Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 53: 1st time in life

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Chen Zong is used to walking alone. This is a habit that has been developed from childhood to adulthood. Since it is a habit, it was hard to develop, why should it be changed.

Perhaps there are all sorts of disadvantages to being alone, but freedom is enough.

However, Chen Zong did not consider other things, such as now, his stomach is rumbling, it is hungry.

How long have I not experienced this feeling.

Although Chen Zong usually drinks and eats food, it is only a hobby, not to fill his stomach. Now, he is to fill his stomach.

Chen Zong has a feeling that if he does not drink water for a long time, he will die from dehydration and thirst, and if he does not eat for a long time, he will starve to death. Moreover, although his body is at the level of ordinary people, it has reached ordinary people The limit, once you fight, the physical exertion will increase, and you must eat more food to supplement it.

what does this mean?

This means that within the next month, not only will he have to find other sword imprinters to kill and capture the sword imprints, he must also ensure that he eats and drinks adequately.

"It's really fun." Instead of feeling frustrated and upset, Chen Zong felt novel and interesting.

Then, let ’s find food first. Only by filling our stomachs can we have the strength to pursue other enemies.

Except for themselves, the other 999 swordprint branders are all enemies.

Now, if you do n’t reach the village and the shop, you wo n’t see any animals. Do you want to dig tree bark or eat soil?

In this regard, Chen Zong expressed deep helplessness, this start is too bad.

Do you want to starve to death here?

Fortunately, for the bad situation, Chen Zong has always had tenacious resilience and can temporarily resist it.

Keep your breathing rhythm and walk at an unhappy or slow speed while carrying your sword. In this way, you can reduce your physical exertion to the greatest extent and save your physical energy.

In the absence of extraordinary strength, physical strength is equal to combat power. Once the physical strength is exhausted, the swordsmanship can no longer be played out, which is useless.

"Boy, your sword looks good, hand it over first." Suddenly, there was a roadblocker in front of him, two men with fierce looks and swords. The appearance alone was enough to scare many people to fear, and then revealed a bit of evil The appearance makes people's legs softer.

A quarter of an hour later, Chen Zong took the hard jerky meat and strode away, leaving two people who were beaten up and swollen and crying. They were the two fierce robbers.

Chen Zong has never been a killer. The reason why he kills is because he is a threat to himself, the enemy, etc. Under normal circumstances, Chen Zong can not kill without killing.

For example, now, although the two robbers are fierce, they are not a threat to Chen Zong. On the contrary, Chen Zong found some dry food and money from the baggage they carried with him. In addition, from their mouths Learn some information.

For example, this country is called Fujian Country. There are many institutions, families, and ancestors in this country.

But one thing they are sure of is that there are only two people in Fujian.

Real ordinary people and swordsmen.

In other words, if there is cultivation in the country, Fu Jian is practicing swords and becoming a swordsman.

A swordsman's country is really interesting, it makes people yearn for it.

In a large country, there are many swordsmen, and there will definitely be many swordsmanship. After countless generations of evolution and improvement, some swordsmanship will certainly reach a very high level.

One of Chen Zong's swords is to continuously learn the essence of one of the other swords, integrate into his own body, and improve his sword skills.

Such a place may be very beneficial to yourself.

Carrying a stiff and dry jerky, chewing and swallowing, he barely made up for an empty belly, and with the so-called copper sword leaves, Chen Zong accelerated his pace.

There is a small town in front of which you can find better food and drink fine wine.

Jianye is the domestic currency of Fujian, divided into three levels of copper, silver, and gold, and the exchange ratio between each other is one hundred to one.

From the burden of those two big men, Chen Zong got dozens of copper sword leaves.

The blade is very thin, just like a leaf, it is also very light, it is soft, it can be bent, but it is amazingly tough, and it is not easy to break, so it is very suitable to carry it.

In some cases, it can even become a killer.

After a while, Chen Zong saw the outline of a section of the city wall and was able to enter the city directly without paying any entrance fees.

This is just a small town. Chen Zong looked as he walked. Although he was still hungry, he didn't find a place to eat.


Based on Chen Zong's many years of experience, he found a restaurant that should be good.

At this moment, Chen Zong forgot that he only had dozens of copper sword leaves.


There are dozens of specialty dishes, most of which are hard vegetables. This is enough to eat. Coupled with a bottle of wine, Chen Zong slowly tasted it.

Chen Zong's appetite, of course, also caught the attention of others in the restaurant.

How many dishes a person eats so much.

Chen Zong's eating was very good. He didn't gobble up the wind, but he ate very quickly. After a while, all the dishes on the large table were wiped out by Chen Zong, and the wine was also consumed by Chen Zong.

The feeling of drinking and filling is very beautiful, and the whole body is full of strength.

As a result, Chen Zong discovered that there was not enough money.

To eat so much, you need more than a hundred copper sword leaves, but you only have dozens of them, which is more than double the difference.

It seems that the first overlord meal in life is here.

Chen Zong sat next to the window, leaped forward, and flew out directly along the open window, landing instantly.

This is just the height of the second floor. It's nothing. In the blink of an eye, Chen Zong entered the crowd and quickly went away.

"Damn it, stop me."

The guy upstairs reacted and scolded while chasing, but apparently he couldn't catch up with Chen Zong, and finally he had to confess his life.

In fact, even if he catches up with Chen Zong, it will not help.

No money is no money.

This feeling of running after eating and drinking without giving money is really fresh and exciting.

Chen Zong was thinking as he walked, was he going to turn this into a habit and carry it forward?

Forget it, this little problem is not tangled.

However, you still have to spend some money to make things more convenient.

The lone walker, freedom of movement and unrestrained, is his advantage, but the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, lack of intelligence.

Well, if you want to get enough detailed information, money may be a more direct way.

Of course, other methods are not excluded, but never look down on others and value yourself, especially in a strange place.

Make all preparations.

How to make money?

Moreover, I still make a lot of money in a short time, after all, I only have one month.

This is a problem.

As I walked, I looked around, thinking.

Chen Zong saw a notice wall.

Several notices were posted on the notice wall, and some notices were broken.

At this time, someone wearing a black and red short waist with a black scabbard came to the notice wall and posted a new notice.

The content of this notice caught Chen Zong's attention.

This is an obliteration mission. The content of the mission is to obliterate a water village three hundred miles away from the city, especially the three village owners who brought their heads back to complete the mission.

The task reward is one hundred gold sword leaves.

After listening to the discussions around him, Chen Zong quickly sorted it out. With judgment, he immediately acted and tore off the lower right corner of the notice directly. This means that Chen Zong took the annihilation mission. After that, he only needed to go to the city You only need to pay for the tasks in the main city hall.

Others have nothing to do with Chen Zong.

Of course, one hundred gold sword leaves may sound like a lot, but Chen Zong didn't think it was too much. It just felt that there should be some wealth in a water village, and that was his goal.

Holding a corner of the notice and closing it close, Chen Zong set off.

Those dozens of copper sword leaves were bought with some dry food, and only a few copper sword leaves were left in the end.

"Who is that?"

"Should be a swordsman, but I don't know what level?"

"The face is strange and has never been seen before."

"That crazy shark village is not easy to deal with. The three main village owners are all powerful swordsmen. I don't know how many people who want to destroy them have died in it."

Among the various opinions, a strong figure quickly caught up with Chen Zong.

"Hey, we joined forces to deal with the Shark Shui Zhaizhai. After the success, everything was five or five points." There was a flash of figure in front of him, mixed with a strange wild fragrance, the voice was crisp and neutral.

In front of Chen Zong, a girl appeared.

This girl is tall, with smooth skin and not so fair, but is a bit biased towards copper, with a pony tail, and a black tights completely set off the beautiful and healthy body. The legs are long and strong, and it feels like A leopard.

She had a long sword hanging from her left waist, and a hand hanging from her right waist. A crossbow and a row of crossbows, and a short sword tied to her right calf, her face had clear lines and sharp eyes, like a hunting leopard.

At a glance, Chen Zong could see that the girl's strength should not be weak, but not her opponent.

It can also be seen from this dress that this person cannot be regarded as a pure swordsman. After all, a pure swordsman often rarely uses weapons other than swords.

"What's your name?" Chen Zong asked back ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Because for a moment, Chen Zong thought of some situations. This girl should be the person of the Fu Jian Country. It seems that she knows about Fu Jian Country, It should be more detailed than the two big men blocking the road.

I may be able to learn more about this Fu Jian country from the other side's mouth and so on.

Another point is that the specific route to the Crazy Shazhai Village and the situation of the Crazy Shazhai Village, etc., the other party should have a lot of understanding.

All of this was done in the moment of Chen Zong's thinking.

"Call me a movie hunter." The girl said, obviously a code or something, rather than the real name: "What about you

? "

"Swordsman." Chen Zong didn't say his real name either, but it was the title and code he took in the Nine Heavenly Circle.

No reason, just thinking so, and naturally doing so, for no particular reason.

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