Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 59: Fujian Mountain

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Left-handed sword!

Often more tricky and difficult to guard than a right-handed sword.

Of course, the left-handed sword is also more difficult to cultivate and control than the right-handed sword.

But if you practice well, the left-handed sword will be very scary.

Chen Zong felt that this one-eyed man would be a rival.

But what about that?

The killing intention erupted, the constant impact, the blood was raging like a tide, and it was impossible for people to get close to the slightest.

What a terrible murderous intention, how many people have been killed, did they grow up from the Shura field?

The play in the right eye disappeared and replaced with dignity.

Instantly, the one-eyed man turned into a dark shadow, as if blending into the surroundings, spreading out like a drop of ink in the water.

Sword of the Underworld!

This sword technique in its hands, but blooms a different style.

It seems to blend into the mystery of the shadow.

The shadow was pervasive and filled all around. Immediately, from the side, a trace of black shadow broke out and was silent.

Secret and tricky, and quickly abnormal, making it difficult for Chen Zong to perceive, but was almost stabbed.

If such a body is stabbed, it will definitely not be injured and may even be killed.

Then close your eyes.

Eyes closed, the world in front of them turned into darkness and disappeared.

The eardrum is closed.




Five senses closed!

Absolute darkness struck.

But in an instant, there seemed to be light everywhere.



Within ten meters of the circle, everything was under control, and this mind was not banned.

However, Chen Zong also found that when he opened his mind here, his mind was being consumed ten times faster than the outside world. It seemed that he was not banned, but was not completely banned.

Ten times your mental consumption means that you ca n’t open your eyes forever, and the battle must end as soon as possible.

Within the scope of the eyes, the shape of the one-eyed man is fully exposed, and he cannot hide anything.

Just one time, the right time.


The strongest sword, killed instantly.

Blood awns, instantly condensed, straight to the sword.

The one-eyed man's right eye suddenly widened and he was found?

However, I have continuously improved and improved the secret channels to another level, which is completely suitable for myself. How can I be found?

Too late to think about it, Chen Zongyijian has already killed.

A terrible sword, a decisive sword.

Invincible sword!

When that sword came to an end, the horrific killing burst out instantly, making the one-eyed man's mind tremble in an instant, as if a hint of blankness appeared.

Two points for life and death.

The sword pulled away from the one-eyed man's heart, and the one-eyed man looked at Chen Zong, his body turned into a light spot and shattered.

Thirteen sword prints flew to the back of Chen Zong's left hand, one of which belonged to the one-eyed man, and the other twelve were hunted by him, but now they are all owned by Chen Zong.

As for the other bandits, Chen Zong did not kill, because this time he did not take any tasks.

But treasure must be taken away.

You know, a Jingyuan pill is worth a hundred golden sword leaves.

In addition, there are Yangshen Pills, which can conserve the spirit and restore the spirit. It is a very precious herbal medicine. Its value is better than Jingyuan Pills, and one tablet requires 500 gold sword leaves.

Amazing value.

So Chen Zong found that he was using too much money and had to make more money. Then he bought some Jingyuan pills and Yangshen pills.

This stuff is also helpful for practicing swords. If you are tired, you can eat and eat quickly, and you can add it quickly. You can also practice. The efficiency of sword practice is very high. Recently, your sword skills are very advanced.

Search for treasure.

In the end, Chen Zong received a large amount of money from Qian Qianzhai, which was amazing.

There are as many as thirty gold sword leaves with a face value of one thousand, and as many as one hundred and twenty gold sword leaves with a face value of one hundred.

How much are these?

It is the value of 42,000 gold sword leaves.

In addition, there are thousands of gold sword leaves with ten denominations, tens of thousands of silver sword leaves, and some jewelry.

Qiandaozhai's wealth has been accumulated for decades. Except for spending, the rest is almost worth 100,000 gold sword leaves.

One hundred thousand gold sword leaves!

How amazing.

This means that you can buy one thousand Jingyuan pills or two hundred Yangshen pills.

Of course, Chen Zong will buy separately.

Very good, great gains.

With a large amount of wealth, Chen Zong quickly left Qiandaozhai.

Since then, Qianbianzhai will be reduced to a small force and even face disintegration.

Because the masters among them are dead, the most powerful ones are swordsman swordsmen. Such forces can no longer set off any storms.

Returning to Qiandaocheng, Chen Zong immediately used the money he had received along with his previous money to purchase Jingyuan Pills and Yangshen Pills.

One hundred Yangshen Pills and five hundred Jingyuan Pills, with a total value of 100,000 gold sword leaves, happened to exist in Chen Zong.

However, for such a huge amount of transactions, the chamber of commerce could not take out so many Yangshen pills and Jingyuan pills at one time. It could only take out a part of the inventory first, and the other must be adjusted and delivered within five days.

In this way, Chen Zong first got forty Yangshen pills and two hundred Jingyuan pills, and the rest had to wait for about four or five days.

"Then, I will take advantage of these four or five days to make swordsmanship go further." Chen Zong secretly said.

Thousands of sword repairs through sword gardens, each one can be described as stunning, each has its own advantages, even if it is only a sword of the wind or the sword of the thunder, they will be interpreted by them Different powers and mysteries come out.

Each has its advantages.

Fighting dozens of times so far, Chen Zong's gains are great.

Because of this, Chen Zong increasingly felt that the sword was endless, and he felt that the battle was not so simple.

Another point is that Chen Zong started to feel a little ominous. It came from the deepest feeling in his heart. The sky above the kingdom of Fu Jian seemed to be shrouded in shadow.

Because Chen Zong's perception is very acute, although the sword of the heart is banned, some mysteries derived from the sword of the heart still exist, just like instinct.

This feeling made Chen Zong feel uneasy. To eliminate this uneasiness is to improve himself. As long as he is strong enough, he can look directly at everything.

Either conspiracy or Yang conspiracy, all will be crushed under their powerful sword.

Supplemented by Jingyuan Pills and Yangshen Pills, Chen Zong's swordsmanship surpasses the load, surpasses the limits, and transcends himself.



There was no accident. On the fourth day, the batch of Jingyuan Pills and Yangshen Pills were in hand. Now, ten days before the end, Chen Zong returned to the restaurant courtyard.

A post was lying quietly on the table in the room, opened the post, there was only one sentence on it.

"I'm waiting for you at Fujian Mountain."

No signature, no object, just a simple sentence, but when Chen Zong saw it, he suddenly understood that this sentence was addressed to himself.

Fujian Mountain!

When he saw this sentence, the feeling of haze shrouded in Chen Zong's heart seemed to become clear all at once, as if he was seeing the moon.

Then, go to Fujian Mountain, because Chen Zong feels that more than one person may receive such posts, maybe ...

Set off for Fujian Mountain.

"Is Fujian Mountain?"

"Do you want to use this land as the final battlefield?"

"very funny."

As Chen Zong expected, not only did he receive the post himself, but other people also received the post. One by one, the sword-markers and stigmas took action.


set off!

"Fujian Mountain, that will be my chance to overtake."

Bring Jingyuan Pill, Yangshen Pill, dry food, and water, and exchange some copper sword leaves. Riding a Maxima, Chen Zong left Qiandao City and headed towards Fujian Mountain.

Fujian Mountain is the highest peak of Fujian State, but it is the most famous peak of Fujian State. Its shape stands like a giant sword and has a height of nearly three kilometers.

It took three days for Qian Lima to run continuously from Qiandaocheng. It took three days before and after Chen Zongfang arrived at the foot of Fujian Mountain.

The mountains are towering and majestic, like a giant sword pointing to the sky, and it seems to permeate a breath of breath, as if the sword is soaring into the sky.

With the sword seal in his hand, Chen Zong sensed the existence of other sword mark imprinters, dozens of them, all in the mountains.

These people arrived earlier than themselves, but interestingly, no one seemed to have fought and fighting had taken place.

When Chen Zong climbed the mountain, Chen Zong saw a flat ground, very wide, and looking at the traces, it should have been artificially created, and it was just recently opened.

At the middle of Fujian Mountain, there is a large flat area specially developed. It is really amazing. In such a level of force, it takes a lot of time and manpower. At this moment, there are already dozens of people on the wide flat ground. People are, through induction, you can sense the identity of these people, all of them are sword imprinters, one by one, they can't wait to pull out the sword and kill them, but they have some scruples.

In such a world, such a body, and numerous restrictions, many original means simply cannot be used.

Therefore, the combat effectiveness is also limited. Once killed, even if they win, they cannot be defeated continuously. In the end, they may make wedding dresses for others.

Although the atmosphere was very small, no one did it, and Chen Zong did not do it, but stood at random.

Who posted the post?

Let the people gather in Fujian Mountain. Is this person among these people?

Or hasn't it yet?

So wait, no matter if people are here or they haven't appeared, there will always be a drop of water, and it won't be long.

At the same physical level, Chen Zong is confident and not inferior to anyone.

Time passed slowly, while Chen Zong was paying attention to the movements around him, he was meditating, and he did not miss the rest of his time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ More sword imprinters came to Fujian Mountain and started climbing.

Soon, the number of swordprint branders exceeded one hundred.

Soon, night fell.

The mountain wind is steep and brings the coolness of the night like water. Chen Zong ate some dry food to maintain sufficient physical strength and also took a short break to ensure that his energy and vitality was at its peak.

As day fell, some more imprints of sword-markers arrived and climbed mountains. The number was increasing. Chen Zong saw the young commander of the Heavenly Penalty Army and the master of Fenglingmen.

The two also saw Chen Zong, but said nothing.

Two hundred people!

Soon, there were more than 200 people, more than a fifth of the total.

The night came again. Fortunately, Chen Zong brought a lot of dry food. Otherwise, it was easy to be hungry. As for Jingyuan Wan and Yang Shen Wan, of course, that thing should be kept first.

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