Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 61: Black hand (below)

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Sometimes, the less noticeable it is, the more frightening it is, but it seems that only Chen Zong found this person, and others ignored it subconsciously.

Because up to now, this person has only resisted and dodged, and has not killed anyone. He is not without the strength to kill, but he does not know what the reason is, and he does not kill for a while.

It seemed that Chen Zong's eyes were noticed. This person looked over. The eyes and Chen Zong met at an instant, a slight smile appeared on his face and greeted Chen Zong.

A gust of wind rolled up.

Is the master of Fenglingmen.

As early as in the East Garden Sword Garden, he had the idea of ​​a battle with Chen Zong, and now it can be realized.

Under its sword, the sword of the wind path interprets another form, as if the whole person has become the wind, the breeze, the breeze, the gale, the gale and the hurricane are all included in it, and they are constantly struck out, endless The sword of wind is full of anger, extremely violent.

Vaguely, in that wind tornado, there are still a bunch of electric awns, just like the cold electricity vertical and horizontal, filled with amazing power.

That is not the power of the Thunder Sword, and it has nothing to do with the Thunder Sword, but the Thunder Power that was born after the Sword of the Wind evoked to the extreme.

In a way, wind energy generates electricity.

In fact, it is not only the wind, but when fire reaches a certain mysterious extreme, it can also generate the power of thunder and lightning.

Of course, knowing and knowing, but whether it can be done is still unknown.

Obviously, Brother Fenglingmen is very talented and capable in this way to realize it.

The change of the sword of the wind channel was promoted to the extreme, and a new mystery was born, which gave birth to the power of thunder and lightning, and strengthened the power of the sword of the wind channel.

Chen Zongjing stood still, but between the swords, he blocked a wind and sword with the power of thunder and lightning, and felt the mystery carefully.

Kendo is endless.

Even if it is a sword, under the sword of different sword repair, there will be different mysterious interpretations.

It is impossible to understand all the mysteries of swordsmanship and kendo alone on your own, but if you can use the mysteries of others to understand yourself, you may hope to do it.

An inexplicable touch, surging inside.

Thoughts just flashed in an instant.

If it was in the East Garden Sword Garden, this Brother Fenglingmen could indeed fight against himself and the outcome was unexpected, but now, although Brother Fenglingmen ’s strength has improved a lot, for Chen Zong , But not a strong opponent.

With super strong understanding and sufficient supply of Jingyuan Pills and Yangshen Pills, Chen Zong practiced with all his strength, and his sword skills leaped to a very high level, which was much higher than when he first entered the kingdom of Fu Jian.

After a battle with Brother Fenglingmen, after exploring the bottom, Chen Zong killed him with a sword.

This sword, with a kind of mystery, is like a fantasy dream, so that Brother Fenglingmen has a momentary meal, and a confusion appears in his eyes, like an illusion.

Although it was only a moment, it was enough.


Twenty dozen sword marks flew into the back of Chen Zong's left hand, so that the sword marks owned by Chen Zong increased again.

"Dying ants, give me death." The sword mad double-handedly held the sword to cut it off, as if it were a slash in the sky, that is the terrible power of the sword of destruction.

Under this sword, the young martial arts sentiment can't help but tremble, there is a feeling of demise.

too strong!

The strength of the sword madness is really terrible. Obviously it is only a body of the same strength, but the power erupted by the sword is extremely horrifying, as if it broke out several times.

The other party apparently has mastered a certain technique of instantaneous physical strength, and it seems that it will not bring much load on itself.

Such a technique may not be considered brilliant when it comes to recovery, but in this case, it is very amazing.


The Master of the Heavenly Penalty Army couldn't stop it at all. He was directly split by a sword, the tiger's mouth holding the sword was cracked, and blood was dripping.

When quickly mobilizing a force to counterattack the uprising of the killing sword, a violent Jianguang in front of him killed again.

Unstoppable and died.

The more fierce the battle, the more people will die and the fewer will survive.

In the end, only a few people survived and were winners.

Ghost masked sword ghost.

Furious sword mania.

A fierce sword demon.

The sword demon with a seductive look and a charming cloud.

Did not kill anyone who seemed so humble.

And Chen Zong who is inscrutable and unpredictable.

six people.

Sword madness and sword demon and youth with a low sense of existence and Chen Zong are men, sword demon is a woman, as for sword ghosts, wearing masks, can not see men and women.

The sword ghost was so impatient that the whole person seemed to float, very weird.

Swordsman's war-filled eyes swept across, and he paused on everyone's face, as if treating everyone as an object to be killed.

There is a scarlet glow on the eyes of the sword demon, and endless killing intentions circulate in its eyes, as if they will erupt at any time.

There was a smile on Jianmei's charming face, looking more charming, full of temptation, and giving people an extremely dangerous feeling.

And the young man who has never killed a person until now and has a very low sense of existence is wearing a smile, Chen Zong's expression is indifferent, his breath is completely restrained, but it gives people a profound sense.

To this day, the people behind the scenes should appear.

Before long, a slight footstep sounded and someone went up the mountain.

At this time, going up the mountain aroused more thoughts of everyone, glanced, and looked at the direction of footsteps.

First two figures appeared.

One was wearing heavy armor, the back was a short red cape, and the other was a black mask.

Immediately, a third person also appeared. A low-key luxurious dragon-shaped sword-pattern light armor was like a young man like a prince and aristocrat. The look on his face was indifferent, as if smiling and not smiling. There is a layer of faint luster, and there is a kind of pride in the world.

That arrogance was not deliberately revealed, but a temperament originating from the depths of the bones and from the soul.

It can be concluded that this person's identity outside must be extraordinary.

At that moment, Chen Zong captured the eyes of the young man with a very low sense of contraction, albeit very subtle.

It seems that it seems to know the person, or to know the identity of the person.

"Is this the post you sent?" The sword mad grinned, the sword trembled, and the sword was drawn out in the air, pointing directly at the three people who were coming forward: "Then fight."

As soon as the sword's voice fell, the muscles of the legs swelled and contracted in an instant, bursting out a powerful force, making a loud noise, and the whole person rushed out like a meteorite.

The sword is raised, and then violently cut, the sword is full of amazing destructive breath, extremely fierce, as if to cut everything.

Extremely scary!

Oncoming, a violent sword oppressed, and the ground was slashed by long sword marks under the cut sword, and spread quickly forward.

Chen Zong stared, his pupils contracted slightly, and he was surprised by the other mana's methods, which was terrible.

Being more thorough and more extreme will also put yourself under greater load.

An extremely violent sword, mercilessly cut to the royal youth, but the look of this person has not changed half, there does not seem to be any plan to dodge, nor has he drawn a sword to deal with it.

"Good time." The young man in the heavy armor and short cloak suddenly screamed and stepped out. The moment his feet fell to the ground, it seemed as if the ground was crushed, trampled, collapsed all around, and numerous cracks appeared.

With a bang, the whole man rushed forward.

Unlike the force of the sword mad, he stepped on the ground with both feet and rushed out three steps directly. The sword emerged from the sheath, instantly bringing out the violent power, and rolled up a gathering of stars, like a meteor bursting into the air Out.

Star Sword!

This is a sword technique that pays attention to strength. It mobilizes all strength to overpower people.

The head-on collision caused a slight pause between the bodies of the two men. The body of the sword mad rushed upwards, but the body of the heavy armor youth sank, and the ground under his feet shattered more thoroughly.

The violent and violent sound suddenly exploded, the layers of sound waves raged, the endless sword gas tore all directions, as if to smash everything, it was extremely scary.

"Okay." Jian Kuang looked very excited, because this person completely blocked his sword with a force of 10%.

Good opponent!

The sword became more and more excited, the power surged endlessly, and the sword was chopped again, seeming a little more violent.

The heavy armored youth looked dignified, and the power of his opponent's sword was so arrogant that it shocked him.

The second sword fell off, it seemed to be a little stronger, and it became more and more terrible, but the young man in heavy armor did not have half fear, but instead gathered his strength, kicked with both feet, and the power broke out, and a sword rolled up.

"Let's have fun too." The sword demon's red eyes glanced past, and the sword suddenly appeared, condensing an astonishing killing power, and directly killing the royal youth.

"You are not qualified to fight with your Highness." The masked man flashed while talking, the sword brought a dark light, and instantly killed the sword demon.

"So, no one will stop me." The sword ghost's voice was a bit erratic, with a slight accent, he could not distinguish between men and women ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When the voice fell, the sword ghost was in shape Flash, as if there was no weight, with a light wind drifting forward, the sword also emerged from the sheath, silently assassination.

The youth of the royal family showed a smile, and that faint breath became more and more obvious. At the same time, the voice was slightly magnetic, as if you could catch the appeal of everyone at once: "You must be curious, why do you want to post a post to you? . "

At the same time as the voice fell, the right hand was also placed on the hilt of the sword. It was rhythmic, clasped with five fingers, and pulled the sword slowly and evenly.

When the sword tip was detached from the scabbard, the sword that happened to be the sword ghost also killed within three meters.

"Since entering here, the temple has done everything."


A faint light of Jian Guang breaks through, vanishes through the void, and is fleeting.

The sword ghost's body flickered in an instant, directly avoiding that subtle sword light, the body rolled, the shadow was empty, as if the ghost was roaring to kill.

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