Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 58: Invisible net

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Time flies. There is quicksand between fingers. Don't hold fast.

Half a month passed.

There are three figures in a secret hall of the King Fu Jian's room.

"His Royal Highness, all the information has been collected, all here." A somber voice sounded, there was no reply, as if it passed out and disappeared into nothingness, very strange.

"Oh, good." A light voice sounded, full of casual randomness, and then a sound of flipping through the book sounded.

"Sword ghost, sword demon, sword demon, sword mad ..."

"Oh, it's true that all the ghosts and snakes have appeared."

"His Highness, these people, preliminary estimates, have at least obtained a hundred sword marks." The gloomy voice was a little hot.

One hundred sword marks!

If you kill them all, you can get hundreds of sword marks at once, what an amazing amount.

All three in the secret hall became short of breath.

"His Royal Highness, the net has been laid. Would you like to collect it?" Another voice sounded, with a bit of sternness and a bit of killing.

"No, wait again, the time is not up, wait again, and wait until the end, it is time for great harvest."

All the sounds were silent, and the secret hall was restored to silence, as if it were empty.



This is a famous mountain in Fujian. It is so famous because there is a cottage on the Qiandao Mountain, which is called Qiandao Village.

This is a bandit group.

Qianbianzhai has existed for decades, because the mountains and roads of Qianbianshan are rugged and difficult to climb. It is a terrain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. In addition, there are thousands of bandits in Qianbianzhai. There are hundreds of swordsman masters, and the owner of it is an old Kendo master.

If such a robber force wants to eradicate the sword nation, at least it will have to use several times the strength and masters to have hope, and it will also pay a small price.

Even if it ’s a shot from the master of Kendo, there is no guarantee that it can be destroyed.

After all, there was a terrible heavy crossbow that could break through the city wall. When the Grand Master faced such a heavy crossbow, once he was hit, he would be killed instantly.

The cost of erasing Qianbianzhai is too great, so Qianbianzhai can exist for decades and continue to grow and become one of the powerful forces in the world.

There are too few and too few forces to have a master of Kendo.

Moreover, the master of Kendo has a very high status. When he becomes a master of Kendo, he can enjoy the worship of the country, and where can he be a bandit, unless he has a special hobby.

Qiandaoshan is like a huge sharp blade pointing directly at the sky. It is over a thousand meters high, and there are no vegetation on the mountain. All of them are steep mountains and rocks. The only road is a winding road, which can barely be used by two people in parallel.

A figure appeared and directly killed two watchful bandits at the foot of the mountain, and quickly climbed the mountain.

It's Chen Zong.

Because on this mountain, there was a sword-marker, Chen Zong felt it.

Believe that as you get closer, the other party also senses itself.

Therefore, secretly climbing is not advisable, it is better to go straight up the hill.

This person is obviously not as bright as Ye Jianli.

Arrows burst through the air from above, with amazing sharpness and murderousness, and locked Chen Zong mercilessly.

In an instant, hundreds of sharp arrows were shot through the air, and each one was a well-trained archer.

High archery archery undoubtedly occupies the advantages of the terrain. Coupled with the training of several skills, hundreds of arrows are coming out like locust swarms. It is terrible, and it is called Chen Zong who is creepy.

This is the thirtieth sword-printed brand found by Chen Zong through the Sole Alliance.

In addition, it is the sword mark imprinter who meets by himself. As a result, Chen Zong's left mark on the back of his left hand has reached more than forty, which can sense the fluctuation of other sword marks within a range of more than 40,000 meters.

"Shoot him." In Qiandianzhai on Qianbianshan, the youth with a black blindfold on his left eye exudes, with a vicious expression on his face.

He is the imprint of the sword, and is now the master of the Qianzhai Village. As for the old master of the old Kendo Master, he has been beheaded and killed in public.

Shocked by the powerful force, the other members of Qianbianzhai surrendered to submission, because those who did not surrender had been cleared.

On the cottage, two large heavy crossbows have erected huge crossbows with thick thighs, and constantly adjusted their angles to aim at Chen Zong.

Such a large heavy crossbow, but a siege heavy crossbow, under a crossbow, the thick gates will be directly broken, even the hard walls will be broken, the power is very terrible.

When attacking the gates or walls, it is simpler because the target is large.

However, it is more difficult to attack the moving swordsman. It is necessary to constantly make fine adjustments according to the opponent's course of action, and to have a good judgment and so on.

This requires very experienced crossbowmen. Such crossbowmen are few and precious, but there are exactly two of them.

Hundreds of arrows locked in the air and shot, and Chen Zong's figure suddenly flickered, as if swaying in the wind, pulling out a ray of phantom.

The sword came out of the sheath, rolling up a whirlwind of whirlwinds, sweeping around, covering a ten-meter square.

When the arrows shot into the ten-meter circle, they were swept by the whirlwind, and the speed dropped sharply. Then, the closer they were to Chen Zong, the more powerless they were, and they were avoided by Chen Zong.

"How is it possible!" The appearance of hundreds of strong archers has changed dramatically, it is incredible, even the Master Kendo cannot do it.

"I'm coming." The master of Zhaizhai lifted a strong bow and opened it, aiming at the lock and firing.

The sharp and terrible sound came only after the sharp arrows shot.

This arrow suddenly caused Chen Zong to feel a creepy feeling, as if he would be shot through.



The sharp arrow shot and came, but was cut off by Chen Zongyi in an instant.

Rushing, Chen Zong burst into an astonishing speed and went up quickly.

Two dull voices sounded at the same time.

That was the sound of a heavy crossbow.

The sound was like a tsunami-like horror, tearing a hurricane, carrying a terrible might that broke everything, and shot from two directions.



It's terrible!

Chen Zong felt suffocated.

Even if the strength of the body reaches the limit of the human body, in the face of such a killing weapon, it can not resist, as soon as it comes into contact, it will be hit and broken.

The heart beats to the extreme in an instant, and the sound of wind becomes distant. Everything in front of me seems to be stretched and twisted, as if dreamy.

Everything becomes so unreal.

咚 …… 咚 …… 咚 ……

The heart was beating and agitating, and blood spewed out like a torrent of dyke. The mighty force, like a volcanic eruption, instantly impacted the whole body.

With both feet kicking on the stone staircase of the mountain road, the staircase was broken, Chen Zong rushed forward, and the sword in his hand turned into a thunderous roar.

As if to cut everything.

Suddenly, two sharp voices sounded, and the sword trembled. Chen Zong only felt that the two forces directly impacted through the blade, as if to break his palm.

At the same time, the figure also shuttled between heavy crossbows.

Two heavy crossbows crossed and blasted down the mountain, hitting two large stones of several thousand kilograms each, with a bang, crushed the large stones and spattered them.

The power of ordinary people, such power, can be called terror.


Another round of arrows came in, but Chen Zong avoided them one by one.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Chen Zong's left hand shake, ten copper sword leaves appeared in his hand, and he threw out instantly.

The chirping blast of the wind blew, ten copper sword leaves turned into ten streamers, and instantly cut through the necks of ten archers.

Blood squirt!

Many people know that money can kill people, because as long as enough money is paid, people can kill you, but it is the first time that you use money to kill people directly.

Ten copper sword leaves again.

Not long after, hundreds of archers were shot and killed.

Chen Zong also rushed into the cottage and walked like a wind, killing one step at a time.

"Wonderful and wonderful." The youth with his left eye and blindfold is carrying a sword, walking while clapping his hands, a playful smile on his face: "But now, how much power do you have left?"

Indeed, climbing up from the mountain requires a little strength, and it also faces waves of attacks of arrows, and also consumes power, especially those two heavy crossbow attacks. The power that is consumed in an instant will definitely not less.

Rushing into the cottage to kill hundreds of archers also consumes a lot of power.

This is the outside world. You can use everything you can to cultivate yourself. The body is just the level of ordinary people.

"It's enough to kill you." Chen Zong said without agitation.

"Is that so, then ..." The one-eyed man waved, and suddenly the other robbers rushed to death with swords, from all directions.

More than a thousand people, even if they stand and let themselves kill, still have to kill for a long time, and spend a lot of power.

There is no doubt that the purpose of the other party is to consume their own power.

Without half a moment's hesitation, Chen Zong immediately smashed a Jingyuan pill already in his mouth.

The heat flow billows quickly and diffuses throughout the body, restoring strength.

Holding a sword, Chen Zong killed without hesitation and rushed directly to the one-eyed man.


Otherwise, even with Jingyuan Wan supplemented, killing more than a thousand bandits, they will be very tired.

The one-eyed man did not intend to fight with Chen Zong, at least not now. He intends to consume Chen Zong's power first, and finally, to kill it.

Take it easy.

Between the waves of Chen Zong, the copper sword leaves flew out again ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ killing the people in front.

The figure is as windy as a cheetah.

Rush Rush!

Run out of a blood path.

With the sword in hand, no one in the world can be stopped, this belief is shocking.

Sword of Killing!

This time, Chen Zong broke out all killing intentions and hit all around.

The people who came from the besiege all had a meal, only feeling that their brains were blank, and their irresistible trembling and thriller were inexplicable.

Over, Chen Zong approached the one-eyed man.

"It's really difficult, so you can only solve it yourself." The one-eyed man seems a bit helpless, but his right eye is full of jokes.

Holding the hilt behind the left hand, slowly pull the sword out, and a little bit of strange sharpness pervaded.

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