Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 54: Swordsman

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On the rugged path, there are trees on both sides, and the two figures quickly run on the path with a vigorous and keen pace, as fast as a galloping horse, but lighter than a galloping horse.

"I really don't need my help?" Lieying was still stunned: "You know, the three Zhaizhus in the Shark Village are all masters of the sword division, and the swordsmen in the Village Each. "

"You'll be alone, you might break into the body directly, maybe." Liying said nothing at all.

In addition, Chen Zong also found that one of her characteristics, love money, otherwise he would not have to bargain with himself along the way.

However, Li Ying's love of wealth is not a love of wealth without principles. She requested the assistance of Chen Zong, and the two teamed up to destroy the Shark Village. As for all the wealth, the two are divided equally.

However, Chen Zong refused, and only willing to give a golden sword leaf toll.

Take a path to get a golden sword leaf, which is also very good.

However, Liying is obviously not satisfied.

"If you are too few, you can go." Chen Zong responded coldly.

"You ..." Li Ying was very out of control: "Grim face."

After traveling for more than ten miles, the breath of Yinghun began to become uncomfortable, but Chen Zong's breathing was still smooth and his breath was still very smooth.

After a few more miles, Yingying couldn't hold it, sweat continued to leak from his forehead and ran down his cheek, asking for a rest.

On the other hand, Chen Zong is restless.

"How did you practice?" Liying was curious, and Chen Zong shrugged and said, "A golden sword leaf."

"If you don't say that, it's fine." Humming, pretending to be disdainful, is actually very curious inside. Such amazing physical endurance is very important for a lone traveler.

That means the ability to attack and escape.

Friendship is widespread, and Chen Zong will not give pointers randomly because the other party is a girl. Any kind of technique, whether simple or advanced, has been explored through many ways. It cannot be lightly transmitted, which means that it is not paid enough attention.

According to Chen Zong, the body strength of Lieying has not been developed to the extreme.

After all, this kingdom of helping the sword is a country of ordinary people. Even the ordinary people ’s world, even the swordsman, just keeps practicing swordsmanship, and by the way, it promotes the improvement of physical strength, but in the end, it only reaches the limit of the human body, and cannot exceed the limit.

His body has reached the limit, and apparently Liying has not yet.

Another point is the application of his own control and strength. At this point, Chen Zong also reached the extreme. Combining the two, running for more than ten miles, Chen Zong was able to maintain most of his physical strength and endurance.

In this way, high-intensity combat can be maintained for a longer period of time.


Chen Zong's breathing is smooth and long, and there is a strange rhythm. Only himself can feel that under this strange breathing rhythm, the physical strength quickly recovers. Immediately, Chen Zong took out some dried jerky food. .

Although the taste is ordinary, dried meat can better complement its own consumption.

After eating, rest for a while, and continue on the road after physical recovery.

This path will save dozens of miles to reach the Shark Water Village more than taking the main road.

Crazy shark village is located in a long river, dedicated to looting passing ships.

In a world without extraordinary levels of power, there are no storage treasures, and only carriages or ships can be used to transport goods, so bandits are prevalent.

Shanzhai and Shuizhai are all over the place, occupying the hills, etc. Some powerful bandit groups even make the country feel tricky.

Among the many bandit groups, Mad Shark Village is actually a small one.

It can only be done in a small city like Red East City.

The main city of Hongdong City is not without a military encirclement, but it is helpless, the position of the Shark Village is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there are ten swordsmen and three sword division-level masters. After paying many casualties, he still failed to break through the water village.

In desperation, I can only publish a notice and pay a lot of money to see if a master has been released.

Some people have been unveiled several times before and after, but all have failed, so this bounty has been increasing, until now the one hundred gold sword leaves.

To many people, Chen Zong, who was unveiled this time, will also follow in the footsteps of those who were before.

Beside the long river, directly opposite, is the Shark Village, built under a mountain wall several hundred meters high.

If it is in the world of practitioners, if you can fly, hundreds of meters are nothing, and kilometers are nothing.

But in such a world, when the height of several hundred meters falls, it is meatloaf, a situation of death, even the extreme level of Chen Zong will die.

As for throwing stones down the walls of hundreds of meters high, etc., to destroy the water village, this idea is not mentioned by others, but some people try it, but it is difficult, because there are many terrible beasts living on the mountain, attacking Very sexual.

In addition, Mad Shark Shui Zhai also knows this and has made all kinds of precautions.

On the shore, Yingying pointed at the opposite side, at least several kilometers away, and with her eyes only the vague outlines could be seen.

"Are you going to sneak in?" Liying asked, this was normal thinking.

Either attack from the outside or sneak into it.

It is unrealistic for two people to attack from the outside, unless they have several times the strength of Shuizhai.

Then there is only one way left, which is to sneak in and perform assassination, but it is possible to succeed.

In fact, the task of hunting shadows has been completed, and she leads the way, but she hasn't got the gold sword leaves, because Chen Zong has no gold sword leaves at all, only a few copper sword leaves are left.

Only by completing this task can you get Jin Jianye's reward.

"Find a small boat." Chen Zong did not answer the words of the hunting, but instructed, it is natural to treat hunting as a subordinate.

"Hey, hey, I'm not your man." Liying dissatisfied.

"Add another golden sword leaf." Chen Zongdao.

"If you fail, I can't get anything." Even so, Liying went to the boat honestly.

There is no way, Jin Jianye's temptation is too great, not to mention, if the other party is dead, he is nothing more than a waste of time, it is worth trying.

Soon, Liying found a small boat, very small, only about two meters long.

"Boating, plus a golden sword leaf." Chen Zong instructed naturally.

"No." This time, Yingying resisted the temptation of Jin Jianye and asked her to row a boat to die.

"Five gold sword leaves." Chen Zong increased his price.

"... No ..." This time, Yingying refused very hard and was struggling.

"Ten." Chen Zong raised the price again.

"... Okay ..." When he didn't say anything to his mouth, it became a good word, and Yingying could not wait to give himself a seed, sooner or later he would die because of money.

But what she thought in her mind was that once she was not good, she dived to escape immediately. As a soloist, she might not be strong enough, but she possessed a variety of abilities and was able to cross the mountains and waters.

Chen Zong did not know the small abacus inside Lieying.

Standing at the bow of the ship, Li Ying was sitting behind the boat and paddling the sculls. The crackling sound of the water was slight, and the layers of ripples continued to stir away under the sculls. The speed of the boat was getting faster and faster. The ripples are heavy.

The wind mixed with the humidity of the river blew head-on, making Chen Zong feel refreshed.

"Hey, swordsman, what is your strength?" Liying suddenly remembered a bit, it seems that from the beginning to the present, he has not asked about the strength level of the other party.

If it is a sword division, then the two should join forces, even if they can not complete the task, life-saving should be possible.

"Oh, I don't know." Chen Zong is telling the truth, he has not been verified, and he is not clear about his strength. However, Chen Zong will not underestimate others or himself.

With his own body and application of strength, combat experience and swordsmanship, etc., he will certainly not be weak.

For a while, Lieying was desperate, and her future was dark, as if rushing to death.

The kilometers are not short, but they are gradually shortening, and the boat keeps approaching the Shark Village.

On the water wall, there was a bandit standing in the sentry tower to watch, then locked Chen Zong and issued a warning.

Soon, a group of bandits with crossbow arrows stood beside the water village, all lined up, all of them were on the crossbow. The cold light shone in the sun.


Liying immediately rowed the sculls upside down to stop the boat.

At this distance, the crossbow is not a threat.

"Swordsman, let's go back." Hunting Shadow was scared. There was no way he could not be afraid. Twenty crossbow arrows shot in a round and shot directly into a sieve. He could not die any more.

"Keep moving on," Chen Zongbu said.

"I don't want to die." Li Ying shouted: "Even if you give me a hundred gold sword leaves, I won't agree."

However, Chen Zong felt that the words behind the other party seemed a bit false.

However, the other side said that Chen Zong did not intend to persecute her.

Soon, Chen Zong removed a few planks from both sides of the boat. With the eyes of Liying who had no idea what Chen Zong was going to do, I saw that Chen Zong seemed very casual and threw a plank forward.

The wooden board made an extremely sharp sound of breaking through the air, as if the arrow was moving away from the string, making the shadow hunting pupil shrink.

Seemingly thrown out, it actually contains amazing power. What kind of body is it, those big beasts?

But what's the use of throwing this board out?

It is also impossible to cross hundreds of meters and attack the bandit on the water village.

In the next scene, both the hunting shadows and the bandits all widened their eyes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ as if watching the fairy.

I saw Chen Zong leaping up, followed by the plank and flew out, falling.

Coincidentally, both feet fell on the wooden board, sinking a little, and rushing forward as if riding the wind and waves.

A piece of wooden board less than half a meter, carrying a person gliding forward quickly on the water, is an incredible scene, which makes people think that there is an illusion.

Gradually, the speed of the boards began to decrease.

Chen Zong threw out the second wooden board and jumped up again. The wooden board under his feet broke instantly, sank into the water, and was washed up by a wave of water.

In this way, Chen Zong quickly approached Shui Zhai and had already entered the range of one hundred meters.

"Shoot and shoot, shoot me to death." A small boss took the lead soberly, reacted quickly, and ordered immediately.

This is a strong crossbow. Within a hundred meters, it is the right distance. The volley of twenty strong crossbow will definitely be penetrated.

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