Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 43: On the sword

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Ye Rujian, swaying in the wind, is not a rustling sound, but a sound of golden iron and iron symphony, as if the swords are fighting each other, the sound is in the ear, there is an amazing killing breath in all directions, diffuse Every inch in the air.

This surprised Chen Zong, never seen such a place.

No, the place is not very special. A path forward is very ordinary. What is not ordinary is bamboo on both sides, bamboo like leaves, and the sound of golden iron and iron symphony comes from the bamboo leaves.

The sword master's killing, no matter what words he uses to modify or use any means to cover up, can't change the fact of his killing weapon.

Chen Zong likes the atmosphere here.

The sound of the bamboo leaves swaying in the wind seemed to be the sound of killing.

Located in the depths of the bamboo forest, a huge circular platform is suspended, and small sword pavilions are suspended around the platform.

There was someone on every sword pavilion.

Some small sword pavilions are close to each other and surrounded by each other. Obviously people from the same force or people with better relations, such as the Heavenly Penalty Army, Fenglingmen, and Yuanyuanjiao, etc., are the three largest sword pavilions.

The people in the sword pavilion are people who have crossed the sword gas road and entered the East Garden Sword Garden before.

"Oh, someone came in again."

"It seems that there are some good people under this meta-education."

Along the path, Chen Zong kept walking forward, while listening carefully to the sound of the bamboo leaves' sword, feeling the pure voice of the sword.

The sound of killing fell into his ears, and a little bit seemed to enter Chen Zong's Shenhai, into Chen Zong's body, and some kind of unspeakable change occurred.

But this change is very subtle and hard to feel.

At the end of the path, Chen Zong saw the huge platform suspended in mid-air and the surrounding small sword pavilions.

Immediately, with the sound of increasingly fierce killings, it seemed as if they were constantly approaching, surrounding Chen Zong, a leaf shaped like a sword, swirling in the wind, and surrounding Chen Zong.

They are densely connected and connected to each other. In the end, a small sword pavilion is built, flying up with Chen Zong's body, and appearing beside the huge circular platform.

This is strange, but Chen Zong did not show any surprises.

Gazes swept from all around, falling on Chen Zong's face one after another, as if to see it through.

In the face of so many curious or malicious eyes, Chen Zong seemed very calm and indifferent, as if he didn't notice anything.

"He is Chen Zong?" In the monk's sword pavilion, a young man who looks similar to Mu Yu in three points, but looks more mature, looks at Chen Zong with a bit of coldness, deep in his eyes, there seems to be Tiny arcs of lightning flashed.

"Brother Mu Lei, he is Chen Zong." Xie Fengjian responded.

"Very good." Mu Lei smiled coldly, then immediately looked back.

The oblique wind sword could not help shaking his head secretly. Brother Mu Lei was the brother of Xiu Jian Mu Yu. The previous generation of the sword palace has been sharpening himself outside. Now that the Dongting Sword Garden is open, he rushed back.

In the previous generation of the true palace sword, Mu Lei is the second. As for the current strength, it is better than the first true biography of the contemporary sword palace.

Mu Yu was wounded, especially the mind and heart, and she questioned her path of Kendo. If she could not spend it, it would affect her life, she would never be able to advance, and even her previous combat power could not be maintained.

This is no less than death for any practitioner.

Like the vengeance of killing his brother, Mu Lei will of course report.

Zhu Qing stared at Chen Zong with a strange smile.

Not long after, someone came again. It was the mustache carrying three swords. The former second town was the tenth in the city rankings, and the eleventh in the list.

Eyes glanced at and saw Chen Zong, San Juejian showed a provocative smile.

Immediately, Xiao Jianting flew together and landed next to Chen Zong.

Another time passed and another person stepped into the sword garden.

Chen Zong stunned for a moment, then smiled.

Lin Weiyin!

Turned out to be Lin Weiyin.

It stands to reason that Lin Weiyin has a good talent and a good swordsmanship, but compared to others, it is not enough.

In fact, Lin Weiyin is not enough to cross the Jianqi road. Under normal circumstances, she can only stop at the sword heart of the third pass.

However, in the test of Jianxin in the third stage, although Lin Weiyin was also tempted by various powerful kendos, he finally refused.

Because she had only one thought in her heart, or she was obsessed.

"Chen Zong must be able to enter the garden, and I will also enter the garden."

The power of obsession is sometimes terrible.

Under this obsession, Lin Weiyin rejected all Kendo teachings by an instinct and passed the sword test of the third pass.

Examples such as Lin Weiyin, although not absent, are rare.

It's good luck, but it's actually a kind of ability.

If there is no unusual mind perception and that obsession, as long as one of them is missing, Lin Weiyin will not be able to enter Dongting Sword Garden through the three questions of Kendo.

Looking around, Lin Weiyin saw Chen Zong, and immediately showed a touch of joy.

Soon, Lin Weiyin's small sword pavilion was close to Chen Zong. The two small sword pavilions were almost side by side, but the small sword pavilions existed independently and could not be compatible as one, otherwise it is estimated that many people will let the sword pavilion Blend together.

Wait, everyone is waiting.

When everyone entered Xiaojianting, they already knew that they couldn't do anything to other people in Xiaojianting.

Violators will be expelled from the East Garden Sword Garden, thus losing this opportunity.

This is why Mu Lei thought of revenge for his younger brother Mu Yu, but did not do anything.

Although there are not many subsequent sword repairs, there are still some parts that have not yet made their way to the sword.

Another period of time passed, and finally, the sword repairers around Dongting Sword Garden had already crossed the path of sword Qi.

Two hundred people!

A total of 200 people entered the Dongting Sword Garden.

Several major galaxies, three major galaxy-level forces, tens of thousands of sword repairs, but only two hundred people crossed the road of sword air. Through three questions of Kendo, we can see how difficult it is.

Among the major galaxies, Jianxiu is more than tens of thousands, but it is more than a thousand times, but what can come, that is, these tens of thousands, is considered to be an excellent part.

It is equivalent to being limited by various factors such as distance, void coins, and so on. These are relatively good. At least in the overall, they belong to the upper-level level, and a few are the top-level level.

For example, a few of the Heavenly Penalty Army and Fenglingmen.

Another example is the geniuses in the top ten among the major gods and so on.

Therefore, the two hundred people in Dongting Sword Garden can represent the first-level and even the top-level sub-level sword repair in the three spheres of influence of several galaxies.

The East Garden Sword Garden focuses on chance, or fate.

One of them appears in a one-ary galaxy, that is the fate of the one-dimensional galaxy Jianxiu, and the other galaxies can come, and it is their fate.

The inability to come for various reasons can also be attributed to lack of fate.

Fate is very important.

The Dongting Sword Master, even if he has a different temperament from other strong men, is widely taught to his disciples, but it is not unlimited.

The opening time of the Dongting Sword Garden is limited. When you come in and enter, it is equivalent to obtaining the opportunity, or the key to the opportunity.

Conversely, if you cannot arrive within the opening time, you will lose your chance and no fate.

About a few days later, no one arrived anymore.

The gate of Dongting Sword Garden began to close.

"Is it closed?"

"I don't know what's going on inside?"

The Jian Xiu who failed the Jianqi Road and the practitioners who couldn't make the Jianqi Road because they were not Jianxiu looked outside and were very curious. What exactly is the sword in Dongting Sword Park?

Everyone outside the sword garden was very curious, and everyone inside the sword garden was also very curious.

Because the outside world's understanding of the East Garden Sword Garden is actually just three questions of Kendo.

As for what the so-called on sword is after entering the park, we have no way of knowing.

People who had entered the sword garden before did not send any news.

Perhaps there are some restrictions.

Around the center of many sword pavilions, a light and shadow appeared on the huge circular platform.

The light and shadow were white, as if it were a figure of a person, and like a shadow of a sword.

"Ask the entrants through Kendo Three, a total of two hundred, congratulations." The white light and shadow made a sound, overlapping, as if the golden iron and iron were singing, directly into everyone's ears: "But do n’t It's too early, you just stand out from a group of ants, just get the chance to enter. "

Described as a gnat, many people frowned, showing unhappiness.

But there was no actual action, but listening quietly.

"You were very disappointed. I was described as a cricket ant, but no one pulled out a sword, no blood at all, very funny." Bai Mengmeng's light and shadow made a little disappointment and joke.

It seems that it was intentional.

"That being the case, then you all heard it, I will only say it once."

"The sword garden discusses the rules of the sword. All your powers will be temporarily banned, and all your magic swordsmanship will be invalid."

Everyone heard that their looks changed dramatically.

Although it is temporary, it has been banned and invalidated, and it has not been reduced to ordinary people.

From having great power to becoming an ordinary person, it is undoubtedly falling from heaven to hell.

Who can bear it?

Even if it is only temporary ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ However, it does not seem to include sword intention, but still retains some strength.

"Including the meaning of Kendo you have, it is also banned."

The words of white light and shadow made the look of everyone more ugly.

If even Jianyi Daoyi and so on are banned, it is completely reduced to an ordinary person.

"Rest assured, you still have a good basic swordsmanship." Bai Guangying laughed, seeming to have some nasty meaning.

Basic Sword Skills!

Is it intended to let everyone fight against the basis of basic swordsmanship, so as to eliminate some people and leave some people to survive the fittest?

It seems that this is also possible.

After all, the master of the Dongting Sword is the Kendo Xeon in the Void. It is difficult to speculate on the vision and thought of such a dominant figure standing at the high end of the Void.

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