew it into food.

This scene is scary and scary.

The cold current permeated the body, and Chen Zong was their only hope.

If Chen Zong were to die here, then they would all die here too, and this wasteland mission failed.

The failure is small, and you can send someone to come again, but the death is large, and more than twenty true stories and one person who can practice the dragon pulse hunting are killed at once, and the loss of monism is great.

Today, hope can only be placed on Chen Zong.

With the big mouths closed, it is astonishing that under the bite force that can bite the mountains, the crisscross jagged collisions emit an amazing sound and the sound waves growl.

Chen Zong's body seemed to be directly engulfed.

Everyone could not help but sink.


A figure appeared as if out of nothing, and appeared in front of the left eye of the Dragon King with a thunderbolt.

Too fast, and very abrupt, when the figure is still blurred and not completely solidified, a touch of Jianguang has been killed, silent, extremely fast, and the sword is extremely condensed.

Refining your heart and returning to one sword!

This sword incorporates practicing sword into silk and void marks.

Come out with a sword.

The response of the King of the Wild Dragon was unpleasant. His left eyelids closed immediately and his head was quickly shifted, but Chen Zong's sword was faster.

The slight invisible sword light pierced through a slight gap just as the eyes of the Wild Dragon King closed.


Only in an instant, the left eye of the Wild Dragon King was penetrated by Chen Zongyi sword, and the terrible sword raged, spreading in the eye, and exploded directly.


Suddenly, the thunderous sound of sword gas rolled violently in the eyeballs, bursting into an astonishing force of destruction, smashing the huge left eye of the Wild Dragon King.

Blood spurted out instantly, flowing continuously along the eyelids, like a river.

Severe pain, making the Wild Dragon King crazy, extremely irritable.

The roar was repeated, and numerous sound waves continued to burst, blasting out terrible power, as if it could break everything, the first level of the sub-god was in it, and it would be crushed directly.

However, Chen Zong ignored the impact of the sound wave, struck out a sword, split the sound wave directly, and killed the Wild Dragon King again.

The King of the Barbarians is huge, extremely powerful, and extremely powerful. The sword is hard to hurt. Only when the sword really hits can it cause damage.

In addition, the opponent has a huge body and extremely powerful strength, which is completely better than himself. If it is hard, it may be crushing, but correspondingly, the speed and response of the King of the Wild Dragon are not as good as himself.

Only by fighting close to one's strengths can we maximize our advantages.

The strength of the Flower of the Great Polar Realm condensed to 50% is completely released, as if it is about to detonate, shaking in all directions. From afar, Chen Zong's air seems to be slightly distorted, and a vaguely invisible flame outline can be seen. Seems to be burning.

Chen Zong's body is extremely flexible, like a bird in the air swimming in the water, constantly changing up and down, avoiding the wild claws and tail of the wild dragon king, but no sword.

Get ready!

Chen Zong kept accumulating momentum and was saving up to the sword.

The Dragon King's defense is too strong, even if he hits the weak spot, it is difficult to cause any harm. It is better to consolidate his strength and keep accumulating to the extreme. Find a chance to explode.

One sword!

Just need another sword to be sure to put an end to this desolate dragon king.

It sounds simple, but Chen Zong knows the difficulty.

At this moment, it is like running on a steel wire, and it will fall a little carelessly, and below it is the mangshanshan fire prison.

This feeling of lingering on the edge of life and death requires Chen Zong to be fully absorbed, not to be distracted at all, but also to have an inexplicable sense of trembling and thriller, like a current that sweeps the whole body up and down, extremely exciting.

The heart is beating constantly. With Chen Zong's control, it is full of rhythm and extremely low. Each beat is like a giant drum throbbing, and the shock bursts out of blood. It sends a strong force to the whole body, and then Straight into the right arm of the sword.

The mind is extremely cohesive, the mind is infinitely high, and the spirit and spirit are united into one.

Vaguely, a silhouette of a flower appeared to appear above Chen Zong's head.

That is the flower of the great polar world!

It's just that this is an intermediate star. The rules are limited, and the flower of the polar world is hard to come out in a cohesion.

If it is a lower-order star, this flower of the great polar world will be very clear.


Under the highly cohesive spirit, Chen Zong grasped all the movements around him and kept dodging, avoiding the violent counterattack of the Dragon King, and using the terrible stratosphere to tear up everything, he took advantage of the situation. Do it naturally.

It's like a boat sailing downstream, like a kite.

Everything is so smooth and natural, that Chen Zong's heart rises into an indescribable feeling.

It seems as if the water flows eastward, as if the sun is rising and falling, as if the seasons are reincarnation, so natural.

A kind of moving, a kind of enlightenment, spontaneously emerge from the deepest heart.

The direction of the heart fits the trajectory of heaven and earth.


All the power burst out into this sword.

Power of the Great Polar Realm!

Too early Jianyuan!

Tai Chu Jian Yuan physical and mental power!

Break the pole third!

Today, Chen Zong's level can forcibly urge the little magical power to break the third level. Although it can only be triggered once in a short time, it is enough.

All the forces are integrated into this sword, and it seems that the fate of all people is bet on this sword.

No more than this sword.

Unconsciously, it seems that it is necessary to break the limit to reach a higher level, and the potential of the sword of the heart also seems to be developed more in an instant.

This sword suddenly surpassed Chen Zong's current limit and reached a higher and deeper level. Even the inexplicable sixth level of Kendo seems to have strengthened a lot.

It seemed as if it were a kind of guidance in the meditation, a guide that dwelled above the heavens, and made Chen Zong issue this sword that seemed to be high above the gods.

With help!

The figure of Chen Zong was unconsciously flush with the head of the Wild Dragon King, a sword was raised, and the sword pointed straight forward.

In a hurry, the surrounding space and time seemed to stagnate and freeze in an instant.

In the distance, everyone looked at. Chen Zong seemed to be bathed in a layer of vast divine light. The divine light was rippling with water and burning like flames. It had a deep and profound charm, as if from ancient times. Never disappear.

That sword also rendered Shenguang with every inch.


A sword stabbed, it didn't seem to be fast at all, even very slow and slow, as if it were layered out. Each time a layer was handed out, a layer of ripples would be opened, which was a ripple of time and space.

Bai Mei and others stared at the sword with their eyes wide open. I don't know why. They all felt that the sword had a charm that was incomprehensible and unpredictable.

It's as if the sword is not a sub-god, but a supernatural state.

One sword is amazing!

Psychic sword!

The speed of this sword is actually extremely fast, just because it is so fast that it seems to be beyond the limits of space and time in this side of the world. The incomprehensible power of Kendo makes the time and space around it seem to freeze. same.

Because fast, because of mystery, it seems as if time and space have stopped.

Even the mighty King of the Wild Dragon cannot understand such a sword, and cannot avoid such a sword.

The strength of the King of the Wild Dragon lies in its strength, an incomparable strength, which crushes all overbearing forces, but when it comes to the realm, it is completely inferior to the sword that Chen Zong wielded.

This is the crushing of the realm.

The realm is crushed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The wild dragons are not afraid, because their bodies are tyrannical, they can suppress them in the realm, but they may not really kill them.

But when Chen Zong's sword was completely pierced, it directly penetrated into the right eye of the King of the Wild Dragon.

Understatement is irresistible.

A sword, long drive straight in, no sword handle, the terrible sword gas burst out completely, exploded in the head of the wild dragon king, instantly penetrated the wild dragon king's brain, scarred, and then smashed.

With a wailing cry, the huge body of the Wild Dragon King trembled to the side.


The whole valley was shaking, the wind was blowing, as if whimpering and mourning.

Everything seemed to return to its original state. Chen Zong fell to the ground and walked slowly, almost falling.

I just feel a sense of emptiness in the body constantly permeating. It is a sense of emptiness from the spirit and spirit, as if it is excessive consumption.

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