Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 44: East Court 14 Kendo

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Wrong, everyone is wrong.

Cultivation is banned, extraordinary powers are banned, Taoism is banned, and all swordsmanship and martial arts cannot be shown. At most, basic moves can be used.

At one time, everyone thought that they should use ordinary forces to perform ordinary countermeasures, and then talk about high and low.

Of course, even if all the power is banned, even those powerful moves are invalid, but everyone is still not an ordinary person. At least, the accomplishments of the basic sword moves are all there. Once they are displayed, they can be at least one hundred or even one enemy. One enemy is one thousand, and the enemy is really the level of ordinary people.

However, even if it is a sword, it always feels a bit strange, it seems not enough.

"Dongting Jianshan, there are fourteen kendos. One of the rules of Jianyuan on swords is to let you observe the Dongting fourteen kendos." The words of white light and shadow immediately made everyone stunned, and immediately excited. .

Dongting Jianshan Fourteen Kendo, and others can directly observe and enlighten.

What a chance.

Even if you don't major in it, you can learn the mystery of kendo from it, integrate it into your own kendo, make one of your swords complete and strengthen, and build a more solid foundation.

"Don't be too happy, you are just entering the garden now, only better than those ants who cannot enter the garden." The white light shadow poisonous tongue reappears: "Therefore, you cannot observe the essence of the Fourteen Paths of the Dongting, just the foundation That's it. "

There is a sharp gap between the foundation and the essence. Everyone is like pouring a pot of cold water. With great enthusiasm and excitement, they cool down in an instant.

"Remember, ants, you must master at least one of the basic sword skills of Dongting Fourteen Kendo. After you master it, you will have the opportunity to challenge. You can challenge anyone outside of yourself in the sword garden. If you win, stay in Sword Garden, eliminating the opportunity to be challenged, and can continue to enlighten a sword monument, defeated, then eliminated from the garden. "The sound of white light and shadow was full of jokes, with a hint of cruelty.

It took a while to enter the park. If it fails, it will be eliminated, expelled from the sword park, and lost this opportunity.

Of course, if you succeed, you can continue to stay, and you can avoid a chance to be challenged. The main thing is that you can continue to see the sword monument.

This rule is indeed very interesting.

In the case of self-cultivation, strength, Taoism, etc., it seems that everyone is at the same starting point. Learn to practice and master the basic sword skills of Dongting Fourteen Kendo. The basic swordsmanship duel is to discuss the sword.

"Remember, the sword garden will only leave ten victors in the end." Bai Guangying's proud laughter, which quickly faded, disappeared.

The buzzing sounds kept ringing. Immediately, just above the huge circular platform, a beam of light of various colors flickered, turned into a beam of light, and shot down from above.

Fourteen beams of light and fourteen colors are displayed in front of everyone.

Each beam of light emits a different wave.

The red heat, as if burning in fire, the golden sharpness, as if the sword is cold, the blue ice, as if frozen by ice ...

Everyone's eyes were gazing at the fourteen beams of light, feeling the mysterious fluctuations coming out of them, and could not help but be shocked.

After ten breaths, the fourteen beams of light slowly dissipated. In the eyes of everyone, where fourteen beams of light fell, fourteen stone monuments at least ten meters high appeared in shapes and shapes, such as swords.

The mysterious thing is that no matter what angle you look at, you can clearly see the front of each sword monument, and it will not be affected by the angle and sight at all. It feels like you have been standing opposite the sword monument.

But in fact, the fourteen sword steles each face differently.

At the top of each sword stele is a unique rune that looks very mysterious. I have never seen it, but everyone glanced at it and immediately understood what it meant.

For example, the rune on the crimson sword monument looks like a burning flame, which represents fire. When Chen Zong stared, he felt his eyes seemed to be ignited, and he could see clearly. Feeling the amazing heat coming out.

For a moment everyone understood that the fourteen sword monuments represented the Eastern Court of Fourteen Kendo, or what was recorded above should be the basic swordplay of the Eastern Court of Fourteen Kendo.

Then, choose, learn, and master.

Soon, everyone gathered their minds and eliminated all distractions.

According to the rules of the sword garden on swords, if you first understand and master one of the basic swordsmanships, you can take the lead to challenge, seize the opportunity, and eliminate others.

Regardless of whether you want to be the first to take the lead, or not to be the first to take the lead, you must enter the state as soon as possible, and learn a basic sword technique as soon as possible. Even, some people's minds are not so simple. Realize a basic sword, but learn more and master more.

If you can, of course, you need to master fourteen basic swordsmanships, which is good for you and not bad.

However, if you want to learn how to master the fourteen basic swordsmanship, it will be difficult.

Chen Zong's eyes passed by.

Fourteen sword monuments, gold, wood, fire, earth, wind, ice, and thunderbolt occupy nine species. These nine sword monuments stand at the outermost periphery, and the remaining four sword monuments are located in the middle, belonging to four sides.

The four sword monuments in the middle are taller, all reaching a height of fifteen meters and wider.

The characters of the four sword monuments are star, kill, illusion, and extinction.

From this point of view, the Kendo represented by these four sword monuments seems to be more intelligent and powerful than the other nine sword monuments.

Chen Zong's thoughts flickered by, and he did not directly understand the basic sword techniques in the four highest sword monuments, but chose the basic sword techniques of other sword monuments to enlighten.

This is not a place of ease, there are not so leisurely to allow yourself to slowly understand, so it is necessary to master a basic sword technique first.

Because one thing is certain, the basic sword skills of the four highest sword monuments will be more difficult and take longer.

Here, you can't be willful to gamble.

Make sure you stay here before you consider other things.

Chen Zong swept and locked four of them.

Gold, wind, fire, thunder!

Each has its own characteristics and power.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong made a choice immediately.

Blade of the Wind Sword!

The gaze was fixed on the Sword Stele of the Wind, focusing all attention and concentrating on the mind, and all thoughts disappeared instantly.

The sound of whirring sounded suddenly, it was the sound of wind, the sound of wind blowing.

Waves of light cyan, constantly permeating the air, swept away, the wind.

Waves of wind blew across Chen Zong, blowing long hair and clothing tricks.

Just in a flash, Chen Zong felt that everything around him had disappeared and he appeared in a windy world.

Strands of wind were blowing continuously, not knowing where to start, or where it would blow.

Blow, blow, endless wind permeates in all directions.

Either forward or reverse.

What Chen Zong has to do is to comprehend the sword of the wind contained in this world of wind.

There are no fixed moves to observe, and no one instructs and teaches, and observes the wind in this side of the world by himself, and then learns it.

This difficulty is not ordinary.

This can no longer be determined simply by the level of perception, but perception is also one of the important factors. The other factor is the foundation, the foundation of the sword.

The foundation will not be banned.

For example, a person who has an extremely clever mind, but lacks the corresponding knowledge, it is difficult to bring out the cleverness of the mind. Only when intelligence and basic knowledge are superimposed on each other can a strong light shine.

Soon, Chen Zong observed the mystery from this windy world.

The sword came out of the sheath and danced with the wind.

Gradually, the sword light that Chen Zong wielded fit the wind in the sky.

A sword is followed by a sword, and there is no fixed move, except that each sword is waved, the blade body gradually becomes blurred, and becomes a sword light, and the sword light is gradually blurred, and becomes a ray of breeze. .

The breeze was soft and quiet as if silent, but there was a sense of permeation.

Gradually, the sword in Chen Zong's hand changed, and the breeze intensified and it turned into a breeze.

When the breeze blows, it is no longer silent, but has a subtle sound, which gradually spreads out. There is a continuous flavor between blowing slowly, as if it can blow forever.

More insights into the wind poured into Chen Zong's heart.

It feels amazing.

After a while, the breeze changed again and became more obvious. It turned into a strong wind, making a whirring sound, resonating with the wind blowing around.

Chen Zong felt that his sword seemed to be able to start the breath of wind between heaven and earth, although it was only preliminary.


This feeling is really amazing.

Of course, when grasping the meaning of the wind, it is indeed possible to draw the breath of the wind between heaven and earth and control the power of the wind.

But now, but there is no Taoism, nothing else, it is really very clear to master this method simply by practicing with swordsmanship.

This should be the sword of the wind created by the sword master of Dongting.

Really worthy of being one of the dominant powers in the void.

The wind blows, screams, and the wind of the surrounding wind ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ gradually, when accumulated to a certain degree, it strengthens again.

The whistling wind became intense, from the gale to the gale.

The wind was strong, sweeping the sky, and the breath of wind that was drawn in an instant increased more than ten times, and it became more and more amazing. Every sword killed was turned into a strong wind.

The wind was raging, as if everything was going to blow down.

Under the sword of Chen Zong, the wind and the earth became more and more violent.

I don't know when, Chen Zong's sword appeared slightly, and it appeared clearly, followed by another sword.


The violent wind seemed to have accumulated countless strengths, and issued a terrifying roar, as if to destroy everything around it.


A roaring hurricane that destroyed all the surrounding hurricanes appeared under Chen Zong's sword.

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