Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 25: Pursue the real extreme

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The rest of the life after the disaster, the ups and downs.

The dead people are already spreading the meat sauce, but the living people are secretly fortunate, and there is a joy from the heart, but when they see the meat sauce, they also have a heart in their hearts, and suddenly they are not happy. .

The deceased has gone, and everyone will not always be immersed in that atmosphere, and quickly take out the elixir and take it to restore the exhausted power, treat the injury, and prevent accidents.

Chen Zong also took the elixir and quickly took it.

The only sword that has just surpassed the level of his own at this stage. It is unpredictable, as if it was a sword that he could only send when he pushed everything to the extreme.

Because of this, all of its own power is consumed in an instant.

Essence of Qi, power of the great polar realm, Taichu Jianyuan, Taichu Jianyuan spiritual power, etc.

As soon as the elixir entered the body, it immediately poured into the inner world and was ground, turning into the purest strength, and quickly spread out, impacting every part of the body.

It feels as if Jiuhan meets Gan Lin.

All energy in the spirit of Qi and even the body are constantly recovering.

After restoring some strength, he moved freely without hesitation. With a wave of his hand, Chen Zong immediately collected the dead dragon's body.

This kind of corpse that is born strong and has reached the sub-level peak is definitely worth a lot.

In addition, the wild dragons killed by Chen Zong were also included in the Nineth Heaven Sky Ring by Chen Zong.

This is his own booty.

Whoever kills belongs to whom.

Very reasonable.

After all, this visit is only a land reclamation mission, not a hunting mission. You don't have to turn it over to Monism. Of course, if you turn it in, you can get the corresponding contribution.

However, Chen Zong was not a disciple of the monarchy, so he was directly in his pocket and privately owned.

As for the wild dragons that were not killed by himself, Chen Zong was motionless.

"You obviously have the strength to save him, why not shot." Suddenly, Xie Yang growled at Chen Zong, his face full of grief and hatred.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and their eyes flickered.

Indeed, the disciple of Sword Palace who had just been trampled to death by the Wild Dragon seemed to have no need to die, because Chen Zong's strength in the final battle with the Wild Dragon King was very strong. If he shot at that time, he could indeed save that person.

"Fart, just now Brother Chen is fighting with a powerful wild dragon, how can he be distracted." Li Wenhe roared.

Li Wenhe was right to say that. Under the circumstances, it was indeed Chen Zongzheng who sent out a sword against a mighty wild dragon. Of course, if Chen Zong gave up fighting with that wild dragon, it would be possible to save the true sword palace. disciple.

However, Chen Zong did not do so.

In fact, it is very simple. I came here to be invited by Li Wenhe and Bai Mei, and had nothing to do with others, especially the sword palace.

Chen Zong did not have the slightest favor for the sword palace.

Whether it is drizzle Jian Muyu or Yan Xiaoxiao, or Yan Zhen, one of the godsons of the sword palace, Chen Zong has a jealous attitude towards the sword palace.

So why should you try to save a person who is very likely to be your enemy?

If it is a disciple of Yuan Gong or Xuan Gong, it will be different.

Facing the questioning of the setting sun, Chen Zong did not answer because it was not the answer.

If you do n’t save, you do n’t save, so what?

"Don't forget, we all owe Chen Zong a life." Bai Mei's voice also sounded, and passed into everyone's ears with extraordinary strength.

Indeed, if it were not Chen Zong, they would all be dead this time.

After all, the strength of the barren dragons in this valley is completely unexpected, and they have nowhere to ask for help. The only remaining disciples in the void ship are only hundreds of disciples. True disciples are more than twenty of them.

As for using the power of the void ship, it is indeed possible, but the problem is that restarting the flight from the void ship and firing it again will take a considerable period of time. Perhaps within this period, they will be bombarded by the wild dragon. Into slag.

Even if the spacecraft's shelling is timely, that kind of shelling is indiscriminate and coverable, but it can't tell whether they are monist disciples or what. As long as it affects and kills all, it will directly destroy the entire valley. Erase.

That is a destructive force, and it will not be used as a last resort, because once destroyed, the effort to find a suitable place to build a stronghold is wasted.

It is true that they all owe Chen Zong a life.

Xie Yang and other Jian Gong Zhen Chuan did not speak anymore, but they all stared at Chen Zong, with poor eyes.

Chen Zong ignored this look.

Li Wenhe sighed slightly. He had some vague speculation as to why Chen Zong did not take the rescue to save the disciple of the sword palace. He still owed Chen Zong a life.

When strength was restored, he started clearing other wild dragons in the valley.

The sub-god-level wild dragons all died, and the rest were semi-god-level wild dragons.

The true story of the sword palace seems to be venting anger and hate, madly out of the sword, constantly beheading and slaughtering.

Using the strength of the sword palace to deal with the barren dragons at the demi-level level, even the barbarians are inherently powerful will not help.

Kill kill!

After venting, all the demigod-like dragons were divided into corpses, and the scene was so **** that people frowned.

A strong **** smell permeated the valley.

Next, it was natural to call a spaceship and land, and let hundreds of disciples in the inner gates begin to clean up the valley, carry materials, and start building a monastic base.

As for the crowd, they returned to the void ship to rest and restore strength while meditating.

This battle is a crisis of life and death. For a true story, there will be some gains in living through the crisis of life and death.

Chen Zong is also meditating.

The sword that killed the Dragon King is beyond his control, but he has a feeling of conforming to the sky, as if it fits heaven and earth and nature, and pushes all the mysteries of his strength to a higher level, and then merges into one , As if some kind of metamorphosis has occurred, ascended to a higher level.

That sword, Chen Zong felt like he was possessed by the sword god.

That feeling is really wonderful.

Therefore, Chen Zong now wants to grasp the mystery of that sword and try to master it.

A few days of enlightenment are just a few days away, but there is no gain. There is always a feeling of being separated.

However, Chen Zong also understood that the sword was indeed the sword he could do now.

In other words, at this stage, in fact, the application and control of one's own power has not reached the true extreme. If it has reached the true extreme, then it is hopeful to grasp and master the sword to be exhibited.


Chen Zong left the void ship and also left the valley.

On this wild dragon star, the wild dragon family is the overlord and very powerful. Chen Zong intends to find a strong wild dragon to fight, sharpen himself by fighting, and truly urge all of his own to the extreme.

Then, it should be regarded as the real extreme.

Now, it can only be regarded as a semi-polar level.

Chen Zong's departure was not concealed, and other true stories are also known.

Then, one by one, the true stories also left one after another, but they all left together. At least two or three people were for the team. The purpose was not only to kill the wild dragon to find resources, but also to clean up the surrounding valley.

As for the construction of the stronghold, the array has been set and activated, and once fully opened, it is enough to withstand the onslaught of the level of strength of the Wild Dragon King.

In this way, when there are no worries, hundreds of disciples in the door can build a stronghold.

The choice of more than twenty true stories is divided into three. The true story of Jian Gong is one direction, the true story of Xuan Gong is one direction, the true story of Yuan Gong is another direction, and it is different from Chen Zong's direction.


The landscape of Huanglongxing is very primitive. After leaving the valley, Chen Zong unfolded himself and quickly moved through the tall virgin forest and kept going forward.

In a hurry, it was as if a yellow lightning burst through the air and burst out from a tree. It was extremely fast, and it came with a strong smell.

Strangely fast, and very obtrusive, but Chen Zong's response was faster, a sword waved, the purple sword light broke like thunder.


It was a tawny python with a thin waist, and its head was a bit similar to the wild dragon, which was the ferocious beast on the wild dragon star.

On the Dragon Star, the Dragon Dragon family is the hegemon, and in addition, there are other ferocious beasts, all of which have some similarities with the Dragon Dragon, at least in appearance.

These fierce beasts of the dragon system are also amazing in combat power.


Chen Zong quickly flew out of this virgin forest. He suffered dozens of attacks during the period, including pythons, wild bears, etc., but all of them were reduced to Chen Zong's ghosts. Although their combat power is good, It is not as good as those wild dragons in the wild dragon valley.

After rushing out of the virgin forest, it is a long river. The long river is astonishingly wide, more than tens of thousands of meters. It looks as if the end is not visible. The river is very rushing, the waves are rough, and it looks like a magnificent river.

Standing on the edge of the river, Chen Zong felt the amazing momentum.

At the moment, a large dark yellow fish full of scales with tens of meters full of scales rushed straight out of the river for dozens of meters. The huge body twisted in mid-air and its tail fluttered. The river was shot down with a loud noise and numerous waves splashed.

Looking at the big fish, Chen Zong suddenly wanted to have a meal, it looked very fat, maybe it was delicious.


A swipe of sword light instantly broke through and killed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and pierced directly into the water.

Although the big fish had already entered the water and sneaked down quickly, all its movements were in Chen Zong's perception. The sword gas entered the water at an amazing speed. In a flash, it chased the big fish.

Feeling the danger, the big fish's tail fluttered, his body twisted, and he gave out incredible strength, but it was useless, and he was immediately entangled with sword gas.

The sword qi, like a piece of silk-like shuttle, weaved into an invisible fishing net, directly netting the big fish.

There are thousands of knots in my heart!

At this time, the exhibition was more subtle and more subtle than ever. Chen Zong couldn't help but secretly be pleased. This represented that he had control over his own power and had a deeper level. He was getting closer to the real extreme.

The sword's air was pulled like a silk, and the big fish flew away from the water immediately, sparkling, and the fish scales flickered, and Chen Zong suddenly rose for a while.

Do what you want, when you can understand and master more easily.

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