Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 41: Kendo 3 Questions (1)

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The unitary teaching of contemporary truth, that is, Bai Mei, Non-Returning Sword, and others, is still growing and has not yet reached the peak of the sub-god level. In the previous generation of true biography, a few broke through into the realm of God, and some died and some were difficult. There are inch advances, and some further tap the potential to go further at the sub-god level.

The living biography of the previous generation is either a deacon in the religion or something else. In short, it is hard to contribute to monism in different places, and some are far away from other galaxies to seek breakthroughs.

This time the East Garden Sword Garden descended on the one-ary galaxy, and the last generation that had time to catch up was not much, only three or four, but each one was of great strength, very amazing, and better than today's non-return sword.

This monarchy's true biography immediately showed an amazing style, fast and stable, moving forward, stepping into the East Garden Sword Garden, barely reversing a sentence.

More people rushed towards the Jianqi road and kept moving forward.




After all, those who can cross the Jianqi road and enter the Dongting Sword Garden are few.

The one yuan galaxy is adjacent to the yuan yuan galaxy, and many sword repairs of the three major towns have also come over.


No matter how many failures there are, there are always people who succeed.

Everyone also found out that whether they can cross the Jianqi Road and enter the East Garden Sword Garden has nothing to do with absolute strength, but relative.

Because one of the twenty-sixth-ranked Jian Xiu failed, but one thirty-thousand behind him succeeded, although it was very reluctant in the end.

This made everyone more and more curious about the way of Jian Qi, more and more unsightly.

Of course, although the relationship between the path of Jianqi and strength is not absolute, if you don't have enough strength, you can't make it.

When the strength reaches the standard, it is another test.

Another group of people set foot on the path of Jianqi, and Chen Zong heard exclaim.

"Bai Yan Luo."

"Is he Bai Yanluo?" Chen Zong stared at a white robe and wore a white mask. The mask looked weird. It seemed to be laughing, it seemed serious, and full of majesty. A pair of black eyes, as if carrying the majesty of judgment, when they were stared, those who were not strong enough would shake, hesitate and become guilty and fearful.

It turned out that Bai Yanluo was also a sword repairer.

The former Bai Yanluo ranked eighth on the second gods list in the second town of Jiecheng. Nowadays, I don't know to what extent.

Based on his perception, Chen Zong felt that this person's strength was very strong and not trivial.

In addition to Bai Yanluo, there are other people who have attracted the attention of Chen Zong, such as a few in Fenglingmen, such as those in the Tianxing Army.

In addition, those who are in the top ten of the big cities and towns are ranked extraordinary.

But when it comes to age, most of the people in the top rankings of major towns and cities are older. At least they are no longer young. Their talents are not bad, but they are not as good as galaxies. The true story of the first-level forces, but with their own hard work and longer time to struggle, to obtain a super strength, can only be ranked at the top of the list.

However, such as Bai Yanluo, Zhu Qing, etc., but they are very talented and have great opportunities to stand out from the competition and compete with the second-level masters of the older generation.

So far, in the past many times, the number of people who have failed in the Jianqi Road has exceeded 20,000, but more than 100 have succeeded.

Among the disciples of the Tianling Army and Fenglingmen, half broke through and half failed.

As for monarchism, it is also mostly a failure, and a few succeed.

The oblique wind and drizzle do not need to return, the drizzle sword Muyu did not appear, it is estimated that the wounds left by Chen Zong in the mysterious soldier's secret territory have not healed.

"Let's go too," Chen Zong said to Lin Weiyin.

After seeing so many people making their way through the sword, Chen Zong could not hold back.

"Okay." Lin Weiyin's heart is actually very embarrassing. After all, among the people who just failed, there are many people who are more powerful than her.

According to this situation, there is a high possibility that you will fail.

But anyway, make a break, maybe you can make it yourself.

The two cast out their statures, and quickly left Su Nian's void ship, heading towards the Jianqi road.

"You are the Tianxin Sword Chen Zong. I want to see if you have the ability to be ranked No. 10 on the list of gods." A landing man not far away stared at Chen Zong with a little pride, carrying on his back. Three swords, with a moustache, are the three must-have swords that ranked 10th in the rankings before, but were replaced by Chen Zong, reduced to 11th place, so it is not wrong.

Originally, the Three Swords were intended to go to the second town of Jiecheng to find Chen Zong's troubles. However, because of the advent of the Dongting Sword Garden, he changed his mind.

Sure enough, Chen Zong was encountered here.

Unfortunately, Chen Zong just glanced at him and ignored him.

Chen Zongke didn't know what the reason was. This annoyed San Juejian very much. He couldn't wait to pull out his sword and found several holes in Chen Zong's body.

In a flash, Chen Zong and Lin Weiyin stepped into the path of sword energy.

"Okay, I hope you can cross the Jianqi road and make you look good at that time." San Jue Jian groaned, his body flickered, and he stepped directly into the Jian Qi road, listening to his tone, it seemed that With full confidence, he can cross the Jianqi road and step into the East Garden Sword Garden.

Stepping out one step and stepping into the Jianqi road, Chen Zong only felt in all directions, there seemed to be endless sword gas raging, extremely violent.

The sword qi, like a raging wave, rushed from all directions, as if isolated from the world, only one person left.

Lin Weiyin was gone, and everyone else who was on the road to Jianqi was gone.

Only himself was left.


The endless sword spirit continued to rush from all directions, and Chen Zong found that he could not dodge or defeat it at all.

When I shot, the sword qi seemed to be non-existent, but the moment I touched my body, the sword qi ignored all its protection, and even the heart-printed treasures seemed to be non-existent. Within the body.

For a moment, Chen Zong felt that his body seemed to be torn, but his body seemed to have a mysterious power, which would dissolve the sword energy invading the body into invisible.

However, when Chen Zong stepped forward, two sword qi separated from the violent sword qi and invaded the body again, as if to tear his body.

However, there seemed to be a mysterious power in the body that turned those two swords into nothingness.

One step at a time into the body, two steps at two steps into the body, three steps at three steps into the body, all by the mysterious intangible force that exists in the body to dissolve in the invisible.

As Chen Zong moved forward, he let the sword gas enter the body, while letting the sword gas dissolve into invisibleness, while thinking about it.

This is the sword test of Kendo Three Questions?

When I first heard that one of the three questions of Kendo was sword body, Chen Zong once thought it was a test of Kendo physique, such as his own primitive sword body, and immediately denied it, because in the observation, the monarch galaxy possesses an extraordinary physique. Rarely rarely.

As for Kendo constitution, that's even less.

The Lin family is a Kendo family, but they don't have any Kendo constitution.

Well, this so-called sword body test should not be any Kendo constitution.

Now, Chen Zong understands that it is indeed not a Kendo constitution, but it is also closely related to swords.

Sword practitioners are good at swords, loyal to swords, and sincere in swords. They practice swords every hour, every minute, every day of the month every month. At that time, they were infected by the breath of swords. The greater the influence, the closer it becomes to the sword.

Get close to the sword, you can better control the sword in your hand, and give full play to its due edge.

You can better understand the practice of swordsmanship, master it, and practice to the extreme.

However, not all people who practice swords can do this, because some people only use swords instead of swords.

Use and practice are completely different.

Swordsmen, regardless of their temperament, are at least sincere to the sword.

Sincerity, sincerity, mind and body are dedicated to the sword. This is a sword repair, a true sword repair, a true sword repair, and a sword body. It is not a special extraordinary physique, but a heartfelt sincere practice for a long time. The formed instinct has long been integrated into his own body.

Know the sword, the sword transport, the sword control, the fusion sword!

It's for sword body!

Just like instinct!

In an instant, Chen Zong became enlightened.

The so-called sword body is a very mysterious one. It is impossible to tell the existence of the Tao and it is difficult to feel it.

But now, one of the three entrance examinations of Dongting Sword Garden is the sword body.

Use that wonderful sword air to forge the path of sword air, so that the sword body can be manifested here to resist the attack of sword air.

Being able to withstand more simultaneous attacks from the sword means that the sword body becomes more intelligent, otherwise the sword is low and will fail, be ejected, and be eliminated.

From the perspective of Jianqi Road, Chen Zong's forward speed is very stable, not the fastest nor the slowest, but it feels the easiest.

At first, San Jue Jian was very fast and brave and advanced, but after that, the speed dropped slightly.

Lin Weiyin's speed is very slow, step by step, it seems that each step must be under great pressure ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is doubtful that she will be eliminated at any time.

Su Chao shook his head, and Chen Zong's red-faced hope to break through the Jianqi Road and enter the East Garden Sword Garden didn't seem very big.

However, in the path of Jianqi, the three questions of Kendo can only be experienced by oneself. Others cannot help at all. Dongting sword master will not leave such holes for people to drill.

It's all on your own, to live is to live, and failure is to eliminate. Here, there is no luck or luck at all, everything depends on ability.

Even if it is barely passed, it is also their ability to barely reach the standard.

Soon, Chen Zong spanned a distance of 300 meters, and each step out of the sword invasion, as many as 300.

When Chen Zong's footsteps advanced to a distance of 333 meters, he didn't have the slightest pause as other people did. He just stepped out and stepped into 334 meters.

Although this is a small detail, it also highlights the differences. The people on the Void Ship or Void Ship were suddenly surprised, with different looks.

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