Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 46: Strong Hengqiang (2)

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(Seventh more, Liudao continues to work hard to code)

The loser was directly eliminated and left the East Garden Sword Garden. The winner was returned to his own small sword pavilion. He found that he had a chance to choose one of the sword monuments.

"Sword of Fire." The man said silently.

Immediately, before the eyes flickered, the Stele of Fire seemed to manifest in his eyes, as if there was a diffused fire and a flame burning.

"I want to challenge." At the end of the first war, someone immediately asked to challenge, very quickly, and the voice was the third absolute sword in the 11th place in the second town of the Universe Galaxy.

The eyes of San Juejian turned around and immediately fell on Chen Zong's small sword pavilion.

"Tianxinjian, come out and fight with me, let me see what you can do." Mustache said coldly.

Chen Zong grabbed one of the long swords provided by Dongting Sword Garden, jumped forward, cleverly used his power, and leapt a few meters away instantly. He leapt from the small sword pavilion, landed on the edge of a huge circular platform, and stepped out.

"Although this is not my true skill, it is enough to deal with you." The moustache pulled out a long sword, and the sword light was mapped out. It was quiet and cold like water, and it seemed that there was a hint of indescribable front. Sharp, while condensing his tone, like a sword.

His nickname is the Three Swords. As the name implies, three different swords are required in order to maximize its strength.

But now, there is only a very ordinary sword, coupled with the sword intention and his own sword skills are all banned, etc., his strength naturally declines significantly.

Of course, that was also the case with Heart Sword that day.

However, San Juejian felt that his strength had fallen sharply, but he also had great confidence to defeat Chen Zong in this state.

Chen Zong did not speak because there was no need for that.

Who is more powerful, not to say it, it will be clear after a fight, Chen Zong has great confidence in his own strength.

The circular platform was very large, with a diameter of 10,000 meters, and their extraordinary strength was banned. The rest was more ordinary physical endurance and so on.

But in an instant, I saw the moustache's footsteps slightly, the sword completely out of the sheath, with a touch of golden light, instantly burst out to kill.

The moment the sword turned into golden light, the steps and body were also driven to rush forward at a faster speed.

The sword technique learned in the sword monument is not only the sword technique, but also contains the mystery of body and footwork, which can make oneself more rapid and flexible when performing the sword technique.

San Juejian took the lead in launching the offensive. What he learned was the sword technique in the Golden Sword Stele, and the sword of Golden Road was cast, and he had already reached the fifth level.

The gold swordsmanship is one of the swordsmanships that Sanjue Sword is good at, so he can easily understand and master it.

A sword broke through the sky, and the golden light bloomed. It was very dazzling and came straight. The sword light took a kind of sharp and extremely powerful power, as if it were indestructible.

Chen Zongjian came out of the sheath, and suddenly rolled up a breeze slowly swept out.

The sword collided in the void, and that was the collision of gold and wind.

It was the collision of two swordsmen.

Three swords and one sword are followed by one sword, and the swords are endless. Each sword carries an astonishing sharpness and pierces everything.

The sword of San Juejian is extremely sharp, showing its sharpness and relentlessness. The sword is killing in general, and its eyes are also extremely sharp, as if to penetrate Chen Zong's body.

Chen Zong's sword, however, is chic and free, as if it is the real wind, blowing between the heavens and the earth.

"So smart swordsmanship."

"Good savvy."

"Does Tianxin Sword really have good abilities?"

This is the thought of some people in the Heavenly Penalty Army and Fenglingmen. Chen Zong is very good, but it is only good.

They are the true level of the middle-level galaxy forces, and they are able to enter the garden. They are also very easy, and their talents and foundations are far better than others.

Under normal circumstances, the only things that can be valued by them are the true biography of the same level of power or the higher-level faction.

The Tianxin Sword is obviously not among them. Of course, they do n’t know. Chen Zong has received some inheritance from the Tianxin Palace, even if only a few, also entered the Eternal War Fortress. Equal level of existence.

But whether it is the Eternal War Fortress or the Mind Heaven Palace, it is a star field religion in the void, which is incomparable to most star level forces.

Even Dongting Jianshan cannot be compared with it. Of course, Dongting Jianshan belongs to Dongting Sword Master. In the strict sense, it is not really a force. It is more personal. Once Dongting Sword Master disappears, Dongting Jianshan also fell.

The Eternal War Fortress and the Mind Heaven Palace are the forces that have been inherited for many years. They are completely different.

But in the kendo, Dongting Jianshan is obviously very outstanding, and it will not be inferior to those of the Star Masters.

Compared with the Three Swords, Chen Zong's basic swordsmanship seems to be more subtle, or in other words, closer to the essence.

However, the sword technique learned by San Jue Jian still seems to be at a relatively shallow level.

Of course, this gap cannot be seen at all if there is no sufficiently sophisticated martial arts accomplishment and eyesight.

San Juejian didn't feel it himself, he hadn't reached that level yet.

The Golden Sword is fifth!

A sword swept across the sky, Jin Guangguang shines in all directions, extremely dazzling.

This sword, the full strength of the three absolutely sword, is the full strength at this time.

This sword seems to penetrate through the void, and the power of the sword of the Golden Path is triggered to the extreme.


Chen Zong's body was shrouded in gold at the moment, as if it were penetrated, but it was just a phantom, the sword of Fengdao's body and footwork, which allowed Chen Zong to avoid it instantly.

After avoiding, it is natural to fight back.

The wind yelled, and a sword broke through.

The Three Swords only felt that they were shrouded in the power of a terrible wind. At the next breath, they flew high and could not resist the slightest.


He lost!

At that moment, San Juejian's mind was blank.

How could you be defeated?

The next breath, San Juejian's body disappeared, as if broken.

Outside the Dongting Sword Garden, a figure appeared, which was the Three Swords.

"Damn!" Sanjie Jian, who was awake, looked at the East Garden Sword Garden in front of him, his face changed, and finally roared, very uncomfortable. In his heart was a surge of anger and murderous power. .


That day's heart sword was so good.

"However, it's definitely not my real strength. I'll wait here and wait for you to be eliminated. Then let me know how strong my true strength is." San Juejian still feels very confident in himself, thinking that His true strength is stronger than Chen Zong.

Defeating the Three Swords, Chen Zong won the victory and got the opportunity to continue to enlighten the sword stele.

Without any hesitation, Chen Zong immediately chose the Sword of Fire monument, because the sword of the fire path had not yet come to an extreme.

At the end of the second battle, someone immediately fought the third battle.

In the Sword of Fire, Chen Zong soon realized the fourth level of the sword of fire, and continued to the fifth level.

A sword waved out, and the fiery flames suddenly burst out, spreading around quickly, as if to burn everything into ashes.

The fiery fire ravaged the world and burned the world.

It didn't take long for Chen Zong to enlighten the fifth master of the sword of the fire path, but he did not leave, and there was also a mystery to enlighten.

Whether it's the sword of the wind or the sword of the thunder, Chen Zong understands the meaning of the uprising, and the sword of the fire can't be ignored.

The enlightenment of Upanishads is equal to the top five aggregations of essences, and then integrated into the foundation of one of his swords.

After Chen Zong became aware of the uprising of the sword of fire, after two more battles, the two won and stayed, to get the opportunity to continue to enlighten the sword monument, and the two were eliminated and left the East Garden Sword Garden That's all for now.

The basic swordsmanship of Dongting Kendo is indeed very extraordinary and very mysterious, but after all, it is only a level of little magical power. Learning one or two is really useful for oneself, but not great.

After all, everyone who can enter the park has extraordinary talents and opportunities. There is no lack of the two magical swordsmanship skills. It may be possible to add some details, but it does not change the whole. .

Of course, if you can learn the subsequent swordsmanship, it may be different.

The true essence of Dongting Kendo.

Then, maybe you really need to step into Dongting Jianshan.

However, for Chen Zong, one more supernatural swordsmanship will accumulate one more point, making his kendo foundation more solid, which is beneficial to future improvement.

It is a pity that one must win one more time in order to get a chance to see the sword stele.

So, take the initiative?

When Chen Zongzheng planned to initiate the challenge, he was challenged by name.

The challenger is Zhu Qing, who is known as the Sword of the First Town in the Universe.

"The mysterious soldiers secretly let you win a game by chance, and now you have to pay for it." Zhu Qing's secret smile on his face seemed to make people feel uneasy, and his voice was also It suddenly became erratic.


Just moments later, Zhu Qing's figure disappeared in front of Chen Zong's eyes.

It seemed to turn into a shadow-like, silent and very strange passing, swept away from the surrounding area.

Sword of the Underworld!

The title of Zhu Qing is a quiver ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The first choice for him to enlighten is the Dark Sword Monument, which is a sword monument that fits him well.

To enlighten, in addition to self-discipline, Gao Yuanyuan, generally choose to enlighten the sword monument that is close to you, because this way it will be easier to enlighten the sword technique in the sword monument and exert its power to the extreme.

The power of the same sword in different people's hands is not necessarily the same. Even the same sword is displayed under the sword of different practitioners, and its style is completely different.

In the so-called world, the theory that it is difficult to find two identical leaves is the same.

The sword of the underworld was displayed in Zhu Qing's hands, and it blended into his strange style.

For a moment, Zhu Qing turned into a shadow from the side to the silent, silent, very strange, there is a feeling that makes people hard to guard against.

Like the assassination sword, the angle it stabs is very strange and very tricky.

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