Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 28: Star Bandit

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(The first one, when I woke up, the ranking rose, and there was one more Supreme, grateful and grateful, I did n’t want to report it. The only six words are code words and then code words.)

The finger of the sword flew through the eyebrow of that big man.

"You ..." The big man was dying, pointing at Chen Zong, unwilling to fall back.

Just now, Chen Zong has been asking some information from the other side.

It turns out that this group of people is the infamous star bandit. The full name is the barbarous star bandit, which is a star bandel that inhabits the barbarus star. Its big commander and second commander are powerful gods.

The three commanders are the masters of the sub-god level. Regardless of their short stature, they are amazingly powerful. At the sub-god level, there are almost no rivals. They like to dig out the heart of a strong enemy and eat it raw.

During the heyday of the barbaric dragon star bandit, there were thousands of people. There were hundreds of masters at the sub-level, and dozens at the second level of the sub-level. They were very powerful.

But unfortunately, the monstrous realm of monism found this place, naturally it was to occupy the mining dragon star.

Fighting was unavoidable. The big commander and the second commander of the Wild Dragon Star Band were successively beheaded and killed, and the masters were killed and wounded. In the end, only the third commander and his dozens of people did not die because they went hunting.

The only empty spaceship of the Desolate Dragon Bandit was also taken away by the strong monarch.

As a result, it will be difficult for the remaining dozens of star bandits to leave the Dragon Star.

After all, they are not in the realm of the gods. Once in the void, they will easily encounter all kinds of unexpected dangers and die by death.

Today, one of the aims of the monarch is to take revenge, and the other is to capture the void ship and escape from the dragon star.

As for why the records of the unitary religion did not mention these star bandits, maybe the gods thought that the star bands had been cleared up, or maybe the star bands without the gods thought it was nothing, like a wild dragon. Generally, it becomes the object of sharpening of the monarchy.

But in today ’s monarchy, even if it ’s Sannomiya ’s brothers and sisters, in fact, they have not grown to the true peak of the sub-god level. Facing the general sub-god peak, they can win a battle or even win, but facing Those powerful sub-god peaks are still not as good.

Even the power of monism cannot be comprehensive. In the process, there will inevitably be some negligence, especially when looking for a new star in the psychic realm. The idea is somewhat different, and the way of thinking is also the same as usual. The strong in the classroom are different.

In the end, the inequality of some information leads to this situation.

Otherwise, if the information is very detailed, perhaps everyone will pay more attention.

Of course, these are all speculations by Chen Zong himself.

Continue to create movement and attract more star bandits.

The starbands who continued to drink again heard the sound of silence and suddenly became angry.

"What the **** is it?" Tall Black got up in rage, and the fierce breath of the evil spirit swept away like a storm. He grabbed the giant sword on one side, carried it on his broad shoulders, and strode toward the tunnel.

"I'll go too." The man with narrow eyes squeaked, but his weapon was a long, narrow willow blade.

"There are two captains, all at ease, drink and drink."

Everyone assured their savings to eat meat and drink, while sweeping the crowd with an evil wolf-like vision, focusing on the few true stories, at least a few good looking true stories.

Da Lao Hei's body is astonishingly strong, like an iron tower, running, but it is very amazing. It is like a huge chariot ramming straight, but the narrow-eyed man is holding a double-knife, his footsteps are light, like a cheetah without sound Quietly and quickly followed.

Like a bear, like a cheetah.

After a while, the two rushed out of the hole.

The man with narrow eyes concealed himself behind Da Laohe, and was extremely tacit.

But all this is under Chen Zong's grasp.

When they appeared, a purple sword light suddenly shone, sharp and endless, as if all the sharpness in the heavens and the earth.

The sword light, full of eyes, is irresistible.

The two men went through countless life-and-death battles. In the face of this sword, they were horrified and their powers burst out, killing each other in coordination.

The huge sword was extremely violent, as if a black torrent of water burst the bank, as if Montenegro collapsed. Among them, there were two subtle blades hidden, extremely sharp and extremely cold.

Such killing tricks, even those who are better than some of them, will inevitably lead to a trick. One trick is death.

But that purple sword light came to death like a goddess of destruction, destroying it.

Whether it was a black blade like a landslide or a tiny blade hidden within that blade, all were cut and crushed under the purple sword light.

The situation is as powerful as it is stubborn, invincible, and irresistible.


Their bodies were cut at the same time, standing still, and then split in two, blood squirting.

The fighting power of these two people is indeed very strong, second only to Bai Mei, but for Chen Zong now, it is not enough to look at.

The only one who can really fight himself is the so-called three commanders.

Then, to attract more people, it is better that the three leaders also come out.

"what happened?"

"Three so long out?"

A moment later, the movement continued, and the people inside the cave felt something wrong.

"You drink." The dwarf leader in the first place flashed a faint gleam in his eyes. There was no drunkenness at the moment. When the voice fell, his short and thin figure had disappeared into a seat and disappeared into the seat.

It was so fast that it disappeared into the tunnel tunnel.

These speeds were shocked by people like Li Wenhe and Bai Mei.

Bai Mei was caught by him, and his strength was not different.

Of course, although Bai Mei is a top genius, the talents of the three leaders are not bad. Moreover, the difference in practice time between the two sides is too large, at least ten times.

The sub-god level, Tianjiao is amazing, but some old sub-gods may not be so talented, but they have developed a good ability and combat power over a long time.

The three leaders of the Wild Dragon Star Bandit have great talents in their own right, but also have a long time to work hard and some chances. Only then have they formed an amazing ability.

In a flash, the three commanders rushed out of the channel that was several kilometers long, but he did not rush out directly, but fluttered in shape, transformed into a virtual image, and instantly condensed into a substantial, rushing out like a real body. Hole.

Then, Zhenshen just rushed out.

Sure enough, it was just a moment, the condensed virtual shadow was cut by a purple sword light and collapsed directly.

Chen Zong didn't expect that the three leaders' ability was so amazing that even in a moment, even his own perception was deceived.

Deceive yourself with a phantom, and the real body appears, gaining a chance.

However, Chen Zong did not feel lost, instead he was eager to try.

The star bandit who was captured by himself said before that the three leaders are very strong, and there are almost no adversaries at the sub-level level, which is very scary, and my previous induction also feels that the breath of the three leaders is not inferior to that of the desert dragon king.


Perhaps this person can become his own rival.

Although the Dragon King is very strong, it is more powerful in strength and physique. Although its fighting methods are extremely powerful, it is too monotonous and rough. It will bring pressure on life and death, but it will not make you more full of fun.

"It turned out to be you, the last true story of monarchism." On the face of the monkey cheeks of the Three Commanders, the twinkles of cold eyes flashed, murderous skyrocketing, and the sharp voice, like a sharp blade piercing the sky, penetrated into Chen Zong's eardrums .

While the voice was still ringing, the three commanders had turned into a dark gray light, crossing the void at an astonishingly high speed, as if a dark light was refracted in the void.

one two Three!

Three refractions and three leaps made the speed of the three dominations reach the extreme in an instant, and it seemed to surpass the limit. Suddenly, it disappeared before Chen Zong's eyes.

A sharp chill, permeated behind him, was very subtle, if Chen Zong had not melted into the heavens and hearts to make him feel more extraordinary, it would be difficult to detect instantly.

Wuguang flashed, fierce, fierce, and swiftly stabbed directly to the mouth of Chen Zong's rear vest, allowing Chen Zong to raise a thrilling sense that his back was pierced and his heart was pierced through.

It was a sharp claw.

The weapons used by the Three Commanders are exactly a pair of long Uighur claws. The edges of the claws are extremely sharp and the twinkling reds seem to be a terrible power.


The terrible sharp claw light pierced Chen Zong's back and penetrated it in an instant, and his amazing energy burst from the claws, tearing everything apart.

But that was just an afterimage of Chen Zong.

His extraordinary perception made Chen Zong aware of the attack of the opponent and quickly evaded.

At the beginning of the sword, the thunder roared and shook the sky, as if the thunder suddenly blew in his ears, causing the triad leader to tinnitus, with a feeling of soullessness.

This is the benefit of the sudden release of Jianqi Thunder.

The previous comprehension, although it did not allow Chen Zong to reach his real extreme, is closer, and the application of the various superb skills of swordsmanship is deeper and more amazing.

As if it was a purple thunder that broke through the air, the three-man leader's complexion suddenly changed, and it seemed that there was still a thunder in his mind, and his mind was still a little shocked.

But in an instant, the whole body of gray light was rolled, and was penetrated by the purple sword light, and turned into a cloud of gray mist and dispersed.

That sword Chen Zong didn't feel stabbed in the opponent, but seemed to stab a mist.

Very weird body.


The figure of the three commanders ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ turned into gray light instantly refracted around, and even called himself to have a feeling that it is difficult to judge the trajectory of the opponent, showing the subtlety of his body.


The sharp claws swept through the sky, and the gray light flickered. From the front, the sharp claws were so strong that they tore the void directly, leaving a faint trace, and there were some signs of void in the void.

The slight smell of scorching smell came out, very pungent.




The sharp claws continued to be shot out through the air, more and more, dense and dense, as if full coverage without dead ends in all directions, completely covering Chen Zong's front.

Jianguang flashed, the purple thunder shot through the air, and the claws went directly to commit suicide.

But under the sword, there was no one. The figure of the three commanders did not know when it disappeared.

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