Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 45: Hengqiang (1)

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(Sixth more)

The world of wind, the sword of wind.

Chen Zong kept waving his sword, constantly enlightened and grasped.

With the mastery, it gradually became clear that the sword of the wind way actually had no fixed moves, only the level of level.

The first is a breeze, the second is a breeze, the third is a gale, the fourth is a gale, and the fifth is a hurricane.

Chen Zong realized the fivefolds of the sword of the wind, and based on it, broke through the limits and realized its mystery.

"Even though it's just the foundation, it's very extraordinary." After Chen Zong's realization, he withdrew from the world of wind, and couldn't help secretly marveling.

Speaking of which, the level of the sword of the wind is just the level of the little magical power. Its power is also the level of the little magical power, but its essence is very mysterious, and it feels that it is only part of something inscrutable.


The sword of the wind way is just the basic sword technique of the fourteen sword way of the east court.

Since enlightenment was completed, Chen Zong did not initiate a challenge, but chose to enlighten other sword steles.

Thunder Road Sword Stele!

Contained in the Leidao Sword Stele is the sword of Leidao.

This is the world of Thunder.

Strands of tiny electro-optical light walk in the air, flickering, and bursts of amazing power from time to time.

The thunderbolts of finger-thickness swept across the air at an amazing speed, extremely fast.

Lightning ripped through the arms, as if going through everything.

Thunder thighs with thigh thicknesses shot down in the air and seemed to be able to break everything.

Thunder thunder roaring between the heavens and the earth, as if to turn everything into powder.


The sword of Thunder Road is also fivefold.

Chen Zong ’s sword skills are extremely solid, thanks to Chen Zong ’s conscious accumulation. In addition, Chen Zong ’s sword style is to extract the essence of countless types of sword skills into his own sword skills and continuously improve them. Promotion.

This approach gave Chen Zong an extremely solid swordsmanship foundation that is far superior to others. Now, it is when this swordsmanship foundation is exerted, coupled with Chen Zong's superb understanding, that the two are superimposed. The effect produced is not as simple as one plus one.

This is his own advantage. Of course, Chen Zong will not give up. He will learn first, but he will challenge him later.

There is no doubt that one of the ten places will belong to himself.

Previously, Chen Zong's grasp of the meaning was wind, thunder, and fire. Although it is no longer available, Chen Zong has a very deep foundation in the three swordsmanship of wind and fire.

This foundation is now applied.

Not long after, the sword of Thunder Road was enlightened by Chen Zong.

Still no one took the lead in the challenge, and the situation became a bit special.

Those who have confidence in themselves did not take the lead in initiating the challenge, or in other words, after experiencing the mystery of the sword in the sword monument, the people temporarily extinguished the challenge.

Hurry up and learn as much as possible. After all, those who can enter the park are very talented in kendo, but they are the best. All of them suddenly understand that it is necessary to understand the sword technique as much as possible. More swordsmanship and mystery, that's definitely good.

It seems that this theory of swords has become the enlightenment contest of swordsmanship.

In the void, the white light and stare stared, a little stunned, and then weirdly laughed: "So insincere, it seems that I need to add some more to them."

"After ten breaths, no one initiated the challenge, and everyone eliminated it." A voice full of malice suddenly passed down from the sky and passed into everyone's ears, even in the world of enlightenment sword stele. Heard this voice.

Everyone was a little stunned, and then his look changed dramatically.

The ten-minute time is very short, and it will pass in a flash. If it is not observed, everyone may be eliminated. It is impossible to be nervous.

"I'm going to challenge." Immediately, someone couldn't hold back, and quickly said.

Gaze turned and quickly pointed at one of them.

Although the time is short, everyone's reaction speed is very fast, and there is no panic because of this. In addition, many people have already thought about it before they realize, who is the first one to challenge.

Of course, pick those who feel weaker than yourself.

Although that feeling may not be accurate, at least it is fine.

The selected person was a little stunned, and then a sneer appeared, this was to treat himself as a soft persimmon, and wanted to pinch it.

Then let the other party know that it is great.

All of a sudden, everyone was expelled by a force, withdrew from the world of sword stele, and could no longer enlighten.

"Damn, how could this be happening." Immediately, someone looked very ugly, because his first choice was one of the four major sword monuments, but it became very difficult to understand, only to realize the second important, only the third important contact. To be enlightened was interrupted.

Chen Zong naturally withdrew from the world of sword stele of the sword of fire, the sword of fire in the sword of fire, Chen Zong came to the third.

Fourteen sword monuments disappeared, and the two leaped from the sword pavilion and landed on a huge circular platform.

These two people are not disciples of the unitary religion, nor are they disciples of the Heavenly Penalty Army and Fenglingmen, but Jianxiu in the two galaxies under the unitary religion.

With a slap, the sword came out of the sheath, and the sword light flickered, and it was directly turned into a ray of clear wind and killed.

This sword is not its own sword, but the standard sword assigned by the Dongting Sword Garden. Besides being tough and sharp, it does not carry other powers.

In this way, everyone's starting point is further guaranteed.

Of course, any starting point is relative.

The foundation and perception cannot be changed.

If the owner of Dongting Sword has that kind of ability, is it still necessary to cast Dongting Sword Garden full of vain kendo geniuses?

Obviously, it is not necessary, as long as you just find some people and improve their foundation and understanding.

On the two sides of the battle, one enlightened was the sword of the wind channel, and one was enlightened by the sword of the water channel. The sword came out of the sheath, and the pale blue light flashed into a stream flowing out.

The crowd sat in the sword pavilion and became the audience.

And this is actually a kind of observation. You can reflect on the same swordsmanship that you have come to understand. Even if it is not the same swordsmanship, you can watch it and see the mystery and how to deal with it.

The warring sides have mastered the sword of the wind and the sword of the water to the fifth level.

Those who can enter the Dongting Sword Garden have not only a low level of talent, but also a high level of understanding. They all have a solid foundation in swordsmanship. Therefore, it is not too much to learn the basic swordsmanship of one of the nine small sword monuments within a period of time Difficult things.

Only a few people who looked at the four great stele monuments and looked at themselves with high ambitions did not fully understand the swordsmanship contained in the four great sword monuments.

One sword at a time, like a breeze and a strong wind sweeping out, and then turned into a howling wind, evoking the breath of wind in all directions, turning into a burst of strong wind force, constant impact.

Under the sword of the waterway, Jianguang disappeared, and only one water flow swept through.

This is the collision of wind and water, which is mixed with sharp sounds. It is the sound of double swords colliding again and again.

The sound was sharp and harsh.

Even if it is only basic swordsmanship, it also has the level of little magical powers. Its mystery is better than many small magical powers. It is very clever.


The gale was screaming, as if destroying everything and destroying it, blowing it out constantly, and the torrents of water billowed, turning into waves and violent shocks.

The level of swordsmanship of these two people is average, so are the swords. It is not easy to separate the winners and losers at a time.

Chen Zong watched, while recollecting in his mind, he continued to enlighten the sword of fire.

The mystery of the Sword of Fire in the Sword of Fire monument has been remembered by Chen Zong. Of course, the efficiency of enlightenment is not as good as in the world of the Sword of Fire, but it is also enlightened by Chen Zong. The fourth mystery of the Sword of Fire gradually emerged one by one and mastered by Chen Zong.


This battle is extremely fierce, because the two sides are evenly matched, and it is difficult to separate the winner and the loser for a while.


The weather turned into a hurricane, it was extremely violent, carrying an astonishing momentum that destroyed everything, and the water also became extremely violent, like a tsunami that gave out an amazing roar.

For a while, there was a feeling of prestige in the world.

Indeed, it is a wonderful swordsmanship, even if it is just the basics.

For a while, everyone was fortunate to be able to enter the East Garden Sword Garden, which is undoubtedly a good opportunity, and if one of the last ten places can be obtained, perhaps more.

Maybe you can also directly get the true inheritance of the Eastern Court's Fourteen Kendo, which is the greater opportunity.

For a moment, everyone was a little bit hot.

The battle was fierce, and both men fought with the fifth-strength swordsmanship. It seemed that they did not grasp the meaning.

There are still five traces in the world of sword stele. There are still traces in the world of sword stele. As for the meaning of enlightenment, the enlightenment that everyone can comprehend is not necessarily the same.


After repeated high-intensity collisions, the two flew upside down.

Immediately, the exhibitor of the sword of the wind channel rose like a wind, and chased out instantly, a sword across the sky.


The caster of the Sword of Waterway took a slow step and immediately hit the sword.

This move is very powerful, a sword, immediately hurt.

Then, the sword light was continuously killed like the wind. Under the dozens of swords, the caster of the sword of the waterway was defeated.



His body was dissipated and disappeared under the gaze of everyone.

At the same time, outside the Dongting Sword Garden, a figure emerged out of nothing, appearing in the void, attracting countless eyes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ everyone recognized that this person is the two who entered the Dongting Sword Garden before. One of a hundred people.

What happened?

What happened?

Immediately, the strong asked.

"Can't say, it's restricted." The man shook his head, his expression flat.

This is not a lie. When he entered Dongting Sword Garden, it was equivalent to reaching an agreement with the owner of Dongting Sword. All the contents of the sword garden must not be leaked out to anyone who did not enter the sword garden. Otherwise, it was Violating the agreement is costly and no one wants to try it.

This is why Dongting Sword Garden is always mysterious.

Since nothing can be asked, the powerful man from the Divine Realm is not persecuted.

Although this person was eliminated, the sword of the water channel that was learned in it still exists, and it can be regarded as a small opportunity, nothing more.

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