Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 40: Sword Qi Road (below)

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(Today ’s big outbreak, the first one will be presented first, remember to go up with the monthly pass)

With a flash of light, Liu Ming fell out of the Jianqi Road, stepping back and forth, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, his face full of sorrow, a look that had not returned to God.

"how is this possible?"

"How could I fail." After returning to God, Liu Ming was full of mistakes and couldn't believe that he had failed.

Three hundred meters!

Liu Ming's total advance of 300 meters is by far the farthest advance, far better than the second, but it is also useless.

Failure is failure.

One meter and nine hundred ninety meters also failed.

The failure of those people before did not cause much waves, but the impact of Liu Ming's failure was obvious.

The 130th place in the first town boundary city ranking list, the proper second-level sword repair master at the second level, can only advance 300 meters.

The path of Jianqi is so difficult?

Kendo asked, what kind of mystery is there?

Liu Ming was a little frustrated and lost his soul, completely different from the previous spirit.

Great hit!

Even if you can't enter Dongting Sword Garden, who else is eligible?

Top 100 of the Second God List?

Maybe there are, but not necessarily.

You know, Liu Ming's path of kilometers of sword, Liu Ming just advanced to 300 meters, there are still 700 meters.

Among them, he did not even pass the first question of the three questions of Kendo, let alone the follow-up question of Jianyi and Jianxin.

Liu Ming's failure made everyone pay more attention.

"This is the standard of monism." On the Void Ship of Fenglingmen, a disciple of Fenglingmen smiled, and then his body seemed to have lost all its weight. Jianqi Road.

His voice didn't seem to be loud, but it seemed as if an invisible wind pervaded the surroundings and passed into everyone's ear.

The people of the Sentence Corps showed a sneer, but the people under the monarchy were unhappy and faintly annoyed.

Definitely despise.

Then see what you can do.

"Brother Yang's charismatic temperament still hasn't converged." On the void ship, the Fenglingmen disciple in a blue robe smiled slightly.

But in his tone, he couldn't hear any blame.

"Brother, Brother Yang's sword is just like his temperament. If you change your temperament, then it is not him." The female disciple on the side laughed.

The disciple of Fenglingmen fluttered down, his toes seemed to be a little lighter, and the whole person floated forward. A turquoise robe fluttered. The whole person had a flamboyant and unrestrained desire to return by wind.


This disciple of Fenglingmen keeps going forward, and his speed is much faster than that of Liu Ming, who is known for his speed lightsaber, and more free and calm like Liu Ming.

"Feng Lingmen, good at wind, and his disciples major in swords." Su Luan opened his voice, and his voice passed into the ears of Chen Zong and Lin Weiyin. Follow the wind. "

"Huh, what's the use of speed," Liu Ming said indignantly.

Not long after that, the disciples of Fenglingmen crossed 300 meters, exceeding the distance of Liu Ming. Suddenly, Liu Ming's face was dark and he couldn't say anything.

In the face of facts, everything is sophistical and pale.

At the 333 meters, the disciple of Fenglingmen gave a slight meal, thinking that when he was about to stop there, he saw only one step out, as if there was a feeling of entering into the new world. Moving on, he soon passed. Four hundred meters.

Five hundred meters!

600 meters!

At the time of 666 meters, the disciple Yang surnamed Fenglingmen once again had a meal, and seemed to break through the trance, and moved on.

go ahead!

go ahead!

go ahead!

A figure touched everyone's eyes.

999 meters!

Disciple Yang of Fenglingmen has already stood in front of the gate of Dongting Sword Garden. He looked back and showed a smile. The smile seemed to be a little proud, and it seemed to be a little provocative.

Immediately turned around, stepped out one step, stepped out of the last metre, and entered the East Garden Sword Garden.

As soon as they entered the sword garden, they disappeared directly in front of everyone.


After nearly a thousand people were eliminated, the first one finally entered the Dongting Sword Garden.

"Wang Jun, go." A young man in a dark-blooded robe wearing a half-blooded face mask sits across the bow of the Void Ship of the Sky Criminal Corps. His eyes are dark like gems, and the sword with the red scabbard comes to the bow while Leaning on the shoulders, the whole person seemed a little laid back, and the temperament revealed seemed a bit decadent.

However, no one dared to look down on him, because the sergeant Sergeant on this void ship was obviously headed by him.

"Yes, handsome." The body was a bit mighty. The youth wearing a scarlet sword with a scarlet sword immediately stood up, standing upright like a sword, and responding with a low, powerful voice.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Jun stepped forward, and the whole person burst into a burst of **** energy, as if the flames were burning, and the emanating power was astounding.

With a bang, Wang Jun turned into a **** man, and rushed out of the void spacecraft, like a **** meteor, and came out with an unparalleled iron blood killing breath.

At the same time, there were dozens of sword repairs of the two major galaxies under the monarchy, and they rushed towards the sword gas path, intending to break through.

The disciple from Fenglingmen broke into Dongting Sword Garden and inspired them again.

Without making a breakthrough in person, it is not clear what mysteries and difficulties are in it.

"Get off!" Wang Jun growled, and at that moment, the breath of iron and blood fell out in an instant, like a violent direct impact, and blasted at those dozens of people.

Dozens of sword repairs trembled, and their faces changed greatly. They just felt as if they had entered the Shura battlefield in the **** sea of ​​the dead mountains.


One by one, the feeling of suffocation rose, his face was pale, he unknowingly receded, and his body was soft.

Looking at them, it was obvious that they were not badly damaged in an instant.

"So domineering!" Someone frowned suddenly.

"I've heard that the people in the Sky Criminal Corps have this kind of temperament, and they say that they will be decisive and decisive, and very overbearing." Some people who have some knowledge of the Sky Criminal Corps said.

"They are a bunch of lunatics." Someone muttered, his face seemed unsightly, and he seemed to have suffered from the losses of the Confederacy.

Sentencing Corps!

Named after the army, not ordinary.

Wang Jun is so overbearing, of course, no one will touch his brow for the time being.

Therefore, like the disciple of Fenglingmen, Wang Jun is also alone in the path of Jianqi.

His body style is not as light and elegant as the disciples of Fenglingmen, but there is a kind of calmness step by step.

In that calmness, there was a hint of machine front, belonging to the sharp edge of the sword.

Chen Zong gazed carefully, Wang Jun's momentum of progress was very stable, no acceleration or slowing down.

But at about 333 meters, there was a noticeable pause, but the pause time was shorter than that of Fenglingmen's disciples, and then he moved forward again, and paused again at 666 meters. ,Keep going.

At the 990 meter, Wang Jun did not turn back after a stature, but stepped out one step and disappeared into the gate of the sword garden.

the second!

Another entered the sword garden.

"I'll go." Xie Yang got up immediately and couldn't sit still.

How can the Fenglingmen and the Tianxingmen be in the limelight? This is the site of the unitary religion.

Jianguang flashed, Xie Yanghua flew out like a blast.

Chen Zong recognized Xie Yang at a glance. After all, he fought side by side on the barbarous dragon star. It can be seen that Xie Yang's strength is a few percent stronger than that on barbarous dragon star.

The true story of galaxy-level forces may not have some old-time sub-gods at a time, but their talent must be superior. As long as they are given some time and opportunities, they can quickly grow up and surpass those old sub-gods. level.

The wild dragon blood on the wild dragon star is not bad, it is born strong, and it can be regarded as a good opportunity.

If it weren't for the mind of the barbaric dragon and the cultivator, I would be afraid to become a strong vain clan.

To become a strong race, a good mind is necessary, or even if the blood is extraordinary and talented, it is stupid without any wisdom, and ultimately it is only the target of hunting by others.

If you think about the human race, you know that individuals are actually inferior to many races in the void, but they can dominate the void. It is precisely because of their superb wisdom that this is not available to most void races.

Chen Zong thought of the barbaric dragon on the barbaric dragon star who was not afraid to die for the king's funeral. He couldn't help feeling a little bitter and immediately withdrew his thoughts.

Xie Yang landed instantly, and immediately stepped into the Jianqi Road. At the beginning, his forward speed was very fast, but after 333 meters, the speed began to decrease, which is obviously not as good as that of Fenglingmen and Tianxing Army. people.

After six hundred and sixty-six meters, Xie Yang's speed dropped again, and its progress began to become difficult.

In this scene, the disciples of Yiyuan Church were suddenly frowned, and they felt a little uncomfortable.

900 meters!

At the 900 meters, Xie Yang stopped and couldn't move forward anymore. His lifted foot was in the middle of the air. It seemed very difficult to fall, but it seemed as if something was blocking it. fall.

A force rebounded. For a moment, Xie Yang was irresistible. The whole person was ejected, but it was just a moment when he ejected the sword.

Landing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xie Yang seemed to hear a laugh, and suddenly his face changed, and he couldn't help spitting out blood, his breath was slumped.

He was ejected, but was slightly injured, but felt like he was being laughed at, and his strong self-esteem could not bear it all at once.

"Is that a disciple of monarchism?" On the void ship of Fenglingmen, the light laughter was like the wind, not loud, but it was clearly introduced into everyone's ear.

One person on the Void Nethership was very ugly.

At the same time, it was also secretive that even Master Xie Yang was unable to enter the sword garden. The three questions of Kendo on this sword-qi road were all mysteries.

You know, Xie Yang ranks fifth in the true story of the Yuan Dynasty Sword Palace.

"Let's go." A young man who seemed to be older got up and didn't make a move. In an instant, he crossed the void and landed on the road of sword energy.

This is a true disciple of the previous generation of Jianyuan Palace.

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