Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 29: Mind

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Behind Chen Zong, the sword robe was torn out with several cracks, just a flash of light, the heart-printed treasure clothing blocked the attack of the claws, but there was still a trace of sharp and fierce claw strength penetrated through the heart-printed clothing in vivo.

The claws were fierce and vicious, as if they were all-pervasive poisonous insects. Even if Chen Zong's physique was arrogant, he could not completely resist it for a while, and felt constantly drilling into his body, as if to tear the brutal body and flesh.

At the beginning of the beginning, Jianyuan was shocked, and instantly turned into a sharp sword, attacking those claws.

That claw strength is very condensed, showing the amazing power of these three leaders, hundreds of years of hard work and some opportunities, which has created such high strength.

Because his Flower of the Great Polar Realm has reached a perfect level of 10%, it is difficult to break through the Divine Realm and can only continue to work on his own strength and martial arts.

Strive for better and stronger.

Difficult, the strengths of these three commanders are very tyrannical. The overall combat power is not inferior to that of the Dragon King, but the threat is greater, because he is a man, has good wisdom, and has superb martial arts and skills. Flexible, all these are incomparable to the King of the Wild Dragon.

Relatively speaking, the threat of the three leaders to Chen Zong is greater.

At the beginning, the two were a close rivalry. Chen Zong pretended not to be able to get away, but the other was in pursuit, and now he was far away from the underground cave.

Ten percent strength broke out. At one point, Chen Zong suppressed the other side. One sword cut open the other's chest and abdomen, and he was almost broken with one sword.

But at the next breath, the wound was squirming rapidly, contracting and closing at an alarming rate, but it was cured in just three breaths.

Such an amazing ability to heal himself, Chen Zong was caught in a hard fight.

In the end, these three leaders seem to have inspired the power of the blood, and the whole person has changed a lot, his hands seem to merge with the pair of sharp claws, and a trace of lines appears under the entire human skin, which looks like a snake Like the scales, the speed of the whole person has been increased by several dozens, more rapid, more flexible, and more strange.

The pressure on Chen Zong was greatly increased and he was gradually attacked.

Fortunately, there is the protection of Yinyin Baoyi, otherwise, I am estimated to have been torn.

Of course, if you have a heart-printed treasure, that is also a kind of strength. After all, it is your own chance.

The strength of a cultivator is comprehensive. There are internal strength and external strength. The internal strength is the strength that is completely its own. It is the strength that comes with its own growth or through cultivation. That is fundamental. The power of **** will never go out of style.

External forces, such as weapons, armor, elixir, etc., are outdated and often only last for a while.

However, the strength of a cultivator is composed of both internal and external forces. Often, internal forces occupy the main power, while external powers are secondary aids.


It seems that the speed of the three leaders of the Snake Man is amazing, and his body style is extremely secretive. It is refracted in the void several times in a row, completely beyond the control of Chen Zong.

can not see!

It is not even audible and difficult to capture.

Apparently it appeared from behind, launched an assassination, and had a sharp and fierce claw strength to break through to the air, but when Chen Zong dodged, he found that it was only fake, and the real was fake.

The real attack came from the front, and the chest was suddenly torn. Fortunately, there was a heart-printed treasure to block it.

This was the third attack.

However, Chen Zong did not suffer any injuries, even the injurious claws that invaded his body were worn away by Tai Chu Jian Yuan.

These three commanders also seem to be very clear. Instead of fighting close-ups with Chen Zong, they are crazy to exert their own advantages. That is an extremely weird body style. Extremely weird.

"That being the case ..." A thought flashed, Chen Zong's eyes closed, and even the eardrums were closed.

Since you can't capture your opponent's body with your eyes, and you can't hear clearly with your ears, you don't need it.

The eyes were closed, the eyes were in darkness, and nothing could be seen.

The eardrum is closed, all sounds disappear, and nothing is heard.

The smell is closed, and all the taste disappears.


Chen Zong even closed the five senses by himself.

There is no doubt that the feeling of closing the five senses is very uncomfortable, as if it has fallen into the abyss of death or something, you can't hear it, you can't hear it, everything has disappeared, everything is gone, everything has gone to nothingness, and it feels even the soul It's all about to lose.

How does death feel?

Chen Zong has experienced it before, it is a real experience.

It is even more frightening than this closed sense of five. Therefore, after actively closing off the five senses, Chen Zong did not actually feel uncomfortable.

Of course, if there is no certainty, Chen Zong will not do this kind of thing, it is tantamount to extending his neck under the enemy's slashing knife and seeking his own way.

It can be said that the benefits of Chen Zong's integration of nature and nature are amazing.

The five senses are closed, but the sixth sense is enhanced to the extreme in an instant, and then the limit is exceeded.

This is a kind of conscious perception that expands and covers all around.

Suddenly, as if an eye was opened in the heart, staring out, everything within a ten-meter radius around the center of the body, gradually, the darkness receded, showing a slight blur.

The blur was slowly becoming clear, as it was in the early hours of the morning.


Increasingly clear!

But in a short time, all the blur disappeared, replaced by clarity, just like the clarity of staring with your eyes.

Ten meters round!

Within a 10-meter circle, everything becomes extremely clear, better than before, because this is what you "see" with your heart.

Seeing with your heart is for your eyes.

As far as the heart is concerned, not only the surface of the void, Chen Zong even saw a trace of traces. It is like a vein, a vein that belongs to the surface of the void. Is the mystery of the Tao.

Although it is only ten meters in the circle, although the context within the ten meters is very vague, if anything, it will surprise Chen Zong secretly.

This has never been seen before.

Suddenly, as soon as my heart moved, I saw a blurry gray shadow appearing in a ten-meter circle around the body at an amazing speed, as if out of nothing.

It seems that there is nothing out of nothing, but Chen Zong captures it. It is not something out of nothing. It is a very fast speed and a very clever figure. Very mysterious and weird.

That's the three leaders of the Wild Dragon Star Bandit.

I just watched with my eyes, but I couldn't see anything, but now with my heart, I can see a bit of mystery.

The three commanders appeared within a ten-meter radius of Chen Zong's body, but instead of immediately attacking and killing him, he cast his body skills again. For a moment, it appeared as if the light was refracted and appeared on the other side.

Soon, very suddenly, weird, there was no sign of that refraction, and it was difficult to see any signs.

But in an instant, Chen Zong's eyes caught a trace of it, which fits into one of the many fuzzy tracks within ten meters.


After several refractions of the stature of the three commanders, he finally shot.

Fulin was so heartfelt that Chen Zong waved his sword and blocked the three commanders' killing blow.

The sharp claws and the Purple Thunder Sword collided in an instant, causing countless sparks to splash in all directions.

"How is it possible!" The three commanders widened his eyes and couldn't believe it.

It was blocked.

It must be a coincidence.

The body flickered, disappeared again, and appeared elsewhere.

Few near and far away, beyond ten meters, Chen Zong could not "see", but after entering ten meters, he could capture and gradually grasp its trajectory.

The strong understanding allows Chen Zong to continue deduction and simulation.

Instantly, the three commanders appeared again within a 10-meter square, with a flickering figure, divided into two, lifelike, true and false, difficult to distinguish from each other, appearing in front of and behind Chen Zong.

"It is now." A thought suddenly exploded in Chen Zong's mind, ignoring the figure killed in front of him, and his shape never turned, but the purple thunder sword suddenly broke away from his right hand, and instantly turned into a purple thunder Burst out of unparalleled speed.


A sword, as if running through the sky, space, time and space, followed an inexplicable trajectory, which coincided with a vague trace within ten meters. The trace seemed to light up in an instant, shining with an amazing light, and the purple thunder sword The sword lights overlap, which makes the speed of this sword further improved.

Too suddenly, the light of the sword flashed like a thunder, and the three commanders killed in front of Chen Zong were a little meal. Then, as if a gray smoke spread out, the three commanders who were about to kill behind him also followed. The heart was completely pierced, and the heart was broken by the sword gas.

However, the three commanders did not die directly, and their strength was against the current. They wanted to explode and pulled Chen Zong back.


Suddenly, the Thunder Sword Light burst out into an unparalleled terror, and the arrogance was violent and unforgiving.

San Xiao's thin body was smashed under the violent thunder sword light.

Chen Zong reached out and grabbed the flying ring.

The purple thunder sword spun out of nowhere and returned to the sheath, and the ten-meter circle quickly became blurred and dim ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to darkness.

Chen Zong's figure flickered, his eyes opened, and in the depths, there was inexhaustible tiredness.

The effect of that mind is amazing, but the consumption of the mind is also amazing, but it only lasts for a long time, so that I have a feeling that the power of the mind is almost consumed, and I feel weak from the heart.

This weakness, which is different from that of Jingqishen, cannot be replenished by taking the elixir at all, but can only slowly recover by itself.

When he landed, Chen Zong stood still and took the initiative to guide, speeding up the recovery of some minds. Fortunately, his mind was extremely strong, and he had the sword of heart, and the recovery speed was quite fast.

The fighting erupted here was breathtaking, and all the wild animals around had already fled, and there was no danger.

Of course, Chen Zong didn't stay too long, in case there is a more powerful wild animal coming there.

When the body unfolded and quickly left, the strength of the mind was also restored little by little. When Chen Zong returned to the entrance of the underground cave, the exhausted mind had recovered about 30%, which did not hinder the action.

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