Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 42: Kendo 3 Questions (2)

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(Third change, three changes first, six code words will continue to be updated around 5 pm)

Three questions from Kendo!

The first question: sword body!

Second question: Jianyi!

Starting from 334 meters, Chen Zong still encountered sword qi, but this qi is different from the previous qi.

This sword gas, amazingly pure, amazingly sharp, and flying, turned into a shadow of swords, hovering around.

Suddenly, one of the sword shadows was killed with a sword, and one sword was carried with an extremely powerful sword.

That sword is the sword of the wind system, so that the sword, like a swift blast, stabbed from the front, causing Chen Zong's heart to jump.

Chen Zong immediately discovered that all his powers could not be used except for the Sword of Heart accident.

At the same time, Chen Zong also gave birth to a kind of enlightenment. He could not resist by his body, because this was the first question.

Draw a sword!

The sword of the heart is condensed into a long sword in an instant, and a sword pierces.

Suddenly, Chen Zongyi sword smashed the shadow of the sword.

As the first question about the sword body, if you take one step, it is a sword shadow, and if you take the second step, you are facing two sword shadows, which are all manifested by pure sword condensate.

This is a collision between swordsmanship.

If the sword is not strong enough, it cannot be sustained at all and can only be eliminated.

The sword intention of Chen Zong is supreme sword intention, which is undoubtedly very arrogant and amazing.

Understatement, whether it is one sword or two swords or three swords, all are broken.

go ahead!

go ahead!

go ahead!

As always, nothing can stop Chen Zong's footsteps.

Dongting Jianyuan's Three Questions of Kendo are very difficult for most sword repairs, but not so much for Chen Zong.

Soon, this group of people, Chen Zong, was the first to pass the test of swordsmanship, spanning 666 meters and stepping into 667 meters.

The third question of Kendo: Sword Heart!

Between countless swords, the figure turned into a figure, the face of that figure was blurred, and the outline of the body was as if shrouded in fog.

It feels weird as if surrounded by ghosts.

Suddenly, a ghost-like figure flew out, approaching Chen Zong, and the blurred face and body quickly solidified, changing into the appearance of a middle-aged man in a green robe, before Chen Zong.

As soon as this person was solidified, the other ghost-like figures disappeared in an instant, and only Chen Zong and this middle-aged man in the blue robe were left, leaving only these two people.

The light and shadow stretched and changed into mountains, rivers, and mountains, and it seemed to be a world.

The whole body of the middle-aged man in that blue robe is surrounded by a cyan strand, which is the power of the wind, spreading out, blowing in all directions, covering the whole world.

It seems that it has become a windy world.



The wind began to blow through in subtle ways. It blew and blew. It became a gale, a violent wind, a hurricane, and a storm that ravaged the world.

As the storm passed, tenacious grass, towering trees, and majestic mountains were all bombarded under the storm, but all of a sudden, they were uprooted, crushed into powder during the storm.

This kind of prestige is extremely horrible, like the wrath of the heavens and the earth, which can't be resisted by manpower, which shocked Chen Zong's heart.

So strong!

It is too arrogant. Such a power, even if it is ten times stronger, cannot be achieved.

Chen Zongda was shaken.

"This is the Storm Kendo that I hold. You may wish to pass on my legacy and do your best to fight against the top of the Storm Kendo." The middle-aged man in the green robe stands like the **** of the storm, standing in the endless storm, his eyes flutter Shooting a ray of blue glory, staring at Chen Zong, his voice seems to be integrated with the storms in all directions, resounding through the sky and the world.

The amazing power constantly rushed into Chen Zong's ears and penetrated directly into Shenhai, making the mighty sea as if it were turbulent and surging.

Inwardly, it seemed to be traction, a surge.

An impulse, called Chen Zong to answer the party, to accept the other side of the storm Kendo.

But, just moments later, Chen Zong stabilized his mind.

Because the message contained in the other person's words is very obvious.

After inheriting Storm Kendo, he will do his best to chase the peak of Storm Kendo. Some people may ignore its meaning, but Chen Zong notices it.

That probably means that I will give up the original sword path.

The moment Chen Zong came to his senses, this was the so-called Jianxin test.

Sword Heart!

Ask Sword Heart!

Heart of Tao!

Kendo Heart!

That represents a kind of firmness, firmness to one's own kendo path, unswerving heart, and adherence to one's own sword path is for sword heart.

Suddenly, Chen Zong rejected the other party's so-called inheritance.

"You don't regret it." The middle-aged man in the green robe gave a deep gaze at Chen Zong, his voice mixed in the rumbling storm, it rang through the world, and finally became low and dissipated invisible.

The last sentence contains an impact, but can no longer shake Chen Zong's heart.

The storm before me disappeared, and the ghostly hazy figure appeared again.

Immediately afterwards, another figure approached quickly, becoming solid, and turning into a burning man.

The world evolved, and the crimson flame spread as the big man waved his sword, but in an instant, it spread to all directions, spreading the whole world, burning everything and turning it into ashes.

That might seem more terrible than the storm before.

This is the Incense Kendo, but Chen Zong still rejected the so-called inheritance, everything, dissipated.

The deep ocean is boundless, the waves are unbearable, but extremely deep, with the power of horror hidden, as if it can drown everything and destroy everything.

Deep Sea Kendo!

Kendo, one after another, appeared in front of Chen Zong's eyes, showing incomparable mystery and amazing power.

Extremely tempting!

Because a kendo is more powerful than a kendo, its power is more terrible, and its potential is even more amazing.

But Chen Zongju refused.

A starry sky shows, the stars are dotted with stars, which is very magnificent. Among the magnificent, there are deep and amazing mysteries. The mysteries are endless.

Starry Kendo!

Compared to the previous kendos, this starry kendo seems to be more brilliant, more mysterious and deeper.

Chen Zong determined that if he inherited this starry kendo, he would definitely become a strong kendo, and in the void, he would definitely climb to the highest level.

At that moment, Chen Zong was a little emotional, but refused.

The mountains are towering, the oceans are vast, the world is vast, and the stars are turning.

In a hurry, a sword light lit up, the sword light was vast and full of horror power. Wherever I went, the mountains collapsed in an instant, the ocean evaporated in an instant, the heavens and the earth broke in an instant, and the stars exploded in an instant.

Daken Kendo!

One sword comes out and destroys everything.

Compared with the Starry Kendo, this devastating Kendo is even more terrible, and its lethality is unparalleled.

However, Chen Zong refused.

Moving on again, another figure emerged.

However, this figure is obviously different from the previous figure. The facial features are unclear, as if shrouded in a mist, blurred and increasingly deep and mysterious.

"You are very good. You can resist all kinds of temptations and stick to your heart. Passing the test is enough to prove that you have an unswerving sword heart." This vague figure spoke with a gentle voice and a bit of majesty, as if It is ordinary from outside, and contains a very unique rhythm.

This rhythm is extraordinary, and in an instant, it can attract everyone's heart-like, letting people immerse themselves in that voice and be attracted.

Moreover, the words spoken by the other party also give people a feeling that he is different from those who have to teach what kind of Kendo.

It is as if this person is the master of the Dongting Sword Garden, speaking from an expert and master's perspective, and also saying that he passed the test.

Passing the test is equivalent to passing the Jianqi Road and entering the Dongting Sword Garden.

"Now that you have proven that you have an unswerving sword heart, I can safely teach my Kendo to you and hope that you can pass it on and carry it forward." The figure said.

"I refuse." Chen Zong said three words in a very calm tone.

Because in Chen Zong's view, this is still a test, not a test.

Moreover, Chen Zong even speculated that this was the last hurdle of the test.

"Are you sure you want to refuse?" The other person was obviously a little stunned, and the tone was a little natural surprise: "You came to Dongting Sword Garden, the purpose is not to enter Dongting Sword Mountain, to win the favor of Dongting Sword Master? ? Now, I want to teach you Kendo. It is the sword of Dongting. It helps you to be included in Dongting. It can lay a solid foundation for you and even make you the master of Dongting. Disciple, do you really want to refuse? "

I have to say that the words of the other party are full of amazing temptations.

What is the purpose of coming to Dongting Sword Garden?

In the end, in order to enter the Dongting Sword Mountain, he was favored by the Dongting Sword Master and was accepted as a disciple.

Now, there seems to be a short cut, how can you refuse it.

"I refuse." Chen Zong said those three words without hesitation, his tone was extremely firm.

The more the other party is so, the more Chen Zong understands and is false.

This is still under test.

Hearing the words of Chen Zong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The other party seemed a little stunned, and then smiled: "Yes, yes, your sword heart has passed the test, I hope you can get good results in the East Garden Sword Garden and enter the East Garden Sword Mountain. "

After that, the figure disappeared.

Chen Zong found that all the sword energy had disappeared, and in front of himself, there was an open portal, emitting a soft light.

Looking back, it is the way of Jianqi.

Chen Zong saw that some people were still moving forward, but others had been ejected.

As for Lin Weiyin, in the test of Jianyi in the second pass, the speed of advance is not fast or slow, and maybe it is possible to break through the third pass and accept the test of Jianxin.

However, the test of Jianxin is so tempting that Lin Weiyin can pass the test, which is really hard to say.

But Chen Zong has no way, everything, only on his own.

Turning back, Chen Zong took the last step, his figure disappeared into the portal.

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