Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 32: Ruins of the Strong (2)

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The passageway is very wonderful. There is a kind of resistance. When Chen Zong intends to terminate Xiaoying Shadowcraft and transform into a sword and light flying, he finds that the resistance is coming, as if to bind himself heavily, the black light around him, as if to be Run through yourself.

Chen Zong quickly exhibited Xiaoying Shadowcraft again, before avoiding all the black laser lasing.

Rush through the aisle and enter the next hall.

There is no difference between this one and the first one. There are still wall patterns on the walls.

However, the mural is not Xiaoyingyingshu, but another small magical power, which is the same as Xiaoyingyingshu.

Minimize virtual surgery!

In addition, there is a passage, dark.

The voice sounded, after Chen Zong participated in the miniaturization of virtual surgery to the third level, he broke through the passage and entered the next hall.

It took only a few decades for the three leaders to get the Dragonscale tokens. Before and after, they finally practiced Xiaoying Shadowcraft to the third level of consummation, crossed the channel, and saw Xiaohua Xushu, but unfortunately, Only then will Xiaohua Xushu be cultivated to the first priority.

His understanding is not so superb. It took him several years to cultivate Xiaohua Xushu to the top, and it is estimated that it will take several decades to practice to the level of Xiaoyingyingshu.

After enlightenment, Chen Zong affirmed that the technique of the three commanders and the avatars they played during the battle should be this miniaturization.

The first is to illuminate a false image that is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

The second is two ghosts, and the third is three ghosts.

Virtual shadows can be switched between each other and come true by borrowing false.

It is indeed a very practical body form, but Chen Zong does not feel anything. Similar body forms have been seen and practiced in the past.

This can't help but remind Chen Zong of the Nine Strikes of Wuxue Tianling in the Eternal Battle.

Now that I have some associations, after reconsidering it, Chen Zonghue realized that the Ninth Strike that day seemed very unusual, not as simple as the practice at that time.

Although he cannot practice the Nine Strikes of the Heavenly Spirit, he has the mystery in his heart. With the mystery of the Nine Strikes of the Heavenly Spirit, Chen Zong can easily understand the mystery of Xiaohua Xushu.


The body flickered in an instant, a phantom was solidified, and flew out of the air. No matter its look or breath, it was as lifelike as Chen Zong.

First, it took just a quarter of an hour.



It's easier than practicing Xiaoying Shadowcraft, but in just two days, Chen Zong's body shook and three ghosts appeared around him.

The four Chen Zongs remained motionless, no matter how they looked or looked. They all looked exactly the same. There was no slight difference. At first glance, they couldn't see any difference at all, and they thought it was true.

At about ten breaths, three of them smiled, quickly faded, and disappeared.

Third successful!

This is the ultimate that I can cultivate at present.

As for the mystery of the polar realm, it needs an opportunity to do so.

Now that we have mastered it, we are going to break into the channel.

When Chen Zong entered, the surrounding area suddenly lit up. In front of Chen Zong, there was a road ahead, with four raised circles on it.

In an instant, Chen Zong knew the requirements to break through this channel.

You must step on the raised circular platform to pass through the channel, and on the four circular platforms, you must ensure that someone is available. Once one is missing, you cannot pass.

This is really difficult for people who have n’t practiced miniaturization virtual arts, and they ca n’t pass.

Chen Zong's figure flickered, and at a glance, including the real body, four figures appeared on four circular platforms.

Passing is a breeze.

If the three leaders are alive, it is estimated that they will die with jealousy.

The same people, but the gap is so big.

The third hall is similar to the first and second.

What is portrayed on the walls is not Xiaoyingyingshu or Xiaohuaxushu, but Xiaozangkongshu.

Chen Zong's eyes could not help but smoke.

There is a coincidence of how Xiaoying shadow technique, Xiaohua virtual technique, and Xiaozangkong technique.

Moreover, after practicing Xiaohua Xushu to the third level, Chen Zong felt that there was some connection between Xiaohua Xushu and Xiaoyingyingshu, but it was impossible to see through.

This small Tibetan technique has not been practiced by the three commanders, because he cannot break through the passage of the second hall.

Chen Zong began to enlighten Xiaozang Kongshu.

This can also be regarded as a little magical power. Once it is displayed, it will hide itself, as if it is integrated into the void, making it difficult to detect.

There are three levels of the triple realm. When you practice to the third highest level, the taste of the figure will be hidden. The whole person seems to be completely integrated into the void and disappears.

Chen Zong feels that there is a certain connection between this small Tibetan space technique and the Xiaoying shadow technique and the Xiaohua virtual technique.

It feels that there is a very deep relationship between these three little magical secrets, as if they can complement each other.

The practice of Xiaozang Kongshu is not too difficult. At least Chen Zong has a lot of experience in converging his own breath and integrating into the void.

Therefore, two days later, Chen Zong practiced Xiaozang Kongshu to the third level of perfection.

With the small hidden space technique, Chen Zong easily broke through the passage and entered the fourth hall.

In the fourth hall, there is no such thing as murals.

A spaceship, a black-gold body, is a void spaceship about 100 meters long and about 30 meters wide, which is traversing the hall.

The spaceship is black and gold. If you look closely, you can see that it is covered with dragon scales. Each piece is better than a slap. The dense combination of lines makes it smooth and robust, giving a mysterious and noble feeling.

Very extraordinary!

Chen Zong could not help showing a touch of joy.

Could the so-called treasure be this void ship?

Yes, when it is very good.

Chen Zong has already known that there are three types of void ships. According to their size, they are divided into void ships, void ships, and void ships.

The empty flying boat is a hundred meters in size and is generally called a private flying boat. The number of people it can carry is very limited, and it will not exceed ten.

Void spaceships are kilometers in size, and are generally used by star-level forces and most of the galaxy-level forces. They can carry more people. Hundreds are not a problem at all, and they can even squeeze thousands of them.

Void spaceships are 10,000 meters in size and can only be possessed by powerful galaxy-level and star-level forces, which can carry at least tens of thousands of people.

As for whether there is a higher level on the Void Ship, Chen Zong is not clear.

Regardless of whether it is a spaceship, a spaceship, or a spaceship, when it is called, it is generally referred to as a void ship, and its value is amazing. At least, one million void coins are eligible to buy, and it is the lowest level.

Whether it is a void ship, a void ship, or a void ship, it is divided into several levels, low order, middle order, high order, top order, and super order.

The low-level at least one million worth of void coins, the middle-level is even more than several times.

The flying boat used by Su Chao is medium-level.

Only in the middle class can the Nether Shuttle be exhibited.

The void shuttle of an intermediate-level void ship can span one void year at a time.

That is to say, a medium-level void ship can use a void shuttle to span a distance that a void year can fly.

As for the high-level void spaceship, a void shuttle is said to be able to leap a distance of ten years.

The void shuttle of the top-level void ship is even more amazing.

As for the super order, it is unimaginable.

As a godson of unitary religion, Su Chao had a mid-level void ship.

As for the disciples of Yiyuanjiao, most of them have low-level Nether-flying boats, most of which are not available, so they must be borrowed.

Of course, the true disciples of the unitary religion, apart from their true identity, also have their own family support behind them, and they still have some wealth.

Chen Zong also intends to purchase a Void Vessels, so that it is more convenient for him to go alone in the future. The best is to be able to buy a mid-level Void Vessels before he can exhibit the Void Shuttle and shorten the navigation time in the void.

However, although I have some wealth, I only have two or three hundred thousand empty coins. Compared with millions of empty coins, there is still a big gap, let alone millions of tens of millions of empty coins.

This time I came to the Dragon Star, hunted the wild beast to get the beast crystal, and so on. I also had the idea of ​​accumulating wealth.

There is always more when less is accumulated.

Unexpectedly, there was a void flying boat in front of me, and it seemed very unusual.

Of course, just looking at it is not ordinary. How Chen Zong is not clear, it may be just a low-level void ship. Even the low-level one is very good.

Chen Zong approached the empty flying boat, with a buzz, a shadow emerged from the air, an old man in a black robe.

The old man's figure was solid, his eyes seemed to penetrate through countless space-time gazes, and it seemed that he could see through all the mysteries of Chen Zong.

"I am the lord of the sky, from the vacuum teaching of the skyless astronomy. As the deputy leader, I encountered a strong enemy secretly calculated, flowed here, the injury is overwhelming, and there is a person. Since you can come here through the test of the deity, then It is considered to be related to the deity. "The old man in the black robe stared at Chen Zong, his eyes seemed to penetrate through the heavy void, and everything was invisible:" The deity gave you this top-level void ship 遁 spaceship to you, but you Make an oath to send the deity's body back to the vacuum school within millennia. "

"Top level!" Chen Zong just felt his heart beating.

The low-level Nether flying boat is worth millions of Nether coins, the middle-level is at least several million, and the high-level is tens of millions. But what about the top-level, tens of millions or even higher?

Hundreds of millions?

It is impossible to imagine ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There is a feeling of being hit by a pie.

One void shuttle for a mid-level void boat is a void year, one void shuttle for a high-level void boat is ten void years, and one void shuttle for a top-level void boat, the upper limit is one hundred void years.

With this top-level void flying boat in hand, wouldn't you go where you want to go.

Let the whole void travel by itself?

Chen Zong was heartbroken.

However, instead of being stunned, I was thinking about it. For a thousand years, it refers to the year of the void. I can definitely become a divine realm. It is not too late to go to that vacuum to teach.

In the end, he made an oath in his heart.

"Now that you have made your vow, the deity will give you the Niankong number, and give you another chance." The voice of the Emperor Yukong finally sounded, and immediately turned into a streamer, shot directly out at Chen Zong The moment he didn't have time to escape, he fell into Chen Zongmei's heart and turned into a flood of information.

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