Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 60: Black hand (on)

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(First served first)

This class is three days and three nights. In order to maintain the strength of the body and at the peak, Chen Zong had to take one Jingyuan pill and one Yangshen pill.

However, the number of sword-print imprints gathered in Fujian Mountain also exceeded 300, which was close to 400.

Of these four hundred people, more than half have a lot of sword marks, at least ten, as many as a hundred, and their breath is very terrible.

"Who the **** is it?" The sword ghost wearing a grimace mask exudes a terrifying horror atmosphere, the murderous power traverses in all directions, and the **** eyes are swept away, making people involuntarily tight: Who posted the post and stood up? "

Waiting for three days and three nights, everyone was already impatient.

"get out."

"Dare to tease us so much."

It was as if it were detonated. All the dissatisfaction and anger were all vented in an instant. The terrible aura was also stirred in all directions, sending out an amazing roar, as if to break the entire Fujian Mountain.

When dissatisfaction accumulates to the extreme, and when anger erupts as a result, the scene becomes chaotic.

Everyone received the post. From everyone's point of view, it should be a war post. There is a sword mark brander who will fight against himself in Fujian Mountain. The theory of life and death will be divided. The winner will get the opponent's sword mark. The loser Will lose all the sword marks.

As for whether it was a conspiracy, everyone thought about it, but eventually decided to come.

Because everyone is guessing, maybe it ’s not just one person who gets the war post, but more people. This means that you can meet other sword imprinters in Fujian Mountain, so you do n’t have to bother looking for others. You only need to come to Fujian Mountain.


Everyone is not stupid. They are all ready for conspiracy. After all, everyone has suffered countless life and death battles, and they have encountered many and many situations. No one has cultivated smoothly.

Sometimes even if you know what a conspiracy or conspiracy is, you will go back to it, one is your confidence, and the other is because you have enough attraction.

However, staying in the mountains for three days and three nights, the people who posted did not show up, which made some people's patience reach a critical point.

After all, the environment here is not good, and everyone is not the level that is not afraid of water, fire and cold, but the level of ordinary people who have been banned from extraordinary strength.

Even if it reaches the limit of the human body, it still feels uncomfortable.

"The one who posted the post is you." Suddenly, someone stared at the person next to him, and at the same time his voice sounded, the sword came out of the sheath, rolled up a terrible thunder, and carried out with the mighty power of destruction.

"You're looking for death." The accused person who posted the post was immediately annoyed. He was originally a stomach fire, but now he is so framed and directly attacked by the other party. His inner anger was instantly ignited and detonated, without hesitation. Pulling the sword out of the sheath, it came out like the explosion of Foshan Hong.


The anger erupted and the sword surged. The collision swept in all directions.

"What to see, die." The cold voice was sharp and Jianguang burst into the air.


It was just a short ten-minute delay, and many people drew their swords.

However, some people still restrained the dissatisfaction and anger in their hearts, kept calm, and pulled back one after another, not involved in the chaos.

Obviously, the situation at hand should be seen by those who posted the post.

"Go." Someone said secretly, pulled out without hesitation, and quickly went down the mountain.

But some people didn't leave, just backed away and opened a certain distance, and chose to wait and see.

The person who posted the post is the commander behind it. There is a black hand behind the scenes. Now it is clear that it is a conspiracy.

So, choose to wait and see, the person behind the scenes will appear sooner or later.

Chen Zong broke away from the crowd and stood watching the chaos while paying attention to everything around him.

Immediately, a glimpse of some people quickly separated from the corner of the eye, heading down the mountain, could not help but feel that these people would not seem to be so easy to escape.

An invisible net has been unwittingly unfolding. Now it seems that it is time to collect the net.

Then the people in the net are like fish.

"In the end is it all done, or is the fish dead?"

"Or maybe swallowed by the fish?"

Chen Zong said to himself, his voice was very subtle, only he could hear it.

After someone killed one, his eyes swept away, a sword rolled up the storm, and it made a rumbling sound, as if it had gathered all the breath of wind between heaven and earth and came to kill like crazy.

The eyes flashed, Chen Zong did not dodge, the sword came out of the sheath and shot out.


Some people flew down the mountain quickly, separated by dozens of meters from each other. They did not fight, but guarded each other.

The atmosphere here seems to be depressed, making them instinctively feel uncomfortable, and it is best to get away as soon as possible, otherwise the sword mark that may be easily obtained by themselves will become owned by others.

While going down the mountain at a rapid speed, he was a little stunned, because in the perception of the sword print, there were three breaths of the sword print, which were motionless at the foot of the mountain.

Is it someone who has just come to Fujian Mountain from a distance?

still is……

With a bit of suspicion, these people also rushed to the foot of the mountain, and immediately, their complexions changed, only to feel the atmosphere here more and more depressed, permeated with Xiao Xiao.

The Xiao Xiao's breath became a piece, as if it were an invisible net covering the sky, and the light in this air was also affected and became dim. There was a hint of **** smell in the air. Among them, unconsciously, as the air poured into the nasal cavity, it made people feel more uncomfortable.

Directly ahead, three figures stood.

On the left is a masked man in a night clothes, and on the right is a tall young man in a blood-colored battle armor. As for the middle man, it is a light gold armor with a dragon-shaped sword pattern on the armor, which looks low-key. Luxurious magnificence.

It can be seen that these three people respect the middle one.

The three were staring at them with different eyes.


Despite feeling the oppressive atmosphere in the air, the people descending the mountain immediately rushed forward, the sword came out of the sheath, and killed the three directly.

Instinctual feeling, these three people do not have good intentions, then, killed.

But some people took the opportunity to quickly get out again and rushed to the side.

Those who can enter the world through the sword garden are not weak, one by one with superb strength.

The five men were killed in an instant and did not deliberately join hands, but invisible, they also formed a tendency to join forces.

"Courage is commendable." The heavily armored young man pulled out his long sword and grinned, a bloodthirsty sensation was permeating.

"Hey." The masked man in a night-walking suit burst into a ray of cold mang. Between the flashes of murder, the sword also half-sheathed and a ray of black mang bloomed.

The heavily armored youth and the masked man each intercepted the next person, and the remaining three were all killed towards the middle-aged youth wearing light and luxurious armor.

Looking at the three people killed by the sword, this is like the youth of the royal family not only did not have the slightest fear, but instead showed a smile of one meter, but that smile seemed to have a taste of bloodthirsty.

With the right hand clasping the hilt of the sword, the blade of the sword did not come out of the sheath, the speed was the same, and the slight friction sounds also rang and filled the air.

At the moment when the sword tip completely broke away from the scabbard, the speed of the sword suddenly increased by dozens of times, bringing a touch of subtle light and shadow that was difficult to look directly into a faint streamer that was shot through the air and separated by ten meters. Then dissipated.

"You guys ... too weak." It sounded like a sigh, mellowed into the wind and passed into the ears of the other two, I don't know why, they even felt a thrill from their hearts.

The horror of sharpness erupted in an instant, as if overwhelming, as if it had turned into a field surrounding it.

Repressed by this breath, the two felt only sinking, their hands and feet felt stiff and soft, as if their strength was limited and it was difficult to fully release them.

Although it's just a breath, it's enough.

There was a flash of sword light in front of them, but when they wanted to react, they took a step slower.


It was penetrated again and directly killed.

As for the other two battles not far away, they also ended at the same time.

All five sword imprints died, and the sword imprints they possessed were absorbed by all three.

"His Royal Highness, the chaos on the mountain has begun." Throwing off the blood from the sword, the young armored man laughed.

"Well, after a while, it's time to harvest." The youth who was called His Royal Highness seemed to laugh and smile lightly, as if he had everything in his hands.


Mid-mountainside of Fujian Mountain, chaos continued and became fiercer.

The sword force draws the breath of power in the heavens and the earth, which fluctuates endlessly, sometimes like a torrent, sometimes like a landslide, sometimes like a storm, sometimes like a wild thunder, and constantly colliding, becoming more and more terrifying.

Chen Zong's three swords were killed by future attackers. After obtaining more than a dozen sword marks, he retreated again, pulling the distance further.

Under the same physical strength, but the gap between the levels of swordsmanship has led to the strength of everyone, and there is also a difference between strength and weakness, even very obvious.

"All die under my sword." The sword ghosts wearing a grimace mask are extremely powerful, and each sword erupts to the extreme power of horror. The shadow sweeps over, and the ghosts are shrouded in all directions, becoming increasingly cold.

On the other side, a young man with an empty upper body and a robe tied around his waist like a skirt, swollen with muscles and full of amazing power, saw him holding swords in both hands ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ They are extremely violent, as if to continue, they can smash mountains and cut off the world, full of anger.

There is another, the sword in hand, the dazzling rays of light, sweeping in all directions, as if the masterpiece of light, the bright light wipe out everything in the world.

But under its bright masterpiece, there was a hint of darkness.

Where there is light, there is darkness.

Light is not always alone, but it is accompanied by darkness. Chen Zong can't help narrowing his eyes.

The combination of the sword of light and the shadow.

Light and darkness, as opposed to each other, combine their mighty powers, but they are better than the fusion of wind and thunder, and they are increasingly domineering.

However, although these three people have all attracted the attention of Chen Zong, there is still one person who is most attracted by Chen Zong.

The man had a sword in his hand, his footsteps were flowing, and all the offensives were resolved into intangibles, which gave people an unobtrusive feeling and it was easy for people to ignore them.

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