Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 33: 2 Daitenjindori

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The void is dark and boundless. Only the stars in the distance flicker, as if endless, mysterious and profound.

A black light flickered, and it flew away at an astonishing speed from a distance, and then instantly disappeared, generally submerged into the void, and when it appeared, it was already ten million miles away.

It was like a shuttle in the void, but Chen Zong was sure that it was not a void ship, but a person.

A powerful practitioner.

For a moment, the black light flashed, one divided into three, one turned into a virtual shadow refracted in the void, one dangled instantly, one divided into four, overlapped, and one seemed to disappear into the void.

Then, an eye lit up in the depths of the void, and that eye seemed to be filled with half of the void, with a trace of black and gold light flowing, forming an extremely mysterious and complicated pattern, extremely deep and mysterious.

The pair of huge eyes, like the eyes of the sky, see through everything, as if everything in the void has nothing to hide.

Under the gaze of those godlike eyes, the first reflection of the void in the void is solid, and you can clearly see a person, who is a black robe old man. There are black and gold lines on the black robe. , Very mysterious, its trajectory has been clearly seen.

The second figure is illusory, but only one is solid, the others are all false figures, the true and false will be clear at a glance.

The third silhouette that blends into the void is fully presented and completely visible.

Immediately, those eyes seemed to penetrate countless time and space, and stared directly into Chen Zong's consciousness of the sea, as if penetrating deeply into the soul.

Like the blow, the darkness in front of him shattered.

The information, like a torrent of torrents, resounded in Chen Zong's mind, as if to burst Chen Zong's mind, but was completely accommodated by Chen Zong.

After all, Chen Zong's soul is very powerful, and its strength is better than countless sub-gods.

Some inheritance, some information, this is the gift of the Emperor Yukong after Chen Zongli vowed.

There are some introductions to vacuum teaching in the information, but they are only basic introductions. They are star-level forces, and they are intermediate-level star-level forces.

In fact, for the powerful gods, the difference between one thousand years and ten thousand years is sometimes not great, because their retreat may be hundreds of years and thousands of years.

For star-level forces, ten thousand years is nothing.

Any star-level power has existed for more than a million years.

To a certain level, time is the cheapest thing.

Sometimes the confrontation between Divine Realms will last for many years, beyond imagination.

Anyway, everything between the divine realms is beyond imagination. Now Chen Zong is not qualified to know so much.

And there are a lot of psychic states in the galaxy-level forces, and the celestial states of the astral-level forces are even more amazing.

Inheritance is two supernatural powers, and their levels shocked Chen Zong.

It is not a small magical power, nor a great magical power. It is also a higher-level magical power than a great magical power.

Little magical power and great magical power, that is Chen Zong's cognition in the heavenly realm.

There are more than two levels of magical power in the void.

Of course, Chen Zong does not know how many levels there are, and he is not qualified to understand them.

These two supernatural powers are ranked above the great supernatural powers. They are two supernatural powers created by the Emperor Yukong. They do not belong to the vacuum religion, but can be spread. As for the supernatural powers, only Those who teach in a vacuum are qualified to cultivate.

The sub-gods can only practice small magical powers at the most. As for the great magical powers, they can be cultivated only when they have the magical power, let alone heavenly powers.

Couldn't Chen Zong just stare.

of course not.

In fact, the three small magical powers of Xiaoyingyingshu, Xiaohuaxushu, and Xiaozangkongshu are divided into one of the two celestial powers, and they are cultivated to the extreme mystery, and then promoted to the power of the gods. After the realm, they can be merged into one to achieve the celestial power and the great air law.

As for the other supernatural power, it is called Dalian Xushen Eye, which belongs to the pupil magic power.

In the same way, Lord Yukong divides the eyes of Da Lian Xu Shen into three small magical powers, Xiao Ding Kong Yan, Xiao Ping Xu Yan, and Xiao Chong Xu Yan.

The three gated magical powers have their own advantages and differences, and the methods of cultivation are all in Chen Zong's mind. Only the three gated magical powers can be cultivated to the full, and then master the polar mysteries. , Then they can be guided and blended into the eyes of Dalian.

That is to say, once you break through to the magical realm, you can master the two heavenly magical powers in a short period of time. At this start, I don't know how many people to beat.

Chen Zong couldn't help but smile.

Finally, it is the refining secrets and control methods of the top-level void spaceship of the Nakago.

The top-level void boat, this value is definitely not inferior to the magical powers of God, and even better than many.

Chen Zong entered the Kongkong, found the core, and began refining.

Refining a void ship, the difficulty is closely related to the size and level of the void ship.

For example, it is also low-order, so refining a void ship is definitely easier than refining a void ship.

It is also a flying ship in the void, and the lower order of refining is definitely easier than the middle order of refining.

There are other restrictions.

Chen Zong began refining the core of Wukong. As soon as he refined, Chen Zong discovered that the pressure was great, but since he had begun refining, there was absolutely no reason to stop.

Perseverance, tenacity, and squeeze their own potential.

one day!

Two days!

Three days!

Four days!

Five days!

Chen Zong almost reached the point where the oil was exhausted, and finally the refining was completed. The core nucleus emitted a light, shining on Chen Zong's body, and also letting Chen Zong's spirit imprint on it.

Almost, but almost five days of hard work failed.

It feels so tired now, it seems like the whole person is paralyzed from the inside out.

I just want to lie down and sleep.

However, Chen Zong did not do so, but supported with perseverance and began to cultivate.

Sometimes, at the limit, the effect of cultivation is better.

A long time later, a powerful breath exploded from Chen Zong's body and hit all directions.

All the energy, spirits, and other powers consumed were all restored, and, by doing so, breaking the limit, the flower of the Great Polar World broke through 60% and reached 70%.

That flower of the Great Polar Realm became more and more solidified. On the contrary, the three flowers of Jingqi Shen became even more bleak. .

Of course, the disappearance of the three spirits of essence, energy, does not mean that Chen Zong has no essence, and still exists.

The degree of condensing the flower of the Great Polar Realm has reached 70%. Chen Zong can feel that his physique is more and more powerful, and his strength seems to be more condensed.

The overall strength is further improved.

"It's a pity." Chen Zong said secretly.

Xiuwei's ascension is a good thing. It is also a good thing to get two great magical powers. It is even better to get the Void Void Vessels.

But Chen Zong's sigh was also because of the empty space.

Top Void Flying Boat!

That value is unimaginable. Even godsons like Su Luan ca n’t afford to lose their homes.

However, Chen Zonghua also obtained the corresponding information after refining his heart, that is, with his current ability, only the Qikong can play the flying speed of the mid-level void ship.

If you use the Void Shuttle, you will be able to reach the Void Shuttle of the middle-order Netherflying boat under the condition of full load. As for the high-order, just after the urge, the load will be enough to dispel Chen Zong's soul and directly dispel the soul.

This is also because Chen Zong's soul is stronger than most of the sub-gods, and can even be comparable to the relationship of the gods to some extent.

Change to another sub-god level, then there is another grade to go down.

Thinking about this, Chen Zong felt that there was nothing unacceptable, not to mention that the flight of a void spacecraft would consume energy.

The most common is the void-burning crystal, which is also the most suitable energy source for the combustion of the void ship's furnace, and can support the navigation of the void ship and start the void shuttle.

Void burning crystal Chen Zong is not, after all, there was no Void Spaceship before, and it will not be specially prepared, but there are some, although not many, in the three commandments.

And there are still some reserves in these empty furnaces.

However, the Void Burning Crystals stored in the Niankong are different from the Void Burning Crystals of the Three Commanders, and their colors are different.

Void crystals of the Three Commandments are gray, while the crystals in the crystal burning furnace are white.

The gray void-burning crystals are low-level, light gray is medium-level, gray-white is high-level, and white is top-level.

The higher the rank of the Void Crystal, the more pure the energy and the higher the value.

If the top-level void ship wants to exert its power and ability through the matrix method, it must use the top-level void burning crystal, of course, the lower order can also, but it will reduce the performance of the void ship.

In addition to flying, the Niaokong also has two major capabilities: defense and attack.

Defense is the consumption of energy, condensing into a layer of protection on the surface of the Void Flying Boat to withstand external attacks. Its strength can reach the highest level, and it can withstand most of the powerful psychic attacks.

The attack is also a kind of attack that emits rays of light by consuming energy. It is also powerful enough to stun powerful people.

As for what level can be reached, Chen Zong does not have an intuitive reference, there is no clear concept.

All in all it should be amazing.

But no matter which type, it needs to consume energy, and the energy is provided by the void burning crystal.

Anyway, go to www.wuxiaspot.com ~ everything depends on Void Burning Crystal.

Where does Void Burning Crystal come from?

When purchased, you do not have the ability to create a Void Burning Crystal.

What to buy?

Void Coin!

Although he hasn't bought the Void Burning Crystal, Chen Zong instinctively thinks that terror will not be cheap, that is to say, this emptiness will probably become a big money-burner in the future.

Well, big money burners are better than nothing. Besides making money, their ability is not bad. There should be no problem.

"Then, next, I will train Xiao Ding Kong Yan, Xiao Ping Xu Yan and Xiao Chong Xu Yan before leaving." Chen Zong did not put away the Kong Kong, but instead sat in the training room of Kong Kong to start the battle. Fa, get acquainted with it, of course, it consumes low-level void burning crystals.

As for the remains of the Emperor Yukong, it was kept in the Niaokong, waiting for a day, and Chen Zong sent it to the vacuum school.

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