Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 66: Dongting Jianshan

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As if walking through the dark for thousands of years, sober.

It's like a thousand people made a dream in the same place and do the same thing. In the dream, each person interprets different identities and chases the same thing.

Sword Mark!

Now, the dream is awake.

The heavens and the earth, the kingdom of the sword, those people are like illusions, but turned into memories, sealed in the heart, in a corner, become a part of their own life experience, a small part, a trivial but profound part .

When I woke up, I was in the darkness I had just chosen.

"Start counting sword marks." A deep, stern voice sounded, revealing a bit of cold taste.

At this time, it is natural that someone is happy and someone is depressed.

Because some people got a lot of sword marks, others were killed again and again, only their own sword marks.

It didn't take long for the statistics to end.

The number of sword marks owned by Chen Zong exceeds 700.

"No one should be more than me," Chen Zong said secretly.

At the same time, almost everyone's ears kept ringing.




The knockout went straight to the heart, like a sharp sword penetrating the heart, making everyone almost suffocated.

In this way, the opportunity to enter Dongting Jianshan was lost.

As for a few people, the voices they heard are qualified, and there is no such thing as a named disciple, a true disciple, and so on. Xu is not yet ready.

The voice heard by Chen Zong was also qualified.

In the next breath, I just felt that my body was wrapped in a gentle force. In that gentle force, there was an amazing sharpness, as if it could pierce the sky and tear all the sharpness.

The darkness was torn, there was light blooming, and there were colorful flashes.

Too fast and too mysterious, so that Chen Zong had no time to sense everything around him.

I just feel that I seem to be shuttled in the void, and a sword light emerges in front of me, and that sword light stands eternally and immortally in the void, immortal and immortal.

Immediately, Chen Zong found that it was not a sword light, but a mountain, a mountain shaped like a sword. As he approached, the mountains were constantly enlarged in front of his eyes.

It was a sword mountain, and the sword gas was violently encircling the surroundings. The sword gas emptied like a dragon, as if it were a tiger forest, as if it was diving into the ocean floor, as if it could destroy everything and destroy everything. Thousands of horses charged, killing them.

The closer you get, the more surprised you are. The mountain is constantly enlarged in front of your eyes, filling the eyes, as if it is a world, a world.

Each of the sword qi above gave Chen Zong a sense of incomparable depth and vastness. I don't know how many times he exceeded it. As soon as he touched it, he would be wiped out.

"Dongting Jianshan?" Chen Zong could not help thinking.

The entire sword mountain completely filled the front, as if zoomed in infinitely, occupying the void.

In the next breath, Chen Zong himself was thrown into Jianshan, and his consciousness appeared chaos for a moment, and he felt nothing.

Do not know how long in the past, Chen Zong sobered up, there seemed to be someone talking in his ears.

"You're awake." Wenrun's voice followed.

The person who spoke was a woman, a middle-aged woman, with a charming charm and a peaceful look, staring at Chen Zong with clear eyes.

"You are?" From this woman, Chen Zong felt an unfathomable breath like a deep sea.

Divine power, this woman is definitely a strong power.

Since it is a strong person who is in the divine realm, it is necessary to respect the strong person.

"I'm the housekeeper of Jingqiu Garden." The woman Wanwan laughed. "My name is Qiu Suru, just call me the housekeeper."

"Autumn steward, can you tell me about the situation here?" Chen Zong is now confused.

Did you enter Dongting Jianshan?

But nothing seems special.

No, there is a feeling, the atmosphere here is very unique, it seems to have a trace of incisive sharpness, like the breath of a sword.

For a while, Chen Zong could feel that his mind was very clear, and his thinking about swordsmanship was exceptionally clear and better than usual.

"You have passed the test of the sword garden and entered the Jianshan of Dongting." The autumn butler smiled slightly, his expression was gentle and warm, as if it were a relative.

"Now, you are a disciple of Dongting Jianshan Zhenzhu."

"True disciple." Chen Zong asked after he groaned again: "Is anyone here the sword of the East Chamber?"

"No," the autumn steward laughed. "Dongting Jianzi has the highest status, and it can't be done directly. Let me talk to you about Dongting Jianshan first."

"There is work." Chen Zong took a deep breath.

"Dongting Sword Mountain is owned by Master Dongting Sword Master, and is divided into four main lines and four main lines."

"Four Roads and Fourteen Pulses?" Chen Zong stunned slightly. When he was in Dongting Sword Garden, did the white light and shadow say fourteen?

"The Dongting Fourteen Kendo is basic, it is just a name for the outside world. The real name is the Dongting Fourteen Kinds, which represents the Dongting Fourteen Kendo."

"The four Taos are based on the existence on the fourteen veins, and are the true pillars of Dongshan Jianshan."

"These four are based on the four main pulses of the fourteen pulses."

"A pulse in the stars, a pulse in the killing, a pulse in the destruction, a pulse in the pulse." Qiu butler's tone was a little dignified.

"As for a master, he is Lord Sword Master."

From the butler's mouth, Chen Zong had a more direct and clear understanding of Dongting Jianshan.

The outside world's understanding is relatively simple and obvious. Only when it really enters the Dongting Jianshan can it be clear about its strength and some mysteries.

A master refers to both a person and a heritage.

The master of the Dongting Sword is the strongest and leading player of the Dongting Sword Mountain. This person alone has mastered the Dongting Four Ways and has the most powerful strength. If you infer from the other reasoning, you may only have the most of the Dongting Fourteen Ways In order to qualify as a master.

Under one master are the four major kendos: star kendo, killing kendo, destruction kendo, and kendo. Under the four kendos, there are fourteen veins, which is the foundation of Dongting Jianshan.

It is the foundation for Dongting Jianshan, but for many forces in the void, it is a remarkable heritage.

As for the four major kendos, they are even more inscrutable and famous.

It is not so easy to become the sword of Dongting Jianshan. The sword is just a very simple name from the outside world, but in Dongting Jianshan, it is different.

Each of the four major kendos has a sword, a sword master, and a sword.

It is almost impossible to directly become a sword. Only by becoming a true disciple, and then slowly observing, testing, etc., will you finally assess whether you are eligible to become a sword.

The words spoken by the white light and shadow in the Dongting Sword Garden are exaggerated or impractical.

This time, a thousand of the top genius sword repairs from the void, tested by a hundred Dongting Sword Gardens, ended up with less than 100 people entering the Dongting Sword Mountain, and more than 900 were eliminated.

Of these dozens, most of them were included in the Fourteen Pulses and became registered disciples, while a few were classified as true disciples and classified under the four major kendos.

In the words of Qiu butler, this test, Chen Zong who got the most sword marks, so Chen Zong got a qualification, that is to be free to choose one of the four major Kendo.

As for the others, they are all assigned.

"Autumn housekeeper's suggestion?" Chen Zong had a certain conclusion, but did not say it, but asked.

"I can't give you any advice. All you have to do is follow your heart. Moreover, you have a conclusion in your heart." The eyes of Qiu butler's eyes are bright and clear, like the water of a mirror, can see everything.

Chen Zong closed his eyes, carefully recollected the past, recollected everything in Fujian's country, and followed his heart.

Here, his cultivation and everything have been unsealed long ago, without being suppressed, the sense of the sword of the heart has been promoted to the extreme.

This gives Chen Zong a feeling that the potential of the sword of heart seems to be exploited to the extreme.

Close your eyes, as if the mist is pervading, overlapping.

Qiu Butler stood aside, but did not disturb Chen Zongfen at all.

How to choose lies in Chen Zong himself.

Invisibly, there seems to be a pair of eyes looking through time and space, staring here, waiting for Chen Zong to make a choice.

Time is passing slowly.


Two breaths!

Three Breaths!

Every breath is as long as a year.

Fujian domestic, battle after battle, tearing one after another.

The four major kendos can be sure that the star kendo has a relationship with the sword of the star road, and the killing kendo has a relationship with the sword of the killing road. The destruction of kendo has a relationship with the sword of extinguishing the road. The swords are inextricably linked.

Sword of Star Road, because of time, I have not been enlightened or cultivated. Therefore, Star Sword is not within the scope of my choice. Star Sword can be directly ruled out. The rest are killing kendo and destroying kendo. He Jiandao.

The three major kendos have their own characteristics.

Chen Zong recalled the feeling when he enlightened the sword of Dao Dao Yi, and put all his own murderous intentions and murderous abilities into play, fully compressing and condensing into the long sword ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is only one sword, The slaughter of the world is terrible and terrible. If Shura is vertical and horizontal, blood sheds across the wild.

On Fujian Mountain, his single sword fought with tens of thousands of elite soldiers and kept on killing. One after another, the figures fell to the ground under his sword and lost his life.

It was killing. It felt so happy. There seemed to be an impulse to let myself choose to kill.

In Fujian Mountain, Prince Luo Luo's talents are vertical and horizontal. One sword will kill several masters. Finally, he will compete with himself, and one sword will die.

Chen Zong recalled the feeling at that time, that sword, called the Great Destruction, was a sword that incorporated all the mysteries of swordsmanship into it, a sword for Xeon, a sword for ultimate, and an indomitable. A sword that has nothing to break, a sword out, destroy everything.

Chen Zong is not very clear about what kind of Kendo is, but the sword of fantasy road is very clear. That is the sword-based swordsmanship. The same is true of course, of course. More inscrutable.

One way of illusion, there is a kind of freewheeling, as if it can evolve everything and control everything.

The tenth interest, Chen Zong follows the original intention, to decide the moment ...

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