Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 36: Biggest beneficiary

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(Third, by the way, a chicken is good news. The day after tomorrow is the 24th of this month. Six chickens will hit chicken blood again, and the third one will break out again. So, remember to prepare a monthly ticket. three)

Standing proudly in the sky, the purple thunder sword slanted his fingers, a drop of bleak blood flowing down the sword's spine.

Da ... Da ... Da ...

Slightly crisp and a little dull water sounded in this dead valley, layers of blood ripples rippled in the blood river on the ground ...


Thousands of wild dragons died.

The corpse ran across the wild blood, like a Shura slaughterhouse.

When the last drop of blood dripped, Chen Zong pulled out a gorgeous purple thunder sword, and the purple thunder sword returned to its sheath.

The sound of the sword rang suddenly in all directions, as if in an instant, as if the sound of a violent attack that day, passing the killing and silence in the valley, like the wind sweeping through the smoke.

Bai Mei and Li Wenhe also woke up in a flash, and couldn't stop feeling horrified.

One person, one sword, slaughter all the wild dragons, what a strength ...

What an extraordinary style ...

Bai Mei's small face, staring into Chen Zong's eyes, was flashing with fascination, there was an indescribable joy, even she felt inexplicable.

Immediately, the small fist clenched, and an indescribable fighting spirit emerged in the heart. In the deep eyes, the fighting spirit bloomed as if to break the void.

"I will definitely overtake you." Bai Mei said secretly, her tone was extremely firm.

Next, naturally, it was allocated.

This time it was discovered by Li Wenhe and Bai Mei, and they asked for help. Chen Zong came to reinforcements, one person and one sword.

Therefore, the credit to Chen Zong is the greatest.

However, if you eat meat yourself, you also need to give soup to others, especially the two of them can be regarded as their friends.

Then, Chen Zong took the bodies of the five Kings of the Dragon, and as for the other Dragons, Chen Zong gave it to Bai Mei and Li Wenhe.

"Brother Chen, thank you very much." Li Wenhe has a rare look.

The corpses of these wild dragons, brought back, are enough for him to get another wave of contribution points.

"Come on," Chen Zong laughed.

Time is running out, and it is time to go back to the one-year mission.

After the three corpses of wild dragons in the valley had been collected, the three rose up into the air and quickly flew towards the base that had been built by Yiyuanjiao.

It's time to leave the Dragon Dragon Star and return to Yuanyuan.

Along the way, Chen Zong looked calm but rejoicing.

This trip talks about the gains. The biggest one should be yourself.

First here, he fought against the King of the Wild Dragon and issued a sword that surpassed the limit, in order to pursue and then realize enlightenment, integrate the heavens and the earth and heart, and further excavate his various potentials to approach the real extreme.

For the sake of saving people, he killed a leader of the Star Bandit, obtained the token left by the Emperor Yukong, entered its ruins, obtained two inheritances of heavenly power and a top-level void ship.

No matter what kind of harvest, it is enough to make people extremely jealous.

Especially the latter, two celestial powers and a top-level void ship, if it is known by the monarch, it is likely to be conspired at all costs.

So in any case, you must keep this secret, and you can't reveal the slightest clue, otherwise you will definitely be waiting for yourself from the means of the strong, unable to resist and resist.

Such a secret cannot be said by anyone but yourself.

Soon, the three returned to the valley stronghold and entered the void ship.

This is a medium-level void ship, and its value is also amazing.

There is still time to wait for the return of other true disciples.

In addition to Chen Zong, there were twenty-three true transmissions. When they left, there were only seventeen true transmissions. There were six true transmissions dying on the desert dragon star. The loss was not significant.

At the speed of this medium-level Void spacecraft, it takes a few years to fly from the Dragon Star to the Yuanyuan Star, but once the Void Shuttle is activated again and again, the time can be shortened continuously.

Of course, it takes a period of time to cool down the spacecraft's furnace after every shuttle in the void, otherwise the furnace will be damaged due to the instantaneous burst of too much energy, and serious, even the furnace will explode directly.

What are the consequences of a void ship furnace explosion?

There are already examples.

That was a booming noise. The entire spaceship exploded into a firework in the void, and everyone on the spaceship was going to die. Even if it was too sacred, and there was no time to get out, there was no small chance that it would die.

"Brother Li, ask you, what is the value of the Void Ship and Void Burner?" Chen Zong asked a very general question.

Li Wenhe was not suspected of having him, so he explained them one by one.

The three major classifications and five major levels of the Void Ship have different values.

For example, a low-order void ship requires a million void coins. If it is a low-order void ship, it is not only because it is larger and consumes more materials. In order to provide sufficient power, the furnace must also be larger. .

Therefore, a low-order void ship is worth at least three million.

As for the Void Ship, it is of a strategic level. It is only a low-level one, and tens of millions of Void Coins can be bought.

After all, a void ship is 10,000 meters in size and the required materials are amazing. The furnace must also be large and cost more.

After that, there was a void burning crystal.

Low-level void burning crystal requires one hundred void coins, a medium-level void burning crystal worth a thousand void coins, and a high-level void worth 10,000 void coins. As for the top and super-orders, Li Wenhe is not clear, it seems to be a Kind of secret.

Chen Zong heard Li Wenhe's introduction and secretly murmured.

The value of Void Burning Crystal is so high, it is really scary.

If you think about it, your current wealth is also amazing. A top-level void ship and the remaining one hundred top-level void burning crystals, I do n’t know how much it is worth.

Each time the mid-level void ship launches the nether shuttle, it will consume ten mid-level void burning crystals, which is 10,000 void coins.

Each time a medium-level void ship launches a void shuttle, it will consume 30 pieces of medium-level void burning crystals, which are worth 30,000 void coins.

As for the middle-level void ship, each time it starts the nether shuttle, it will consume 100 pieces of middle-level void burning crystals, worth 100,000 void coins.

what is this?

This is burning money.

Void spaceships are real money-burning households. It is no wonder that those who have not stepped out of the void and have no star power do not have any Void spaceships, because even if they are bought by gritting their teeth, they cannot afford them.

Take a medium-level void ship as an example. It is also the distance of a void year. It takes about seven or eight yuan to use the void burning crystals consumed by flight, but if it is to start the void shuttle, it will consume ten yuan, which will be two more. About three.

Because during the flight, the furnace slowly releases the power of the Void Burning Crystal, and the utilization rate is very high. However, when the Void shuttles, it erupts directly. The instant explosion will inevitably cause unnecessary consumption.

Of course, the Nether Shuttle shortens the year's journey to within a few hundred breaths, which saves a lot of time, which is a benefit.

Sometimes time is the cheapest, but sometimes time is the most precious.

Everything is relatively speaking.

After knowing enough, Chen Zong didn't ask much. When entering the cabin to retreat, he had to turn on the protection function to avoid being crushed by the deep pressure of the void brought by the void shuttle.

After a period of time, finally arrived at Yuanyuan intact.

In the process, Chen Zong's nine-day mission was also settled.

Obtained 190 days points, and also received a title: Barbara Hunter.

Two titles, plus enough nine-day points, Chen Zong ’s nine-day heavenly disciple's disciple level was also successfully promoted to the third-largest Yu Qingtian, and Lin Weiyin also received a reward: one hundred and ninety-day points.

You know, this is the monistic galaxy, which is the base camp of monistic religion. Although there are star bandits, there is no such courage to directly attack the monarchy's void spaceship, otherwise the anger and pursuit of monistic religion are waiting for them.

As soon as the true story went away, everything in this line must be reported.

As for Chen Zong, he summoned to Su Luan and then went to Su Lun's Dongfu.

"Exactly, I plan to return to Jiecheng, the second town, and let's go together." Su Luan laughed.

"Okay." Chen Zong has no objections. Here, after all, he is an outsider and can't stay long.

After sending messages to Bai Mei and Li Wenhe respectively, Chen Zong set off with Su Chao, took the Su An's void flying boat, and quickly left Yuanyuan.

"So fast, I want to have a few drinks with you." Not long after, Li Wenhe returned the message.

"Next time, I will definitely surpass you." This is the message returned by Bai Mei, really a proud child.

After returning the information to the two separately, Chen Zong entered the bodyguard cabin, because he was about to begin to shuttle in the void.

Su Chao's Void Vessels were purchased by himself, and for the middle class, it seems that five million Void Coins were spent, leaving Chen Zong secretly stunned.

In this way, from the second town of Jiecheng to Yiyuanxing and returning, it is necessary to use the void shuttle many times, at least more than ten times, which means that at least 100,000 void coins must be burned.

The poor really can't afford it.

When he set foot on the second town of Jiecheng again, Chen Zong felt a little bit emotional.

This is the birthplace of myself in the void.

Although the process also encountered some dangers, they all turned aside and achieved amazing results.

Through Su Nuan, Chen Zong quickly sold all the resources obtained on the Dragon Dragon Star and replaced them with Void Coins.

Because Chen Zong found that there were not enough void coins, even if there were void boats, he would not dare to use them casually.

On the Dragon Star, Chen Zong can get a lot of resources before and after. In addition to the corpse of the wild beast, there are some precious minerals and medicinal materials, etc. ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is quite valuable.

In the end, he only got 100,000 coins in the early days.

So many resources, but only exchanged for 100,000 empty coins, which can not help but make Chen Zong feel difficult to make money.

Of course, the Void Coin is considered to be at the level of the Divine Realm. The resources below the level of the Divine Realm are really limited in value. If Chen Zong's harvest this time is amazing, there would not be so many.

After doing everything, Chen Zong left for Feixue Pavilion and sent a message to Lin Weiyin in advance.

When Chen Zong came to Feixue Pavilion, he found that there was a tall and charming figure standing outside the court, looking forward to it. When he saw Chen Zong, he smiled like a snow lotus blooming.

"You are back." Lin Weiyin rejoiced.

"Congratulations on your breakthrough." Chen Zong laughed and took out a frost-white sword, which was left by the foreign gods and intended to be given to Lin Weiyin as a gift.

"Thank you, I can't break through so easily without your help." Lin Weiyin received the gift and liked it very much.

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