Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 26: Incorporate heaven and earth into nature

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Dozens of meters of big fish, the combat power is far less than ten meters of barren dragon, but its meat is extremely delicious, even if it is eaten raw, it has a sweet and delicious taste, no fishy smell, and chewing in the mouth When opening, there is a feeling of explosion, the taste is unique and refreshing.

Half eaten raw and half grilled. Chen Zong ate very happily. The big fish, tens of meters away, had tens of thousands of pounds of fish, but Chen Zong opened his belly and drank his own drink. Daduoduyi is very happy.

It can be said that for the first time since entering the void, it has been so refreshing.

This fish contains a powerful blood and energy that continuously pours into the body. If it is eaten at the demi-level level, it is estimated that it will not be able to eat if it does not eat a hundred pounds, but Chen Zong's repair is high-powered. Although thousands of pounds of meat were eaten, the belly did not bulge.

"Cool." After eating the whole big fish, there is a big skeleton, clean, no trace of minced meat, and Chen Zongmeng poured a pot of wine. This wanton feeling is extremely easy, and he feels as if he is about to explode. Like.

After a full meal, Chen Zong did not practice, but lay half on an inclined stone, as if it were a bed, with his hands folded behind his head as a pillow, and his eyes seemed open and closed, if there was no staring The sky staring at the star.

The sky of the barbaric dragon star was wavy with a dark yellow scent, like a cloud, slowly floating, it seemed to be pervaded with a magnificent momentum, and it was unspeakable and comfortable.

After several days of enlightenment, although I did not realize the mystery of the sword that killed the Wild Dragon King, I realized that to wield that sword, I needed to master all the power of myself to reach the true extreme.

In order to achieve the true extreme, Chen Zong has a faint feeling, in addition to high-intensity battles to oppress and stimulate his own potential, he also needs to be happy.

What is good luck?

Chen Zong ’s understanding is to conform to his own mind. For example, when he saw the fat big fish that was tens of meters before, he wanted to eat it. Then, after conforming to his mind and satisfying his appetite, he naturally came from the heart. Feel happy.

This kind of briskness will affect you in a subtle way, feel happy, and then better grasp your own power.

Cultivation is not just cultivation. Walking, sitting, lying, living, eating, living, and living are all types of practice.

Invisibly, Chen Zong's perception of spiritual practice has gone a little deeper.

Gradually, the eyes staring at the dark yellow sky seemed to narrow up slightly, like sleeping instead of sleeping. If there is no, the mind is between the existence and the absence, and is free from reality.


Chen Zong entered into a very wonderful feeling.

If you want to eat, just sleep, if you want to sleep, follow your heart and follow your wishes.

Chen Zongwan didn't expect that he just tried the realization of those days and tried it out by himself.

Wonderful feeling, as if awake, as if asleep, as if half asleep and awake, as if walking in the gap between Yin and Yang.

The potential is unknowingly, like a spring water coming out, and the power that should be due to its various powers is also grasped by a little bit of development, slowly approaching the extreme.

This kind of practice is really envious of envy and hate. You can enter this wonderful state just by eating a delicious meal and then resting your eyes for a moment.

You can't find it!

The sky gradually darkened, and night fell. Chen Zong still folded his hands behind his head, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he was completely motionless.

From the viscera to every section of bone to every inch of musculature membranes, all the power was removed, as if losing all the weight, becoming light and fluttering, it seemed to become a feather-like lightness, as if there was only a breeze blowing , You can blow it up and fly between heaven and earth.

Relax, the whole person completely relaxes.

If the mind does not exist, if there is no, it is unsteady, as if here, as if on the other shore, as if on the earth, as if in the sky.

The body seems to be integrated into the earth, and the heart seems to be integrated into the sky.

Body and mind, earth and heaven.

Unconsciously, the inner world of Chen Zongqi at sea also seems to have undergone subtle changes. The world is becoming clearer and the surroundings are more and more stable. The Taijian Jianyuan existing in it seems to have been tempered and changed. Be even more pure.

The night is completely down, the sky of the barbaric dragon star, the sky is full of stars, and there is a flash of silence and magnificence. In the distance, the roar of the beast keeps ringing, near or far, as if playing a high and low wave. Music makes such a night full of movement.

A giant black cheetah is taking elegant steps, stepping out of the dense forest, seemingly slow, but it flashes across the river like a streamer, appearing quickly near the big river, a mouthful of water, a water column Into the mouth.

This is a beast that comes to drink water.

After drinking the water, the ten-meter-long cheetah took elegant and light steps and walked past Chen Zong's side. It did not find Chen Zong's existence.

You know, the perception of beasts is very acute, and the cheetah's perception is even more extraordinary, but at this moment its steps are almost crossed from Chen Zong's body, but Chen Zong's existence is not found at all.

It's like a grass, a stone.

Mind and body, breath, and everything seem to be integrated with the grass and stones underneath and the surrounding air, regardless of each other.

But Chen Zong could feel, very clearly, that a huge cheetah was walking by his side, and his healthy body and graceful stride were covered with a layer of soft fur that was almost black Under the dark yellow tough membrane, each piece of muscle is like a wave surging, gradually transferring the strength of the body, as if the wind is blowing wheat waves, the strangeness and beauty that cannot be said.

This can not help but let Chen Zong secretly sigh, it is really a masterpiece of nature.

In the past, I would not have observed this so carefully and leisurely.

One night, in addition to the cheetah, there were other wild beasts passing by far or near, but none of Chen Zong was found.

As if in their perception and in their eyes, Chen Zong was no different from a grass, a stone, and an air.

The night fades, the day falls, and the morning sun dances with the sun, shining on Chen Zong's body, warming and recovering.

Chen Zong still didn't move, and realized the wonderful feeling carefully. The coldness of the night gradually faded from his body, and the warmth of the rising sun spread with it, replacing it. It was the alternation of night and day, the moon and the sun Rotation.

Gradually, the rising sun rose, and the light shining out became more dazzling, brighter, and more dazzling, more and more fiery, as if a huge fireball hung above the sky, burning more than just.

The amazing enthusiasm fell on him, making Chen Zong feel like he was about to be ignited, and his body began to feel hot, like a stone under him.

Forgetting to breathe, or to say, the whole person's breathing has been synchronized with the air around the earth and is at a common frequency.

Another beast came out of the virgin forest and drank water by the big river.

There are also wild beasts meeting, starting a life and death fight.

Not for others, just for survival.

By killing the other party, you can eat the other party as food, keep yourself alive, and gain more power.

Natural selection, survival of the strong.

Chen Zong forgot his own identity, and forgot the practice of Gongfa and the enlightenment of swordsmanship, as if he had to go on forever and immerse himself in this world, nature, time and space.

When I came to Huanglongxing, I was able to get such an opportunity, which was unexpected by Chen Zongwan. It was completely unexpected.

Therefore, cultivation has never been done behind closed doors. Retreat is a must, but experience is also a must.

Take a walk and look at the scenery along the way to enrich your horizons. When will you find an opportunity?

The Tao is in my heart and under my feet, every move, between walking and sitting.

Whether it was a drinking beast or a fighting beast, none of Chen Zong's existence was found, and it was naturally ignored.

In the blink of an eye, it was the setting sun again, and night fell.

The night was deep and the chill struck. A bright yellow lightning flashed across the sky, as if torn the sky of the barren dragon star, shining in all directions, and also illuminating Chen Zong's body.

The strong wind blew, and the sound of rattling came out, and the raindrops the size of the thumb fell from the sky, and there was a strong feeling.

It's raining.

This is the rain of the barren dragon star, the first rain after Chen Zong came to barren dragon star, that raindrop seems to carry the terrible gravity, which can break the rocks.

The first drop!

The second drop!

The third drop!


It was densely packed, one drop after another, and turned into a large piece, pouring down from the sky.

The ground was suddenly knocked out of potholes, and the rocks were also beaten into small potholes. On the big river, the ripples were bulging, turning into turbulent waves, a terrible scene that destroyed everything.

The momentum is amazing.

The raindrop directly shot down Chen Zong's body, but seemed to be integrated into Chen Zong's body.

No, it should be said as if Chen Zong's body is integrated into the raindrops.

The body seems to be transformed into water ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but it seems to be integrated into the raindrops. As it condenses in the sky, it continues to fall.

The sound of the wind was whistling, and the surroundings became blurred, and it seemed clear, countless raindrops seemed to be flying in the wind.

It seemed to be a kind of freedom freed from its cage and restraint, as if it were a kind of short-term brilliance from birth to death.

However, Chen Zong soon discovered that the drop of raindrops did not really die, but changed. From raindrops to water, they converged on the ground and turned into small puddles. They still exist, but they changed a form. Only the essence remains unchanged.

I do n’t know how long this rain lasted. When it did n’t stop, there was sunlight penetrating through the thick black clouds, and every drop of rain was refracted, rendering colorful luster like a short journey. Adding glory, becoming more magnificent, more dazzling and more dazzling.

Unconsciously, the rain gradually stopped, and the sunlight after the rain seemed to be more gentle.

At this time, the two figures crossed the sky at an astonishing speed and approached quickly.

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