Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 35: Beyond life and death

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In the huge valley, the five heads of the Wild Dragon King roared, spreading around, and raging in all directions. The stones in the valley turned into powder dust instantly, and the dust was not able to be crushed on the ground, as if sinking three inches out of nothing.

Four figures flashed and killed separately, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false.


The purple sword light killed it like a thunderbolt.

The five-headed wild dragon king-level wild dragon has three heads and twenty meters, one head is twenty-one meters, and one head is twenty-three meters.

Chen Zong avoided the twenty-three-meter barren dragon king, first attacked the other four barren dragon kings, and defeated them one by one.

But the twenty-three-meter-long barbaric dragon king's combat power was astonishing, his tail flicked suddenly, and the horror blasted out in the void, making the deafness tremble, as if the sky was falling apart.

The three figures were all under the horrible lash, as if the floating woods were undulating, except that Chen Zong's true body was not affected.

But then, the truth is immediately clear.

Chen Zong could not help but secretly said, this miniaturization is not deep enough, but if it is cultivated to the level of polar mystery, it may change.

Xiaohua Xushu was so, Chen Zong was not disappointed.

For a moment, the eyes glared, the pupils contracted and diffused in an instant, and the edges of the pupils seemed to spread out in circles, overlapping and endless, and the invisible ripples were irradiated from the pupils at any time. Out, constantly expanding in the void.

Xiao Ding's empty eyes!

What is the power of Chen Zong trying this little magical pupil.

The only function of the small Dingkong eye is Dingkong. The so-called Dingkong is to hold a void in one place and allow it to freeze instantly. Naturally, everything in that void will also freeze with it.

Chen Zong tried it in the ruins, and it was easy to settle a ten-meter-square void, but what was settled was pure void, nothing else, so it was easy.

Originally, Chen Zong planned to end the retreat, and then look for the wild beast to try out the power of Xiaoding Kongyan and other pupil magical powers. The original plan was to start from the weak wild beast and gradually increase the difficulty. Look at this little Where is the ultimate level of fixed eye.

However, I did not expect to receive Li Wenhe's request for help just after the end of the cultivation. He quickly rushed to the reinforcement. He has not yet tried it. Now, he will start directly with the 23-meter-sized barren dragon.

Of course, it was just a blow to the tail of its rampage.


For a moment, Chen Zong only felt as if he was bearing the force of exceeding the limit. His eyes expanded in an instant, and his pupils seemed to be bursting. Numerous ripples continued to spread inside the pupils, as if the ring of stars exploded.

Chen Zong felt that his consciousness was constantly surging through his eyes, as if to crack them.

Load, beyond imagination.

However, the effect was also very good. The wild dragon king's violent tail hit him as if spread and bound by countless rings. In a flash, he couldn't move.

A very weird scene, Bai Mei and Li Wenhe were shocked.

What kind of power actually made the wild dragon king's violent tail stagnate in the void without moving.

Is it controlled by the Dragon King himself?

No, it can be seen that although the tail stopped, it continued to send out a force that was extremely violent and extremely violent, constantly oscillating, opening up layers of ripples and ripples, as if to break free of the **** in the most violent way.


In just a short period of time, Chen Zong felt that his consciousness had been consumed sharply and the burden was heavy.


With a flash of body, Chen Zong gave up the power of Xiao Dingkong's eyes, crossed his violent tail with a sword, and killed a twenty-meter-long barren dragon king.

Kill with one sword!

"Actually consumed half of my consciousness." Chen Zong's body was refracted, avoiding the attack of the other King of the Dragon Dragon, secretly shocked.

This is just to hold the 23-meter-sized barbaric dragon king's tail in one blow, and it's just a matter of time.

Consumption is really amazing, but the effect is very good.

Sometimes, powerful enemies vie for life and death.

This small set of empty eyes cannot be used as a conventional means, but it can be used as a killer.

As for the small glimpse of the virtual eye, it is a supernatural power to see the hidden pupils.

So now, let's try the power of Xiao Chong's empty eyes.

The eyes trembled again, and the eye pupils shrank from the edges of the surroundings to the inside in an instant, and the heavy ripples pulsated, and finally gathered into a little black awn at the center of the eye pupils.


The two invisible forces suddenly burst out from the eyes of Chen Zong's eyes and rushed directly into the 21-meter-sized barbaric dragon king.

The wild dragon king only felt as if his head was directly impacted by two powerful forces, if dizzy, and he seemed to be cracking. It was extremely uncomfortable. He couldn't help shaking his head violently and hissing, and it sounded a bit chaotic.

Refining your heart and returning to one sword!

A sword broke, silently and directly penetrated into the eyes of the barbaric dragon king.

After the sword body pierced into the eyes, it seemed that there was a thunderous sound, which exploded inside the head of the Wild Dragon King. It was extremely dull, and it directly smashed the brain of the Wild Dragon King, and between the amazing anger of the sword, the Wild Dragon King shook Staggered and fell to the side.

Both ends!

In a short period of time, the powerful King of the Wild Dragon was killed by Chen Zong on both sides.

This scene saw Bai Mei and Li Wenhe's eyelids jumping.

It's too cruel.

That's the King of the Wild Dragon, not an ordinary King of the Wild. Just cut vegetables and kill melon, and still face the situation of five Kings of the Wild at the same time.

Li Wenhe paid for himself, and one hundred went up by himself.

Even a thousand of them are the same. After all, the barbaric dragon's heavy ring is too abnormal, the weight of the difference is unbearable, it can't be carried, it has nothing to do with many people, but only with the strength of the individual strength , Can be called a battlefield weapon.

Imagine how amazing it is to master such magical powers like the wild dragons and ring them down on the battlefield.

What is the difference between a hundred and a thousand or even 10,000? As long as they are within the range of the barren dragon ring, as long as they are unable to resist the weight of that ring, they must be recruited, and they will be killed.


When he died, Chen Zong turned into a ghost refraction, avoiding the siege of the three remaining Wild Dragon Kings. His energy exploded in all directions, and the chaos was extremely chaotic. In that void, the three Wild Dragon Kings attacked fiercely, as if there was a thunderous fire Move and destroy everything.

Undifferentiated attacks, completely covered, can't be avoided anyway.

With three heads in a state of rage, the Wild Dragon King even opened a mouthful of fiery dark yellow flames, covering everything within a kilometer.


The fierce burning seems to burn everything between heaven and earth to nothingness.

A strong sense of crisis suddenly flooded the whole body, making Chen Zong's look calm.

The power of such flames is terrible, and once they are burned, they are likely to be uncomfortable.

Bing Lin was so heartfelt, Chen Zong first exhibited the Xiaohua Xushu, and then performed the Xiaoyanying Shu.

The body turned into a virtual shadow in an instant, and the virtual reality seemed to be bouncing like a star pill, but it did not leave the range of the flame, not even the range.

It is so wonderful that all flames cannot reach Chen Zong.

It is obviously in the flame, and it seems to be isolated from the flame, as if to be integrated into the deeper void surface that the flame cannot reach.

In a way, that is, the surface of the void is burned by the flame. After Chen Zongfu's combination of Xiaoying shadow and miniaturization, he seems to be under the surface of the void in an instant. In the middle, but did not let the flames burn.

It is very wonderful. This feeling makes Chen Zong feel extremely magical.

Vientiane? Refining your heart and returning to one sword!

Just moments later, five phantoms appeared around Chen Zong, and along with Chen Zongzhen's body, all swords appeared.

After blowing out a group of dark yellow flames, the breath of the three desolate dragon kings dropped significantly. Obviously, the flames are powerful, but they also involve fundamental forces, like some secret method.

This is a good opportunity.

Take his life while he is ill.

Six swords of light, two of them killed two 20-meter-sized barbaric dragon kings, and the four converged into one, killing 23-meter barbaric dragon kings. Anyway, they are also the most powerful barbaric kings. Of course, we must focus on care.

After the burst of flames, the Dragon Kings fell into a state of weakness and could not stop Chen Zong's sword at all.


The three-headed barbaric king roared and groaned.

Three consecutive sounds sounded, low and dull, and the earth shook endlessly, and the other wild dragons screamed in sorrow.

Their king ... is dead!

For a time, the wild dragons roared to the sky again, and the roar was astonishing, as if they were seeing off their king, but full of anger and determination.


Fearless of the shock of death, the wild dragons rushed to Chen Zong, even if they knew that they were out of reach, there was no turning back.

As if buried for the king.

Chen Zong frowned slightly and waved his sword.

Jian Guang has killed.

There is no need to perform any special tricks, but only the purple sword and the sword of the heart and the sharpness of the sword in the beginning of the Taiyuan are enough to cut all the bodies of these wild dragons less than twenty meters in length and cut off with one sword.

This was difficult to do before, but now, just because the strength is stronger.

The wild dragons launched death shocks from all directions, just like moths fluttering fire, a kind of completely ignoring life and death, only for the funeral of Wang Zhe to pervade between heaven and earth.

The breath was rendered all around, and went straight to the deepest part of the mind, so that Chen Zong's look moved slightly, giving birth to a bit intolerable.

Do you accept the sword?

No ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Since you are going to be buried for Wang, you should fulfill them yourself, and you will live up to their loyalty.

Beasts, but there are also blood natures that are hard to reach.


Under one sword, slaughter is born.

The barren dragon fell under Chen Zong's sword, and the blood flowed into the river, but the barren dragon did not have the slightest fear, no hesitation and fear, and launched an impact at the cost of life, only to kill the person.

Bai Mei and Li Wenhe stared at each other. For a time, their hearts were shaking like a river.

That kind of emotion makes them difficult to describe clearly, only feeling that there seems to be something that has to grow from the deepest part of the heart, strengthen, and then spray out.

Not long after, all the wild dragons in the entire huge valley were killed and the corpse ran across the river like blood, and the **** smell filled all directions. Only one sword stood proudly.

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