Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 62: See also Realm Repression


The ghostly sword was killed in an instant, and the royal youth stayed in shape, and a sword waved, like a seal, directly blocking the sword ghost's sword air.

"The main hall is the Prince of the Kingdom of Fu Jian, and he controls all rights. All of you are under the control of the main hall."

While he was out of the sword, the youth of the royal family kept talking, with a low tone, a low voice, and an unshakable sound, as if enjoying the process.

As if he is a god, he controls everything between his fingers, and speaking now, he has a great satisfaction from the deepest heart, which is his hobby.

Take control of everything, and then speak it out to let the other person know, so shocked, angry, but unable to resist, there is nothing more fascinating than this.

Prince Fujian's sword collapsed the sword ghost's sword with a natural path. There was an indescribable mystery, called the sword ghost's hair turned upside down, and he quickly retreated.

"The temple doesn't need to run around, as long as it gathers you here at the right time with battle posts, let you fight against each other, decide a few winners, and then harvest by the temple yourself. Everything will belong to the temple."

"Don't dream about running away, because under the Fujian Mountain, it has already been covered with the most elite army of Fujian Country, and no one can get away."

"Come on, the main hall is here, either, killed by the main hall, all the sword marks belong to the main hall, the sword of Dongting will also be the thing in the main hall, or the main hall will be killed."

The sound of this last sentence seems to be a bit inexplicable.

It can be seen that although the sword ghost is powerful, he is not yet his opponent, and he is already in danger.

When he was stunned, the sword demon's enchanted body twisted, a charming wind was rolled up, and the sword light was finely killed.

The sword demon's swordsmanship has a kind of treacherous cloud, which is difficult to predict. If a sword is killed, it seems to be killing upwards, but it may be killing downwards or even rearward. It is a very strange swordsmanship that cannot be prevented.

In the other two places, sword madness suppressed the heavy armor youth faintly, and the sword demon kept fighting with the masked man.

Only two people haven't done it yet, one is a young person with a low sense of existence, and the other is the inscrutable Chen Zong.

Chen Zong was watching. The sword ghost and sword demon teamed up, it was indeed more powerful. However, the man who claimed to be the Prince of the Sword Kingdom did not seem to be half-fallen.

With a sword in hand, all attacks of sword demon and sword ghost were resisted, and he could not be hurt.

"You guys, is it just that much?" Prince Fu Jianguo's voice sounded again, very light, but it seemed to contain a kind of contempt.

From contempt in the bones.

You are just such a level, what a contempt.

Suddenly, the anger rose from the hearts of the sword ghost and the sword demon, and their offensive became more and more fierce.

"Although I don't like to fight more with less, sometimes I have to." The young man who was standing on the side, speaking very slowly, stepped forward while his right hand also fell on the hilt of his sword. Hold it down.

The pace, faster and faster, finally turned into a phantom, approaching quickly.

The sword also came out of the scabbard, and took out a trace of Jianguang, which was out of the air and killed.

The sword light, with a subtle and subtle color, makes people ignore it subconsciously.

Sword of Fantasy Road!

This person cultivates the sword of fantasy road, and develops it to another level, which is different from Chen Zong's sword of fantasy road.

The sword was killed, and Prince Fu Jian was indeed blinded. He was almost stabbed and avoided at critical moments.

"Who are you?" The Prince asked while evading a sword and fighting back.

"Ancient sword dust." The young man with a very low sense of perseverance replied, and the second sword was shot again. His grasp of timing was very precise. This sword was embedded in the attack of the sword demon and sword ghost. It's harder to perceive and harder to prepare for.

"The dustless sword Gu Jianchen, it turned out to be you." Prince Fu Jianguo seemed to know Gu Jianchen himself: "You should recognize this temple."

"His Royal Highness the Emperor Ming Luo Empire has been famous for a long time." Gu Jianchen responded with a sword relentlessly.

Chen Zong paid attention to watching the swordsmanship of everyone, and demonstrated with his own swordsmanship. The whole person is in a special state. Countless auras continue to emerge in his mind, and constant collisions inspire more inspiration. spark.

As far as the other party's words were concerned, Chen Zong heard it, but he didn't care, because compared to Kendo's perception, it seemed unimportant and insignificant.

At every moment, Chen Zong has new gains.

Wind Sword!

Sword of Thunder Road!

Sword of Fire!

Golden Sword!

Doom Sword!

Sword of Killing!

Sword of Fantasy Road!

All inspiration continues to emerge, like a jet of water.

In the depths of Chen Zong's eyes, countless sword lights flickered and echoed endlessly.

The heavy armored youth was completely suppressed by the sword madness, and the terrible explosive power was not even displayed at intervals. The violence was extremely extreme, so the heavy armored youth could only continue to hold up the sword to resist, and it was difficult to fight back.

The battle between the sword demon and the masked man also gradually separated from the height. The masked man is indeed very powerful and the figure is erratic, but under the sword devil's killing sword, the masked man gradually dwarfs. It looks like it will happen sooner or later.

However, the joint work of the sword demon sword ghost and the ancient sword dust did not defeat the Prince of the Mulu Empire.

However, the addition of Gu Jianchen seemed to play a joint role, making the three men's swords more and more closely linked, as if transformed into a heavenly net, completely covering the Prince of the Hades Empire.

"You guys, you are qualified to let this temple come out with real strength." The words of the Prince of the Hades Empire immediately surprised everyone.

To this extent, is it still true strength?

If it is true strength, how terrible it should be.

For a moment, the eyes of the Prince Luo of the Emperor Minguo were frozen, the pupils contracted, and a mysterious atmosphere was permeated from his body.

The intangible and mysterious atmosphere was shrouded with a trace of sharpness, enveloping it all around, as if it were a force field, and as if to condense into a field.

"This is ..." Chen Zong was suddenly shocked. This kind of atmosphere and fluctuation were very familiar.

That is clearly the only wave in the sixth realm of Kendo.

It turned out that in addition to themselves, there were other people who were below the level of Tong Shen, and touched the sixth heavy kendo realm.

I'm not alone!

An indescribable joy suddenly emerged from the deepest part of Chen Zong's heart, overflowing his heart.

Although Chen Zong felt that the void was so vast and there were so many practitioners, there are countless geniuses that will certainly give birth to talents that are not inferior to himself or even more than himself.

But thinking about it, I have n’t seen it yet.

I didn't expect to see it this time.

The ancient Jianchen, sword ghost, and sword demon looked slightly changed, and they felt that there was some mysterious change in the breath of each other. There was a faint feeling that everything seemed to be penetrated.

Take control!

A sense of control over the surroundings sprang up, this feeling is very beautiful, and it is also Prince Prince's favorite feeling.

Everything within a few meters of the circle is under his control.

A sword was killed, and the three men's attack was immediately blocked. The sword followed an unparalleled mysterious trajectory and counterattacked and killed.

The mystery of this sword is indescribable. It is impossible to say what it is. Only Chen Zong can understand it.

Chen Zong found that in this real situation of epee, he is almost the same as the other, and has just touched the fur level, but his application is obviously more sophisticated.

What Chen Zong didn't know was that the Hades empire from Prince Hades was a star-level force, or a medium-level star-level force, which was very powerful and ruled several star areas. Despite the lack of a dominant power, but There are many strong people with deep foundations.

Among them, there are some strong masters of the sixth heavy kendo realm.

As the Prince of the Pyramid Empire, he is equal to the heir to the Pyramid Empire. He will naturally enjoy countless resources and countless benefits, and it is normal for the strong to teach.

Although it is a power at the level of Tongshen Realm, it is unpredictable below the Tongshen Realm, but those powerful and ancient forces will always have some methods to guide them without letting the other party know the details and mysteries of the Tongshen Realm.

On the other hand, Chen Zong will be a lot worse.

Although Chen Zong entered the Eternal War Fortress, in the final analysis, in the Eternal War Fortress, it is only the level of the soldiers. The lowest level is like the level of the reserve camp, because the relationship of talents has caused some attention to the Eternal War Fortress.

However, it is just some attention. After all, Chen Zong was in the Eternal War Fortress at the beginning stage, not the current growth stage. Speaking of which, I have not been to the Eternal War Fortress for some time, because I have not found a suitable one. opportunity.

As for the Mind Heaven Palace, Chen Zong has indeed inherited part of the Mind Heaven Palace. It is certain that it has a relationship with the Mind Heaven Palace, but if it is a member of the Mind Heaven Palace, it has not yet reached that level. I have never been to Xintiangong, and I have never entered it in the gate of Tiangong.

So, what can I do?

Everything can only rely on their own efforts ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ relying on their own abilities and talents and efforts to catch up with those talents that the major forces have cultivated.

It is commendable that his learning ability is still very strong, and everything benefits from a strong soul and extraordinary understanding.

Prince Luo's sixth application of the Kendo realm was continuously absorbed by Chen Zong, constantly learning, constantly confirming with himself, and constantly improving himself in the invisible.

Under the superb Kendo realm, the co-operation of the ancient sword dust and sword ghost and sword demon was broken, and they were fighting each other.

"It's time to harvest." Prince Mullah's voice sounded and passed into the three people's ears. Suddenly, an unspeakable thriller struck the deepest part of the three people's hearts.

In front of me, there seemed to be a flash of sword light, as if jumping in the void, and as if the stars were falling down, carrying the horrifying power that destroyed everything, but there was a feeling of bewildering dreams, making people indistinguishable from true and false.


The first ghost sword of the sword ghost, the second sword sword demon, Gu Jianchen avoided one sword, but could not avoid the second sword, and became the third person killed.

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