Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 39: Sword Qi Road (on)

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The arrival of the Fengling Gate and the Heavenly Penalty Army made the atmosphere around Dongting Sword Park become more and more innocent. The invisible pressure was quietly permeating, like an invisible wind blowing through everyone's heart.

On the Void Ship of Fenglingmen, a disciple stood and stared at the bow of the ship. After glanced, he fell to the Void Ship of the Heavenly Penalty Army. The bow also stood a group of young men and women.

As for monists and practitioners in the monistic galaxy, they seem to be ignored.

The atmosphere, more and more cold, Xiao Xiao, the disciples of Fenglingmen and the Tianxing Army met like swords, meeting in the void, as if they collided again and again, the invisible sword gas was stirred up in all directions. , More and more shivering, making people cold all over the body.

Suddenly, a sound of a sword sounding like an ancient sky sound instantly broke the cold and cold Xiaosha of the void, attracting everyone's attention in the past.

The closed door of Dongting Sword Garden seemed to be pushed open by the invisible big hand, and a gap appeared, and the door crack radiated extremely dazzling light.

Bright and dazzling, as if the sword is shining, it fills everyone's eyes and affects everyone's mind.


The door of Dongting Sword Garden was opened, which shows that Dongting Sword Garden was really opened.

The hearts of the sword repairers are even more excited, because they are people who hope to enter the East Garden Sword Garden, as long as they enter the sword garden, they can discuss the sword in it, enhance the accumulation and accomplishment of one of the swords, and even hope to enter Dongting Jianshan, I have the opportunity to meet the owner of Dongting Sword, and hope to be accepted as a disciple by Dongting Sword Master.

Then, it will be a step into the sky.

At least it seems to many practitioners.

After all, the Lord of the Swords of the East Court, but one of the top void of the void, is the Xeon.

As the gate of the sword garden opened, countless sword qi surrounding the courtyard of the Dongting sword garden also gathered in front of the gate.

A magical scene appeared in front of everyone, and the endless sword Qi was actually formed into a road, a sword Qi road that spread out thousands of meters and went straight to the gate.

To enter the sword garden, you must first set foot on the path of sword air.

Seeing the endless sword gas surrounding them, they converged into a sword gas road. The sword garden was lost around the sword garden. Immediately, a few practitioners' eyes lightened slightly, and they immediately flew out of the void ship. The fastest outbreak rushed directly to Dongting Sword Park.

"There must be many treasures in the East Garden Sword Garden. As long as I can get it, I can change my destiny." The dark-skinned middle-aged man rushed to the Sword Garden at an astonishing speed, while secretly dreaming.

"Although the old man is not a sword repairer, he does not believe in evil." The old man in a black robe looked cold and somewhat cunning.

For most practitioners, the Dongting Sword Garden only exists in the legend, they only know that the Dongting Sword Garden represents a great opportunity.

On what basis only Jianxiu is eligible to enter, and on what basis they will be missed.

Inevitably, some people's minds are more complicated.

It is as if a poor and ambitious person saw the magnificent luxury, and inevitably came up with the idea of ​​breaking in to get something valuable.

It's just that some people put it into action, while others have a rational wait and see.

Everyone was surprised by the actions of these people, but no one stopped them. Some did n’t have time to stop. Some did n’t care about their own high hangs, and some eyes blinked. Obviously they had the same mind, but they were more rational. control.

After a while, those figures rushed to the sword garden in succession, but instead of taking the main entrance, they tried to see if they could break through.


Suddenly, it seemed that the sound of controversy in favor of the sword came out, melodious, and the sword light flickered, as if the sword came out of the sheath. The sharp edge that erupted at that moment stunning the void.

The crowd just felt bright, blinking instantly, extremely dazzling, difficult to look at directly, with a terrifying sharpness, chilling into the bones, involuntarily trembling.

The light of the sword crossed, remaining in the void for a long time, as if it were ancient and long-lasting, and those figures were cut open immediately, and in the next breath, they were pulverized into powdery blood mist and dissipated in the void.

Chen Zongxi raised his eyes and gazed at the sword lights, his breath was extremely restrained and deep, as if immortal.

It is an extremely superb kendo realm.

Among them, there is the shadow of the void, but it seems to be more intelligent.

Sword training into silk, sword gas thunder, and void marks are three well-known sword skills, but they are not all.

After a while, those few sword lights only gradually faded, slowly blurred, and slowly disappeared.

Several adventurous people also completely disappeared.

Everyone's look changed greatly, and some people who were not sword repairers but wanted to venture into the sword garden took a breath of luck.

Although many chances want to get, they have to have a chance to fight to have a glimmer of hope, but the opportunity of Dongting Sword Garden is obviously not what they want to get, they seem to have no hope at all.

Sword repair!

Only the sword repair is qualified. At this moment, I don't know how many people regret that they didn't choose to practice sword.

Sword practice is so good, chic, carefree, cruel, clothing is fluttering, free and easy, what a good image, how to choose other martial arts at that time?

Regret it now, is it too late?

The path of sword air lingers on countless sword air, each strand of sword air is changing colors, it looks very magnificent, gorgeous, beautiful, and it seems that there is a dreamy color that makes people fall into it.

Everyone watched, but no one acted.

After a while, it seemed that someone couldn't hold back.

"Don't go, go to a certain house first." A burly man with a wide sword jumped out of nowhere and flew out of a void ship into a huge sword light that fell directly on the road of Kendo.

Everyone was gazing, and the big man looked tense and extremely vigilant.

However, no attack was encountered.

Taking a deep breath, the big man stepped forward and stepped into the path of sword qi. The whole person seemed to be trapped in the fantasy sword qi, and his body became strange and erratic, like a wave.

However, only three steps were taken. The figure of the big man was unable to fall in the fourth step. Then, his body was shaking violently, and it seemed to be shocked by an invisible strong shock. Outside of Jianqi Road, the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

"I ... have failed." The big man wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth. The injury was not serious, but his face was stunned.

Everyone looked at the failure of the big man, one by one, and immediately meditated.

Obviously, many people already know the so-called Kendo Three Questions.

However, Kendo San asked exactly what the content was, and it was impossible to know the truth of the road without personal experience.

Immediately, someone jumped out again. This time, there were more than a dozen people who were all in front of the Jianqi Road, stepped forward, and stepped into the Jianqi Road.

This sword-qi road is very wide, even if there are a hundred people in parallel, it will not look crowded.

These dozens of people stepped into it, and their body also entered the colorful psychedelic sword spirit. The body seemed to be stretched or compressed indefinitely. It looked like it was refracted in water, and it looked like a haze of smoke. Very strange.

These dozens of people are either scattered or disciples from the stars, which is not very strong.

Two of them were worse than the big man before, but they couldn't move after taking one step, and then they were ejected from the Jianqi Road, but they just backed up and were not injured.

Some are similar to the big man, and some are better.

The best one took ten steps. The distance was about ten meters.

The length of the Jianqi Road is about one kilometer, but it is less than ten meters away. It is far from the gate.


All failed!

"I come."

"I'm coming too."

This time, however, more people appeared, there were nearly a hundred, and Qiqi entered the road of sword energy.

Everyone has seen it clearly. There is no danger to life in the Jianqi road. At most, it is just injured.

Injuries are acceptable as long as they are not critically dying.

Without the threat of life and death, everyone is more at ease.

However, those genius swordsmen have not acted yet, but continue to wait and see.

Nearly a hundred people rushed into the Jianqi Road and started to move forward. However, as little as one step and as many as a dozen steps, they were all ejected and fell outside the Jianqi Road. Some of the blood and blood trembled, and some mouths were bleeding. .


It all failed again.

The fourth batch!

The fifth batch!

The sixth batch!

Batch after batch, by the tenth batch, they still failed, all failed, and no one could enter the East Garden Sword Garden.

The best result was to take 30 steps and that's it.

And thirty steps, it is less than thirty meters, which is a big difference from kilometers.

In this way, nearly a thousand people have failed. Although nearly a thousand people are not much to tens of thousands of people, they make everyone look dignified.

The difficulty of entering the East Garden Sword Garden is not small.

For a while, everyone looked dignified.

"I'll try it." A voice sounded, with a sense of leisurely content, and did not seem to take the sword-qi road into consideration.

The body flickered, turning into a sword light across the void, falling instantly, and falling to the ground without a slight pause, his toes lightly touched the ground, and suddenly, it turned into a streamer, and rushed directly into the sword with an amazing speed On the road.

It seems that it is intended to rush into the Jianqi Road at its own very fast speed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Cross the Jianqi Road and enter the Dongting Sword Garden.

"Bright lightsaber Liu Ming." In the camp from the first town, many people exclaimed.

"The lightsaber is ranked 130th in our first town boundary city sub-shenzhen list. It is highly capable and will definitely enter the East Garden Sword Park."

"Haha, our first town Jiecheng will be the first to enter Dongting Sword Park."

Many people in the first town boundary city camp shouted endlessly, seeming very excited.

It seems that the first time to enter the sword garden is a great honor.

The speed of the lightsaber Liu Ming is indeed very fast.

There was also a slight smile on Liu Ming's face, a smile with full confidence in his speed.

But at the moment when his body entered the path of sword air, it seemed that an invisible force was pressing it. In an instant, it was reduced to the extreme. It was impossible to move forward at superb speed. It was only possible to step forward step by step. Out.

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