Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 55: Sword is a murder sword

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(Second more, the little sister-in-law said: Sword practice does not kill people, it is a hooligan. In this regard, what position do you use?)

Twenty strong crossbows were volleyed, and the half-meter long crossbow was extremely sharp, flashing dazzling cold light, and instantly penetrated the air, dragging out twenty straight traces, locking Chen Zong with a thunderbolt.


The sound of blasting winds continued to sound extremely intense.

A fierce bloodthirsty expression appeared on the faces of all the bandits, and they liked to see that scene, when the crossbow broke into their bodies and brought a stream of blood.

As a bandit who licked his blood, he killed many people during the looting and was fierce.

Yingying's mind was blank, even if she was a master of the sword division, but she had to be fully absorbed in the face of a strong crossbow to be able to avoid it. If it is two, it is difficult. If three crossbows are volleyed, they are shot. The probability is over 90%.

If it is five strong crossbows, unless the shooter is very good and completely incapable of aiming, any swordsman will die, even if he is wearing heavy armor, he will be injured unless he is strong, unless the heavy armor covers the whole body.

Now the swordsman was locked in a volley by twenty strong crossbows.


Lieying planned to plunge into the water to take advantage of this opportunity to get away, otherwise the bandits would certainly not let themselves go.

Immediately after Liying prepared to plunge into the water, he acted as if he had petrified and couldn't move, but the expression on his face was abnormally exaggerated.

Eyes kept widening, mouth opened wide continuously, shocking.

That dry bandit also looked like a ghost.

I saw Chen Zong leaping upright, the wooden boards under his feet shattered completely, and the whole person swept up like a eagle flying in the sky. His body was extremely robust and dynamic, with an indescribable sharpness.

The next breath, the long sword at the waist came out of the sheath, rolled up a sword light, like a gust of wind blowing out.

In a hurry, the wind of the wind in all directions was being pulled, blowing from all around, blowing everyone's long hair fluttering, clothing tricks rattled.

Under the sword light, the crossbow arrows fired by the twenty strong crossbow one after another, and then shifted to the side under the blowing of the strong wind, all of which did not hit Chen Zong.

The blaze of sword-like light flew across the air, and it made a rumbling sound, and a bandit was under the wind, and everyone turned over.

"That's ..." Li Ying's body shivered, not afraid, but excited.

Kill kill!

Since it is a water bandit and the mission is to destroy the water village, Chen Zong is out of his mercy.

It was as if a tiger had entered a flock of sheep. A bandit had no resistance, and so did the small leader with the swordsman strength.

The blood rains!

More bandits rushed out and yelled to kill, and the three Zhaizhu also killed with swords.

The strength of the sword division level broke out completely, Jian Guang surging and fierce.

However, it is still a sword.

Kill step by step without leaving.

But in a short period of time, wailing everywhere.

Fuck it!

More than 200 people went up and down in the Crazy Shark Village, all of which turned into the dead soul of Chen Zong's sword.

With a slight shake, the blood on the sword flew out, and it slammed on a pillar more than ten meters away, splashing away, rendering a slice, shocking.

The sword returned to the sheath, and Chen Zong's intention to kill was completely restrained, and he could not see that he had just gone through a killing, and that a kill was like more than two hundred people.

Lieying was afraid to approach, for fear of being killed by Chen Zongye.

"Guru ... this swordsman is definitely a kendo master." Hunting Shadow panicked with excitement.

"Not yet." Chen Zong said to Lieying.

"Okay." Lieying nodded in panic, approached the oars, and his legs were working hard.

Seeing the corpse running across the wild, blood bleeds all over the ground and penetrates the cracks of the wooden board, and the hunting shadow cannot help numb the scalp.

Not that she hadn't seen the dead, but just saw so many fresh dead at once, for the first time, the kind of car bombardment in her heart was unimaginable.

But looking at the swordsman's look, it seemed as if he was accustomed to it. It didn't feel like he was in a body, but like a garden after a tour.

It's scary.

"Not yet looking for the treasure of the bandit." Chen Zong's voice sounded, Li Ying was covered with excitement, and when he heard the two treasures, his eyes suddenly lighted.

What could be more exciting than treasure?

Act now, like a cheetah looking for prey, and prey is treasure.

Chen Zong also started looking.

Just before the shot was a bit quick, the cut was smooth, and I forgot to leave a person to ask where the treasure was.

Facts have proved that Chen Zong is not as good as Yingying when it comes to finding treasure.

"I found it." Li Ying's elated voice sounded very excited, and it sounded like a lot of gain.

His body flashed, and Chen Zong quickly approached.

The treasure of this bandit is not very tight.

There are three big boxes in total.

The three big boxes have been opened, reflecting the dazzling light, and Li Ying stood in front of the three big boxes, shaking with excitement.

I saw so many treasures for the first time, and for the first time.

Chen Zong's body flashed and appeared on the side.

A box is a silver sword leaf, a box is a gold sword leaf, and a box is a jewellery.

Chen Zong couldn't help nodding, and sure enough, he went the right way.

The sum of these treasures must definitely exceed one hundred gold sword leaves. This is the real wealth. Then in the next period of time, you don't need to worry about money. You can look for other swords with all your heart. Brander.

Take a count, there are a thousand silver sword leaves, and a few gold sword leaves, five hundred. Of course, five hundred gold sword leaves are equivalent to 50,000 silver sword leaves, which is a great wealth. .

As for those jewels, Chen Zong is not clear about the value and cannot be estimated. In this regard, Lieying is more professional.

"If these jewels are shot, at least five hundred gold sword leaves will rise." Li Ying's eyes brightened.

The two quickly packed up and took away these treasures. In addition, they cut off the heads of the three Zhaishuis in the Shark Village, and went to the city's main mansion in Red East City in exchange for compensation.

Anyway, it is also a hundred gold sword leaves, which is a good fortune.

Along the way, Li Ying was so excited that she didn't expect to run directly with the jewelry on her back, but she didn't dare.

"Are you a Master Kendo?" Liying couldn't help but wonder.

"What do you think?" Chen Zong asked, speaking from Lieying's mouth.

The so-called swordsman is a swordsman who has gone through hard training, mastered a sword technique, and is able to skillfully use the show. In the face of ordinary people, he can already achieve ten enemies.

The sword division has cultivated sword skills to an astonishing height, and possesses physical qualities beyond ordinary people. Combined, the combat effectiveness is even more amazing, and at least one can fight against ten swordsmen.

As for the swordsman, it is the sword hero.

Jian Hao has initially condensed his own momentum, and can impact each other with the momentum. If the sword division faces Jian Hao's momentum, his strength will be affected and greatly weakened.

At the level of Jian Hao, it is already possible to initially affect others with its momentum, especially ordinary people will lose all their resistance when they face the momentum of Jian Hao, kill as many as they want, until Jian Hao power exhaust.

As for the sword lord, there is the sword sect, also known as the sect master, because the sword sect master practices the sword to the extreme, and the momentum is condensed to the extreme. Based on this, he can initially pull the power of heaven and earth.

The Kendo Master, also known as the Thousands of Enemies, is certainly not an ordinary person, but a well-trained sergeant in a formation. A thousand people can't help the Kendo Master.

As for the Kendo Master, it is called the Kendo Master, and is also called the enemy.

When Chen Zong came out of the sword, he used the sword of the wind path, and brought a breath of wind to gather, and then the hunting shadow would say that he was the master of the sword path.

Chen Zong did not acknowledge or deny it, but he made a silent comparison. He should not be a master of Kendo, but surpass it.

As for whether you have reached the level of the Grand Master of Kendo, eh, it's hard to say for a while.

Want to come, a thousand swordprint branders, the strength should be better than the master of kendo, as for whether to reach the master of kendo, it is difficult to say.

To determine how strong you are, just find a master to fight.

"The Grand Master ..." Li Ying stunned. Where did she know where the Grand Master was? Even the Grand Master was not very clear. At least there was no Grand Master in the Red East City. Not easy to say.

It is rumored that the owner of the city is Jianhao, but there is also news that it is not, just a swordsman.

No matter what, Chen Zong, who had a good harvest, returned to Hongdong City with his loot.

The jewellery was handed to Lieying to deal with, and she was very good at this. As for the reward, Chen Zong went to collect it himself.

Soon, with a hundred golden sword leaves, Chen Zong refused to invite the city's main government.

If they were to be solicited, they would not choose to be a soloist at that time, and it would be simple to choose the identity of a kingdom organ directly.

Liying successfully managed to dispose of that box of jewelry.

"Unfortunately, if you take it to the big city, you can definitely get 30% more." Liying murmured.

This box of jewelry sold a total of seven hundred gold sword leaves.

In this way, it is the wealth of 1,300 gold sword leaves and one thousand silver sword leaves.

"This hundred gold sword leaves is your reward." Chen Zong put a hundred gold sword leaves in front of Liying.

Ying Liying was thrilled ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although she said that she proposed a 50-50 split at that time, after thinking that Chen Zong was the master of Kendo, she dared not think about it. At first, she thought that at most she would get a gold sword Ye did not expect to get a hundred golden sword leaves, which was a pleasant surprise.

For Liying, one hundred gold sword leaves have been thought of, but have never been obtained. The most once is the three gold sword leaves.

"Do you want to make more money?" Chen Zong asked, with a smile on his face.

"Of course." Li Ying answered subconsciously, then took a few steps back: "That kind of thing ... I won't do it."

Chen Zong stunned for a moment, and then burst into tears.

"What I want you to do is find someone." Chen Zong pretended not to understand, said Xu Xuji, "find people who have this mark on the back of their hands, or use such swords."

Chen Zong did not reveal the sword mark on the back of his hand, but instead drew his strokes on white paper, very delicate and lifelike.

The number of soloists is huge, and as one of them, Lieying is expected to know a lot of people and let her help, it should be a good choice.

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