Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 37: Dongting Jian said

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(First, everyone has a good weekend)

After the busy days, it became leisure, still practice, enlightenment, and repeatedly, but Chen Zong was enjoying it.

The benefits that the barbarians and dragons have brought to themselves are huge. It is also necessary to calm down and learn a little bit about it, which may be more refined on the basis of the original.

In addition, Lin Weiyin will also come to discuss swordsmanship with Chen Zong.

Chen Zong also taught the skill of sword air thunder and void marks, but Lin Weiyin only mastered the fur of sword air thunder, but did not master the marks of void, which is deeper than practicing sword silk and sword air thunder. skill.

As time passed, Chen Zong could feel that he was slowly improving every day.

Lan Yuanmeng also broke through, and then learned that Chen Zong came to the door from time to time after returning to the second town boundary city, and sometimes happened to meet Lin Weiyin, and it was inevitable that he would quarrel.

In this way, another month has passed.

A new version of the God List has also come out.

One hundred and eighty sub-gods have changed, or they have been removed, or they have been replaced by newcomers, or their positions have been changed, promoted or lowered, and so on.

There was much discussion in the restaurant.

"Look at it, is there anything in Bai Yanluo?"

Obviously, Bai Yanluo attracted much attention.

"No, Bai Yanluo seems to have disappeared since he defeated Zhang Yuejun and replaced him."

"The biggest change is probably Tianxin Sword. This time, it even ranked 10th."

"Unbelievable, this day's Heart Sword is nothing more than defeating the mortal slaughter. In addition, there is no significant record. How can it be ranked tenth?"

The discussion in the restaurant was full of confusion.

The ranking change of the sub-god list is generally based on the record. For example, which position is defeated, it will be replaced.

Rarely, this kind of situation without a record, but directly soaring, is inexplicable and unconvinced.

"The second **** list is issued by the city's main government, and it should not go wrong." Someone said so.

For a long time, the list of sub-gods promulgated by the city's mansion has never been wrong, and it has already been regarded as an authority.

After all, the fact that Chen Zong defeated the Yiyuanjiao oblique wind and drizzle without returning to the Three Swords was not so widespread, and it was far from the people here.

In the second town boundary city, on a certain star, the moustache of the three swords behind looked at the latest version of the sub-list, without expression, immediately turning his mouth corners, revealing a sneer, and his eyes were even more open. Coldness.

"Tianxinjian, even squeezed me out of the top ten, I'd like to see, what the **** are you." Throw it away, throw away the divine list book, the moustache turned, it disappeared into a vanity.

The update of the Sub-Gods List has increased the reputation of Tianzong Chen Zong, and more people have visited and drew Chen Zong.

Too much trouble, Chen Zong simply retreat and put an end to all visits.

In the city's main government hall, Su Chao smiled slightly.

Including Chen Zong in the tenth place of the Second God List after some consideration, now what level of Chen Zong's strength has reached, in fact, Su Chao is not very clear.

However, since you can defeat the sword of no return, you should be eligible to be included in the tenth sub-list. As for whether it is higher, you will only know if you have fought.

In this way, another month has passed.

Chen Zong closed a retreat and looked at the Nine Heavenly Circle, there were several messages.

These messages included Lin Weiyin's and Lan Yuanmeng's, and Li Wenhe's, generally greetings, etc., but the last message caught Chen Zong's attention.

It was a message called Dongting Sword Garden.

Dongting Sword Garden does not sound like the name of a person, but it looks like the name of a certain place.

The news is also very simple. The Dongting Sword Garden will be opened soon. Anyone who can repair swords below the Divine Realm can enter the garden to discuss swords.

"Dongting Sword Garden?" Chen Zong groaned for a few moments, and then summoned Su Su to ask about it.

It didn't take long for Su to reply to the message, and sure enough, asked the right person.

In the void, there are many strong men, some of which are Kendo strong men. After all, many people practice Kendo.

It can be said that of the ten practitioners, at least three are practicing swords, and the proportion is amazing.

Among the many Kendo powerhouses, their temperaments are different.

Some Kendo powerhouses have a lonely temperament and do not like to communicate with others.

Some Kendo strongs are addicted to killing.

Some Kendo powerhouses are unpredictable and indeterminate.

Some Kendo strongs are gentle and calm.

However, very few Kendo strong players are willing to be widely accepted by disciples to guide and guide the younger generation of Kendo.

Throughout the void, such a strong swordsman is the most famous master of the Dongting Sword Mountain and is respected as the master of the Dongting Sword.

Dongting Jianshan is located in the void, and drifts continuously in the void.

In order to guide the kendo of more juniors and dig out more kendo geniuses, the master of Dongting Sword created the Dongting Sword Garden, scattered in the void and drifting around.

When passing through that galaxy, it will manifest itself, and will release more news through Nine Dragons, let more sword repair juniors go.

Admission to the sword!

And entering the garden to discuss swords is only the most basic. The real thing is to use swords to select better kendo juniors to enter Dongting Jianshan, visit Jianshan, and even get the Dongting sword master to talk about swords in person. .

The East Sword Master is one of the Kendo Xeons in the void. If he can get his guidance and even be taken under his door, I don't know what the chance is.

It's amazing.

"Dongting Sword Master." Chen Zong groaned slightly, suddenly remembering the former owner of Silent Evil Sword.

It seems that it is called Master of Silent Sword.

The word Sword Master seems to be a kind of honor, but also a supreme symbol.

It is estimated that the three masters of the eternal battlefield are the existence of the sword master.

In other words, it represents the strongest power in the void.

What a privilege and opportunity to be a disciple under the sword master.

All sword repairs will be excited.

Chen Zong was also fascinated.

I was also very curious about the Dongting Sword Garden.

"Dongting Sword Garden is a great opportunity for Xiu Xiu to seize it." Su Luan also sent a message: "If you can be the main disciple of Dongting Sword and become his disciple, it will be enough to step into the sky."

Words are full of encouragement.

For Su Luan, if Chen Zong can be the main disciple of Dongting Sword and become his disciple, his status will change greatly, and Chen Zong's temperament is also good for himself.

Of course, Chen Zong certainly has great benefits.

The news of the Dongting Sword Garden was not only seen by Chen Zong, but everyone who had the Nine Heavenly Ring also saw it. Even those who did not have the Nine Heavenly Ring knew it.

For a while, there was talk everywhere.

"Dongting Sword Garden, then Tianxin Sword will go too, so I'll save you to go to you directly." The moustache carrying three sharp swords sneered, giving up his plan to go to the second town of Jiecheng.

The Nine Heavy Circles also clearly positioned the location of the East Garden Sword Garden, making it easier for people to go.

Chen Zong immediately purchased Void Burning Crystal, intermediate.

A mid-level void burning crystal worth a thousand void coins. Chen Zong bought 300 yuan at a time and spent 300,000 void coins. His wealth was almost consumed.

As for the low-level void burning crystals obtained from the Three Commanders, there are as many as six hundred pieces, all of which have been sold, and they are only worth 60,000 void coins, which is a supplement to some of the consumed wealth, so that there is no void Coins are available.

Although it is said that the Void is the top-level void ship, the price of the top-level void burning crystal is too high to afford it.

Moreover, with Chen Zong's current ability, the Void can only make use of the speed of the mid-level void ship, so the mid-level void is just right.

Of course, the purchase of Void Burning Crystal is just a preparation and it is well prepared. Chen Zong actually did not plan to drive the Void Flying Boat to Dongting Sword Garden by himself.

Wukong, but the top-level void flying boat, maybe the sub-level can see no mystery, but it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be seen by the gods.

If you can see the mystery of the emptiness number by the divine realm, and you are a sub-god, then it is definitely a disaster.

Unless it is a last resort, Chen Zong will not choose to drive the Nuokong on his own. That's too eye-catching. His own ability is not enough to keep it.

Once you lose the Niankong, it will become very difficult to complete the last wishes of the Emperor Yukong. If it is not completed within a thousand years, what is waiting for you is the backwash of vows.

Fortunately, there are many sword repairs in the second town of Jiecheng going to the East Garden Sword Garden. Naturally, someone wants to make this money.

A kilometer of void spacecraft is parked outside the Second Town Jiecheng. Those who want to go to the East Garden Sword Garden can buy a boat ticket to board.

One vote of ten thousand void coins.

This value is simply scary. If it is usually used, few people are willing to buy such high-priced tickets, but at this moment, the East Garden Sword Garden is obviously more important.

Gritted my teeth and bought.

"I want two tickets." Chen Zong came with Lin Weiyin.

"Don't sell." A stern voice suddenly sounded, stopping the person who was about to sell the ticket.

Chushan River!

It was Chu Shanhe who came from one side, staring coldly at Chen Zong, full of hate.

"This is the void spaceship of my Shanhe Temple. If you want to board the ship, you can, I will give you two options." Chu Shanhe's gaze was a little more ridiculous: "First, swear to join my Chu family Become a member of my Chu family. With your talents, you will definitely be reused by my Chu family. "

This is actually what the Chu family has always wanted. Chu Shanhe does not like it and has to abide by it. He prefers the second point.

"Second, kneel down and give me three heads, and I will give you a free boat ticket ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ so that you will not miss the opportunity of the East Garden Sword Garden." With a smile, Chu Shanhe smiled .

"Oh, I forgot, there is a third way to go." Then, Chu Shanhe looked at Lin Weiyin: "Lin Weiyin, as long as you kneel down and ask me, and be my slave, I will let You both board for free. "

I have to say that Chu Shanhe's idea is very beautiful.

"Disgusting." Lin Weiyin glanced at Chu Shanhe coldly, as if looking at a roundworm.

That look made Chu Shanhe almost go crazy.

"Let's go," Chen Zong said to Lin Weiyin.

Since it is impossible to board the ship, other plans can only be used.

For example, use the 遁 space number.

Otherwise, you can only miss this opportunity.

At this time, a Void Flying Boat descended, Su Chao stood on the Void Flying Boat, beckoning at Chen Zong.

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