Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 57: Uprising

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After Ye Jianli died, his body disappeared. In addition to leaving a sword mark, he also left a few golden sword leaves and a white jade bottle with a finger length.

Chen Zong quickly put away those gold sword leaves, and then picked up the white jade bottle to open it. A faint smell of grass and wood seemed to come out of the bottle with a smell of meat, and his stomach murmured unconsciously. A lot of saliva is secreted, which is caused by the aroma.

When he was out of town, Chen Zong had a full meal. Even though this battle consumed a lot of physical strength, he was not so hungry.

Pour out the contents of the bottle, it is a white ball, about the size of the thumb, covered with a film coat, pinch, not hard, but very tough, but Chen Zong confidently rely on his own strength, completely You can crush it.

The aroma is tangy, like meatballs, herbal balls, or a combination of both.

Based on Chen Zong's knowledge of elixir, etc., he quickly made a judgment. This ball should be made from meat mixed with some herbs, so the aroma should be non-toxic. Ye Jianli Carry it with you, it must be good for your body.

I am a soloist, and I am also a soloist. I do n’t know enough about Fujian ’s information.

That Ye Jianli is directly Ye's person, or a very important person. There is indeed more information that can be learned.

However, if you don't recognize it, it doesn't mean that other people don't recognize it.

Within Aoba, there are branches of the Sole Alliance.

Seimoto Maru!

A tonic made from a mixture of precious herbs and extracts of beast meat, which contains great strength. If ordinary people take it, they will either be killed or eat for three days and three nights without eating, drinking or sleeping, and staying energetic. exuberant.

Of course, Jingyuan Pill is very high-end, and most people can't afford it. Most soloists can't afford it, and even some people in small families can't afford it.

Only those stronger families and sects have the ability.

For swordsmen, Jingyuan pills is the best supplement for cultivation. Taking Jingyuan pills after high-intensity exercise can supplement the body's consumption, and slowly improve the physique invisibly. Long-term use will make the body become More powerful, approaching and even reaching the limit of the human body.

After high-intensity battles, Jingyuan Pill is also an excellent supplement, which can replenish a lot of consumed power in a short time.

For Chen Zong, this Jingyuan Pill is undoubtedly the best supplement.

Ye's is not a small family, but he can't get many Jingyuan pills. He can only focus on cultivation. As a close disciple of Ye's first master, Ye Jianli can carry two Jingyuan pills with him, which is very high. Treatment, this treatment is the same level as homeowners and elders.

But now these two Jingyuan pills are Chen Zong's.

Chen Zong also found out that the value of a Jingyuan pill is a hundred gold sword leaves, which is indeed a scary high price, and the storage time is limited, up to three months.

"Looks like I need to make time to make some more money," Chen Zong secretly said.

Earn more money, buy Jingyuan Pills, at least, be fully prepared, after all, before fighting with Ye Jianli, although the time of birth and death is not long, but the physical exertion has reached 30%.

The mystery of the Doom Sword will consume more power.

Later, if you encounter more powerful opponents, or more opponents, high-intensity battles are inevitable, you must have a means to restore physical strength.

Then, try the effect of Jingyuan Pill first.

With a few more golden sword leaves, Chen Zong rented the restaurant's independent courtyard and began practicing swords, practicing the sword of killing Tao.


Chen Zong worked hard to control the killing intention, condensed it into the sword body, and avoided leakage. This was not easy, because Chen Zong's killing intention was too strong, and it would still spread around.

Fortunately, it is only a small area, otherwise it will definitely cause panic.

The fifth-strength sword of killing Taoism can indeed contain all its own murderous intentions and murderous energies, but it cannot be completely contained, and some are leaked.

Chen Zong estimates that when he can fully accommodate himself, it is time to truly understand the mystery.


Chen Zong's sword-swinging speed is very slow, because the mind is used to control the intention of killing, condensed into the sword body as much as possible.

It is very expensive, and Chen Zong's purpose is to consume himself.

When he felt that his consumption was almost the same, he took out a sperm pill and peeled off the film coat. The aroma was thickened several times in an instant, and Chen Zongbei felt hungry.

When taken, it bites at the mouth, it is very tough, and the aroma overflows the mouth, which is almost as delicious. When swallowed in the belly, there is a heat flow, which quickly rolls up and down.

Chen Zong felt it very carefully, very subtle.

The exhaustion of the body is rapidly disappearing, and the physical strength is rapidly recovering.

A Jingyuan Pill, in just a half-an-hour, recovered almost 70% of his physical strength to 10%, and his fatigue was eliminated as well.

But Jingyuan Wan can only act on the body, not the spirit.

I don't know if there is something like Jingyuan Pill that can restore the spirit.

After recovery, Chen Zong continued to cultivate the sword of killing Tao. This time, after consumption, Chen Zong did not take the remaining Jingyuan Pill. This thing is very valuable, and it is better to take it at a critical moment.

one day!

Two days!

Three days!

Except for the restaurant buddies to deliver food, Chen Zong stayed out of the house and practiced with all his heart.

It's close!

That feeling, straight out of thin air.

For a moment, when Chen Zongjian was pointing straight ahead, his eyes were gazing, and the spirit of energy was unified at the same time.

The endless murderous intentions and murderous energies are all integrated into the sword body, without reservation, and there is no trace of anything around.

On the sword ridge, a little blood light suddenly condensed, and quickly spread to the sword tip.

It didn't give off any breath, but it had a terrible feeling.

In the end, Chen Zong did not send out the sword, and the ray of blood flew away.

Breathing out, Chen Zong knew that he had grasped the meaning of the sword of killing Tao.

And it is certain that this is a very scary sword, and its power is absolutely better than the extinction of the sword of extinction, becoming its strongest sword.

So what should we cultivate next?

The Sword of the Wind Road and the Sword of the Thunder Road can be merged, so can it also be incorporated into the Sword of Fire.

If the Sword of the Wind, the Sword of the Thunder and the Sword of the Fire are combined, the power of each sword will definitely increase.

However, it happened unexpectedly.

The sword mark on the left hand flashed for a while, letting Chen Zong know that someone was approaching, and that he was the brander of the sword mark.

In Aoba Castle, in addition to Ye Jianli, who has been killed by himself and does not know where to resurrect, are there any other people who have been imprinted on the sword?

Or is Ye Jianli back?

Chen Zong immediately walked out of the courtyard, out of the restaurant and onto the street, because the breath of that sword mark was approaching quickly.

Long street!

"I've found you." A voice filled with malice came, and immediately, a terrible sword-light shot through.

Sword of Killing!

The murder of this man broke out without hesitation, and turned into a surge of raging blood-colored mist.

Unlike Chen Zong's killing sword, this person is wanting to distribute the killing intention and killing machine, rather than shrinking.

The blood mist was turbulent, as if the waves were endless, and the intention to kill was like a tide.

At the same time, others around him were covered by this terrible killing intention. As if struck by lightning, their minds were blank, their bodies were trembling, their bodies were numb, and they had to move.

At that moment, they all felt killed.

Killing intentions at this level, even if they are not issued against them, are affected and have a great impact on the spiritual level. It can be concluded that these people will have sequelae and even become demented.

However, Chen Zong couldn't manage it because the person's intention to kill was very strong and his strength was also very strong.

Jian Guang flashed, and seemed to stride across the void in an instant.

The sword soon was also a terrible sword, killing directly without reservation.

At that moment, Chen Zong had a feeling of being submerged in a killing frenzy.

The arrogance of the sword of Daodao lies in the intention of killing, which can affect people, cause their spiritual will to be impacted, and fall into a state of panic or murderous soaring. No matter which state will affect their own strength.

But such killing intentions are actually nothing to myself.

"Then, try the power of slaughter." Chen Zong secretly said.

In such a place, if a fierce battle is waged, the damage will be very alarming. It will affect a lot of innocent people, which is not what they want.

Another point is to avoid other accidents. Therefore, ending the battle in the shortest time is undoubtedly the most energy-saving way.

Then, let's cast the strongest sword directly.

That sword, Chen Zong was named slaughter.

It is the mystery of the sword of killing.


Slaughter everything, kill everything!

The sword was realized, and there were enough people to try its power.

A ray of blood suddenly condensed on the sword's ridge, spreading quickly towards the sword's tip, and finally converged into a little blood at the sword's point.

That's a collection of murderous spirit and murderous power of Chen Zong.

Xeon sword!


The man killed with the sword of the Daodao Sword was suddenly stunned. The other side's sword was not leaked in half a breath, but he was instantly made to feel a creepy feeling, as if it was the deepest warning in his heart.

This sword is terrible. It is an extremely terrible sword. If you cannot stop it, you will die.

break out!

Efforts to burst out as hard as possible, bursting out all its own power.

霎时 ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The endless blood mist has become extremely violent, condensed into a sword light, when shot down.


The mystery of the sword of killing!

The collision of uprights.

Chen Zong's sword has never gone forward, and his strength is extremely condensed into one point. That point can penetrate everything, star breaking through the moon, and all invincible.

Under that sword, the opponent ’s killing sword, the upright righteousness, was immediately penetrated, like a broken bamboo, irresistible.

Then, pierce each other's eyebrows.

The man's fierce face was full of surprise.

how come?

What kind of mystery this is, it is incredible to be able to break one's own mystery with one sword and kill yourself.

In the next scene, the person's body quickly faded in the mist.

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