Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 63: 1 Sword determines victory

Sword ghost ... death!

Sword Demon ... Death!

Gu Jianchen ... death!

The sword seals of each row glowed with light, and quickly merged into the back of Prince Mullah's left hand. Originally, there was only one sword print of Prince Mullah, which belonged to him. Now, it has increased sharply.

Nearly six hundred.

This made Prince Miluo not only smile.

The harvest was really great.

Although there are only a few days left in a month, it should be impossible for someone to surpass himself with such a short time.

Besides, there were others present.

At the same time, the heavy armored youth could not withstand the violent slash of the sword mad, was cut off the long sword, and another sword was cut off and killed.

Starting with the sword print, the sword mad was fighting with all his might, and the strength of both feet and kicks broke out again, just like the tiger descending the mountain, holding the sword high with both hands, and chopped heavily towards Prince Luo.

However, when the sword was cut down, it suddenly stagnated, as if caught in a heavy stream of water, being pulled continuously by the traction, the sword speed became a little slower, and even shifted to the side.

Swordsman holding his sword with big muscles and bulging muscles swelled, his roots clenched, and the blue tendons on his forehead also bulged, as if to burst and his strength erupted.

Undoubtedly, this is a terrible power, a terrible sword, but even then, it is impossible to reverse the offset and slowed sword.

Prince Soul's sword was also waved and cut.

Sword mad!

The violent sword demon also beheaded and killed the masked man. After obtaining his sword mark, a long and dreadful sword qi was rolled between the long swords, as if it was a storm of destruction and stormed towards Prince Luo.

Demon sword spirit, slaughter all directions.

Prince Hao Luo issued a sword, and the sword light was killed like a meteor breaking the moon. The sword speed was amazingly fast, and it carried the mighty destruction of the meteorite sinking.

This is the mystery of the Sword of Star Road, of which the mystery of the Sword of Destruction is incorporated.

The extremely powerful sword was instantly killed, and the magical sword sword was instantly defeated to kill the sword demon.

Prince Naruto broke out with full strength, too strong, and the sword demon was not an opponent.

"You are the only one left, aren't you pulling your sword?" Prince Guro's gaze passed by, staring at him, and Xu Xuji said with a smile, his eyes and expressions clearly had everything in his hands. a feeling of.

Everyone else is dead, and there are only Prince Wu Luo and Chen Zong. Prince Mu Luo's words are naturally to Chen Zong.

"Or are you planning to surrender?"

"Main hall, we do not accept troop reduction."

"You're misunderstood, I just feel very happy." Chen Zong smiled, his right hand and five fingers were squirming gently, and a burst of warfare roused from the deepest layer of his heart, constantly emerging.

Take a step, the distance of each step is one meter, the length is the same, as if carefully measured, even the speed is the same, as if after millions of times of practice.

With each step, Chen Zong's breath is more cohesive.

"Glad, are you glad to be able to face-to-face with the temple?" Prince Mulu narrowed his eyes and stared at Chen Zong: "Since this, the temple gives you a chance, as long as you can take the three swords , This temple gives you a chance to follow me. "

"Remember, this temple is the contemporary Prince of the Pyramid Empire of the Pyramid Star."

When the words fell, Prince Hao Luo also wielded a sword, and the sword was shot through the air. This sword blended the mystery of the sword of the wind, the sword of the water, and the sword of the golden path. It's subtle.

At the same time, Chen Zong's right hand also carried a heavy phantom, put it on the hilt of the sword, with five fingers and a clasp, pulling the sword out of the sheath.

The sword is killed like a streamer, and it goes along with it. The sword light cuts through the void like a waning moon, permeating the breath of the golden sword, the sword of the wind, and the sword of the thunder.

It is also the fusion of the three swords, which is not difficult for Chen Zong.

Jian Qi collided with Jian Guang and instantly exploded.

Prince Luo's eyes lightened slightly, but he didn't see the gesture, but his body flew forward. The human sword was like a star burst out of the air, and if there was an air of destruction, it condensed under the sword.

Sword of Star Road and Sword of Destruction!

This sword is exactly the sword that directly kills the sword demon. The power is extremely powerful, and it is better than the three swords that have just been combined.

Chen Zong was also killed with one sword, but the blend of the sword of killing and the sword of destroying.

Jian Guang collided again and exploded instantly.

Before the Prince Luo Luo came out with a sword, Chen Zong wielded the third sword. When this sword was wielded, Chen Zong's right foot twisted and twisted on the ground, causing the ground to collapse in an instant, a strong force. Extreme strength suddenly straight through the thigh from the soles of the feet, through the waist, condensed a force from bottom to top, and then rushed directly into the right arm holding the sword through the shoulder.

break out!

This is Chen Zong's observation of the violent power of the sword mad, and then continued to simulate and improve it, making it a power-handling technique suitable for his own body.

As soon as Chen Zong knew it, this violent technique, although it can explode more amazing power, will cause a lot of trauma to himself, but this kind of trauma is like a dark injury, it will lurk in the body and wait until it accumulates. It will only erupt when it reaches a certain level, directly damaging the body.

Chen Zong speculated that the reason why the sword madness dared such an unbridled outbreak, because the accumulation of dark injuries of this technique can be a lot, and once leaving the world, the so-called dark injuries have nothing to do with the body after restoration. .

After all, this explosive technique is only aimed at this level of body, and Chen Zong is sure of this.

In this case, you can apply it yourself.

In the face of Chen Zong's sword, Prince Luo Luo's face suddenly tightened, a little calm, and felt threatened.

Kendo Sixth Realm!

That feeling of control of Fangyuan reappeared. When Chen Zong's sword broke into its range, I immediately felt that it seemed that there were countless invisible forces falling on the sword, and that the sword that was continuously cut off was constantly Pull to shift the sword aside.

Well, you have this realm, and I have mastered it.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong also exhibited the sixth realm of Kendo. Although it is all fur, it can bring qualitative improvement.

The power of the level of the Divine Realm, even the slightest amount, is enough to significantly enhance the power of the sub-God level.

That is a huge gap, a gap that belongs to a completely different level.

"You ..." Prince Mullah's eyes widened suddenly, his face stunned.

Kendo realm is sixth!

This person, like himself, has mastered the sixth level of Kendo realm!


"Which star power are you?" Asked Prince Luo.

"Sanxiu." Chen Zong's answer enlarged Prince Luo's eyes and pupils. So far, Chen Zong is indeed still a Sanxiu.

Under the control of the sixth realm of Kendo, the two sides offset each other, and the sword that was cut off resumed violently again, as if he would break Prince Luo's sword with two swords.

There was no time to dodge, Prince Ming Luo waved his sword, and sword light raged.

One sword was cut off, and the sword light was broken. Prince Ming Luo could not help but shake his body. He took two steps to take off his power. The other party also mastered the sixth most important level of Kendo, and was not inferior to himself.

Then, you can only divide the level by swordsmanship.

When the time passed, Jianguang burst out.

Golden Sword!

Wind Sword!

Sword of the Waterway!

Sword of Thunder Road!

Star Sword!

Doom Sword!

Sword of Killing!

The total is seven doors.

As for Chen Zong's mastery of the Eastern Fourteen Kendo swordsmanship, it is exactly seven.

Golden Sword!

Wind Sword!

Sword of Fire!

Sword of Thunder Road!

Doom Sword!

Sword of Killing!

Sword of Fantasy Road!

Most of them are the same, only two are different.

The seven-door swordsmanship was exemplified under the swords of Prince Luo and Chen Zong. When they discovered this, the kind of surprise inside them was beyond words.

Chen Zong is very excited and very excited. This is a feeling of chess against each other, such as the feeling when the final battle with Gong Tianshen.

No, it's more exciting than that, because Gong Tianshen is not Jian Xiu, and Prince Luo is Xiu Xiu.

It is more exciting to confront a strong enemy who is also a sword repair, isn't it?

Compared to Chen Zong, Prince Luo's heart was shocked, but full of anger and murder.

How can anyone be compared with myself, not allowed.

If the person's background is better than himself, then he will feel better in his heart, but the person says that he is a monk.

Although it is unknown whether it is true or false, there are two possibilities.

One is that the other party is indeed a casual repair. How can a casual repair be more genius than yourself.

The other is that this person has a high origin and is better than himself, but if it is such a high origin, is it necessary to participate in the assessment of Dongting Jianshan?

If it wasn't for Dongting Jianshan ’s kendo to be useful to him, in his own identity and status, there would be no need to participate in the test.

The thoughts were fleeting, and Prince Luo's sword light became more and more intense.

Chen Zong felt that Prince Wu Luo's swordsmanship showed signs of self-containedness, indicating that his background and accumulation were amazing.

However, Chen Zong's accumulation was even more amazing. Coupled with the explosive techniques learned from Jian Kuang's observation, Prince Hao Luo was faintly suppressed.


After Prince Luo had taken Chen Zongyi sword hard, he used his strength to retreat quickly and adjust his breathing quickly.

After a fierce battle, I felt that my power was consumed a lot.

"A sword is the winner." Prince Luo Luo's eyes narrowed for a moment, his voice became low, and his body dropped slightly for a moment.

"Okay." Chen Zong was also happy.

Get ready!

The two began to gain momentum ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ One sword is the final sword, and it is also the strongest sword. Only the sword of Xeon and the sword that has exhausted all its strengths, can it be determined. Eligibility for birth and death.

This sword will be unreserved, and it will set aside life and death.

Either you die or I die, there is no third possibility, nor any luck.


Prince Hao Luo constantly adjusts his own breath, adjusts the spirit of vitality, and mobilizes all the remaining forces in the body to condense them completely into a highly cohesive one.

Throughout the body, distinct breaths emerged.

Chen Zongjing stood still, the spirit of spirit was mobilized in an instant, completely integrated, carrying a variety of mysteries of breath, poured into the sword in his hands.

That trick, the strongest one, will be exhibited at this moment, and an unparalleled power bursts out.

(The first is presented first, the last day is here, and the brothers with monthly tickets support, keep our fourth place)

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